Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Pinned

I shrunk and killed a breast tumor using mistletoe IV, and direct tumor injections. I am in the southeast United States. I did this back on 2018. My doctor is in Atlanta, Georgia.

>I want to mention, I never went to an oncologist because I knew they would attempt to fear me with BS stats and those stats would get lodged in my subconscious and it would negatively effect me. I did a lot of research. I will say I started with the book Radical Remission by Kelly Turner and this gave me the confidence I needed to plot my own path. Once I realized that, yes, other people were healing themselves without chemo and radiation, I knew it was possible for me too. The books shares stories of every type of cancer, stages...people who did conventional and it failed, as it often does and these people still healed. Rich people, poor people.. it doesn't matter, everyone can heal their body from cancer. Poisoning it back to health is not the answer. The #1 common thing between all people that heal themselves, is a great attitude. As I see it, education about what cancer is and what it's not is essential. Knowing other people have healed it with conventional is helpful. It's not something to fear. If your body created it, it can heal it. Once we learn about something we demystify it and its not something we can't face. Handing over our health and our bodies to people who see us as a profit source is the wrong move. <

More about mistletoe: A man that was healing at the same time as me who had stage 4 prostate that had spread to bones, healed fully even bone Mets using mistletoe and vitamin c.

People are healing themselves all over the world without conventional.

Chris Wark aka Chris Beat Cancer healed from stage 3 colon cancer over 15 years ago and is an important voice in this space.

So are Ty and Charlene Bollinger.

Believe Big is the organization that brought mistletoe to the US doctors.

Its fever therapy. Fevers kills cancer cells. No wonder they teach us to suppress fevers in our kids. All those vaccines that cause cancer would go to waste. That's was sarcasm. Sorry.

The Mistletoe Book.com is a book written by doctors in the US and Germany with the intent to educate doctors and lay people about the benefits of mistletoe in conjunction with conventional therapies. It is my belief that no conventional therapies besides surgery are needed and even then it's not always needed. The US doctors can't say this because, well, the medical mafia...so they offer its a complimentary therapy. It can be used alone and should be.

Dr. Nasha Winters is a great voice in this space about how cancer is a metabolic disease that can be managed. She has a website and is on IG and wrote the book The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. She has a podcast starting on October 10th and her first guest is Dr. Zach Bush and they will be talking about cancering, as Dr. Winters calls it. Not something to be feared.

October is breast cancer awareness month. Total BS. It is a month long marketing campaign for early detection. See article I posted in another comment. Most women when they die, of something else, when they are 80 will have had abnormal cancer cells in their breasts. For the most part, early detection doesn't save lives, it just makes more customers and ultimately harms and kills more woman than cancer ever would.

Do we really need a whole month to be aware of breast cancer? Anyone who knows anything about our awareness knows, what we focus on grows and what we ignore fades away. So makes sense that they would want to continually remind woman of breast cancer once a year for an entire month with their bullshit propaganda campaign.

It wasn't until this pysop with covid that it became more clear how they use the fear of illness or suffering to get people to willingly, out of fear, harm themselves, and they make money off of it. I am surprised they haven't come up with a BC vaccine to push on the moronic population.

By now so many are waking up to the fact that we really need to be our own advocates and help one another see the truth.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Do I trust the cancer “screening” process or schedule? NO!

I often wonder if “detected” cancers would have resolved on their own had they remained unknown and undisturbed.

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

One guy I knew back in the 1990s told me that preventative mastectomies made sense (based on some assay of liklihood you will develop breast cancer). That's when I knew that certain people are bat shit crazy.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Fenbendazole (there's a substack on it) also seems to have promising anti-cancer properties.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Brilliant article! As a child, during the Laetrile hubbub, I never understood why they just wouldn't leave those poor people alone to take whatever they wanted to take for their cancer, because "they were going to die anyway." <--- My thinking at that time.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Apricot seeds and other B17 products are available in this country. Prior to the internet they were quite difficult to find, but it's much easier now. Companies can sell the products as long as they make no mention that they can cure cancer. Doing both gets them busted. I've been dealing with this company for years, and have been well satisfied.


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Sep 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

My step daughter had a lump in her breast found about 6 months ago. They scheduled her for a biopsy. In the mean time my wife started her on high dose vitamin D-3 and when she presented for the biopsy they couldn't find anything to biopsy. So what ever it was it was gone!!!

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

775 324-4889

We used blood root paste/amazon paste/black salve on Mom’s stage 4 lung cancer which had metastasized to her kidney and a tad to her brain. It is an essiac as you mentioned. Her tumors were gone in about 30-35 days, very little pain (and Mom was kind of a pain weenie!) which was managed with 2-3 advil! NO hair loss, NO tooth loss, NO nausea! When all the tests came back, her oncologist said, “Mrs. Patterson, you have NO living cancer cells in your body!”

When asked to what he attributed that outcome to after having said it was incurable, he replied, “Whatever we did, worked!” 🙄 The trouble is, WE didn’t do anything! Bloodroot was all we used.

You will look up horror stories and it looks like people will be disfigured forever, but just know, it gets way gross and weird and then it HEALS! We’ve used it to cure several skin cancers on friends, as well as a couple of other serious cancers. Some are freaked out by it (and not freaked out by chemo and radiation???!??) but I’m here to say it WORKS and it’s easy!

** I put the phone number at the top of this comment. I vouch for Robert and his healing salve all day long!

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Some years ago my oldest daughter asked me wht I would do if I was diagnosed with cancer. I told her it would depend on a lot of factors, like whether I had gone to where I was informed of the abnormal test results for some completely unrelated reason. In short was a weird mass or abnormal result detected during a routine exam such as a PAP smear or ultrasound or radiograaphy? Or do I actually have symptoms which is consistent with some sort of concerning illness? At a bare minimum if it was just some result detected during something else, I would want a second opinion by somebody who doesn't even know about the first result. If I truely have no symptoms I'd probably wait on even that, as whatever it is might well clear on its own. Now if I did have concerning symptoms, whether they be coughing up blood or persistent migraine headaches or neaar constant low grade fevers, I would likely consult for a treatment plan, somewhere far far far away from the original point of diagnosis like say Mexico. I'd figure even in those cases if cancer is an outgrowth of something I'm eating, drinking, breathing, thinking or doing then the change of scenery should benefit me regardless!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

You missed out on two more treatments: Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole. Fenben they have know about its anti tumor properties since, oh 1980s? But no money in it. Withered on the vine. And know IVM has shown some helpfulness as well. Look up Joe Tippens and his protocols of CBD oil, Fenben and vit E ... it worked for him and many others.

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There’s another source of essaic I trust as we have used it on various animals and skin cancers (BTW, the sun isn’t a villain! Sunscreen use has gone up 4000% yet skin cancer has only gone down 1.8%! Hmmm… And many other diseases the sun helps have of course gone through the roof! Go to the beach!)

Search altcancer.net or .com (as in alternative to cancer) AlphaOmega Labs has the same thing called Amazon paste— cheaper but takes a little longer to draw out tumors.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

You do great work and very much appreciate your dissemination of all the double speak.

Herbs naturally occurring on the planet have the power to heal yes even cancers . among the literature are many recorded successes. I also study with a Wiradjuri woman and we put together medicine for people that works though we cannot make any claims. seriously between us all we find the path to healing and the very last place to go .

We are spiritual beings in form having a planetary experience and when we awake we see medicine support is all around us in the natural world.

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Thank you for putting this wonderful resource together! I've recently stumbled upon apples as a cure for radiation poisoning as they chelate heavy metals like cesium via pectin, along with regulation of mTor via amygdalin in their seeds (B17):


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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

My aunt had breast cancer in 1969 at about 40 years old and had a radical mastectomy. After she healed, she went to Mexico for treatment with Laetrile. She lived to her 80s and passed from dementia but remained cancer free. She made a new friend who was also a patient and her friend lived until her 70s. It worked for my aunt!

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

BIOPSY THOUGHTS: Have you ever aerated your soil in hopes of breaking up your DENSE (in our case, red GA) clay? It’s the difference between planting seed in a brick or in a sponge. It enables the ROOTS of your crops/grass to really breathe, to dig deep and THRIVE.

Same thing occurs when you dig around and do biopsies. No thanks.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Before I start: Ahmad "Doc" Malik on his (Rumble) channel has interviewed the author of 180 Degrees (Feargus Greenwood) AND one with Edward G. Griffin drops on Monday...

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