The first time I heard about Hydrogen Peroxide is when Ameila sent me an email a while back.
It’s great when you have mentors that have had a 20-year head start on you.
To those of us newly awakened it seems that they discovered Treatment Suppression in 2020, when they came up with the idea for HCQ and Ivermectin.
The more you look into medical history the more you realise that they have been suppressing necessary, safe and effective (NSE) treatments for at least the last 100 years, especially when Oligarchy1 decided to capture medicine in the US.
They have Treatment Suppression down to an artform by now.
Look into Bactrim and AIDS.
So, a big part of this awakening and learning journey has been discovering these NSE treatments that have been placed in our blind spot. In our Constructed Ignorance.
I want to do my bit to spread the word on some of these treatments.
Which brings us to Hydrogen Peroxide.
So, this from Amelia…
Dr David Brownstein is a practicing doctor and author of numerous books on health. He developed a protocol for treating Covid-19 which did not involve prescription drugs so anyone could buy the ingredients and keep them in the cupboard before they caught Covid-19. He decided to share this protocol freely with the world. In early 2020 when he started treating Covid-19 patients, some of whom he treated remotely via phone calls, he started posting video interviews with these patients. Every few days a new video would appear on his website and they were compelling. A few weeks later Dr Brownstein was ordered to remove all his videos and Covid-19 medical advice from the internet. In May 2020 he posted a notice on his website:
Dear CHM Patients
I want to let you know that we have been ordered by the FTC to stop making any statements about our treatment protocols of Vitamins A, C and D as well as nutritional IV’s, iodine, ozone and nebulization2 to support the immune system with respect to Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19)…
Months later he published a journal article detailing how he successfully cured over 100 patients: ‘A novel approach to treating Covid-19 with nutritional and oxidative therapies.’
He later reported in his newsletter that he had successfully treated over 500 patients.
There are now interviews with Dr Brownstein and articles about him on the internet, including an interview by Dr Joseph Mercola. The transcript is available here:
In this interview Dr Brownstein tells the story about one of his patients, a strong 67-year-old man. He had developed COVID-19 symptoms, he had gone to hospital where he was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. After two days of treatment, which included oxygen, he felt only slightly better, but was released from the hospital due to a shortage of beds.
"They sent him home on oxygen and told him, 'Only come back if you can't breathe.' So he goes home, and he calls me on the phone, crying, 'I'm going to die. They sent me home to die.'
I said to him, 'You're not going to die. Do you have a nebulizer?' And he said, 'No.' And I'm like, 'We need to start nebulizing right away … Send your wife over. We'll put a nebulizer in the car and tell you how to do it.' So, we mixed up the solution for him, and she brought the nebulizer home.
I called him up at the end of the day. He had done three nebulizer treatments, and he said that after the second nebulizer treatment his lungs started to open up. He felt about 70% better and didn't feel like he was going to die at that point.
He was still coughing and short of breath, but not like he was. After the third treatment, he said he was even better … So, this nebulizer thing really does work.
Dr Brownstein has since written a new book on treating viruses that he sells through his website:
Dr Brownstein’s Holistic Medicine
Dr Thomas Levy has written a free eBook, Rapid Virus Recovery, in which he explains how and why inhaling very dilute concentrations of hydrogen peroxide through a nebuliser cures respiratory viral infections.
Other doctors, perhaps inspired by the work of Dr Brownstein, developed a protocol for preventing Covid-19 infection which they tested on doctors and patients in hospitals. They found that if people gargled a very dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide and squirted an even weaker solution into their nostrils once a day they did not develop Covid-19. These two articles explain that this protocol is effective and why it is effective.
Hospital Study Shows that Covid-19 Can be Prevented with Hydrogen Peroxide
We can only wonder how many lives would have been saved if Dr David Brownstein’s protocol had been widely disseminated in 2020.
Then the other day a reader made this amazing useful and informative comment.
There was Hydrogen Peroxide again. That was the final nudge for this stack.
This from Klimer…
It's the Church of Medical Mysticism; the Vaccine Cult (more recently known as the Covidian Cult) is just one form of how the religion is practiced.
If you read enough, it is abundantly clear that allopathic medicine is built upon multiple flawed paradigms, and that most of what they believe is dogmatic. In general, the things they are good at have come from the battlefields of history. Trauma and how to keep people from dying on the battlefield. They generally suck at prevention or restoring health. They are the wrong people to see about any chronic disease or acute infection.
And don't get me going on specialists. My cardiologist couldn't figure out what was causing my severe ventricular arrhythmia (which often will lead to sudden cardiac arrest [ first symptom - death]), but any decent chiropractor could have figured it out in less than five minutes. Heart docs don't look beyond the heart, and my arrhythmia was being caused by a left hand curve in my upper thoracic spine (caused by a cycling accident), which caused constant irritation of the sympathetic nerve to my heart. Once my spine was straightened out, the arrhythmia stopped. But the FDA won't let any chiropractor say that I was "cured."
Dr. Levy is one of the rock stars of healing (and a rock star cardiologist). I took his advice of nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide to ward off a respiratory infection (COVID). The side benefit was that it cleared up my chronically congested sinuses that I had had for fifty years. And they've stayed clear. 50 years of MDs with no clue what to do, but he fixed it by accident. With cheap food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Bowel tolerance is the problem with a layperson using Vitamin C to deal with an acute problem. Most people who take over 2 grams of C will be chained to the toilet for a while, some can barely tolerate 1 gram. But there are plenty of naturopathic and function med docs who offer C infusions. And my dentist actually does C infusions prior to any traumatic procedures. Fewer complications and faster healing. My wife did C infusions prior to her hip surgery and was the first of her ortho's patients off of pain meds and had the best and fastest healing. Great stuff!
Magnesium is HUGE, but there are issues with both absorption and bowel tolerance. The guy you want to read is Dr. Mark Sircus3, who discusses transdermal magnesium therapy, which gets around the gut issues. It can get your magnesium levels up quicker than anything short of IV or a vacation by the Dead Sea. Anyone you know who has had a heart attack should find a way to get 8-10 mg by IV. Their chances of being alive five years from now will improve greatly.
Sircus will also expose you briefly to Dr. Emmanuel Revici4, who in the early sixties was curing people of cancer with simple, non-toxic and inexpensive substances.
Sircus, like Ray Peat and others, advocates for improving alkalinity over acidity. And he offers a lot of ways to do that. Sodium bicarbonate. Ever watch an old movie with a scene in a soda fountain.? Guys are always asking for a "bicarb" of one sort or another. People knew this stuff was good for you 100 years ago, but 100 years of pharma propaganda has changed all that.
One quote from Sircus that has stuck with me is that "acidity runs hot and fast, alkalinity runs cool and slow." Rapid heart beat? Slow it down with alkalinity (magnesium bicarbonate is a great choice). Inflammation at the site of a wound? Try sodium bicarbonate or chlorine dioxide solution to help it heal faster.
The guy who I credit with fixing my heart problems (by a video he posted on YouTube) is Dr. John Bergman of Long Beach, CA. Five years ago he was talking about our being on the cusp of a healthcare revolution. So what did we get? An all-out assault with a bio-weapon, courtesy of the military-industrial-pharma complex. The insurrection had to be quelled to protect the elite.
Read World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin. It was first published in the early 1970s and updated in multiple revisions through around 2000 or so. The second half deals with I.G. Farben's chemical cartel and the later alliance with the Rockefeller Foundation. If you want to understand how the world works and who is pulling the strings, it's a good place to start.
I started my health journey pretty much 20 years ago to the day. I had a melanoma that gave me a 50% chance of being alive after 5 years, and the odds weren't supposed to improve after that. Yet here I am, 20 years later, after having ignored ALL of my dermatologist's advice.
So I can recommend lots of other authors worth reading, even some back to the 1920s.
The one worth reading about the electrical nature of the body is Jerry Tennant and his Healing is Voltage books. He's quirky and his books could use a good editor, but still worth reading, especially if you can find copies at your local library. He was a top echelon opthamalogist when he contracted a virus while operating on a patient. He saw endless top-of-their-field allopathic specialists, and nobody could figure out what was going on or how to heal him. He eventually figured it all out for himself.
John Bergman's another outstanding healing doc whose healing journey got him to where he is today. He's posted a ton of videos on a wide array of health topics on YouTube. You need to watch some of his pre-COVID stuff. Very irreverent of allopaths. During COVID, I think he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, as he fully understood the insanity from day one. Some of those videos are almost painful to watch.
And finally, here is both the book Rapid Virus Recovery and the section on Hydrogen Peroxide by Dr. Thomas Levy.
Rapid Virus Recovery
Chapter 2
Isn’t hydrogen peroxide a pro-oxidant? How could that be good for the body?
Hydrogen Peroxide (HP): Facts and Misconceptions
HP is frequently characterized as an unstable substance presenting significant toxicity to all cells. In fact, the opposite is true. Except under certain limited circumstances, HP is very stable and largely nonreactive, with its ongoing presence inside cells being essential for supporting critical biochemical pathways and resulting in no toxicity whatsoever.
HP is also referred to in the scientific literature as a ROS (reactive oxygen species) molecule. While technically accurate, HP is neither ionic nor a free radical, characteristics that define the nature of other common ROS, such as superoxide and hydroxyl radical. However, when in the presence of transition metal ions such as iron or copper, HP can generate the highly pro-oxidant ROS species known as hydroxyl radical, in a chemical pathway known as the Fenton reaction. This hydroxyl radical is one of the most reactive pro-oxidants known to exist, never accumulating or migrating since it immediately oxidizes whatever is next to it at the moment of its formation.
It would probably be more accurate to consider HP as a “ROS-in-waiting.” By itself, it is nonreactive, but it is ready to promote pro-oxidant impact when called upon. Increased pro-oxidant activity is critical to killing pathogens, but such increased activity is not desirable inside the healthy cell. The “standby” ability of HP to generate hydroxyl radical only when needed accounts for its unique cell-protective properties. Furthermore, it is very important to realize that an increased presence of HP can initiate responses that can limit or repair oxidative damage. This further enforces the concept that HP serves as a central regulating molecule in the body, ready to promote either pro-oxidant or antioxidant impact depending on the “microenvironment” in which it is found at any time.
This selective reactivity of HP in the presence of unbound iron allows it to selectively target pathogens, which accumulate and literally thrive on iron. Pathogens, with their exceptionally high iron content, literally put a target on themselves that allows HP to directly attack them with massive amounts of oxidation while leaving normal, uninfected cells alone. It cannot be overemphasized that appropriate HP therapies just augment and bolster the normal defense mechanisms that the body uses to naturally kill pathogens and eradicate infections.
Activated phagocytes, the pathogen-scavenging white blood cells that are routinely summoned to any site of infection and inflammation, naturally generate massive amounts of HP into the extracellular space.
The “standby” ability of HP to generate hydroxyl radical only when needed accounts for its unique cell-protective properties.
This allows access of the HP to wherever it is needed to oxidize and kill the pathogens. Similarly, these phagocytic white blood cells have also been documented to have exceptionally high levels of vitamin C, which strongly stimulate the conversion of HP into the powerful oxidizing agent, hydroxyl radical, inside these cells. This allows these phagocytic cells to readily oxidize the pathogens that have already been assimilated or “ingested.” The phagocytosis of pathogens proceeds in a manner analogous to what happens to food after it is swallowed. The HP acts on the pathogens like the digestive enzymes act on the food.
While vitamin C has long been documented to be enormously effective in the clinical resolution of all viruses and most other infectious diseases when administered appropriately, it is the ability of vitamin C to convert HP into hydroxyl radical that accounts for its direct ability to kill pathogens. Indirectly, vitamin C also has a wide array of properties that all act together to strengthen immune function in order to prevent or resolve nearly all infectious diseases.
It is when high doses of vitamin C are given intravenously that a large amount of HP is generated in the extracellular space. At the same time, large amounts of vitamin C are also reaching the intracellular space. And the HP in the extracellular space is free to diffuse into the intracellular space. This means that at the same time vitamin C is converting HP into hydroxyl radical inside the cells, it is helping to generate new HP to enter the cells and continue to feed the production of hydroxyl radical until the pathogen-killing goal has been completely realized. This is analogous to vitamin C burning the gas in a car while simultaneously working to keep the tank full.
The natural fuel of pathogens is free iron, and the more iron they accumulate, the more virulent and clinically aggressive they become. In contrast to pathogens, non-pathogenic microbes do not accumulate iron. Because of the essential role played by iron in stimulating the Fenton reaction to produce hydroxyl radicals, pathogens self-target themselves for destruction by virtue of their high iron content. Clinically, large doses of vitamin C continually convert the ferric ion to its ferrous form, and HP is then able to destroy the pathogens with large amounts of hydroxyl radicals formed from the electrons passed along by the ferrous ions.
In many patients, highly-dosed vitamin C is also effective in killing cancer cells and often completely resolving a cancer. This is because cancer cells, like pathogens, thrive on and actively accumulate iron. Additionally, cancer cells also have low levels of catalase, which is the enzyme that naturally functions to break down HP into water and oxygen. With HP levels high (from low catalase), iron levels high, and large amounts of vitamin C being administered, the stage is set for a continued high production of hydroxyl radicals until the cancer has been destroyed. This Fenton reaction activation does not occur in healthy cells in the body, as they do not accumulate iron, and they have normal catalase levels that keep the presence of HP at a minimal level. Because of this, a high dose of vitamin C is helping to strengthen the natural immune defenses of the normal cells at the same time it is selectively killing the cancer cells. The use of chemotherapy does also kill cancer cells, but it is not selective and it damages/kills normal cells at the same time.
At the same time high doses of vitamin C are fueling the Fenton reaction, they are also directly generating large amounts of HP outside of the cells, which is then free to diffuse into the cells and provide more HP to be converted into hydroxyl radicals. HP inside the cells also helps to mobilize stored iron (ferritin) into free iron that can also work to sustain the Fenton reaction until no pathogens remain to be killed, as noted above. HP and vitamin C are natural physiological partners, and together they are the optimal tandem agents for dealing with any infections. Of course, additional therapies can always be added, but properly administered HP and vitamin C should nearly always do the job.
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If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes
If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a “safe” chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.
Here are all eBooks and Summaries produced so far:
FREE Book Summary: The HPV Vaccine on Trial by Holland et al.
FREE Book Summary: Bitten by Kris Newby (Lyme Disease)
FREE Book Summary: The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr Malcolm Kendrick
FREE Book Summary: Propaganda by Edward Bernays
FREE Book Summary: Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff (Glyphosate)
FREE Book Summary: The Measles Book by CHD
FREE Book Summary: The Deep Hot Biosphere by Thomas Gold (Abiogenic Oil)
FREE Book Summary: The Peanut Allergy Epidemic by Heather Fraser
FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
is a form of government or organizational structure where power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by nobility, wealth, family ties, corporate, religious, or military control. The term "oligarchy" is derived from the Greek words "oligos," meaning few, and "archein," meaning to rule or to command.
Key characteristics of an oligarchy include:
Concentration of Power: In an oligarchy, power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or groups. This concentration can be based on various factors such as wealth, family, education, corporate interests, or military power.
Limited Participation in Politics: Unlike democracies, where political power is more broadly distributed and the electoral process is open to the majority of the population, oligarchies restrict political influence to a selected segment of society.
Wealth and Social Status: Oligarchies often involve rule by the wealthy or privileged class. Economic status is a common basis for power, and those in the ruling class typically use their wealth to maintain control over the political and economic structures.
Lack of Representation: In an oligarchic system, the needs and desires of the general population are often underrepresented. Decisions are made to benefit the few in power, sometimes at the expense of the broader society.
Informal Mechanisms of Power: In some cases, the power structure in an oligarchy is not formalised through laws or official titles but operates through informal relationships and influence.
is a medical process used to administer medication in the form of a mist inhaled into the lungs. This method is often used for the treatment of respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other respiratory infections or disorders. The process involves using a nebulizer, which is a device that converts liquid medication into a fine spray or aerosol.
Key aspects of nebulization include:
Device Used: A nebulizer is the primary device used in this process. It typically consists of a base that houses the air compressor, a small container for the liquid medicine, and a tube that connects the medicine container to the compressor. A mouthpiece or mask is attached to the container for the patient to inhale the medication.
Mechanism of Action: The nebulizer works by pumping air through the liquid medicine, turning it into a fine mist that can be easily inhaled deeply into the lungs. This delivery method is especially effective for targeting the respiratory tract and can provide quick relief from respiratory symptoms.
Types of Medications Used: Medications used in nebulizers are often bronchodilators, which help to open up the airways and make breathing easier. Steroids and antibiotics can also be nebulized, especially in cases of severe respiratory infections or asthma.
Advantages: Nebulization is particularly beneficial for patients who have difficulty using inhalers, such as young children or the elderly. It allows for a larger dose of medication to be delivered directly to the lungs compared to other methods like oral medications.
Treatment of Acute Symptoms: Nebulizers are often used in emergency situations to treat acute respiratory issues, providing rapid relief from symptoms like wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath.
Home and Clinical Use: Nebulizers can be used in both clinical settings (like hospitals or clinics) and at home. Home nebulizers are particularly useful for patients with chronic respiratory conditions who require regular treatment.
Dr. Mark Sircus
is a prolific writer and author in the field of natural medicine, holding an honorary title of doctor of Oriental medicine. He was one of the first nationally certified acupuncturists in the United States. Dr. Sircus has a diverse background in acupuncture and oriental medicine, trained at the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the School of Traditional Medicine of New England in Boston. He also served at the Central Public Hospital of Pochutla, in Mexico.
Dr. Sircus is known for his research and writing on various health topics, focusing on environmental toxicity and iatrogenic diseases, and advocating for radical changes in orthodox medicine. He is the director of the International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA), an organization promoting a new approach to medicine and healthcare.
His medical approach, termed "Natural Allopathic Medicine," integrates various medical systems and paradigms into a unified model that can be practiced by both allopathic and non-allopathic practitioners. This approach emphasizes foundational physiology and focuses on various aspects like pH management, cell voltage, magnesium and iodine medicine, cannabinoid medicine, carbon dioxide medicine, and detoxification.
Dr. Sircus envisions a future of medicine that is rational, effective, and safe, free from the influence of pharmaceutical companies. His work and books are aimed at a wide audience, providing insights that are accessible to laypeople and medical professionals alike.
For more information about Dr. Mark Sircus and his work, you can visit the Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine and his personal website.
Dr. Emanuel Revici
was a Romanian-born physician and scientist who gained recognition for his unconventional approaches to treating various illnesses, including cancer. Born in 1896 and passing away in 1997, Revici's career spanned much of the 20th century, during which he developed a method known as "Guided Chemotherapy."
Revici's approach was based on the idea that all illness is caused by an imbalance in metabolism, specifically between anabolic and catabolic processes. He developed treatments involving a mix of chemical substances, including lipid alcohol and various metals, administered orally or by injection. His method aimed to correct these imbalances at various hierarchical levels of the body, from sub-nuclear to systemic levels. Revici was also recognized for pioneering the use of trace minerals like selenium in cancer treatment, well before such practices were widely acknowledged in conventional medicine.
Revici's work, including his book "Research in Physiopathology as Basis of Guided Chemotherapy," published in 1961, delved into complex theories about electrostatic and quantum forces in the body, the anaerobic and dysaerobic factors, and the use of orthomolecular agents to control imbalances.
For more detailed information about Dr. Emanuel Revici and his work, you can refer to these sources: Metabolic Healing
I can vouch for the HP as my husband and I nebulize at the first sign of respiratory illness and it's indeed very effective. Dr Mercola was our original source. You do have to remember to add salt to the water.
I used diluted hydrogen peroxide mixed with distilled water to a roughly 0.03% the entire time I was in registered nursing school and always whe taking care of covid patients. Made it in a $1.00 little spray bottle I carried with my hand sanitizer. Sprayed it up my nose and down the back of my throat. Worked great. If I made it to strong I could tell because my nose and throat would get a bit soar the next day. Made little bottles for all my family too : )