"You were supposed to attack civilians, women and children, innocent people ... for one simple reason: To force the ... public to turn to the state ... and ask for greater security. - Vincenzo Vinciguerra
Operation Gladio showed how, for example, NATO and CIA operatives had been killing numerous innocent people in Europe via terrorist bombing campaigns for decades purely for political reasons. This included the 1980 Bologna train station massacre that killed 81 people and wounded over 200. All part of the strategy of tension, these covert but officially sanctioned terrorist attacks were intended to manipulate public opinion through the use of fear. - 180 Degrees
I caught up with a good friend today for lunch.
He’s originally from Slovakia and naturally the subject of Empire came up.
So, I told him about Operation Gladio.
Most of the world, including Europeans, don’t know about Operation Gladio, and neither did I until I read 180 Degrees.
[I will definitely do an UnBOOKoming Conversation for that book at some point]
Anyway, that lunch reminded me that I need to write something about Gladio, it’s been on my to-do list for too long.
Empire needs an enemy. Preferably several.
In fact, it needs an enemy so much that it will create it.
The best, and frankly the cheapest and “best value” enemy there is, is “terrorism”.
It’s everywhere and nowhere. Kinda like a virus.
Plus, it doesn’t have an expiry date.
It’s also the best “peace time” enemy. Again, kinda like a virus.
So, if Empire creates its enemies, and its best enemy is terrorism…
That means that Empire creates its own terrorism.
Empire creates its own Reality™ and a large part of that Reality™ creating enterprise are False Flags. It creates the False Flags it needs.
Which brings us to Operation Gladio.
The subject first came up in this Substack during my interview with Joe Plummer.
However, I didn’t realize the unbelievable depth of corruption until after 9/11. That’s when I really woke up. That’s when I heard about and confirmed the existence of covert operations like Operation Northwoods, Operation Ajax, Operation Paperclip, Mockingbird, PB Success, Gladio, Cyclone, etc. It’s also when I first heard about and confirmed the circumstances surrounding the deadly 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. (The FBI not only allowed the attack to happen, but they instructed their informant, Emad Salam, to swap the fake explosives for real explosives. Mr. Salam wisely recorded that conversation to protect himself.)
I then referred to Gladio in a bit more detail here.
Operation Gladio (Cold War Era)
Countries Involved: NATO countries.
Description: A covert NATO project where secret "stay-behind" armies were involved in political subversion and false flag terrorism in Europe.
Outcome: Exposed in the 1990s, leading to investigations and public outcry.
Operation Gladio B (1990s-Present)
Countries Involved: United States, NATO countries
Description: An extension of Operation Gladio involving the infiltration and instigation of terrorist activities in Asia, falsely attributed to Islamist groups.
Outcome: Ongoing; details are largely classified.
In this stack, I want to go into more detail.
It’s important that people understand that our Governments, as Administered Territories of Empire, are complicit in the manufacture and maintenance of the “terrorist threat”.
Let’s first look at the section of 180 Degrees on Terrorism to set the scene.
180 Degrees
We are not dealing with a terrorist hijack but a hijack of terrorism as a terminology. Nowadays, the word terrorist is deployed against increasing numbers of individuals or groups questioning their governments. Just like the previous two terms, the usage is now about the suppression of criticism, restriction of free speech and, in addition, the misidentification of criminality. Labelling someone a terrorist (or terrorist sympathiser), as with the term 'conspiracy theorist', has several effects:
Attempts to instantly discredit the individual
Attempts to move the argument from macro to micro, i.e. the issue at hand to the person
Puts the opponent on the defensive
Makes others shrink from offering support out of fear of gaining the same label And if you want to reach maximum effect, then how about combining two derogatory terms together?
"Many terrorist acts have been fueled by false conspiracy theories ... The key point ... is that the crazy thoughts are often held by people who are not crazy at all." - Cass Sunstein, White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
So Sunstein, a former high-ranking official within the White House, is admitting that the problems are being posed by people who are not crazy. Or, put another way, critical thinkers, please stop thinking. The statement is just one more low flying toy from the Sunstein pram, i.e. a mind game from those in power that should be summarily ignored.
The original definition of the word 'terrorism' is from the French 'terrorisme', and referred specifically to state terrorism as practiced by the French government during the 1793-1794 Reign of Terror. Jump forward 140 years and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of 1934 still had a terrorist defined as "one who favours or uses terror-inspiring methods of governing”
No one is denying that radical individuals and groups commit atrocities. However, the above definition aptly highlights what some people have been suggesting for years: the biggest and most frequent sponsor of terrorism is, in fact, the state. Whilst this concept may be totally alien to many law-abiding citizens, especially those living within supposedly freer societies, it is alas an unpalatable but provable truth.
"By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In 1978-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism - in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation." - Lt. General William Odom, director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan
But this doesn't just apply to the overt variety. State terrorism is the cornerstone of the deep state.1 If a terrorist group doesn't exist it is standard practice for the security services to encourage or create one.
Operation Gladio showed how, for example, NATO and CIA operatives had been killing numerous innocent people in Europe via terrorist bombing campaigns for decades purely for political reasons. This included the 1980 Bologna train station massacre that killed 81 people and wounded over 200. All part of the strategy of tension, these covert but officially sanctioned terrorist attacks were intended to manipulate public opinion through the use of fear. Both Giulio Andreotti, ex-Prime Minister of Italy, and General Giandelio Maletti, a former head of Italian counter intelligence, have confirmed Operation Gladio's existence. But these attacks were not restricted to Italy. Many other European countries were targeted, including Belgium in 1985, when 28 shoppers were killed and many more injured. Investigations linked the attack to SDRA8, SDRA6 (Belgian Gendarmerie) and DIA, the Pentagon secret service intelligence agency.
But why would the state, or a department within it, attack its own citizens? Vincenzo Vinciguerra, who was convicted of murder in one of these Gladio operations, spills the beans:
"You were supposed to attack civilians, women and children, innocent people ... for one simple reason: To force the ... public to turn to the state ... and ask for greater security."2
I would urge readers to etch Vinciguerra's statement permanently into their memory because 'terrorism' is the bogeyman that 'The Powers That Shouldn't Be' use to keep the masses fearful and in check.
"The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamour for such laws if their personal security is threatened." -Anon. (att. Joseph Stalin)
And with that statement under our belts, now is as good a time as any to offer a word of warning regarding specific quotations. The internet is both an echo chamber and a minefield when it comes to quotations, which may be one of several types:
True: From a clear and authentic source. True: But cannot be accurately cited.
True, but not original: The person said it but wasn't the first to do so.
Ubiquitous: Everyone appears to have said it.
Omnipotent: One person apparently said almost everything (e.g. Albert Einstein, Mark Twain).
Partially True: The person said something like it but it has since been further distilled by others.
Attributed: But only by a historic secondary source.
Misattributed but plausible: It sounds very much like something they would say.
False: That particular person never said it, or anything like it.
When it comes to condensed wisdom quotations (as opposed to expert opinion or eyewitness accounts) it can be argued that what has been observed is far more important than who said it (and vice versa for the other two categories). So primary citation is not always a deciding factor as to whether to include a quote. If the citation is clear then the relevant name will be used.
If the origination is more spurious (non-primary source) or it is partially true (i.e. they said something like it but not quite so succinct, or it strongly reflects the sentiment of something they did say) then the 'att.' abbreviation prefacing the relevant name will be used. The {SSS} abbreviation stands for 'said something similar.' And if it is misattributed or wrong, but still relevant in making a point, then 'Anon' will be used, followed by the name of the common, but incorrect, attribution in brackets). There is plenty of opportunity for education and etymological correction in this last category. For example, the quote on the back cover appears to be an amalgamation quote based on the words of Charles Spurgeon.
It is important to note that words can have their own authority. The mere fact that someone famous didn't say it doesn't mean that the statement itself is unusable, unworthy or untrue (whilst fully acknowledging misattribution lends an authority that is undeserved). Every effort, using the above rules, has been made to ensure accuracy whilst not overly distracting the flow of the text with etymological minutiae. Please note that these condensed wisdom quotes are usually a means to an end (substantiating a point), not the end itself. Pedants are free to wallow in this area of quicksand, should they so wish. The goal is to steer a path between those that will blindly repeat anything that appears on line and those disinformation agents and paid shills whose sole aim is to derail the truth.
Enough on the words, let's get back to the deeds (mainly the dastardly ones). The above terrorism examples are historic and no government would ever consider terrorising its own citizens nowadays, right? Unfortunately, according to Sibel Edmonds, the FBI whistleblower, Gladio Bis 'alive and well' or perhaps that should be, as per Schrodinger's cat, alive and dead simultaneously. This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, 'the government will take care of you' in this case, 'permanently.' In the United States, this is now utterly out of control.
"Most terrorists ... are created by our own security services ... in fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We've become a lunatic asylum." - Robert David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer and former CIA clandestine services case officer.
Let's further enter the realm of these 'false flag' operations with some historic examples. In theory, the more time that has passed since the incident, the easier it is to accept because they generate less of an emotional defensive response in the brain. Remember the wise words of this Danish philosopher and social critic:
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." – Soren Kierkegaard
Next let’s go to Gasner’s book NATO’s Secret Armies
NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe
As the Cold War ended, following juridical investigations into mysterious acts of terrorism in Italy, Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti was forced to confirm in August 1990 that a secret army existed in Italy and other countries across Western Europe that were part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Coordinated by the unorthodox warfare section of NATO, the secret army had been set up by the US secret service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6 or SIS) after the end of the Second World War to fight Communism in Western Europe. The clandestine network, which after the revelations of the Italian Prime Minister was researched by judges, parliamentarians, academics and investigative journalists across Europe, is now understood to have been code-named 'Gladio' (the sword) in Italy, while in other countries the network operated under different names including Absalon' in Denmark, 'ROC in Norway and 'SDRA8' in Belgium. In each country the military secret service operated the anti-Communist army within the state in close collaboration with the CIA or the MI6 unknown to parliaments and populations. In each country, leading members of the executive, including Prime Ministers, Presidents, Interior Ministers and Defence Ministers, were involved in the conspiracy, while the Allied Clandestine Committee' (ACC), sometimes also euphemistically called the Allied Co-ordination Committee' and the 'Clandestine Planning Committee' (CPC), less conspicuously at times also called 'Coordination and Planning Committee' of NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), coordinated the networks on the international level. The last confirmed secret meeting of ACC with representatives of European secret services took place on October 24, 1990 in Brussels.
As the details of the operation emerged, the press concluded that the 'story seems straight from the pages of a political thriller'.1 The secret armies were equipped by the CIA and the MI6 with machine guns, explosives, munitions and high-tech communication equipment hidden in arms caches in forests, meadows and underground bunkers across Western Europe. Leading officers of the secret network trained together with the US Green Berets Special Forces in the United States of America and the British SAS Special Forces in England. Recruited among strictly anti-Communist segments of the society the secret Gladio soldiers included moderate conservatives as well as right-wing extremists such as notorious right-wing terrorists Stefano delle Chiale and Yves Guerain Serac. In its strategic design the secret army was a direct copy of the British Special Operations Executive (SOE), which during the Second World War had pararachuted into enemy-held territory and fought a secret war behind enemy lines.
In case of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe the secret Gladio soldiers under NATO command would have formed a so-called stay-behind network operating behind enemy lines, strengthening and setting up local resistance movements in enemy-held territory, evacuating shot-down pilots and sabotaging the supply lines and production centres of the occupation forces with explosives. Yet the Soviet invasion never came. The real and present danger in the eyes of the secret war strategists in Washington and London were the at-times numerically strong Communist parties in the democracies of Western Europe. Hence the network in the total absence of a Soviet invasion took up arms in numerous countries and fought a secret war against the political forces of the left. The secret armies, as the secondary sources now available suggest, were involved in a whole series of terrorist operations and human rights violations that they wrongly blamed on the Communists in order to discredit the left at the polls. The operations always aimed at spreading maximum fear among the population and ranged from bomb massacres in trains and market squares (Italy), the use of systematic torture of opponents of the regime (Turkey), the support for right-wing coup d'etats (Greece and Turkey), to the smashing of opposition groups (Portugal and Spain). As the secret armies were discovered, NATO as well as the governments of the United States and Great Britain refused to take a stand on what by then was alleged by the press to be 'the best-kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II'.
Next here is a summary of a recent interview that James Corbett did with Gasner discussing Empire, Gladio and his new book.
Interview 1843 - Daniele Ganser Exposes The Ruthless Empire
Comprehensive Summary:
This is a conversation between James Corbett and historian and energy researcher Dr. Daniele Ganser. They discuss Ganser's latest book "USA - The Ruthless Empire" as well as his previous work researching NATO's secret armies and Operation Gladio.
Ganser's Background and Motivation Ganser holds a PhD in history and is the founder of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research. He was inspired to research Operation Gladio by prominent peace activists Noam Chomsky and William Blum, who saw his language skills as valuable for translating documents about NATO's secret armies across Europe. Ganser aims to connect the peace movement with those investigating alleged conspiracies and false flag operations by governments.
The Nature of US Empire
The US has an influential empire built through many overseas military bases rather than direct colonization. It maintains dominance through economic power via the petrodollar system. Media in NATO countries rarely portray the US as an empire, unlike how European colonial powers were seen historically.
US Empire and False Flag Operations
Ganser argues that powerful groups within the US utilize false flag attacks, like Pearl Harbor, to motivate the population towards war. He sees evidence that entities linked to NATO's Operation Gladio network carried out terrorist attacks in Europe, which were falsely blamed on left-wing groups to discredit them.
The Power of Nationalism and Overcoming It
Ganser believes overcoming nationalism is key for the peace movement, as it makes people susceptible to manipulation by war propaganda. People in the peace movement feel more connected to each other across borders than their own governments.
Nonviolence and Conflict Resolution
The peace movement stands against solving conflicts violently. This stance should apply not only to international conflicts but also in personal relationships. UN principles outline that nations should not threaten force against each other.
Meditation for Inner Peace
Mindfulness meditation helps people reflect on trauma and pain, making them less vulnerable to war propaganda. It enables clearer observation of one's thoughts and rejection of destructive ideas.
The Potential for Peace
Ganser remains hopeful about humankind's potential, believing that we can move beyond violence, nationalism and manipulation by government lies. He envisions the peace movement continuing to grow stronger through individual and collective effort.
The Nature of Empire
Ganser sees nations and empires as impermanent, rising and falling throughout history. So while the US empire may decline, he hopes the world transitions to greater peace rather than coming under the dominance of another national empire like China or Russia.
Key Takeaways:
Dr. Ganser holds a PhD in history and founded an institute for peace and energy research in Switzerland.
He was inspired by prominent peace activists to use his language skills to research NATO's secret Operation Gladio armies across Europe.
Ganser connects the peace movement with those investigating alleged government conspiracies and false flags.
The US maintains an influential global empire through overseas military bases instead of direct colonization.
NATO country media rarely discusses the US as an "empire" unlike historic European colonial powers.
Ganser argues the US elite use false flag attacks to motivate wars that benefit powerful interests.
He sees indication NATO's Operation Gladio network carried out terror attacks blamed on leftist groups.
Overcoming nationalism is key as it makes people susceptible to war propaganda from their own governments.
People in peace movements feel more kinship to each other globally than their own governments.
The peace movement stands against violently solving conflicts whether domestic or international.
UN principles state that nations should not threaten force against each other.
Mindfulness meditation helps people reflect on trauma so they reject war propaganda.
Ganser remains hopeful about human potential to move beyond violence and manipulation.
He envisions the peace movement continuing to grow stronger through effort.
Ganser sees nations and empires as impermanent, rising and falling throughout history.
He hopes the world transitions to peace rather than another national empire after US decline.
Even rich Swiss see depression and suicide, so material wealth alone cannot solve societal problems.
Lasting solutions require connecting to spiritual wisdom and human potential for peace.
Ganser fully agrees with the abolitionist quote that saving lives through sin loses your soul.
The soul knows killing others is wrong regardless of potential material rewards.
Truth and nonviolence arise from deeper connection to spiritual essence within all people.
"I wrote this book for beginners, really, you don't need any pre knowledge to read the book."
"The US is run by an oligarchy. That is my conviction. And I got the data to nail it down."
"I say it's 330 million people who live in the US and they're being lied to about all these wars that the US is involved to through corporate media."
"The US is the country which has bombed most countries since 1945. So I call it the ruthless empire."
"These secret armies had been set up by the CIA and the MI6. And William Colby, at the time in the 70s, admitted that the secret armies existed"
"People don't know what Operation Gladio is, I mean, ask your average friend and ask him, how about Operation Gladio? What do you think about it? Then they basically say they know the film Gladiator."
"When Saudi Arabia joins the BRICS group in January 2024, that will certainly weaken the petrodollar, certainly. And that will add to the decline of the US Empire."
There are 31 member nations in the NATO military alliance.
Around 1 billion people live in NATO member countries.
The BRICS alliance contains Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
Over 3 billion people live in the BRICS countries.
In January 2024 Iran, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt and UAE will join the BRICS.
The US has over 200,000 troops stationed overseas.
2400 US soldiers died in the Pearl Harbor false flag attack in 1941.
85 people died in the Piazza Fontana false flag terror attack in Italy in 1969.
Gasner’s book NATO’s Secret Armies dedicates full chapters to the secret wars (terrorism) that NATO waged within each of these countries.
Great Britain
United States
Chapter 11 is about the Netherlands and considering I married a Dutch woman; I’m going to leave you with a summary of that chapter.
Chapter 11 - The secret war in the Netherlands
Chapter Summary:
The chapter discusses the origins and operations of the Dutch "stay-behind" secret army network during the Cold War era. After the Netherlands' experience of Nazi occupation during WWII, Dutch military leaders realized the country was unprepared and vowed to establish an underground resistance network that could operate behind enemy lines in case of another invasion.
The first Dutch stay-behind network, labeled GIIIC, was set up in 1945 under the direction of Colonel J.M. Somer. It focused on gathering intelligence and transmitting information to Allied forces from occupied areas using radio communications and encryption techniques. Recruits were drawn from the Dutch resistance and wartime intelligence services. A second, more covert stay-behind network labeled "O" was also established under police official Louis Einthoven and funded privately, likely by the CIA.
In 1948, leadership transferred from Somer to J.J.L Baron van Lynden, who oversaw further development of communications technology and the establishment of exile bases in Spain and the United States where the Dutch government could retreat in case of invasion. Van Lynden strengthened secrecy precautions, changed the name to SAZ, and fused the two stay-behind networks into one called Intelligence and Operations (I&O).
I focused on intelligence gathering while O handled sabotage and guerilla warfare. Despite fusion on paper, in reality the two branches maintained much separation. O was more ideological and anti-communist in nature, engaging even during peacetime in propaganda and "immunizing" the public against leftist thinking. Its existence was extremely secret.
Further leadership changes occurred in 1962. Notably, a 1965 investigation found poor cooperation between I and O, leading coordinator Marius Ruppert to take over O while strengthening its position over I. This caused resentment within I ranks. Later socialist and communist-affiliated leaders took turns directing the units in the 1970s.
The Dutch stay-behind was closely affiliated with the British MI6 and worked together on training exercises. It had access to CIA funds and likely served as an instrument of Anglo-American control over domestic leftist movements, though its members claim they maintained Dutch sovereignty. Even Prime Ministers were generally unaware of stay-behind membership.
After discovery of similar networks across Europe in 1990, Dutch PM Ruud Lubbers confirmed the Dutch stay-behind still existed under joint civilian and military leadership. Amid calls for more transparency and investigation into the group's past operations, it was quietly dissolved in 1992. Revelations of blackmail and failed Gladio missions continued to surface in later years, confirming suspicions of stay-behind units operating outside legal oversight.
Key takeaways:
The Dutch stay-behind network originated from the national trauma of Nazi occupation and resolve to be prepared for potential future invasions.
An initial network focused on intelligence gathering was established in 1945 under Colonel Somer.
A second more covert network with a likely CIA affiliation also existed under police official Einthoven.
Leadership transferred from Somer to Baron van Lynden in 1948, who oversaw technological upgrades and the fusion of the two networks into I&O.
I handled intelligence functions while O was responsible for sabotage and guerilla warfare against Communists.
O engaged in covert propaganda and "immunizing" the public against leftist thinking even during peacetime.
Socialist and communist leaders later took turns directing the units, causing internal resentment.
The network had close British and American ties but members claim they maintained Dutch sovereignty.
Even Prime Ministers were kept unaware of stay-behind membership and activities.
After similar European networks were exposed in 1990, the Dutch government confirmed their network still existed.
Amid calls for investigations, the network was quietly dissolved in 1992.
Revelations confirmed suspicions that units operated outside legal oversight at times.
Recruits were drawn from the Dutch wartime resistance and intelligence services.
A secret exile base was set up in Spain and command centers were established in the USA with CIA consent.
The units possessed independent weapons caches for use in guerilla warfare.
Training focused on encryption, communications, and covert sabotage techniques.
Motivation was a challenge during peaceful times between war threats.
Extensive secrecy precautions included use of cover names and need-to-know compartmentalization.
O considered itself an elite top unit and looked down on I during joint training exercises.
Discovered stay-behind arms caches forced the Dutch government to provide false explanations and cover stories.
Blackmail attempts and allusions to failed Gladio missions confirmed suspicions of past illegal operations.
"It was one of the first pieces which Kruls as new chief of the Chiefs of Staff had to deal with in his new office."
"Somer searched the whole country for this purpose', a former agent remembers."
"While I was a politically independent unit O was known to be more ideologically oriented' a former Dutch agent testified, implying that O was an anti-Communist armed unit"
"Motivation at times was a problem: 'The difficult dimension was that you had to prepare for a situation that might only take place in ten years time', a former Dutch secret soldier recalled."
"Even Prime Ministers were kept unaware of stay-behind membership and activities."
"Lubbers highlighted that the Dutch stay-behind was responsible jointly to the Prime Minister, thus himself, and the Defence Minister, Ter Beek."
"Revelations confirmed suspicions that units operated outside legal oversight at times."
"After discovery of similar networks across Europe in 1990, Dutch PM Ruud Lubbers confirmed the Dutch stay-behind still existed under joint civilian and military leadership."
Joe Plummer in his great book Tragedy & Hope 101 dedicates Chapter 8 to Operation Gladio.
Tragedy & Hope 101 - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)
Interview with Joe Plummer - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)
Tragedy & Hope 101 - Chapter 8 (joeplummer.com)
If Operation Gladio had been conceived and directed by the Nazis, most people would have no problem believing every despicable detail. Why? Because most people accept that the Nazis were psychotic criminals who engaged in countless violations of human rights and that they had no respect for freedom or “democracy.” Learning of additional crimes wouldn’t disrupt the average person’s world view at all…far from it. Confirmation bias4 would kick in, and the individual would experience the psychological rewards of having their world view confirmed.
But what happens when, instead of the Nazis, it’s the United States Government that is accused of countless violations of human rights? What happens when the presumed guardian of freedom and democracy is accused of using terrorism and murder to circumvent both? Now, confirmation bias begins working in reverse. The individual’s deeply held beliefs about America’s morality are challenged. There are no psychological rewards for even considering the charges, let alone accepting them. Faced with this threat to their world view, many will immediately reject the accusations as ridiculous. They will angrily defend the good name of America and shower the accuser in hatred and condemnation.
Lastly, here is a BBC documentary [surprisingly] on Operation Gladio.
Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. This BBC series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as 'stay-behinds' these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies.
I was on Guard duty at the Mainz-Finthen Army Airfield when the so called Baader Meinhoff gang hit an Army ammo bunker a few clicks away....and as they got credit for the kidnapping in Italy. Yup I was locked and not loaded but ready in a cold snowy airfield.....73-75......Now it all makes so much sense and it took so many years to learn about it now in my 60's better now then never but it does fall in line with the book Tragedy and Hope on how to implement Global Governance and how else but to market fear....Now I really have to read Gen. Smedly's book called War is a racket.....I'm sure he was well aware of all this....a man ahead of his time and a hero's hero as well....- MadeFreebygrace
A deep state is a type of governance made up of networks of power operating independently of a state's political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals.
BBC (1992) Operation Glad10 - Full 1992 documentary BBC [online] [Accessed 28th June, 2020] 51:00 min
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For anyone interested in more info, Chapter 8 of Tragedy & Hope 101 focuses mainly on Operation Gladio.
The subject was so sensitive that the European Union adopted a special resolution: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/European_Parliament_resolution_on_Gladio