
"Fossil" Fuel

On Abiogenic Oil, the original renewable PLUS a free book summary "The Deep Hot Biosphere by Thomas Gold"
  • "These are not accidental things. There is a dollar sign behind almost anything." – L. Fletcher Prouty

  • The biogenic theory suggests that petroleum is formed from biological debris buried in sediments over millions of years. In contrast, the abiogenic theory proposes that petroleum originates from the initial materials that formed the Earth, located deep within the Earth's crust. – Thomas Gold

  • The Middle East has doubled its oil reserves over the past decades, despite continuous exploitation and relatively few new discoveries, raising questions about the source of the replenished oil. - Diamond

This post is going to come as a shock to most.



It doesn’t matter how many Official Stories you wake up to, there is always an element of incredulity when you come face to face with the next one.

“Could this possibly be real?”

“Did they really dupe me on this too?”

Let’s start off with the man in the masthead video, Leroy Fletcher Prouty.

L. Fletcher Prouty (1917–2001), a retired Air Force colonel, served as the chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years. He was directly in charge of the global system designed to provide military support for the clandestine activities of the CIA.

Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In a nutshell, Prouty is saying that they knew oil didn’t come from “dinosaurs”, and that it was a naturally occurring, thus renewable, infinite, resource. But framing it as originating from dead organic matter, would make it finite, and create scarcity and an upward pressure on price.

He’s also saying that they influenced what the geologists came to know as true.

It dawned on me as I listened to Prouty that geologists (my father being one of them) are likely the first industrially captured academy. The doctors came next with the Flexner Report.

Let’s get some terms out of the way. The current view of oil and coal is that they are “fossil” fuels and that they have an organic origin. This is the “biogenic” theory as different to the “abiogenic” theory:

In the context of hydrocarbons and petroleum geology, the term "abiogenic petroleum origin" refers to a theory that petroleum was formed from deep carbon deposits, perhaps dating to the formation of the Earth. This contrasts with the more widely accepted view that petroleum is "biogenic," or formed from ancient organic material (the remains of plants and animals).

The man that first wrote about this abiogenic origin, in the West, is Thomas Gold.

I’ve decided that his book on the subject, The Deep Hot Biosphere, was worth summarizing.

The Deep Hot Biosphere By Thomas Gold Book Summary Lies Are Unbekoming
403KB ∙ PDF file

Freeman Dyson writes a foreword for the book in which he says:

Gold's theories are always original, always important, usually controversial-and usually right. It is my belief, based on fifty years of observation of Gold as a friend and colleague, that the deep hot biosphere is all of the above: original, important, controversial-and right.

The masthead video comes from here on YouTube (at some point this will be removed as disinformation when enough people start talking about this subject). But it’s the comments section you should spend some time in. Here are some of my favourite comments:


I used to be a bodyguard in Iraq, one of the companies I looked after was an oil field mapping company called WesternGeco. They would drill explosives into the ground and lay out microphones on the surface. Once detonated the shock waves from the explosives would come back up and be picked up on the microphones. The difference in speed the shock waves travelled at would give an indication of the composition of the rock etc. One of the lead engineers told me that the pocket of oil went 10 miles down and that at current rates it would take us hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of years to use all the oil on earth


23 years I drilled for oil all over and not once did any geologist ever call it a fossil fuel. It’s a mineral and there is so much of it. We did core samples in southern Saskatchewan in Canada and had tens of meters of oil soaked cores. I’m talking sweet light crude. Think of that to drill 4000 meters straight down and for 100’s of meters it’s nothing but oil. That’s a lot. But nothing was said they boxed it up and we cemented the well moved the rig off they cut the casing and buried it. Makes you wonder why…cause there is more oil than you can possibly imagine under our feet.


I remember learning about "fossil fuels" in elementary school and told my grandpa who was a chemical engineer about it. He said "What a load of crap! There's no way there were enough plants and animals to create all that oil. And if there was, how did it get thousands of feet below the ocean?" He believed oil is a byproduct of the Mantle[i] that gets pushed up into the crust[ii] and is basically renewable energy.


My father was a pioneer in offshore oil exploration in the 50s and late in life he told me that there is so much oil in the ground that we could never get it all out, even if we were trying to run out on purpose. There is more oil currently known of and untapped than mankind has used up in all of history.

I find this passage from Chapter 2 of Gold’s book very useful:

"In summary, there are important differences and important similarities between the two biospheres. The surface biosphere runs on solar energy converted into chemical energy; the deep biosphere begins with chemical energy freely supplied from the depths of the earth. Both biospheres rely on unoxidized carbon as the building block of life, but surface life extracts it initially, with the help of sunlight, from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, whereas deep life extracts it from the same substances used as the energy source: hydrocarbons."

So, in both cases, energy is being stored and accessed from carbon-based molecules. The difference lies in the source of the energy (sunlight on the surface, chemical reactions in the deep biosphere) and the way the energy is captured and used.

There is so much energy under our feet, that humanity would never be able to use it all, try as it may. The story of an “energy crisis” is just that…a story.

One of the clues that the biogenic theory, widely accepted in the Western world, might not be all that true, is that there is no room for scientific dissent. As we now know, that is definitely a canary in the mine, pointing to its likely falsehood.

Another man to get to know in this subject is Jerome Corsi, who in his book The Great Oil Conspiracy, wrote this about Gold:

Thomas Gold: The Deep, Hot Biosphere

Thomas Gold was a controversial professor of astronomy who taught at Cornell University and died in 2004, at 84 years old. In 1998, when he was 78, he published a controversial book entitled, The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels.22 With this book, Gold ventured into geology, taking up the controversial position that suggested the Russian-Ukranian deep, abiotic theory on the origin of oil was right, despite being ignored by Western scientists and geologists.

Gold was born in Vienna in 1920 and studied in Switzerland before going to England to study at Cambridge University shortly before World War II broke out. For a year, Gold was held in a British internment camp, because he was suspected of being an enemy spy. When he managed to talk his way out of that predicament, Gold ended up helping develop radar for the British Admiralty. He ended up in the United States, at Harvard. In 1959, he was recruited by Cornell University where he ended up chairing the astronomy department and directing a Center for Radiophysics and Space Research. He had to wait until 1969 to get his doctorate, when Cambridge University finally decided to bestow upon him an honorary degree.

As an astronomer, Gold was well aware that hydrocarbons are abundant in the universe. Since the early part of the 20th Century, spectrographs that analyze wavelengths have permitted astronomers to determine with certainty that carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe, right after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. Furthermore, among planetary bodies, “carbon is found mostly in compounds with hydrogen – hydrocarbons – which, at different temperatures and pressures, may be gaseous, liquid, or solid. Astronomical techniques have thus produced clear and indisputable evidence that hydrocarbons are major constituents of bodies great and small within our solar system (and beyond).”

In other words, hydrocarbons are not “organic chemicals” resulting from life processes on earth, as is commonly assumed by proponents of the fossil fuel theory. Rather, hydrogen is a fundamental element readily available in the universe, one that combines with carbon to form hydrocarbons, whether life is present or not. What astronomers have known about the abundance of hydrocarbons in the universe unfortunately has not passed over to geologists who all too often continue to think of hydrocarbons as forming only through the activity of life – either in building life through photosynthesis, or when life dies such as when dinosaurs rot into oil.

What made sense to Gold was that hydrocarbons in various forms, including crude oil and methane gas, were fundamental building blocks of earth as it formed and as it has continued to develop over the millions of years the earth has existed. Gold fully realized his agreement with the Russians was that petroleum is “abiogenic and ubiquitous deep in the earth.” In other words, go deep enough into the mantle of the earth, and you will find abundant oil everywhere. The reason we find oil in sedimentary rock is not that sedimentary rock is the “source rock” enclosing the rotting bio-matter, but because sedimentary rock is porous enough for the oil moving toward the surface of the earth to pool into, or because fissures in the crust of the earth have permitted oil to seep up from the mantle of the earth to pool in sedimentary rock.

Gold postulated not only that hydrocarbons were formed through abiotic processes, but also that hydrocarbons would seep from deep-water vents, providing gases and fluids needed for microbes to live, with no need of light or photosynthesis to provide them nourishment. He also explained the presence of macrobiotic and bacterial life observed in petroleum reserves as having been picked from the layers of rock through which the oil passed on the way to the earth’s surface. He concluded life is not confined to the surface of the planet. Instead, he saw earth itself as a biosphere, teeming with organisms living so deeply below the surface that the living organisms attaching to deep-water and deep-earth oil have never seen the light of day.

Here is one of my favourite passages from a good discussion with Corsi:

#54 Jerome Corsi on abiotic oil - YouTube

“First it was dinosaurs, then it got down to plankton now they're down to bacteria and microbes. They're just desperate to continue to find a biological link as you see if oil is a natural process of the Earth, and it can be produced naturally it can be reduced synthetically and we're not running out of it.”

Here is a 60s ad reminding us that oil comes from dinosaurs.

Which brings us to the question of whether oil can be made synthetically.

Turns out the German’s figured it out. This from Chapter 1 of Corsi’s book, on the “Fischer-Tropsch Process".

Executive summary:

The chapter examines the scientific efforts made by Nazis during World War II to produce synthetic oil through the Fischer-Tropsch Process, due to a lack of petroleum reserves in Germany. This process shifted the understanding of oil's origins, suggesting it as a natural product. After the war, Nazi scientists involved in this research were moved to the U.S to assist with similar projects. The story also connects Nazi's synthetic oil production with the Soviet Union's post-war ambition for oil self-sufficiency, led by Stalin. The Russian-Ukrainian Theory of Deep, Abiotic Petroleum Origins was developed as a result, asserting that oil is an abiotic product of the Earth. In the present day, Russia's significant role as a global oil producer challenges traditional notions about fossil fuels, supporting the idea that oil naturally forms deep within the Earth. This new understanding might have profound impacts on global oil industry and energy policies.

Key takeaways:

1.    Nazi Germany initiated synthetic oil research during World War II due to its lack of petroleum reserves.

2.    The Fischer-Tropsch Process allowed the generation of synthetic fuels from coal.

3.    Synthetic oil met up to 75% of Nazi Germany's fuel demand during the war.

4.    The US brought Nazi scientists involved in synthetic fuel research to America under Operation Paperclip.

5.    Helmut Pichler and Leonard Alberts, despite their Nazi affiliations, contributed to synthetic fuel research and were admitted to the US.

6.    The US initially pursued synthetic fuel projects but shifted focus to fossil fuels due to their abundant availability and cost-effectiveness.

7.    Allied bombings targeting oil and chemical production plants effectively halted the Nazi war machine.

8.    After World War II, Stalin pushed for Soviet oil self-sufficiency, leading to the exploration of the Fischer-Tropsch process.

9.    The Russian-Ukrainian Theory of Deep, Abiotic Petroleum Origins emerged from this exploration, contradicting traditional fossil fuel theory.

10.  Russia's role as a major global crude oil producer today contests conventional wisdom on fossil fuels.

11.  The argument proposes that naturally occurring hydrocarbon fluids are abiotic, not derived from decaying organic matter.

12.  Hydrogen and carbon can combine naturally via the Fischer-Tropsch process to form oil.

13.  The chapter underscores the historical significance of Nazi Germany's synthetic oil production and its influence on Soviet oil exploration.


1.    "Germany had spent billions to fund scientific research for developing strategic materials, including synthetic oil, for the Nazi war machine during World War II."

2.    "Once the war was over, Stalin determined that the Soviet Union would never be vulnerable because of a dependence on foreign oil. He resolved that Russia would become oil self-sufficient, as part of his plans for expanding communism and Soviet domination worldwide."

3.    "Today, contrary to the predictions of U.S. petro-scientists at the end of World War II, Russia rivals Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading producer of crude oil. Just to be clear, please understand that the argument here is that all oil produced by the earth is abiotic... Hydrocarbon fuels produced naturally by the earth are always abiotic in nature."

Now let’s look at the Russians a bit. Here is Engdahl on the subject.

How I Came To Realize I Was Wrong About Peak Oil
131KB ∙ PDF file

I decided to make a meeting with the then-President of ASPO [Association for Study of Peak Oil] International, Swedish atomic physicist, Kjell Aleklett, a few weeks later, at his University in Uppsala, Sweden, in an attempt to get a deeper scientific argument for Peak Oil. There Aleklett treated me to his latest slide show. He argued that, as oil was a fossil fuel, we knew, through study of plate tectonics, where all major oil deposits were to be found. Then, citing depletion of production in the North Sea, in Ghawar, Texas and a few other spots, Aleklett claimed, "voila! The case is proven." For me it was anything but proven.


As I searched more translations of the Russian scientific abiotic papers, I dug deeper. I learned of the highly classified Soviet era research begun in the 1950s at onset of the Cold War. Stalin had given a mandate to the leading Soviet geoscientists to, simply put, insure that the USSR was entirely self-sufficient in oil and gas. They should not repeat the fatal error that had contributed to Germany's losing two world wars--lack of oil self-sufficiency.


Krayushkin presented a paper following the end of the Cold War to a 1994 Santa Fe, New Mexico conference of DOSECC (Drilling, Observation and Sampling of the Earth's Continental Crust). There Krayushkin presented his research of the Dnieper-Donets region of Ukraine. Traditional mainstream geology would have argued that that region would be barren of oil or gas. Traditionally-trained geologists had argued it senseless to drill for oil or gas there because of the complete absence of any "source rock" -- the special geological formations which, according to Western geological theory, were the unique rocks from which hydrocarbons were generated or were capable of being generated – presumably, the only places where oil could be found, hence the term "source."

What Krayushkin presented to the disbelieving audience of American geologists and geo-scientists went against their entire oil genesis training. Krayushkin argued that the oil and gas discoveries in the Ukraine basin came from what geologists called “crystalline basement,” deep rocks where Western geological theory claimed oil and gas (which they termed “fossil fuels,”) could not be found. No dinosaur fossils nor tree remains could have been buried so deep, the Western theory went.

Yet the Russians had found oil and gas there, something tantamount to Galileo Galilei telling the Holy Inquisition that the Sun -- and not the Earth -- was the center of our system. According to one participant, the audience was not at all amused by the implications of Russian geophysics.


Following such reading, I came into personal contact with one of the leading Russian abiotic scientists, Vladimir Kutcherov, then a professor at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden's ETH or MIT. We met several times, and he tutored me in the confirmed deep earth origins of all hydrocarbons. Not from dead dinosaur detritus and biological remains. Rather oil is being constantly generated from deep in the core of the Earth in the giant nuclear oven we call the core. Under enormous temperature and pressure, the primal methane gas is forced to the surface through what they term migration channels in the Earth's mantle. Indeed, Kutcherov demonstrated that existing "depleted" oil wells, left capped for several years, had been proven to "refill" with new oil from deep under. Depending on the elements the methane migrates through on its upwards journey, it remains gas, becomes crude oil, tar or coal.

Here is a great short video that does a good overview of the whole subject, with special attention on Eugene Island in the Gulf of Mexico:


My dad used to travel to oil rigs all over the world as an operations manager or something. He was up there and knew his shit. He said they'd pump an oil reserve dry, abandon it, then come back a few years later and the reserve was full again. Insane. - @dickbutt7854

Executive summary:

The video discusses the origin of fossil fuels, particularly the debate between the biogenic theory (derived from fossilized organic matter) and the abiogenic theory (generated deep within the Earth through abiotic processes). While the conventional view holds that fossil fuels come from ancient fossils, some scientists, particularly in Russia and Ukraine, propose that oil and gas are abiotic and formed deep below the Earth's surface. The chapter highlights the example of Eugene Island in the Gulf of Mexico, where oil wells have been replenished with new oil seemingly from a continuous source deep in the Earth. The article suggests that the abiogenic hypothesis challenges the prevailing view of fossil fuel origins and presents a different perspective on the replenishment of oil reserves.

Key takeaways:

  1. The conventional view holds that fossil fuels (oil, gas, methane) come from ancient fossils, but the abiogenic theory proposes that they are abiotic and formed deep within the Earth.

  2. The presence of oil and gas in locations with no apparent fossils challenges the biogenic theory.

  3. Eugene Island in the Gulf of Mexico, where depleted oil wells were suddenly replenished, is often cited as evidence supporting the abiogenic hypothesis.

  4. The Middle East has doubled its oil reserves over the past decades, despite continuous exploitation and relatively few new discoveries, raising questions about the source of the replenished oil.

  5. The abiogenic theory was first proposed by Georgius Agricola in the 16th century and revived by Soviet scientists in the 20th century.

  6. Thomas Gold, a respected astronomer and professor, popularized the abiogenic hypothesis in the Western world.

  7. Hydrocarbons may be spontaneously created deep within the Earth under specific thermobaric conditions involving calcium carbonate or limestone.

  8. The abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons could occur in the asthenosphere or under subducting slabs in the Earth's mantle.

  9. The deep-seated oil source at Eugene Island supports Thomas Gold's theory of the Deep hot biosphere, where oil is a renewable resource continuously manufactured by the Earth.

  10. Abiogenic hydrocarbons occur at depths below the Earth's surface, potentially contributing to the replenishment of oil reserves.

  11. The article highlights the need to reevaluate the origins of fossil fuels and consider the possibility of abiotic processes for our understanding of Earth's energy resources.

  12. The abiogenic theory challenges the prevailing view of fossil fuel origins and raises questions about the abundance and renewability of hydrocarbon resources.

  13. Further research and investigation are necessary to fully understand the processes involved in the formation and replenishment of fossil fuels.


1.    "There is no evidence in the field that there is any oil or gas or methane around locations where there are fossils."

2.    "It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that the oil reservoir at Eugene Island was rapidly refilling itself from some continuous Source miles below the Earth's surface."

3.    "Russian geologists and chemists have long championed the idea that abiogenic hydrocarbons also occur and they do. There is a lower limit PT limit of deep hydrocarbon synthesis by calcium carbonate aqueous reduction."

So, let’s wrap this up.

What is the chance that this is true…that petroleum is naturally occurring, bubbling up from the deep bowels of mother earth, as an infinite renewable resource that mankind couldn’t exhaust if it tried?

I would say that it falls into the category of highly likely, certainly more likely than the Official Story, that says we are lucky to be temporarily able to live off dinosaur juice, but our luck is running out and we need to make the following changes and sacrifices…

And if it is true, what does that mean about the stories we have been told by Empire and its Cartels?

Empire wants only two things. That its Capital roams the globe freely and safely.

Empire’s entire roaming Capital construct is built on its currency framework, the US Dollar.

The US Dollar is supported by a single global commodity, Oil.

What are the chances that with so much at stake, Oil’s Official Story turns out to be true, and without scientific distortion?

By now, having witnessed the last three years, I would say the chances are zero.

But the Oil story is not any story, it is THE story, as it is the story of Energy, of Life, of Wealth, of EVERYTHING.

And with that, if you distort the story of “Everything”, well that distorted input feeds into EVERY other story.

This might be, as Saddam Hussein would say, “the mother of all Official Stories”.

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FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

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[i] The Mantle: The mantle is the layer between the Earth's crust and core. It is about 2,900 kilometers (1,802 miles) thick, making it the thickest layer of the Earth. The mantle is composed mainly of silicate rocks rich in iron and magnesium. It is divided into the upper and lower mantle, and it's where most of the Earth's internal heat is located. This heat causes convection currents, driving the movement of tectonic plates at the Earth's surface.

[ii] The Crust: The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth. It's the layer we live on and consists of a variety of rocks, such as granite and basalt. The crust varies in thickness, being about 5-70 kilometers (3-44 miles) thick. It's thinner beneath the oceans (oceanic crust, averaging about 5-10 kilometers or 3-6 miles thick) and thicker under the continents (continental crust, averaging about 30-50 kilometers or 19-31 miles thick).

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