It’s pretty obvious by now, at least to me, that something very old and very rotten is running this planet. It interests me because I still want to know “what” chased me and my family with a needle.
Jason Christoff was the first to refer to it:
Interview with Jason Christoff - Lies are Unbekoming
11. In your research, you've found connections between ancient Egyptian practices and modern control techniques. Could you elaborate on some of these parallels?
The Egyptians... everybody knows about the secret societies. There's an Egyptian pyramid on the back of the U.S. Dollar bill. An Egyptian obelisk in the Vatican, in the city of London. The Washington Monument is an Egyptian obelisk, and people still don't get it because of the repetitive content. Don't forget repetitive content that doesn't exist won't affect you so they're never telling people. There's a big Egyptian connection.
There is very little good material written about this, for us lay people.
No summary of Eustace Mullins’s book can do it justice. Every page is born of hundreds of hours of research and study.
I’m summarizing it here (in this lengthy stack) to provide an entry point into the subject matter and to explain some of the terms and language that have been circulating in the dissident space since Operation Lock Step began in March 2020.
I recommend you buy and read the book for yourself and decide how to orient yourself to this information.
The Curse of Canaan book by Eustace Clarence Mullins
With thanks to Eustace Mullins.
Let’s start with an analogy.
Related stacks:
Imagine a centuries-old chess game being played in a grand mansion, but one where most people can only see the pieces moving on a ground-floor board. What they don't realize is that master players are actually coordinating moves from a hidden upper floor, using a complex system of pulleys and levers to control the pieces below.
The pieces appear to move according to normal chess rules—pawns advance, knights jump, bishops traverse diagonally—and observers study these surface movements intently, debating strategy and predicting next moves. They write detailed analyses of why certain pieces won or lost, create theories about game patterns, and even take sides rooting for black or white.
But the real game isn't actually about chess at all. The hidden players upstairs are engaged in an ancient blood feud, using the chess game as mere cover for their true conflict. The pieces represent nations, banks, churches, and armies. What appears to be a simple pawn capture might actually represent a revolution; a knight's move might be a banking crisis; a bishop's diagonal sweep could be a world war.
The observers below see only the immediate moves and their apparent consequences. They don't realize that what looks like a random bishop sacrifice was planned decades in advance, or that seemingly opposing pieces are actually working together under the same hidden hand. The players upstairs use the complexity of the game to conceal their true objectives, while the commentators below continue crafting elaborate theories about chess strategy that completely miss the actual nature of the conflict.
Most importantly, the real players aren't interested in checkmate—their goal is to keep the game going indefinitely, gradually clearing the board of certain types of pieces while maintaining the illusion of normal chess play. The true victory condition isn't about king and country at all, but about a far older quarrel between family lines that stretches back to ancient Babylon.
This is the essence of the book's message: what we see as independent historical events, economic cycles, political movements, and social changes are actually coordinated moves in an ancient struggle, with banking families and secret societies playing pieces according to rules and objectives completely different from what surface-level observation would suggest.
12-Point Summary of the book:
Historical Origins - Ancient Bloodlines:
First, the current world power structure represents an ancient conflict between the Canaanites (descended from Ham through Canaan) and the people of Shem, manifesting through banking, political, and social control systems. This conflict originated with Noah's curse upon Canaan and continues through modern international banking and secret societies.
Banking History and Practices:
Second, international banking emerged from ancient Babylonian temple practices, with modern banks continuing these traditions through the Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and other central banks. These institutions create money from nothing, charging interest on national debts while controlling economies through currency manipulation and strategic crises.
Secret Societies and Religious Practices:
Third, Freemasonry serves as the modern continuation of ancient Canaanite religious practices, particularly the worship of Baal. Operating through thirty-three degrees of initiation, Masonic lodges control government, judiciary, and business through secret networks while maintaining ancient religious practices behind a facade of charitable activities.
Major Historical Events and Banking:
Fourth, major historical events including the French Revolution, American Civil War, and World Wars I and II were engineered by banking interests to eliminate resistant populations, create national debts, and establish international control organizations. These conflicts specifically targeted populations descended from Shem while creating mechanisms for centralized control.
Legal System Structure:
Fifth, the legal system operates under admiralty law rather than common law, treating citizens as commercial entities rather than sovereign individuals. Courts systematically favor Masonic interests, with judges bound by blood oaths to protect fellow members while using procedural complexity to deny justice to others.
Intelligence Agency Operations:
Sixth, intelligence agencies function as private armies for banking interests, coordinating activities through British Intelligence, CIA, and other organizations. These agencies protect banking control through assassination, blackmail, and creation of controlled opposition movements.
Educational and Foundation Control:
Seventh, educational and tax-exempt foundations, established by banking families, control research, education, and social policy while avoiding taxation. These organizations systematically promote policies supporting centralized control while preventing independent investigation or opposition.
Media and Entertainment Influence:
Eighth, modern art, entertainment, and media serve banking interests by promoting Masonic symbolism while degrading traditional cultural standards. These industries operate as crucial tools for social engineering, using predictive programming to prepare populations for planned changes.
Religious Broadcasting and Control:
Ninth, religious broadcasters and modern religious organizations promote interpretations supporting banking control while collecting tax-exempt donations. Traditional religious understanding is systematically suppressed while synthetic versions supporting state control are promoted.
Government and Banking Relations:
Tenth, government corruption stems from systematic control by banking interests operating through Masonic networks. Politicians receive support based on controllability while regulatory agencies protect financial interests through selective enforcement.
International Organizations' Role:
Eleventh, international organizations including the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund serve as mechanisms for implementing banking control over nations. These organizations systematically undermine national sovereignty while promoting centralized authority.
Ultimate Objectives and Control:
Twelfth, the ultimate objective involves establishing absolute world control through elimination of independent populations, particularly targeting descendants of Shem. This plan includes systematic population reduction while establishing technological control systems, representing the culmination of ancient Canaanite objectives for world domination.
The Curse of Canaan
A demonology of history
By Eustace Mullins The Curse of Canaan: 9781910220337: Mullins, Eustace Clarence: Books
63 Questions and Answers
1: What is the origin and significance of the Curse of Canaan?
Answer: The Curse of Canaan originated when Ham, son of Noah, committed a forbidden act during the great flood by having relations with a pre-Adamite woman on the ark, resulting in the birth of Canaan. Noah, upon learning of this transgression, pronounced a curse upon Canaan, declaring that he would be a servant to his brothers, Shem and Japheth. This curse became the foundation for a historical conflict between two bloodlines.
This curse manifested in the establishment of two distinct groups: the people of Shem, characterized as fair-skinned builders of civilizations, and the Canaanites, who became associated with demon worship, child sacrifice, and the ancient cult of Baal. The Canaanites developed a system of banking, trade, and maritime law that would eventually evolve into modern international banking and legal systems, while maintaining their ancient practices through secret societies and ritualistic organizations.
One: Baal worship originated as the primary religion of the Canaanites, featuring ritual child sacrifice, cannibalism, and sexual orgies. These practices continue in modified form through modern Masonic rituals and banking practices. The name Baal simply meant "Lord" in the Canaanite language, but the practices associated with Baal worship were consistently marked by bloodlust and perversion.
Two: The physical representation of Baal had three heads - a cat, a man, and a toad. His wife Ashtoreth (also known as Astarte and Ishtar) represented the reproductive principle, and their temples served as houses of ritual prostitution where both male and female prostitutes conducted ceremonies.
Three: The child sacrifices to Baal required parents to offer their firstborn children to the demon gods. These ceremonies featured the building of great fires on Baal's altar where children were thrown in while drums and flutes played loudly to drown out their screams. These sacrificial rites are symbolically continued through modern banking wars and social policies.
Four: The worship of Baal was marked by periods known as "Reigns of Terror" throughout history, manifesting in the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, and Spanish Civil War, where mass sacrifices of humans served as offerings to Baal. These events consistently targeted Christian populations.
Five: Modern art movements, particularly abstract art, represent continuation of Baal worship through symbolic representation. The promotion of these art forms through major museums serves to perpetuate ancient Baal imagery while degrading traditional Christian artistic expression.
Six: The international banking system represents a modern continuation of the economic aspects of Baal worship, with wars and economic crises serving as mass sacrifices to this ancient deity. The centers of banking power incorporate architectural elements reflecting Baal worship.
Seven: Baal worship required the construction of "high places" and "groves" where secret ceremonies could be conducted. After the execution of Nimrod, these practices went underground but continued through secret societies, particularly Freemasonry.
Eight: The temples of Baal and Ashtoreth were usually built together, focusing on fertility rites and human sacrifice. This tradition continues through modern institutional structures where banking and government centers are strategically placed together.
Nine: The worship of Baal consistently focused on overturning natural law and God's order, promoting practices that violated divine law. Modern manifestations continue this pattern through promotion of activities that degrade traditional moral standards.
Ten: The ultimate goal of Baal worship involves establishing absolute control over humanity through elimination of competing religious systems, particularly Christianity. The modern banking system serves as a sophisticated continuation of Baal's ancient sacrificial system, with economic warfare replacing literal sacrifice while maintaining the same spiritual significance.
2: How have the people of Shem and Canaanites interacted throughout history?
Answer: Throughout history, the interaction between these groups has been marked by constant conflict and attempts at mutual destruction. The people of Shem established great civilizations, including the Egyptian empire under Shem himself, who built the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. They created systems of law, agriculture, and technology while spreading their culture across Europe and into the Americas as the fair-skinned pioneers and settlers.
The Canaanites, operating through various fronts including the Phoenicians, Venetians, and later the "black nobility," consistently worked to infiltrate and destroy Shemitic civilizations. Their methods included usury, corruption of local governments, promotion of vice, and the establishment of secret societies to maintain control. This pattern continued through major historical events including the French Revolution, American Civil War, and World Wars I and II.
3: How does Freemasonry connect to ancient Babylonian and Canaanite practices?
Answer: Freemasonry serves as a direct continuation of ancient Babylonian mystery religions and Canaanite practices, preserving their rituals and beliefs through secret ceremonies and symbolic imagery. The organization's structure mirrors the ancient temples of Baal, with thirty-three degrees of initiation corresponding to the various levels of ancient mystery school hierarchy. The fundamental practices include the worship of Lucifer, presented as the Great Architect of the Universe.
The Masonic lodges maintain the ancient Canaanite traditions through their use of symbols, including the compass and square, which represent the tools of Solomon's Temple, and the letter G, which stands for both generation (fertility rites) and Gnosticism. Their rituals include blood oaths, symbolic death and resurrection ceremonies, and the preservation of ancient Babylonian banking and legal practices through their influence in modern institutions.
In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness. On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, "And God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light." In fact, the use of God's name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the occult degrees, and is an example of the internal deception by which the occult degrees rule the fellow crafts. Lucifer in the true name of the being whom they worship as a god, \s their mentor, Albert Pike, made plain in his communications to Mazzini and other Masonic leaders. – Mullins
[Unbekoming: The Rainbow!]
4: What influence did the Rothschild family have in shaping modern banking and politics?
Answer: The Rothschild dynasty emerged as the dominant force in international banking through their carefully orchestrated financial operations during the Napoleonic Wars. Operating through five brothers stationed in different European capitals, they established a network of banks that could transfer funds and information rapidly, gaining enormous leverage over European governments through war debt financing and bond markets.
Through their control of the Bank of England and later influence over the Federal Reserve System, they orchestrated major historical events including the American Civil War, where they funded both sides, and the creation of the State of Israel. Their method involved making loans to governments rather than individuals, using national debts as leverage to influence policy and often precipitating wars to create more debt-based opportunities.
The Rothschilds
One: The Rothschilds emerged as the dominant world banking force by financing both sides of the Napoleonic Wars, using a network of five brothers stationed in different European capitals. Through their superior intelligence network, they gained advance knowledge of Wellington's victory at Waterloo, using this information to gain control of the Bank of England through market manipulation.
Two: They operate as the head of the "black nobility," having intermarried with European aristocracy while maintaining their Canaanite banking practices. Their family name change from Bauer to Rothschild (meaning "red shield") symbolically connected them to the ancient practices of revolution and bloodshed.
Three: The Rothschilds were principal funders of the Communist revolution, working through agents like Jacob Schiff who provided millions to support the Bolsheviks. This seemingly contradictory support of Communism served their larger objective of establishing centralized control systems while eliminating resistant populations.
Four: They maintain control through a network of central banks, with the Federal Reserve System being one of their primary instruments. The Rothschilds achieved this by having their agents, particularly Paul Warburg and others, design and implement the Federal Reserve System at Jekyll Island.
Five: According to documented evidence, the Rothschilds planned the division of the United States during the Civil War, with James and Lionel Rothschild proposing to split the nation between them. They financed both sides of the conflict while working to establish permanent division of the country.
Six: The family maintains extraordinary secrecy in their operations, never signing their correspondence and conducting business through multiple layers of agents and front organizations. This operational security has allowed them to maintain control while avoiding public scrutiny.
Seven: Their agents orchestrated major world events, including World Wars I and II, using these conflicts to eliminate resistant populations while creating massive national debts that ensured banking control over governments. These wars served to establish international organizations advancing their control agenda.
Eight: The Rothschilds work through a Council of Five, composed of family leaders and closest associates, which governs the "World Order of Canaanitic Freemasonry." Below this sits a Council of 13 and a Council of 500, incorporating leading political, business, and religious figures.
Nine: They maintain control over the worldwide gold and diamond trade through companies like DeBeers and Anglo-American Corporation, using these resources to manipulate national currencies and maintain economic control. Their speculation in currencies like the South African rand demonstrates their continued ability to manipulate national economies.
Ten: The Rothschild influence extends into religion through their support of particular theological interpretations and religious movements that support their objectives. Their agents promote specific interpretations of biblical prophecy while suppressing traditional understandings that might threaten their control system.
5: How did Virginia become a center of political and Masonic power?
Answer: Virginia's transformation into a Masonic stronghold began with the arrival of British-backed Masonic operatives who established control over the state's legal and political systems. The Masonic influence was consolidated through key figures like Edmund Randolph, who served as both Grand Master of Virginia Masonry and the state's first Attorney General, establishing a system where Masonic membership became crucial for political and business success.
The state developed a hierarchical system controlled by a small group of Masonic families, particularly under Harry Byrd's political machine, which maintained power through control of state resources, patronage, and the ABC (liquor control) system modeled after the Soviet system. This control extended to the courts, where Masonic judges consistently ruled in favor of fellow Masons, creating a two-tiered justice system that persists to the present.
6: What were the hidden drivers behind the American Revolution?
Answer: Behind the public narrative of colonial independence lay a complex web of Masonic and banking interests orchestrating events from London. The revolution was largely engineered by British Intelligence through Masonic lodges, which controlled key figures on both sides of the conflict. The goal was not true independence but rather the establishment of a new financial system that would maintain control through debt and hidden obligations to European banking interests.
The aftermath saw the creation of a legal system based on British admiralty law and the establishment of Masonic control over key institutions. The Constitutional Convention itself was dominated by Masonic influences, with many key figures being high-ranking Masons. The resulting system preserved the essence of British control while creating the illusion of independence, establishing a framework for continued Canaanite domination through financial and legal mechanisms.
7: How did the Federal Reserve System emerge and who controls it?
Answer: The Federal Reserve System emerged from a secret meeting at Jekyll Island in 1910, organized by Paul Warburg, Henry P. Davison, and Senator Nelson Aldrich. The controlling shares of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York were purchased with $400 million of Czar Nicholas II's sequestered funds, which had been transferred to New York banks before the Russian Revolution. Ironically, the Romanoff family technically still owns the controlling interest.
The system operates as a private corporation owned by major banking families, primarily the Rothschilds through various front organizations. It creates money through debt instruments, controlling the American economy through interest rates and money supply, while operating without true government oversight despite its official-sounding name.
8: What were the true causes of World War I?
Answer: World War I was initiated through the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Masonic operatives working through Serbian secret societies. The assassination plot was widely known beforehand, with the Archduke himself aware that Freemasons had resolved to kill him. The true purpose was to destroy the remaining Christian monarchies of Europe and create massive war debts that would enslave nations to international bankers.
The war served to establish a new world order through the destruction of four empires - the German, Austrian, Russian, and Ottoman - while creating the League of Nations as a first step toward world government. The Treaty of Versailles was arranged at a three-tier conference system where the real decisions were made at secret Masonic meetings, not the public sessions.
9: How did the Russian Revolution connect to international banking interests?
Answer: International bankers, particularly Jacob Schiff and the Rothschild interests, provided crucial funding for the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin received substantial funds through Swedish banks, while Trotsky was given $10,000 by the Rockefellers when leaving New York. These banking interests saw the revolution as an opportunity to seize Russia's vast resources and establish a testing ground for their social control methods.
The Revolution was financed through an intricate network of banks including Nya Bank in Stockholm and various German institutions. After the revolution succeeded, an estimated sixty-six million Russians were killed in the resulting purge, while the Czar's enormous foreign banking deposits were retained by the banks without payment to his heirs.
The Rockefellers
One: The Rockefellers maintained extensive control over American education through their foundations, particularly through the General Education Board. This organization systematically altered American education to promote collectivist ideologies and eliminate independent thinking. The Rockefeller Foundation's influence ensured that educational institutions would support Masonic-Canaanite objectives.
Two: In the art world, the Rockefellers single-handedly created the Museum of Modern Art, using it to promote "modern" art that contained hidden occult symbolism while making millions through manipulation of art valuations. They deliberately promoted abstract art to degrade traditional Western cultural expression and replace it with Canaanite symbolic systems.
Three: Their monopolistic control extended into medicine and healthcare through their dominance of medical education and pharmaceutical research. By controlling medical licensing and research funding, they shaped healthcare delivery to serve banking interests rather than public health.
Four: Through their banking connections, the Rockefellers worked closely with other banking families, particularly the Rothschilds, in implementing international banking control systems. Their banks were among those that helped finance both sides of major conflicts, including World Wars I and II.
Five: The Rockefeller Foundation played a crucial role in promoting internationalist policies, supporting the creation of organizations like the United Nations while working to undermine national sovereignty. Their tax-exempt foundations served as crucial mechanisms for implementing global control strategies.
Six: They maintained extensive control over churches and religious organizations through strategic funding and infiltration of seminaries. This allowed them to promote religious interpretations supporting banking control while discouraging traditional biblical understanding that might threaten their power.
Seven: Their oil monopoly, Standard Oil, served as a model for monopolistic control in other industries. When broken up by antitrust action, the resulting companies remained under coordinated control while creating the illusion of competition.
Eight: The Rockefellers were instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve System, working with other banking families to create the Jekyll Island plan that would centralize control over American currency and credit.
Nine: Through their foundations, the Rockefellers exercised extensive control over media and publishing, ensuring that their role in world events would be portrayed favorably while suppressing information about their true activities and objectives.
Ten: The family maintained close connections with intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA, using these relationships to protect their interests worldwide while promoting policies beneficial to banking control systems. Their foundations often served as conduits for intelligence operations disguised as philanthropic activities.
One: Lenin maintained close Masonic ties during his years in Switzerland, where he was a member of a secret Lodge under the name "Ulianov Zederbaum." He received regular financial support and visits from Lord Palmerston and Sir Alfred Milner, both 33rd degree Masons who represented British banking interests.
Two: His return to Russia was orchestrated by banking interests, who arranged his famous "sealed train" journey from Switzerland. German banking interests, particularly through Max Warburg, provided substantial funding through Swedish banks for the Bolshevik operation.
Three: Lenin was installed in power after Kerensky (a 32nd degree Mason who had been chosen by Josef Sliozberg, Grand Master of B'nai B'rith in Russia) held power temporarily. Kerensky's only real mission was to hold control until Lenin could arrive from Switzerland.
Four: Under Lenin's leadership, the Bolsheviks were provided with ample funds from multiple banking sources, including support through Stockholm's Nya Bank, the Siberian Bank, and various German financial institutions, all coordinated by international banking families.
Five: Lenin's revolution was actively supported by Western banking interests, particularly through Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb Co., who openly congratulated the Russian people on overthrowing the "tyrannical autocracy" - despite Lenin establishing an even more tyrannical system.
Six: The success of Lenin's revolution was ensured by the strategic placement of Allied troops in Siberia, which appeared to support the White Russians but actually ensured their defeat by providing a rallying cry for Bolshevik propaganda about foreign intervention.
Seven: After taking power, Lenin established a system that would ultimately kill sixty-six million Russians, particularly targeting the fair-skinned descendants of Shem. This fulfilled ancient Canaanite objectives while establishing a model for worldwide control.
Eight: Lenin's government was sustained by continuous financial support from Western banks, particularly through the Federal Reserve System, which channeled money through various European banks to support the Soviet regime.
Nine: His regime established a system of gulags and terror that fulfilled ancient Canaanite practices of human sacrifice and torture, while maintaining power through a sophisticated system of secret police and informants.
Ten: Lenin's role demonstrates how banking interests install and maintain controlled opposition leaders to advance their objectives. While publicly opposing capitalism, his regime actually served banking interests by eliminating independent economic activity and concentrating power in controllable central authorities while conducting mass elimination of targeted populations.
One: Trotsky received direct financial support from international banking interests, including $10,000 in cash from the Rockefellers when he sailed from New York. On September 21, 1917, he received a telegram from Stockholm informing him that the Bank of Max Warburg & Co. had opened a bank account for his "undertaking."
Two: His funding came through an intricate network of banks and intermediaries, including the Disconto Gesellschaft, Nya Bank, and Siberian Bank. Key intermediaries included Helphand-Parvus, Ganetsky, Koslousky, and Krassin, demonstrating the sophisticated financial network supporting the revolution.
Three: After the revolution, a special trust was established to exercise final control over the Soviet government, consisting of Dzerzhinsky (founder of the Cheka), British secret agent Sidney Reilly, and W. Averell Harriman. This trust was a continuation of the Parvus fund that had brought Lenin to power.
Four: The operation installing Trotsky in power was directed by Count Volpi di Misurata, a black nobility figure who had also put Mussolini in power and orchestrated numerous Balkan Wars. This demonstrates the connection between seemingly opposing political movements.
Five: When the Red Army was losing the war under Trotsky's leadership due to its brutal practices alienating the population, the Federal Reserve Bank directors orchestrated the deployment of Allied troops to Russia. This apparently hostile action actually helped rally support for the Red Army.
Six: Trotsky served as a key propagandist, using the presence of foreign troops to portray the Bolshevik campaign as a patriotic defense of Russia, successfully rallying peasant support despite the regime's brutality toward the population.
Seven: The support for Trotsky came from three directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who recognized that his brutal campaign was failing and engineered the Allied intervention to provide him with a propaganda tool to rally support.
Eight: After the revolution's success, Trotsky participated in creating a regime of unprecedented brutality, establishing concentration camps and implementing systematic terror against the population, particularly targeting educated and religious classes.
Nine: His role in the Red Army's campaign involved the implementation of ancient Canaanite practices of mass sacrifice and terror, while maintaining the illusion of fighting for workers' rights and social justice.
Ten: Trotsky's career exemplifies how banking interests install and maintain revolutionary leaders who appear to oppose capitalism while actually serving banking objectives of population reduction and centralized control. His brutal regime was continuously supported by the same Western banking interests he claimed to oppose.
10: How did Albert Pike shape modern Freemasonry?
Answer: Albert Pike transformed Freemasonry by codifying its rituals and philosophies in "Morals and Dogma," establishing the Supreme Council 33rd degree in Charleston, South Carolina. He openly advocated Lucifer as the true god of the Masonic order and developed the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, which included the most sacred and secret Masonic ceremonies.
Pike outlined a plan for three world wars that would advance Masonic control: the first to create a communist state, the second to strengthen it, and the third to create a final conflict between Christianity and atheistic communism. He maintained correspondence with European revolutionary leaders like Mazzini, coordinating worldwide Masonic activities while serving as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite.
One: According to Albert Pike, a prominent Masonic leader, Lucifer is the true god of Freemasonry, openly declared as such in Masonic teachings. Pike advocated for Lucifer worship in his writings and rituals for the higher degrees of Masonry.
Two: The worship of Lucifer continues ancient Canaanite practices through the Masonic system. This connection is evidenced in Masonic symbols, particularly the blazing star, which represents Sirius, and the letter "G," which stands for both generation and Gnosticism in Luciferian doctrine.
Three: In Masonic lodges, Lucifer is presented under the euphemism of "The Great Architect of the Universe." This careful terminology allows Masonry to maintain public respectability while continuing ancient Luciferian worship among initiated members.
Four: The Masonic relationship with Lucifer involves a direct opposition to Christianity. Pike established the Adonaicide Mass for top officials of the New Palladian Rite, which portrayed the serpent as mankind's true friend and Christ as humanity's enemy.
Five: Luciferian doctrine within Masonry teaches that Lucifer is the bearer of light and wisdom, presenting him as the liberator of humanity rather than its deceiver. This teaching becomes more explicit in higher degrees of Masonic initiation.
Six: The Luciferian aspect of Masonry connects to banking power through ritualistic practices. Major banking centers and government buildings incorporate Luciferian symbols and architectural elements reflecting this worship.
Seven: According to Pike's correspondence with Mazzini, Luciferian doctrine would eventually be revealed openly following the destruction of Christianity and atheism through orchestrated world conflicts.
Eight: The worship of Lucifer in Masonry involves specific rituals including the Black Mass and other ceremonies inherited from ancient Canaanite practices, particularly those involving blood oaths and symbolic sacrifices.
Nine: Luciferian doctrine promotes revolution against established order, particularly targeting Christian civilization. This is evidenced in the Masonic involvement in various revolutions and social movements designed to undermine traditional Christian society.
Ten: The ultimate goal of Luciferian Masonry involves establishing a world order where Lucifer is openly worshipped following the elimination of competing religious systems. This plan includes the systematic destruction of Christian civilization through carefully orchestrated social, economic, and political movements.
11: What connections exist between modern art and ancient occult practices?
Answer: Modern abstract art directly represents ancient Canaanite occult symbolism, with non-representational shapes and forms actually depicting secret Masonic and occult symbols. The Museum of Modern Art was created by the Rockefellers specifically to promote this symbolic language, while devaluing traditional representational art that celebrated Western civilization and Christian themes.
Many prominent modern artists studied occult symbolism at institutions like the Papus Institute in Paris. The triangle, chevron, and target became dominant symbols in modern art, mirroring ancient Babylonian religious imagery. Artists like Josef Albers gained prominence through Masonic promotion of their work, which featured sacred geometric forms like the square - a fundamental Masonic symbol.
12: How does the legal system maintain societal control?
Answer: The legal system operates on admiralty or maritime law, imported from the Canaanite banking system, rather than common law. Between fifty and ninety percent of judges belonging to Masonic orders are bound by blood oaths to rule in favor of fellow Masons, creating a two-tiered justice system. The Masonic Handbook explicitly instructs members to protect fellow Masons in court regardless of guilt.
Courts function as commercial operations under the Uniform Commercial Code, treating citizens as commercial entities rather than sovereign individuals. Legal procedures, particularly in federal courts, systematically favor Masonic interests while using complex procedural rules to deny justice to non-Masons. This system emerged from ancient Babylonian commercial law rather than traditional English common law.
13: What links exist between television evangelists and ancient Canaanite practices?
Answer: Modern television evangelists continue ancient Canaanite traditions through their promotion of altered Christianity that serves Masonic interests. Their operations generate massive wealth through emotional manipulation, much like ancient temple practices. These evangelists often belong to Masonic organizations and promote interpretations of scripture that support Canaanite objectives rather than traditional Christian teachings.
Their message purposefully misidentifies the targets of biblical prophecies, particularly regarding the people of Shem and the Canaanites. They collect millions in donations while promoting political agendas that align with Masonic goals, operating tax-free because they serve government interests rather than authentic religious purposes.
14: What were the hidden purposes of the Civil War?
Answer: The Civil War served to destroy the independent agricultural society of the South, which represented the people of Shem's traditional way of life. The conflict was engineered by European banking interests working through Masonic networks in both North and South. The real objective was to centralize power in the federal government and establish a national banking system under foreign control.
Constitutional amendments passed during military occupation fundamentally altered the relationship between states and federal government, while creating a uniform commercial code that brought America under admiralty law. The Reconstruction period served to destroy remaining resistance to this new system through military occupation and economic warfare.
15: What forces shaped the rise of Adolf Hitler?
Answer: Hitler's National Socialist party received substantial backing from international banking interests, particularly the Warburg family. The Nazi party name itself derived from National Socialist Party of the Ashkenazim. Documents exist showing Hitler's signature alongside Max Warburg's, demonstrating the close cooperation between Nazi leadership and international banking families.
The movement combined political control with occult practices through groups like Ostara, which practiced Tibetan magic adapted to Aryan racial theories. Hitler's early successes were partly due to these occult influences, but his regime ultimately served as a catalyst for creating the United Nations and advancing international banking control through war debt and reconstruction.
16: How has British Intelligence influenced world events?
Answer: British Intelligence, operating through Lord Shelburne and the East India Company, masterminded major revolutionary movements worldwide. Their operations included controlling both sides of conflicts, exemplified by directing both the American Revolution and British response. Intelligence services created and managed revolutionary figures like Mazzini, Garibaldi, and later Lenin, using them to destabilize existing orders.
Working through banking connections, particularly the Rothschild network, British Intelligence created revolutions in France, Spain, Russia, and throughout South America. Their method involved promoting "liberation" movements while simultaneously ensuring that post-revolutionary governments remained under banking control through war debts and trade agreements.
17: How does the banking system maintain control over nations?
Answer: Banking control operates through a system of deliberate indebtedness, where nations are forced to borrow for wars and emergencies at high interest rates. Central banks, privately owned by banking families, create money from nothing and loan it to governments at interest, ensuring perpetual debt slavery. These debts are then used to dictate national policies and enforce economic sanctions against disobedient nations.
Control is maintained through interlocking directorates between banks and major corporations, manipulation of currency values, and strategic creation of economic crises. The Bank for International Settlements serves as the central bank of central banks, coordinating global financial policy and ensuring that all nations remain within the system.
18: What role does racial heritage play in historical events?
Answer: Historical conflicts reflect an ancient struggle between the people of Shem (characterized as fair-skinned builders of civilization) and the Canaanites who seek to destroy them. Major historical events, from the French Revolution through World Wars I and II, represent orchestrated attempts to reduce the population of Shem's descendants while increasing Canaanite control.
The massive population reductions in these conflicts specifically targeted regions populated by Shem's descendants. Modern social movements often mask this ancient conflict, while immigration policies and social engineering programs work to alter traditional demographic patterns in Western nations.
19: How do secret societies maintain their power structure?
Answer: Secret societies operate through hierarchical degrees of initiation, with each level revealing more of their true purposes to carefully selected individuals. Lower degrees serve as screening mechanisms to identify those willing to accept greater control, while the highest degrees coordinate with banking and intelligence networks to implement global policies.
These organizations maintain control through infiltration of key institutions - judiciary, education, media, and government. Members take blood oaths of secrecy and loyalty, with severe penalties for revelation of secrets. Their ritualistic practices create bonds of shared guilt while their networks ensure preferential treatment for members in business and politics.
20: What significance did the Spanish Civil War have in global conflict?
Answer: The Spanish Civil War served as a testing ground for mass elimination techniques later employed in World War II. Under the direction of Soviet agent Rosenberg, systematic elimination of Christians, particularly priests and nuns, was carried out. These operations were largely ignored by world media due to control by Masonic interests supporting the communists.
The conflict represented a direct attack by Canaanite forces against remaining Christian strongholds in Europe. Murder squads operating under the euphemism "World Revolutionary Movement Purification Squads" conducted systematic eliminations of targeted populations, particularly focusing on educated and religious leadership classes.
21: How does secular humanism connect to ancient religious practices?
Answer: Secular humanism originated in the Accademia of the de Medicis in Florence as a modernized version of the Kabbalah. Despite its apparent focus on human interests over religious concerns, secular humanism operates as a religious movement devoted to implementing Canaanite principles through government bureaucracy and social engineering.
This movement promotes the destruction of traditional values while offering the state as the solution to all human problems. Its true purpose mirrors ancient Baal worship, substituting state authority for divine law and promoting collective control over individual sovereignty.
22: What role does Oriental despotism play in modern governance?
Answer: Oriental despotism represents the Canaanite system of absolute centralized control, implemented through bureaucratic agencies and administrative law. This system requires subjects to bow before authority figures, particularly judges, and demands complete submission to administrative decisions regardless of constitutional rights or common law traditions.
Modern bureaucratic agencies mirror ancient Oriental systems where water rights and economic permissions were controlled by central authority. The implementation of licensing requirements for basic activities represents this ancient control system, forcing citizens to seek permission for activities that were once considered natural rights.
23: How do tax systems function as instruments of control?
Answer: Tax systems operate as weapons against productive citizens, particularly targeting those of Shemitic descent who traditionally build and create. Since 1913, complex tax codes ensure that productive citizens pay between 80-90% of their income through direct and hidden taxes, while tax-exempt foundations controlled by banking interests remain untouched.
The Internal Revenue Service functions as an enforcement arm of the banking system, systematically destroying small businesses and independent producers while exempting controlled foundations and corporations. This system mirrors ancient tributary systems where conquered peoples were forced to pay perpetual tribute to their conquerors.
24: What connections exist between Communism and international banking?
Answer: Communism was created and funded by international banking interests as a method of centralizing control and eliminating private property ownership. Marx was directly related to banking families through marriage and received consistent funding through banking channels. The Communist International was overseen by banking interests who saw it as a means of establishing worldwide control.
The seemingly opposed forces of international capitalism and communism actually work together to eliminate independent businesses and private property ownership. Both systems concentrate power in centralized authorities controlled by banking interests.
Karl Marx and Communism
One: Karl Marx was directly connected to Masonic-Canaanite control through his marriage into the British aristocracy via Jenny von Westphalen, a descendant of the Countess of Balcarras and Argyll. These connections provided him with steady income through commissions for writing in New York newspapers.
Two: The First Communist International was composed of three key figures: Lionel de Rothschild, Karl Marx, and Heinrich Heine. This reveals that Communism was created and controlled by banking interests from its inception, despite its apparent anti-capitalist stance.
Three: Marx received consistent funding through banking channels while maintaining close ties with Jesuits and Freemasonry throughout his career. His work served banking interests by promoting a system that would eliminate private property ownership and concentrate power in centralized authorities.
Four: Communism functions as a tool of the Masonic Canaanites to implement oriental despotism, creating a system where total government control replaces traditional rights and freedoms. This mirrors ancient Babylonian systems of centralized control.
Five: The apparent opposition between international capitalism and communism masks their common origin and purpose. Both systems work together to eliminate independent businesses and private property ownership while concentrating power in centralized authorities controlled by banking interests.
Six: Marx's Communist Manifesto was commissioned by the League of the Just, a branch of the Illuminati, in 1847. Published in 1848, it received immediate worldwide circulation through international Masonic networks, demonstrating the preexisting organizational structure supporting it.
Seven: The Communist system, as implemented in Soviet Russia, resulted in the death of sixty-six million people, particularly targeting the people of Shem. This massive elimination of population fulfilled ancient Canaanite objectives while establishing a model for worldwide control.
Eight: Marx's writings were systematically promoted by banking interests through controlled media and academic institutions, while opposing viewpoints were suppressed. His ideas served as justification for eliminating resistant populations and traditional social structures.
Nine: Under Marx's system, the entire nation of Russia was converted into a concentration camp, fulfilling ancient Canaanite objectives of enslaving and eliminating the people of Shem. The Soviet system could only exist through massive infusions of capital from Western banking interests.
Ten: Marx's role reveals how banking interests create and control seemingly opposing ideologies to advance their objectives. While publicly opposing capitalism, Communism actually serves banking interests by eliminating independent economic activity and concentrating power in controllable central authorities.
25: How do educational foundations shape society?
Answer: Major educational foundations, established by banking families like the Rockefellers, systematically altered American education to promote collectivist ideologies. These foundations, created with tax-exempt status, establish curriculum standards, control teacher training, and determine acceptable academic research directions.
Daniel Coit Gilman, a member of the German Illuminati, established the major American foundations that control education. Through organizations like the General Education Board, these foundations transformed independent education into a system for social control and indoctrination.
26: What significance do symbols have in Masonic practices?
Answer: Masonic symbols carry double meanings - one for public consumption and another representing ancient Babylonian religious practices. The letter G, prominently displayed in Masonic lodges, represents both Generation (fertility rites) and Gnosticism (secret knowledge). The compass and square symbolize tools of ancient temple builders while actually representing sexual principles.
Every significant Masonic symbol traces back to ancient Canaanite religious practices, particularly the worship of Baal. These symbols appear throughout government buildings, corporate logos, and currency, marking territory under Masonic control.
Hermetic Gnosticism
One: Hermetic philosophy traces back to Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek name for the Egyptian god Thoth. The name means "thrice-armed," reflecting the precept that those possessing greater knowledge have greater protection. The fundamental basis of magic lies in the theory of universal animation.
Two: The Hermetic sequence is primarily expressed through alchemy, with the Emerald Tablet serving as the alchemists' bible. This tradition merged with Gnosticism and the Kabbalah during the Middle Ages to form a powerful occult system that influenced both banking and secret societies.
Three: Hermetic-Gnostic teachings emphasize that knowledge is power, a doctrine later promoted by Francis Bacon and implemented through Masonic control systems. This principle justifies the hierarchical structure of secret societies where higher degrees possess increasingly detailed knowledge of control systems.
Four: The combination of Hermetic philosophy with Gnosticism created a system where "knowing ones" claim special knowledge unavailable to ordinary people. This justifies their right to rule while keeping crucial information secret from the general population.
Five: The letter "G" prominent in Masonic symbolism represents both Generation (fertility rites) and Gnosticism (secret knowledge), demonstrating the merger of Hermetic-Gnostic traditions with Masonic practices. This synthesis formed the basis for modern secret society operations.
Six: According to the book, Hermetic Gnosticism promotes the concept that matter (or life) is essentially imperfect, causing disorder in an otherwise perfect world. This belief justifies attempts to "perfect" society through controlled upheaval and revolution.
Seven: The marriage between Hermeticism and Gnosticism in Masonic practice provides the philosophical justification for maintaining different levels of truth - one for initiates and another for the general public. This dual system of knowledge perpetuates control through selective revelation.
Eight: Hermetic-Gnostic influence appears in government buildings and corporate symbols, particularly through geometric patterns and numbers that carry special significance for initiates while appearing merely decorative to others.
Nine: The tradition maintains that certain knowledge must be kept secret from the masses, justifying the creation of complex banking and legal systems that only initiates can fully understand and manipulate. This creates a self-perpetuating system of control through specialized knowledge.
Ten: The ultimate goal of Hermetic Gnosticism, as practiced through Masonic organizations, involves establishing complete control through possession of secret knowledge while keeping the masses ignorant of the true nature of political, economic, and social systems.
One: Egypt's great civilization was actually built by Shem himself, who was known as Shufu or Khufu. He was a fair-haired, long-haired leader who built the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. The priests later deliberately obscured this history, calling him derogatory names like "pig" and "dwarf" because he had slain their mentor, Nimrod.
Two: The corruption of Egypt began when Ham, having been corrupted by his consort Naamah, introduced the practices of human sacrifice and cannibalism. His grandson Nimrod continued these practices, establishing the basis for what would become Egyptian mystery religions.
Three: The Egyptian priesthood systematically falsified historical records to obscure the role of Shem's people in building Egyptian civilization. They promoted the worship of Osiris (another name for the Canaanite god Baal) and Isis (Ashtoreth), importing these Canaanite deities into Egyptian religious practice.
Four: The legend of Osiris mirrors the story of Nimrod - Osiris was cut into fourteen pieces by his brother Set (representing Shem), with Isis gathering the pieces except for the phallus, which had been lost. This story became central to Egyptian mystery religions and later Masonic practices.
Five: Egyptian civilization reached its peak under Shem's reign but declined after the priests resumed their evil practices following his death. They systematically worked to eliminate records of the fair-skinned builders of civilization while promoting their own Canaanite religious practices.
Six: The Egyptian god Anubis was associated with the star Sirius (which became central to Masonic symbolism), and the flooding of the Nile was timed to astronomical observations related to this star. This connection later became part of Masonic symbolic systems.
Seven: The Egyptian priesthood maintained control through their monopoly on writing and record-keeping, allowing them to alter history and maintain power through control of information - a practice that continues through modern banking and legal systems.
Eight: Moses Israelssohn (later known as Rosenberg) established links between Egyptian practices and modern revolutionary movements, particularly in implementing systematic terror and control systems in the Soviet Union and Spain.
Nine: Egyptian hieroglyphics and symbols were incorporated into Masonic ritualism, particularly in the design of government buildings and currency. The unfinished pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States reflects Egyptian mystical traditions.
Ten: The corruption of Egyptian civilization by Canaanite religious practices serves as a model for how banking interests systematically undermine and take control of productive civilizations built by the people of Shem. This pattern continues through modern banking and political systems.
27: How is information flow controlled through media?
Answer: Media control operates through ownership concentration in the hands of banking interests and their Masonic affiliates. Major newspapers, television networks, and publishing houses systematically suppress information about their controllers while promoting approved narratives. This system ensures that the public never learns about the true power structure.
News organizations operate under rigid hierarchical control, with editors and journalists understanding which subjects cannot be investigated or discussed. The same banking interests control both conservative and liberal media outlets, creating the illusion of debate while maintaining consistent control over information.
28: What role does maritime law play in governance?
Answer: Maritime or admiralty law, derived from ancient Babylonian commercial codes, has secretly replaced common law in most courts. This system treats citizens as commercial entities rather than sovereign individuals, operating through contracts and commercial obligations rather than constitutional rights.
Under this system, even criminal cases are treated as commercial disputes, with judges acting as administrators rather than interpreters of law. This explains why courts display gold-fringed flags, indicating admiralty jurisdiction rather than constitutional authority.
29: How do revolutionary movements serve existing power structures?
Answer: Revolutionary movements are typically created and controlled by the same banking interests they claim to oppose. These movements serve to eliminate existing cultural and social structures while creating massive debts that ensure banking control over post-revolutionary governments.
From the French Revolution through modern social movements, revolutionary activities are financed and directed by banking interests through Masonic networks. The real purpose is to consolidate power while eliminating resistant populations and traditional institutions.
30: How is religion used to maintain control?
Answer: Organized religion has been infiltrated and modified to serve Masonic purposes, particularly through seminaries controlled by banking interests. Religious leaders are often high-ranking Masons who promote interpretations supporting Canaanite objectives while discouraging traditional understanding of biblical texts.
Television evangelists and major religious organizations receive tax exemption because they promote government-approved messages. True religious understanding is systematically suppressed while synthetic versions supporting state control are promoted.
31: Why are bloodlines important in power structures?
Answer: Bloodlines maintain continuity of control through carefully arranged marriages and financial alliances among banking and noble families. These lineages, particularly those tracing back to the "black nobility" of Venice, maintain control over banking, commerce, and politics through interlocking directorates and family trusts.
Marriage alliances between banking families and European nobility created a network of interconnected bloodlines that operate internationally. These families populate the boards of major corporations, foundations, and government agencies, ensuring continuous control regardless of apparent political changes.
32: What meaning do architectural symbols have in Masonic control?
Answer: Major government buildings, particularly in Washington D.C., incorporate ancient Babylonian and Egyptian symbolism representing Masonic authority. The Washington Monument serves as an Egyptian obelisk, while the Supreme Court building features multiple references to ancient Roman and Babylonian legal systems.
Government buildings consistently include specific measurements, angles, and symbolic decorations marking them as centers of Masonic power. The layout of capital cities, particularly Washington D.C., follows sacred geometric patterns establishing ritual centers of power.
In his definitive work, The Magical Mason, W. Wynn Westcott, the founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in England, traces the origins of the Freemasons back to the Essenes in Jerusalem; Pharisaic Jews, the practitioners of the most strict Judaism; the ancient Mysteries of Egypt and Greece; the Vehm-Gerichte of Westphalia in Germany; the trade guilds of the Middle Ages; the Roman Collegia; the French Compagnons; and the Rosicrucians. Westcott points out that the cornerstone of the Capitol of Rome has the keystone mark of "the Overseers," a sacred group. The Royal Arch has an altar of white stone in the form of a double cube; it is engraved with "the Sacred Name."
He says that the Mysteries, from which all Masonic ritual is derived, were intended to end the fear of death in the initiate, by re-enacting the descent into Hades, and thus finding the great first cause of all things revealed to the initiate. Westcott claims that the famous Black Stone in the Sacred Mosque at Mecca is also part of this ritual. There is also the Sacred Stone placed beneath the Throne of England, which is said to have been the Stone of Jacob in Biblical times. - Mullins
33: How does the entertainment industry support power structures?
Answer: Entertainment programming systematically promotes values and behaviors supporting Canaanite control while degrading traditional cultural standards. Major studios, controlled by banking interests since their founding, produce content designed to alter social behavior and eliminate resistance to centralized control.
The industry operates as a crucial tool for social engineering, using predictive programming to prepare populations for planned changes while promoting destructive behaviors that weaken family and community structures.
34: What role do universities play in maintaining control?
Answer: Universities function as indoctrination centers where future leaders are initiated into Masonic-controlled systems through fraternities and secret societies like Skull and Bones. These institutions systematically eliminate independent thinkers while promoting those who demonstrate willingness to support existing power structures.
Research funding, controlled through tax-exempt foundations, ensures that academic work supports approved narratives while marginalizing alternative perspectives. Faculty advancement depends on conformity to established paradigms rather than genuine intellectual achievement.
35: What were the hidden purposes of World War II?
Answer: World War II served multiple Masonic objectives: eliminating resistant populations, creating massive government debts, and establishing international organizations for centralized control. The conflict was engineered through banking interests funding both sides, particularly in the rise of Nazi Germany through Warburg bank connections.
The war's conclusion established the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund while destroying independent economies throughout Europe. The Marshall Plan ensured European dependency on American banking interests while establishing permanent military presence in defeated nations.
36: How do banking and military operations interconnect?
Answer: Military operations create debt requiring nations to borrow from international banks, while protecting banking interests through force. Wars are often initiated to protect banking control over resources or to punish nations attempting to establish independent financial systems.
Intelligence agencies, operating as extensions of banking interests, coordinate military activities to maintain financial control. Military bases worldwide serve primarily to protect banking interests while ensuring debtor nations cannot escape the system.
37: How do court systems maintain societal control?
Answer: Courts operate as commercial enterprises under admiralty law, treating citizens as commercial entities rather than sovereign individuals. Judges, frequently high-ranking Masons, systematically rule in favor of banking interests while using procedural complexity to deny justice to ordinary citizens.
The legal system maintains two separate standards - one for Masonic initiates who receive preferential treatment, and another for the general population who face systematic disadvantage in all proceedings.
38: What purpose do religious broadcasters serve in power structures?
Answer: Religious broadcasters promote manipulated interpretations of scripture supporting Masonic objectives while collecting millions in tax-exempt donations. These operations deliberately misidentify prophetic references to conceal the ongoing conflict between Shem's descendants and Canaanite controllers.
Television ministries serve as crucial propaganda outlets, particularly in promoting support for policies benefiting banking interests while discouraging traditional religious understanding that might threaten control systems.
39: What drives modern political movements?
Answer: Political movements, regardless of apparent ideology, are typically created and controlled by banking interests working through Masonic networks. These movements serve to channel popular discontent into controlled opposition while preventing effective resistance to central control.
Both conservative and liberal movements receive funding and direction from the same banking sources, ensuring that apparent political conflicts never threaten fundamental control systems.
40: Why are certain geographic locations centers of power?
Answer: Power centers like London, New York, and Washington D.C. were established through careful geographic planning incorporating sacred geometry and ancient ritual significance. These locations serve as energy focusing points while providing strategic control over commerce and communication.
Banking centers consistently operate from locations chosen for their symbolic and practical significance in maintaining control over population and resources. The City of London, Vatican City, and Washington D.C. operate as independent jurisdictions outside normal governmental control.
41: How do intelligence agencies maintain control?
Answer: Intelligence agencies function as private armies for banking interests, operating outside official government oversight. Organizations like British Intelligence, CIA, and Mossad coordinate activities protecting banking control while infiltrating and neutralizing potential opposition movements.
These agencies manipulate political systems through blackmail, assassination, and controlled opposition movements. Their primary function involves protecting banking interests while preventing the emergence of truly independent political or economic systems.
42: What role does currency manipulation play in global control?
Answer: Currency values are systematically manipulated through central banks to maintain control over national economies. Coordinated currency devaluations transfer wealth from productive citizens to banking interests while keeping nations dependent on international financial systems.
The Federal Reserve System, working with other central banks, creates economic crises through currency manipulation when nations attempt to establish independence from banking control. This system ensures continuous wealth transfer from productive enterprises to banking controllers.
43: How does the art world support power structures?
Answer: Modern art movements promote Masonic symbolism while deliberately degrading traditional cultural standards. Major museums, controlled by banking foundations, systematically promote abstract art incorporating occult symbolism while devaluing representative art celebrating Western civilization.
Art valuations serve as mechanisms for money laundering and tax evasion while promoting artists who advance Masonic objectives. The Museum of Modern Art was specifically created to establish this control system.
44: What connections exist between religion and banking?
Answer: Banking systems emerged from ancient temple practices where priests controlled grain storage and commodity exchange. Modern banking continues religious control through Masonic networks operating as a priesthood of finance, using religious symbolism in banking architecture and operations.
Major religious organizations maintain intimate connections with banking systems through investment portfolios and foundation control. Religious leaders often serve banking interests by promoting interpretations supporting financial control systems.
45: How do racial theories support power structures?
Answer: Racial theories serve to mask the fundamental conflict between Canaanite controllers and the people of Shem. These theories redirect attention from banking control systems while promoting conflicts that prevent unified resistance to financial domination.
Population reduction programs specifically target groups demonstrating independence from banking control. Immigration policies serve to disrupt traditional communities while creating controlled opposition movements.
46: What role do foundations play in societal control?
Answer: Tax-exempt foundations, created by banking interests, control education, research, and social policy while avoiding taxation. These organizations systematically promote policies supporting centralized control while preventing independent research or social movements.
Major foundations coordinate activities through interlocking directorates ensuring consistent support for banking objectives. Their tax-exempt status provides competitive advantage while controlling opposition through grant-making power.
47: What drives modern government corruption?
Answer: Government corruption stems from systematic control by banking interests operating through Masonic networks. Political candidates receive support based on willingness to implement banking objectives while regulatory agencies systematically protect financial interests.
Corruption serves as a control mechanism ensuring politician compliance through blackmail potential. The system promotes individuals demonstrated to be controllable through compromise.
48: How do ancient religious practices influence modern control systems?
Answer: Modern control systems directly continue ancient Babylonian practices through banking, legal, and governmental structures. Masonic rituals preserve ancient Baal worship while banking systems continue temple economic controls.
Government buildings incorporate ancient religious symbolism while legal systems preserve Babylonian commercial codes. Modern bureaucracy continues Oriental despotism through administrative control systems.
49: How do international organizations maintain power?
Answer: International organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund serve as mechanisms for implementing banking control over nations. These organizations systematically undermine national sovereignty while promoting centralized authority.
Created after World War II, these organizations ensure national compliance with banking directives through loan conditions and international agreements subordinating national interests to global banking control.
50: What is the ultimate goal of the existing power structure?
Answer: The ultimate objective involves establishing absolute control through elimination of independent populations, particularly targeting descendants of Shem who traditionally resist centralized authority. This plan includes systematic reduction of populations while establishing technological control systems.
The final goal involves creating a centralized world government controlled by banking interests through automated systems eliminating potential resistance. This represents culmination of ancient Canaanite objectives for world domination.
51: According to the book, what were the historical circumstances and timeline surrounding the creation of the Babylonian Talmud, and what were its main components when completed?
Answer: According to the book, the Babylonian Talmud emerged during the period of exile after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, when Nebuchadnezzar took the people to Babylon as captives. During this period of captivity (586-537 BC), there was significant mixing of various Canaanite tribes, including the Edomites intermarrying with the Canaanite branch of the Judahites and others. This intermixture of various strains caused confusion among the offspring regarding their customs, which led to the compilation of a great book of religious teachings.
The Talmud, meaning "teaching" in Hebrew, was completed as oral law by the second century AD and consisted of two main parts: the Mishnah (the older part) and the Gemara (commentary on the law). The book indicates that it first appeared in print in 1520, when Daniel Bomberg published it in Venice, marking the transition from oral tradition to written documentation.
Babylonian Talmud
One: The Babylonian Talmud emerged during the Babylonian captivity from 586-537 B.C., after Nebuchadnezzar took the people captive. During this period, there was significant intermixture of various Canaanite tribes, particularly the Edomites intermarrying with the Canaanite branch of Judahites.
Two: The Talmud incorporated much of the text from the Mystery Cults, particularly emphasizing demonology. It refers to the Demiurge or Chief Demon as the Creator of the Universe, and extensively details various classifications of demons including mazzikim, shedim, and ruhot, with Asmodeus listed as King of the Demons.
Three: The text specifically teaches that demons originated from sexual congress between humans and demonic powers. This belief system led to the incorporation of sexual acts into occult ceremonies. The Book of Zohar states that "every pollution of semen gives birth to demons."
Four: The Talmudic teachings were formally combined into the text after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. The Talmud means "teaching" in Hebrew, with the older part known as the Mishnah and commentary called the Gemara. It first appeared in print in 1520 when Daniel Bomberg published it in Venice.
Five: The Mishnah, taught in the second century B.C., specified that two things should never be revealed to the public: the work of creation and the work of the chariot (meaning esoteric operations, the "Divine Throne"). These precepts later became fundamental to Masonic secrecy.
Six: Talmudic influence appears extensively in Masonic rituals and practices, particularly through its emphasis on secret knowledge and hierarchical initiation. The doctrines provided the foundation for later Masonic degrees and ceremonies.
Seven: According to the book, the Talmud represents a fundamental departure from biblical law, incorporating elements of demon worship and practices that originated in Babylon. These teachings formed the basis for later Kabbalistic and occult practices.
Eight: The text emphasizes the importance of oral law and tradition over written law, creating a system where initiated interpreters hold power over religious understanding. This principle later manifested in Masonic emphasis on oral transmission of secrets.
Nine: The Babylonian influence in the Talmud represents the introduction of Canaanite religious practices into biblical interpretation, creating a hybrid system that preserved ancient Babylonian practices under the guise of religious commentary.
Ten: The book argues that Talmudic teachings provide the foundation for modern banking practices, legal systems, and secret society operations, maintaining ancient Babylonian commercial and religious practices through carefully disguised modern institutions. This system continues Babylonian traditions of usury, ritual, and social control through modern banking and legal structures.
52: What were the key restrictions or limitations placed on who could access certain teachings within the Talmud, and what specific topics were meant to be kept from the public?
Answer: According to the book, the Mishnah taught in the second century BC that there were two specific things that should never be revealed to the public or uninitiated. These were "the work of creation" and "the work of the chariot" (meaning esoteric operations and the "Divine Throne"). These precepts were described as being later formalized in the secret rites of Freemasonry.
The book suggests that these restrictions were part of a broader system of controlled knowledge, where certain teachings were reserved for initiated members only. This system of restricted knowledge was maintained through formal prohibitions against sharing certain information with the general public, establishing a hierarchical system of access to religious and mystical knowledge.
53: How does the book describe the relationship between the Babylonian Talmud and other belief systems or practices, particularly in relation to demonology and mystery cults?
Answer: The book asserts that demonology plays a significant role throughout the Talmudic text, with specific references to different types of demons including mazzikim, shedim, and ruhot. It specifically mentions Asmodeus as being listed as the King of the Demons, and states that the Talmud refers to the Demiurge, or Chief Demon, as the Creator of the Universe.
Furthermore, the book suggests that the Talmud incorporated many elements from the mystery cults that were present in Babylon during its compilation. The book indicates that these influences later extended into other esoteric teachings such as the Kabbalah, establishing a connection between Babylonian mystical traditions and later Jewish mystical practices. This integration of various spiritual and occult elements is presented as a key characteristic of the Talmud's development during the Babylonian period.
54: How does the book describe Nimrod's lineage, rulership, and major accomplishments, and what was his ultimate fate?
Answer: The book describes Nimrod as Ham's descendant through the Negro Cush, who became the world's most demonic ruler and first ruler of the world. He is credited with founding Babylon and Nineveh, and possessed special powers through the garments of Adam and Eve, which he inherited from Ham. These garments gave him powers over both animals and men, making him "the mighty hunter."
According to the book, Nimrod's reign ended when he began building the Tower of Babel, a ziggurat intended to rise into the heavens. This offense against God led Shem, the eldest son of Noah, to pronounce judgment against Nimrod and execute him. The book states that "Josephus says that 'Ham's black grandson, Nimrod, was beheaded by Shem.'" His body was then cut into pieces and sent to various pagan temples as a warning against their practices.
55: What specific religious and cultural practices did the book attribute to Nimrod, and what was their influence on later societies according to the book?
Answer: The book attributes to Nimrod the introduction of human sacrifice and cannibalism on a systematic scale. According to the book, he was persuaded by his consort, Naamah, to practice ritual murder and cannibalism, being told that by killing and eating fair-skinned people, his descendants could regain their "superior qualities." The book states he often burned his victims alive and developed these practices into organized religious rituals.
These practices became the foundation for various mystery cults and secret societies. The book claims that after Nimrod's death, priests took the pieces of his body as relics to their secret meeting places, establishing the basis for secret Mystery cults. This became the foundation for what the book describes as an unbroken line of occult practices continuing through various secret societies to modern times.
56: According to the book, how did the Rothschild family acquire their initial power and what was the significance of their name change?
Answer: The book states that the Rothschilds' initial power came through Mayer Amschel Bauer's change of his name to Rothschild ("red shield") as a symbol of revolution. Their major financial breakthrough came when they were chosen to handle the Elector of Hesse's fortune during the Napoleonic era. The book specifically notes that Mayer Amschel had been given the Elector's money during King George III's hiring of Hessian mercenaries to fight against American revolutionaries.
The name change from Bauer to Rothschild is presented as highly symbolic in the book. "Roth" (red) is described as symbolizing their commitment to revolution and the bloodshed of the Canaanite agenda. The book claims this tied directly to their later involvement in financing various revolutionary movements and wars throughout Europe and the world.
57: How does the book describe the Rothschilds' role in major wars and revolutions, particularly regarding their banking activities?
Answer: According to the book, the Rothschilds established central banks throughout Europe after their victory over Napoleon, using these banks to launch nations into costly and ruinous "arms races" even during times of peace. The book claims they deliberately manipulated countries into massive military expenditures that could only lead to either internal revolution or external war, creating a system where nations staggered under enormous debt.
The book specifically mentions their involvement in the American Civil War, where they operated through agents like August Belmont (Schönberg) in the North and Judah Benjamin in the South. It claims they also financed both sides of major conflicts, including providing funds for both Communist and anti-Communist forces, always working to increase their control over national banking systems.
58: What connections does the book draw between the Rothschilds and various political movements or organizations?
Answer: The book claims the Rothschilds were instrumental in supporting and financing revolutionary movements worldwide through their banking network. They are described as key backers of the First Communist International, with James de Rothschild connected to the Mexican revolution and Lionel de Rothschild directly involved with Karl Marx and Heinrich Heine in communist organizing.
The book also asserts that the Rothschilds operated through various front organizations and secret societies, particularly Masonic organizations. They are portrayed as working behind the scenes to control both sides of political conflicts, using their financial power to influence governments and shape political outcomes across Europe and America.
59: How does the book differentiate between ancient Hebrew practices and what it terms "modern Judaism," particularly in relation to Babylonian influence?
Answer: According to the book, there was a fundamental change in religious practices during the Babylonian captivity (586-537 BC). The book suggests that the original Hebrew practices were dramatically altered through the incorporation of Babylonian mystery cult elements and demon worship during this period. This transformation occurred as various tribes mixed during the captivity, leading to confusion about traditional customs and the eventual compilation of the Talmud.
The book claims that modern Judaism emerged from this Babylonian period with significant alterations to original Hebrew practices, particularly through the incorporation of what it calls "Babylonian monetary practices" and mystery cult teachings. The book suggests that the original spiritual practices of the Hebrews were largely replaced by a system heavily influenced by Babylonian commercial and occult traditions.
One: The book distinguishes between different historical branches, particularly emphasizing Reform Judaism, which it states originated in Frankfurt-on-Main with the Rothschilds and culminated in World Zionism. The Charleston Lodge, described as the "cradle of Reform Judaism in America," was closely connected to Masonic activities.
Two: Albert Pike is quoted as identifying "Jewish Secret Societies" as being the actual meaning behind references to "Science" and "Philosophy" in Masonic symbolism and degrees. According to the book, much of this traces back to the Babylonian captivity period when traditional practices were mixed with Babylonian influences.
Three: The book identifies B'nai B'rith as a powerful Masonic organization, describing it as directing significant political and financial operations. It mentions that Josef Sliozberg, the Grand Master of the International Order of B'nai B'rith in Russia, selected Kerensky to head the Provisional Government before Lenin's arrival.
Four: The book discusses the formation of "Christian Kabbalah" through Reuchlin and others, presenting this as a deliberate modification of traditional teachings to advance banking and Masonic interests. This is described as a crucial development in promoting acceptance of usury and other Babylonian practices.
Five: The book states that many twentieth century Jewish religious practices came to be dominated by Reformed Judaism, which it describes as a "direct spawn of" Masonic-Canaanite influences originating in Frankfurt. It suggests this movement deliberately altered traditional interpretations to support banking interests.
Six: The book discusses the Warburg family's role in establishing the Federal Reserve System and financing various political movements, including both the Bolshevik Revolution and the Nazi regime, presenting this as evidence of banking interests controlling apparently opposing forces.
Seven: According to the book, certain Jewish banking families, particularly the Rothschilds, maintained their power through a complex system of intermarriage with European nobility while preserving their separate identity and banking practices.
Eight: The book suggests that modern interpretations of biblical prophecy, particularly regarding the State of Israel, have been deliberately manipulated to support banking and political objectives rather than reflecting traditional understandings.
Nine: The book discusses the role of Rabbi Kalisher and Moses Hess in promoting political Zionism, describing this as a transformation of traditional religious concepts into a political movement serving banking interests.
Ten: The book emphasizes distinguishing between ancient religious traditions and what it describes as modern banking-controlled movements using religious identification as cover for political and financial operations. It suggests many modern movements and interpretations serve banking interests rather than traditional religious purposes.
60: What relationship does the book establish between Judaism and banking/financial systems throughout history?
Answer: The book asserts that during the Babylonian captivity, a system of monetary control was established that would later become the foundation for international banking. This system is described as being based on the "Babylonian monetary system" which the book claims relies on a strong central government and central banking structure.
The book specifically links Jewish banking families, particularly the Rothschilds, to this system, suggesting they used it to gain control over national economies through central banks. The book claims this banking system was used as a tool of power and control, with banking families working through various front organizations and secret societies to maintain their influence over global financial systems.
61: How does the book describe the development of Jewish religious practices during and after the Babylonian captivity?
Answer: According to the book, during the Babylonian captivity, there was a significant transformation of religious practices due to the mixing of various tribes and traditions. The book states that this period saw the introduction of various mystery cult elements and what it terms "demon worship" into the religious practices. The development of the Talmud is presented as a direct result of this period, serving to codify these new combined practices.
The book suggests that after the captivity, these altered religious practices were maintained and further developed through secret teachings and restricted knowledge. It claims that certain teachings were deliberately kept from the public, with only initiated members having access to the full scope of religious knowledge, particularly regarding what the book calls "the work of creation" and "the work of the chariot."
62: According to the book, what were the origins of child sacrifice practices among ancient peoples, and how were these practices perpetuated?
Answer: The book attributes the origin of child sacrifice to the practices of what it calls "Canaanite demon-worshippers," particularly connecting it to the worship of Baal. According to the book, these practices began after the leadership of Nimrod, who introduced systematic human sacrifice and cannibalism. The book claims that under this system, firstborn children were demanded as sacrifices to demon gods.
The book describes these practices as being conducted in "groves" and "shrines," often involving ritual murder accompanied by specific ceremonies. The book states that these sacrifices were sometimes conducted as "foundation sacrifices," where children would be built into the walls of new buildings, supposedly to bring good luck to the remaining family members.
63: How does the book connect ancient practices of child sacrifice to later historical events or organizations?
Answer: The book draws direct connections between ancient sacrificial practices and what it terms "modern secret societies," particularly Masonic organizations. It suggests that these organizations maintained the ancient traditions through symbolic rituals and ceremonies, though often in modified forms. The book claims these practices were preserved through various mystery schools and secret societies throughout history.
The book states that these ancient practices influenced later historical events and revolutions, suggesting that mass killings and systematic persecution in various historical periods were modern manifestations of these ancient sacrificial traditions. The book presents these connections as evidence of an unbroken line of influence from ancient Babylonian practices to modern times.
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Excellent Q&A. Thank you. And right out the gate, Wikipedia casts Mullins as a 'white supremacist anti-semitic Holocaust denier'. Anyone getting that level of flak must be over the target. At this point, those social taboo monikers just make me want to read him, or anyone getting them, even more. Censorship always backfires.
I have read Death by Injection too. For those that like screen reading I found a free PDF Enjoy