"Cancer is not a disease, it's a business." - Anon.
I have finally entered the cancer chamber. I’ve walked past it several times, but it was too big and daunting to enter without some guidance.
I’ve been looking for a high-level overview, and I came across it in 180 Degrees (I cannot recommend the book highly enough). You could buy the book for that section alone.
Here are some highlights of that portion of the book’s text:
Executive Summary:
It scrutinizes the suppression of various alternative therapies, such as GcMAF, Laetrile (B17), and intravenous Vitamin C, which have shown promise in treating cancer but are often dismissed or criminalized by the medical establishment. The text also raises ethical questions about the role of law and the pharmaceutical industry in shaping public health policy, suggesting that the current system may be more focused on profit than on effective patient care.
Key Takeaways:
1. GcMAF, derived from a naturally occurring human protein, has shown promise in treating cancer but is criminalized in some jurisdictions.
2. Laetrile (B17), found in almonds and apricot kernels, has been used to treat cancer but is banned by the FDA in the United States.
3. Intravenous Vitamin C has been effective in treating various diseases, including cancer, but is largely ignored by the medical community.
4. The text cites 79 peer-reviewed papers supporting the effectiveness of GcMAF in the US National Library of Medicine.
5. David Noakes, who developed GcMAF, was convicted and imprisoned for selling an unlicensed medicine.
6. The author suggests that alternative cancer treatments are more readily available in Mexico.
7. The text raises concerns about the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C for humans, comparing it to the much higher levels naturally produced by goats.
1. "The scientific evidence clearly shows that GcMAF is potentially the most effective cancer treatment ever discovered."
2. "How and why GcMAF is being withheld from the public, despite an abundance of supporting scientific evidence, reveals a system of corrupt corporate control designed to profit from our sickness and death."
3. "There seems to be much more in play here than meets the eye. Vitamin C is a cheap and non-patentable option."
1. "We treated 11,500 people with superb results on 9,000. We saved the lives of 800 with terminal stage 4 cancer." – David Noakes
2. "In the US National Library of Medicine there are now 79 GcMAF peer-reviewed papers."
3. "A healthy goat normally produces around 185 mg/kg/day of Vit C = 13,000 milligrams per day. When a goat becomes stressed or ill, it can produce up to 1400 mg/kg/day= 100,000 milligrams per day."
From 180 Degrees I found this documentary:
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
Also found here on Rumble (for when the CIA removes it from YouTube)
Here are my thoughts after watching the (excellent) documentary:
The history of suppressing effective cancer treatments is very long. Well over 100 years.
The history of shaming, cancelling, bankrupting, jailing doctors who innovate effective, safe and cheap solutions is very long.
Do we know how to treat cancer? Yes.
Would they love to blame it on genetics? Yes.
Are there many different ways to treat cancer? Yes.
Are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation likely the best ways of treating cancer. No.
Is the whole official industrial cancer complex corrupt? Yes.
Would I trust a mainstream oncologist as far as I could throw him? No.
Would I donate to “cancer research”? No.
If I, or my family came down with cancer, would I consider going to Mexico? Yes.
I highly recommend the documentary but in case you don’t get around to it, here is a summary:
Executive Summary
The documentary, titled "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures," is a comprehensive deep dive into the history and politics surrounding cancer treatments. It explores alternative therapies that have been largely dismissed, discredited, or suppressed by mainstream medical institutions. It serves as an eye-opener into the politics and economics that have shaped the landscape of cancer treatment. It challenges the viewer to question the established norms and to consider alternative paths for treatment and research.
Key Takeaways
1. Historical Context: The video begins by highlighting that cancer treatments have been primarily limited to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, despite the existence of various alternative therapies.
2. Rene Caisse and Essiac: Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, developed Essiac, a herbal remedy that showed promise in treating cancer but was never approved by medical authorities.
From 180 Degrees:
Systematic suppression by the authorities is also what happened to Canadian nurse, Rene M. Caisse and her essiac herbal treatment for cancer (based on the knowledge of a medicine man of a local First Nation tribe). Doctors came to assess her success, and she recounts what cancer surgeon Richard A. Leonardo of Buffalo told her:
"You have [the cure] but the medical profession will never let you do this to us."
He was right.
"I don't see how they can refrain from recognising it, because if you have the proof, you have the diagnosis from the doctor, you have the pathological findings and you find you have the living patient to show they are still alive after the medical profession has given them up and yet they refuse to admit that it is a cure."- Rene M. Caisse
3. Max Gerson and Nutritional Therapy: Max Gerson proposed a dietary approach to treating cancer, which was met with resistance and labeled as quackery by mainstream medicine.
4. Pharmaceutical Industry's Role: The video suggests that the pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo for cancer treatment due to the high profitability of current therapies.
5. Dr. Hammer's Psychological Approach: Dr. Gert Hammer proposed that psychological traumas are the root cause of cancer, an idea that has not been accepted by mainstream medicine.
6. Laetrile and Vitamin B17: Laetrile, derived from apricot seeds and rich in Vitamin B17, has been used as an alternative cancer treatment but is considered illegal in the United States.
From 180 Degrees:
Ernesto Contreras first treated cancer patients using Laertile (aka Bl 7) in 1963. Thousands of patients have subsequently been successfully treated but in the United States the FDA shut him down. Laertile is a complex compound that is found naturally in, for example, almonds and apricot kernels. Its active ingredient is cyanide. At hearing this word most people get rather nervous as it is a well recognised deadly poison and yes, just like water, if you take too much of it then there will be terminal consequences. Dosage is key. But in this case, cyanide is on your side, as it is that which targets and kills the cancer cells.
This is all detailed in an excellent one-hour documentary (available for free online) and a book called A World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin. Other literature is available and includes Laetrile Case Studies and Alive and Well.
The people of the Hunza valley, in the Karakorum mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan in northern Pakistan, have a diet rich in apricot kernels. It is claimed they are, as a group, cancer free. Perhaps it is just a coincidence. The film Second Opinion details how the FDA demonised B17 after a study was rigged against it in the1970s.
Then there is Jason Vale, who contracted cancer but made a full recovery. But what makes his case so interesting is not just that he did it by eating 17 raw apricot kernals a day (as he claims) but he also took a start/ stop approach. When he was eating the kernals the cancer would recede and when he stopped it would return. This he did three times before finally becoming cancer free.
He is one of thousands who claim to have reversed their cancer using this proto col. Impressed with the result, he then decided to sell the apricot kernals online. Jason Vale and his mother were both jailed for selling unlicensed 'drugs.' The drugs in this case were the naturally occurring apricot seeds.
There are some people suggesting that the FDA occasionally looks more like an attack dog than an organisation working in the best interests of public health. Look at who funds them and draw your own conclusions.
7. Shark Cartilage: The anti-angiogenic properties of shark cartilage, which inhibit the growth of blood vessels in tumors, are discussed as a potential treatment.
8. Mistletoe and Iscador: Used in Europe, mistletoe extracts have shown promise in boosting the immune system and directly killing cancer cells.
9. Suzanne Somers' Experience: Actress Suzanne Somers claims to have successfully treated her cancer using mistletoe injections.
10. Lack of Scientific Scrutiny: Many of these alternative treatments have not been subjected to rigorous scientific testing, often due to lack of funding or interest from mainstream institutions.
11. FDA's Role: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been criticized for not approving alternative treatments, often citing lack of evidence as the reason.
12. Public Perception: The video argues that public perception is heavily influenced by mainstream medical opinion, which is often biased against alternative therapies.
13. Media's Role: Media outlets are shown to generally support the views of mainstream medicine, further marginalizing alternative approaches.
14. Legal Consequences: Practitioners of alternative therapies often face legal repercussions, including the revocation of medical licenses.
15. Global Perspective: The video highlights that some alternative treatments are more accepted outside of the United States, particularly in Europe.
Standout Quotes
1. "If the Gerson Therapy were permitted inside the United States, we would see a dramatic decrease in deaths from cancer."
2. "The reason for that is the fact that it's not a patented medicine and it's not an expensive medicine."
3. "More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette."
4. "If doctors know there's a cure and send patients home to die, that is an atrocity worse than the Holocaust."
5. "The FDA actively participated in suppressing Hoxsey's treatment."
6. "Alternative therapies like Mistletoe are more accepted in Europe."
7. "Many American patients go to Mexican clinics for treatments that are illegal in the U.S."
Lastly, here is the Forward to G. Edward Griffins excellent book World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17, first published in 1974!
A great deal of drama has been enacted on the cancer stage since the first edition of this book was published. While it is true that many of the original actors have been replaced by their understudies, the plot of the play has not changed. This is the outline of that drama.
Each year, thousands of Americans travel to Mexico and Germany to receive Laetrile therapy. They do this because it has been suppressed in the United States. Most of these patients have been told that their cancer is terminal and they have but a few months to live. Yet, an incredible percentage of them have recovered and are living normal lives. However, the FDA, the AMA, the American Cancer Society, and the cancer research centers continue to pronounce that Laetrile is quackery. The recovered patients, they say, either had "spontaneous remissions" or never had cancer in the first place.
If any of these people ultimately die after seeking Laetrile, spokesmen for orthodox medicine are quick to proclaim: "You see? Laetrile doesn't work!" Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of patients die each year after undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, but those treatments continue to be touted as "safe and effective."
The average cancer patient undergoing Laetrile therapy will spend between $5,000 and $25,000 for treatment. That is a lot of money, but it is peanuts compared to the astronomical bills charged by conventional medicine. Yet they never tire of complaining that Laetrile doctors are greedy quacks and charlatans who profiteer from the sick and the frightened.
That is a classic case of accusing your opponent of exactly what you yourself are doing. It is common today for an elderly couple to give their entire life savings to a medical center and a battery of attending physicians and technicians, all in the vain hope of saving the husband or wife from cancer. Even their house may have to be sold to pay the bills. And the maddening part is that, in most cases, the doctors know there is no chance of long-term success. But the surviving spouse is seldom told that.
The next time you hear a spokesman for orthodox medicine condemn those greedy, money-grubbing Laetrile doctors, watch him as he goes to the parking lot. Chances are, he'll drive off in his new Jaguar.
The only real difference between the controversy today and when it began in the 1970s is that the media has lost interest in it. The sparsity of coverage has created the false impression that Laetrile has fallen into disfavor, but nothing could be further from the truth. The number of patients using Laetrile today continues to run in the thousands.
It has been suggested that the mass media have decided to ignore Laetrile because, when it did receive national publicity, it became popular. People decided to give it a try in spite of the negative press. If they had been told they were going to die anyway, why not? And the clinics in Mexico thrived. Another reason may be that, although the controversy continues, there is nothing of substance that is really new. Each unfolding event is merely an extension of forces and arguments that have preceded.
For example, in 1977, the parents of Chad Green kidnaped their own son and took him to Mexico to avoid being forced by officials in Massachusetts into giving him chemotherapy for his leukemia. They preferred nutritional therapy instead. This is part of the heavy price we pay for allowing government the power to decide what is best for us and our families. When special-interest groups become politically strong enough to write the laws, then it is those groups that tell us what to do-all in the name of protecting us, of course.
The Chad Green story made big headlines but, unfortunately, the same thing involving other children has happened numerous times since then with only minor news coverage. For example, in 1999, James and Donna Navarro were told that their four-year-old son, Thomas, had a malignant brain tumor. Surgery left the child speechless, blind, and unable to walk. When the doctors told the Navarros that Thomas would also have to undergo radiation and chemotherapy, they researched the medical literature and learned that these treatments probably would further impair the boys brain function and that long-term survival was unlikely anyway. So they decided to try an alternative therapy called antineoplastons offered at the Stanislaw R. Burzynsky Research Institute in Houston. At this point, the FDA stepped in and prohibited Dr. Burzynsky from accepting the boy as a patient unless he first had undergone chemotherapy and radiation.
Mr. Navarro explains: "What they don't understand is that there won't be anything left of him to salvage if we make him take that awful treatment first." When he did not fall in line with the doctors' demands, he began to receive harassing phone calls from hospital personnel. One oncologist threatened to file charges with the state. When Mr. Navarro still refused, the doctor went to the protective-services agency and filed childabuse charges against the parents.
In 1980, movie actor Steve McQueen also made news when he went to Mexico for Laetrile and other unorthodox therapies. When he died following surgery four months later, the press had a heyday telling the American people that Laetrile didn't work. What they failed to report is that McQueen's cancer was, indeed, apparently cured by Laetrile, and that only a non-cancerous tumor remained in his abdomen. (Most tumors are composed of a mixture of cancer and non-cancerous tissue.) McQueen was feeling great and decided to have the bulge removed for cosmetic reasons. It was a complication of that surgery, not cancer, which caused his death. Not a word of his prior recovery was to be found in the major press. Consequently, millions of Americans who followed the story came away with the conviction that Laetrile is just another hoax. That, too, is merely an extension of the kind of biased media reporting that has become a permanent part of the coverage of Laetrile. It continues today.
The most notable example of continuity has been the so-called scientific tests conducted by the nation's largest cancer-research centers to establish if Laetrile works or is a hoax. Both the Mayo Clinic and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center played conspicuous roles in this particular act. The evidence of foul play that rose from the smolders of the data debris left behind is so shocking and conclusive that I have created an entire new chapter in this edition to showcase it. If you read nothing else in this book, read that section for sure. It will change your view of the integrity of American medical research, to say the least. But even that was a continuation of pseudo science enlisted in defense of economic vested interest that was well established in the early 70s.
So, although many events have happened since this book was first published, the basic story remains the same. Unfortunately, to bring it up to date has required an amazingly small amount of revision. It is still bad news for freedom-of-choice in cancer therapy.
It was during the summer of 1971 that I first remember hearing the word Laetrile. The late Dr. John Richardson and I were sharing a short vacation in Oregon attempting to enjoy the natural beauties of that state. I say attempting because the good doctor, who was an extremely intense person, had brought his briefcase with him. It was not loaded with fishing gear. In fact, it yielded an almost endless supply of correspondence, research papers, and books all on the unlikely subject of "L-mandelonitrilebeta-glucuroniside in the Treatment of Human Cancer."
At first, I had about as much interest in this topic as in learning about internal stresses in the construction of girder bridges. Undoubtedly, these are fascinating subjects to the physician and the engineer whose professions are wrapped around the minutiae of related theory and formula. But to me, the lush green forest and the babbling stream were objects infinitely more worthy of my attention, and I'm sure that my impatience had begun to show. But my determined companion continued with all the persistence of a bulldog with a fresh hold on a seat of pants. And he insisted that I read the first draft of a manuscript he had prepared with the possibility of submission for magazine publication.
In the course of reading that manuscript, I became aware for the first time that, although there was overwhelming evidence that vitamin therapy is effective in the treatment of cancer, apparently there were powerful forces at work to prevent this fact from being known. Reacting as most people do when they first hear this assertion, I remember asking skeptically, "Who are they, John? Who on earth would want to hold back a cure for cancer?"
With the asking of that question, my interest finally had been aroused and, even though I wouldn't have believed it at the time, I was already embarked upon a course of inquiry that was to lead to the uncovering of one of the most amazing stories of the twentieth century. The ambitious purpose of this book is to present at least the highlights of that story and to answer the question "Who are they, John?"
G. Edward Griffin
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I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com
If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes
If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.
Here are all eBooks and Summaries produced so far:
FREE Summary: Bitten by Kris Newby (Lyme Disease)
FREE Summary: The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr Malcolm Kendrick
FREE Summary: Propaganda by Edward Bernays
FREE Summary: Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff (Glyphosate)
FREE Summary: The Measles Book by CHD
FREE Summary: The Deep Hot Biosphere by Thomas Gold (Abiogenic Oil)
FREE Summary: The Peanut Allergy Epidemic by Heather Fraser
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
I shrunk and killed a breast tumor using mistletoe IV, and direct tumor injections. I am in the southeast United States. I did this back on 2018. My doctor is in Atlanta, Georgia.
>I want to mention, I never went to an oncologist because I knew they would attempt to fear me with BS stats and those stats would get lodged in my subconscious and it would negatively effect me. I did a lot of research. I will say I started with the book Radical Remission by Kelly Turner and this gave me the confidence I needed to plot my own path. Once I realized that, yes, other people were healing themselves without chemo and radiation, I knew it was possible for me too. The books shares stories of every type of cancer, stages...people who did conventional and it failed, as it often does and these people still healed. Rich people, poor people.. it doesn't matter, everyone can heal their body from cancer. Poisoning it back to health is not the answer. The #1 common thing between all people that heal themselves, is a great attitude. As I see it, education about what cancer is and what it's not is essential. Knowing other people have healed it with conventional is helpful. It's not something to fear. If your body created it, it can heal it. Once we learn about something we demystify it and its not something we can't face. Handing over our health and our bodies to people who see us as a profit source is the wrong move. <
More about mistletoe: A man that was healing at the same time as me who had stage 4 prostate that had spread to bones, healed fully even bone Mets using mistletoe and vitamin c.
People are healing themselves all over the world without conventional.
Chris Wark aka Chris Beat Cancer healed from stage 3 colon cancer over 15 years ago and is an important voice in this space.
So are Ty and Charlene Bollinger.
Believe Big is the organization that brought mistletoe to the US doctors.
Its fever therapy. Fevers kills cancer cells. No wonder they teach us to suppress fevers in our kids. All those vaccines that cause cancer would go to waste. That's was sarcasm. Sorry.
The Mistletoe Book.com is a book written by doctors in the US and Germany with the intent to educate doctors and lay people about the benefits of mistletoe in conjunction with conventional therapies. It is my belief that no conventional therapies besides surgery are needed and even then it's not always needed. The US doctors can't say this because, well, the medical mafia...so they offer its a complimentary therapy. It can be used alone and should be.
Dr. Nasha Winters is a great voice in this space about how cancer is a metabolic disease that can be managed. She has a website and is on IG and wrote the book The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. She has a podcast starting on October 10th and her first guest is Dr. Zach Bush and they will be talking about cancering, as Dr. Winters calls it. Not something to be feared.
October is breast cancer awareness month. Total BS. It is a month long marketing campaign for early detection. See article I posted in another comment. Most women when they die, of something else, when they are 80 will have had abnormal cancer cells in their breasts. For the most part, early detection doesn't save lives, it just makes more customers and ultimately harms and kills more woman than cancer ever would.
Do we really need a whole month to be aware of breast cancer? Anyone who knows anything about our awareness knows, what we focus on grows and what we ignore fades away. So makes sense that they would want to continually remind woman of breast cancer once a year for an entire month with their bullshit propaganda campaign.
It wasn't until this pysop with covid that it became more clear how they use the fear of illness or suffering to get people to willingly, out of fear, harm themselves, and they make money off of it. I am surprised they haven't come up with a BC vaccine to push on the moronic population.
By now so many are waking up to the fact that we really need to be our own advocates and help one another see the truth.
One guy I knew back in the 1990s told me that preventative mastectomies made sense (based on some assay of liklihood you will develop breast cancer). That's when I knew that certain people are bat shit crazy.