Excellent Q&A. Thank you. And right out the gate, Wikipedia casts Mullins as a 'white supremacist anti-semitic Holocaust denier'. Anyone getting that level of flak must be over the target. At this point, those social taboo monikers just make me want to read him, or anyone getting them, even more. Censorship always backfires.
Interesting they call her antisemitic. Her whole premise is pretty consistent with the biblical narrative regarding the descendants of Shem. According to the bible the Israelites consistently turned away from Yaweh towards pagan gods. The very reason for their capture by the Persians/Babylonians was because of their dabblings/rejection of The Law. What I think she gets wrong is she focuses on skin color which really the more superficial matter vs worldview/religion and culture (religion drives worldview which drives culture). Japheth descendants are also fair. He and his descendants migrated west after expulsion from "Babel" (Genesis 9- 11) descendants are what were the ancient Europeans people groups such as the Celts (list of peoples of Gaul, Celtic tribes), Rhaetians and Swabians, Vistula Veneti, Lugii and Balts and possibly more
All these people groups were pagan as well until they accepted Christianity through the ministry of Paul the Apostel and 1st century and on "missionaries." God taking Abraham and his decendants as "His" portion (Deut 32:9) and transforming them by changing their worship practices and how they governed their lives is what catapulted them above other groups. The western world was further transformed by the acceptance of Jesus Christians and the Christian ethos which was most successful in Europe through which the entire world was impacted.
This Israelite who oversaw the building of the so called Pyramid of Giza most likely Jacob's son Joseph, 2 only to Pharoah, or one of Jacob's grandsons before they were enslaved and Moses led them out of Egypt back to Canaan which became Israel.
Ezra Pound's last protege, was indeed his best. How easy it is to slip into predictive programming and controlled opposition, fell for it too many times myself. Then once in a while, someone emerges with a story, a body of work, that cannot be ignored, so incredibly profound that your life changes forever reading their words and seeing all examples around you that validate what you have learned reading those words on paper.
My first exposure to Eustace Mullins came the year of my first computer, 2004. His essays, interviews and speeches were all out there. Days into weeks, reading listening to him. I suspect all gone by now. He made me realize an element of truth must be included with a great lie to convince the masses of their veracity. That makes it difficult to navigate and see.
I cut to the chase and disbelieve absolutely everything coming thru MSM. It's comical how these sexual perverts run for the hills when found out in a society based solely on that same perversion.
After 15 years of death & destruction, saved only by the Russian intervention, Syria is falling, will fall in days, short of a miracle. It is my belief that the fall of Syria will be the death knell for the Middle East that will extend far and wide.
Like Gaddafi's Central African Bank that never came to fruition, Syria is being set up for the scourge of the century. Who was asleep at the switch, who initiated this action? That's easy. But who created the incentive for this action? Eustace Mullins just told us.
"Very old and very rotten" indeed. I've been looking at the origin story for a while now too. Mainly the Egyptian mystery schools and how they were preserved throughout the ages. Greek and Roman philosophers were considered the height of enlightenment, but the majority of the prominent ones studied in Egypt under the tutelage of priests. Because there was no separating line between religion and philosophy, these free-thinkers, were able to rebrand hermeticism multiple times. Any religion could be exercised in ancient Rome as long as loyalty to the emperor was still expressed which is why the cult of Isis had a presence among many other representations of the Egyptian pantheon. I believe that if God had a chosen people, the Israelites, then the devil had a chosen people too and that was the Egyptians. Pharaoh had the role of both king and god (as an earthly representative of Ra). We see the same thing today in the pope of Rome since Vatican City is a nation...he is both a king and a god (as an earthly representative of Jesus). It's also worth noting that Freemasonry extends its hand of membership to christians, muslims, and jews. I know the, "official position" of the Roman Catholic Church is that none of its members are allowed to join secret societies, but they have always had official positions in public and other, more questionable, positions in private.
Thank you for this. It explains a lot. I would say that our culture has been successfully thoroughly degraded. I read Death by Injection but I missed this book.
This is all fascinating. I'll offer that one thing Luciferianism has correct is that pain is the most valuable metaphysical coin of the realm. The Demiurge definitely controls the spectrum of energy in which we live this fairytale of being a mortal primate, and he takes your suffering as tribute, as the tax for whatever little joy or pleasure you can scratch from this existence. Buddha said "all life is suffering," and he was correct. Well, all life here, now; not all life everywhere. You can live here in that truth without being a child-sacrificing banker, and you can navigate your own relationship with Lucifer to maximize your time here without becoming cruel and exploitative. What you have to do is pay him with YOUR pain, not someone else's. Asceticism, fasting, extreme physical feats, or simply indulging your melancholia or ruminating on suffering... these things strengthen the mind and the body, while overindulging in pleasure rots both. What the positive theologies get wrong is that you can ever actually arrive in the land of milk and honey. You'd be miserable there. Your teeth would rot and fall out; your muscles would wither; and your soul would grow dim. So, I propose that if we truly want to overpower these Canannites once and for all, and usher in the Kingdom of God, we have to understand the true source of power in this realm. We have to use that knowledge to get strong, like the Spartans. The mind that can let all of it in, consider all of it, and ultimately decide, as a matter of free will, to use it for improvement and benevolence, as opposed to ruination and predation, is the mind of the Messiah.
Plenty to chew on here! Speaking of freemasons, the freemasonic creep little John Howard ran Australia for eleven years from 1996 to 2007. Elected on 11 March 1996, conveniently timed for the first major false flag operation on Australian soil, the staged mass shooting known as the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania on 28 April 1996, blamed on a patsy called Martin Bryant who certainly did not have the firearm skills required to do it. This event lead to Australians having to surrender most of their guns - even pump action shotguns and .22 semi autos were banned. Then on 911 Johnny Howard was with his fellow freemason George Dubya Bush as those events unfolded in America. That staged fake terror operation had worldwide consequences including the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Al-Qaeda? Or El-CIA-duh. Then came the Bali bombing in Kuta. Indications are this was a Mossad job using some Indonesian patsies. No surprise there.
A dethroned king is still running the show for a period of time. He was dethroned in 33 A.D. in Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave. His devices are the same. He hates God and he hates those created in the image of God and he will do anything to separate the two from each other.
I have a question this is something that has been bothering me actually for some time, I have been wondering exactly what the national deficit actually is because there is no way it could be money, I don’t question that it can amount to a sum, but it can’t not be a debt involving currency or at least it doesn’t make sense to me that it would be. The debt would need to paid in something other than money like land, resources etc that amount to the sum in question. So where this piece talks of central banks creating money from nothing and loaning it to governments, which I will admit is exactly what it looks like is happening, there has to be more to it, because paying back the interest in money would would be completely pointless when the ones the debt is owed to can create it from nothing. There is more to this system that is being missed, maybe this is where the numbers tied to people come into play, as in the maritime law where people are seen as corporate entities instead of people. Trying to understand what’s really taking place in this area I has been very difficult for me. Does anyone know exactly what is used to pay back the bankers? Money means nothing to them? Also there is only so much metal to back it, that would eventually give out. There is something really messed up taking place in this specific area ( repaying the debt to the bankers ) what exactly do they want? I think this is an area where trafficking might be taking place as well. Can anyone help me understand this part???????
This concept is one that I have had in mind for some time. What exactly is money? Where did it come from? What gives various denominations of money their value? If I have a $1 bill in one hand and a $5 bill in the other, presumably, I worked harder for the $5 bill than what I did for the $1 bill but really, they're nothing more than paper with printed ink and on their own they have the same value except for that value which the printing on the paper conveys. As a society, we accept that the $5 bill has more value than the $1 bill but really, if we wanted to, provided we all did so, we could say that the $1 bill has more value than the $5 bill. Physical money has its value because as a society, we accept that it has the value of its designated markings. But in the end, money is just paper with ink printing.
For money to have TRUE value, it must be backed by something of high, reliable value, ie: gold, silver, precious metals, etc. Every dollar bill in circulation must have a backing of some unit of measure in gold, silver, etc. I would be lying if I said that I have done a deep dive on the history of money and whether or not the very first iterations of money had backing by anything of value such as gold but I'm fairly confident that somewhere along the way in history, at one time, money was backed by an unknown amount of gold that was held, for example, in Fort Knox. I've heard of some other untold amounts of gold that had been stored under the Vatican and in stores underneath the Vatican. All of this gold was accumulated both legitimately and as well, Ilegitimately, by means of pillage and confiscation. This is more or less a small piece of the puzzle that explains what backs money. It may or may not be 100% correct, but it is a general idea from my understanding. We were disconnected from the system of gold backing which opened the door to the free printing of untold sums of money, all of which has no backing and the value of what the printing on it indicates.
"Money out of thin air": we may as well just accept that money does in fact, grow on trees. The federal reserve, a private institution that is unaccountable to the US citizen, and is unauditable. The reserve prints, cuts, bundles and exports trillions of dollars of cold, hard cash which has absolutely no backing. The money is distributed to countless financial institutions and banks which then lend this cash to borrowers worldwide. And where it was no cost to anyone anywhere, and skin off of anyone's hyde anywhere, borrowers will pay real money to borrow, and real interest over time such that the only real value of anything moves up the chain. Miss a car payment, your real value will be repossessed. Miss a mortgage payment, your home - a real value - will be foreclosed on. Default on credit cards - you may be sued. It once was legal to imprison people over credit card default and non-payment. But notice how all items of REAL value are ultimately collected upon by those at the top of the financial structure who never put up anything of value whatsoever to create the very money. In other words, failure to repay loans for example, hurts literally no one. You'll be hurt if you don't repay the loan but the loan providers suffer no loss as there was never anything to lose on the end. Money is a system of control which creates classes, tax brackets, 'haves' & 'have nots'. A system so tight that it is guarded by firepower, withheld in institutions protected by multiple layers of tight security and protected such that, relatively speaking, it is difficult to access, at least in sums that would benefit a person all around. High level executives rake in millions regularly sitting in cushy, leather, spin chairs in tall skyscrapers for a few hours followed by guarded transportation to their high rise penthouse residences to enjoy bespoke meal creations over prized wines never breaking a sweat while men and women all over the world, every single day work a lifetime, destroying their health and often livelihoods through endless blood sweat and tears for practically nothing. And it's all done over paper printed with ink that purports to have the value indicated on its face. And the more of these dollars that are injected into the world money supply, the higher inflation becomes, the more and harder we all have to work (dare I say 'slave') just to get by. Money is a control.
By our national documents, debts can only be repaid by gold, silver and other items of value. If money is not backed by something of value, it is absolutely meaningless which would mean that all financial transactions are illegal and unconstitutional. This means we have some real problems on our hands.
Honesty, I don't think that there is anything being missed. I don't think money is backed by anything whether gold, silver, precious metals, or land. Bankers simply dole out cash backed by nothing and on one's reputation to repay timely. Nothing of value is handed out. And only real value is sent back to the top whether by repayment or confiscation for failure to repay.
This all makes me think of the plan that I have with my electric provider. Throughout each year, I pay somewhat exorbitant costs for power. But then come February, I receive a prepaid debut card in the mail congratulating me for 'earning' that money back. It seems to me the people to congratulate are those who chose different power plans. I was simply charged excessive amounts and then refunded that money. I look at it as a type of annual savings that I receive back each year in February. But there is nothing about it to be congratulated about. What is done with my monthly overpayment throughout a year who knows? I suspect it's additional money that the power company utilizes to generate additional interest for themselves. Just a guess. But I like saving here and there and this is one way to do so. I just think it's ignorant to congratulate me over when all I dod was accept a plan that overcharges me for electric service each month.
Money is a control. And then there is all of the money that we all generate, unbeknownst to us, year to year as we are all traded on the stock market generating who knows how much and for who all based on our CUSIP number listed on our social security cards. This is an interesting deep dive right here.
This is a great dive in response to Debatable's comment which started it off. I also see money as a control mechanism. Money has no intrinsic value. Even if it's backed by gold, the value of gold is arbitrary. Both money and value are mental constructs designed to enslave and control and in turn profit and elevate and give power.
But it's all in the mind and as such is the psyop we all buy into, pun intended.
As for repaying debt, I see that as human suffering and sacrifice and yes, human/child trafficking and all the disgusting pedophilia, rape, murder and cannibalism involved. The illicit trading of aborted body parts by Planned Parenthood is already a stomach churner.
I'm reminded of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Shylock the Jew, and his need for repayment by a literal pound of flesh.
It would take weeks if not months to trace all the threads linked here. I felt Mullins work expressed in your Q&A was somewhat simplistic, considering everything involved. That it always came back to Freemasons and their control of the world to create a Canaanite/Babylonian NWO. Gnosticism felt condemned yet the Gnostics had tremendous historical and spiritual value, imo.
Regarding Egypt I've read that Christianity, or rather the Biblical story presented, borrowed much from existing sources. Specifically, the Flood and Noah's Ark from the flooding of the Nile known as Arkanoa.
That Osiris was chopped up but missing his vital member inspired a potential movie sequel: Indiana Jones and the Lost Phallus. But then there's Baal and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Raging Baal. etc etc
As for the banks, Switzerland was neutral during WWII so banks from all sides could keep doing business. Then there's the young Austrian painter Addi Heidler who was groomed in the UK into Adolf Hitler by Lord Bedford and the Tavistock Institute and funded by the Bank of England, Royal Dutch Shell and King Edward VIII. At least that's a theory I read. It certainly seems plausible.
In general, I would say Mullins presentation involves multiple books of research to come to a fuller understanding. But it's a great overview.
The account of Ham, Canaan and Noah is distorted. The act that got Ham's son Canaan cursed occurred long after the Ark had settled on Mt Ararat and following a vineyard being planted. None of that occurred on the Ark. The wine eventually produced was used to get Noah drunk leaving him exposed to rape. There is no account of the daughters of men having relations with the sons of God. That occurred much later. The bloody history of two bloodlines in conflict concerns both Ishmael and Issac as half brothers fighting over the proffered inheritance. The rights of primogeniture.
Including the right to rule over the earth. That right is reserved for the son of the free woman, Issac, and not the son of the bond woman, Ishmael. National Israel is descended through Isaac then Jacob. And the 12 sons of Jacob comprising the 12 tribes seen all through the OT. Today the nation of Israel is in the Land before the time. Is in deep disobedience, without Messiah and as the slayer and defiled after touching the dead body of Messiah. Israel will pay a steep price for her rebellion, profligacy, butchery and global skullduggery. But first must come repentance but not before severe punishment. That's what the Time of Jacob's Trouble serves up to these stiff-necked stubborn people of God. They are God's Chosen. But in their present condition they are less than sheep dung.
"You couldn't ask for a bigger red flag. He met Pound in 1949 and within a year he had finished the manuscript for what would become The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Those guys worked fast, eh? Mullins was a quick learner, right? No, he was probably just a front for a writing committee."
Excellent Q&A. Thank you. And right out the gate, Wikipedia casts Mullins as a 'white supremacist anti-semitic Holocaust denier'. Anyone getting that level of flak must be over the target. At this point, those social taboo monikers just make me want to read him, or anyone getting them, even more. Censorship always backfires.
Interesting they call her antisemitic. Her whole premise is pretty consistent with the biblical narrative regarding the descendants of Shem. According to the bible the Israelites consistently turned away from Yaweh towards pagan gods. The very reason for their capture by the Persians/Babylonians was because of their dabblings/rejection of The Law. What I think she gets wrong is she focuses on skin color which really the more superficial matter vs worldview/religion and culture (religion drives worldview which drives culture). Japheth descendants are also fair. He and his descendants migrated west after expulsion from "Babel" (Genesis 9- 11) descendants are what were the ancient Europeans people groups such as the Celts (list of peoples of Gaul, Celtic tribes), Rhaetians and Swabians, Vistula Veneti, Lugii and Balts and possibly more
All these people groups were pagan as well until they accepted Christianity through the ministry of Paul the Apostel and 1st century and on "missionaries." God taking Abraham and his decendants as "His" portion (Deut 32:9) and transforming them by changing their worship practices and how they governed their lives is what catapulted them above other groups. The western world was further transformed by the acceptance of Jesus Christians and the Christian ethos which was most successful in Europe through which the entire world was impacted.
This Israelite who oversaw the building of the so called Pyramid of Giza most likely Jacob's son Joseph, 2 only to Pharoah, or one of Jacob's grandsons before they were enslaved and Moses led them out of Egypt back to Canaan which became Israel.
I have read Death by Injection too. For those that like screen reading I found a free PDF https://archive.org/details/the-curse-of-canaan-eustace-mullins. Enjoy
Glad to see the Archive restored to good health after having been attacked by the Blob.
Ezra Pound's last protege, was indeed his best. How easy it is to slip into predictive programming and controlled opposition, fell for it too many times myself. Then once in a while, someone emerges with a story, a body of work, that cannot be ignored, so incredibly profound that your life changes forever reading their words and seeing all examples around you that validate what you have learned reading those words on paper.
My first exposure to Eustace Mullins came the year of my first computer, 2004. His essays, interviews and speeches were all out there. Days into weeks, reading listening to him. I suspect all gone by now. He made me realize an element of truth must be included with a great lie to convince the masses of their veracity. That makes it difficult to navigate and see.
I cut to the chase and disbelieve absolutely everything coming thru MSM. It's comical how these sexual perverts run for the hills when found out in a society based solely on that same perversion.
After 15 years of death & destruction, saved only by the Russian intervention, Syria is falling, will fall in days, short of a miracle. It is my belief that the fall of Syria will be the death knell for the Middle East that will extend far and wide.
Like Gaddafi's Central African Bank that never came to fruition, Syria is being set up for the scourge of the century. Who was asleep at the switch, who initiated this action? That's easy. But who created the incentive for this action? Eustace Mullins just told us.
Read Rise of the New World Order: The Culling of Man by J. Michael Thomas Hays.
His book was my eye opener. Similar to Mullins’ book.
It’s on Kindle Unlimited for free.
"Very old and very rotten" indeed. I've been looking at the origin story for a while now too. Mainly the Egyptian mystery schools and how they were preserved throughout the ages. Greek and Roman philosophers were considered the height of enlightenment, but the majority of the prominent ones studied in Egypt under the tutelage of priests. Because there was no separating line between religion and philosophy, these free-thinkers, were able to rebrand hermeticism multiple times. Any religion could be exercised in ancient Rome as long as loyalty to the emperor was still expressed which is why the cult of Isis had a presence among many other representations of the Egyptian pantheon. I believe that if God had a chosen people, the Israelites, then the devil had a chosen people too and that was the Egyptians. Pharaoh had the role of both king and god (as an earthly representative of Ra). We see the same thing today in the pope of Rome since Vatican City is a nation...he is both a king and a god (as an earthly representative of Jesus). It's also worth noting that Freemasonry extends its hand of membership to christians, muslims, and jews. I know the, "official position" of the Roman Catholic Church is that none of its members are allowed to join secret societies, but they have always had official positions in public and other, more questionable, positions in private.
Thank you for this. It explains a lot. I would say that our culture has been successfully thoroughly degraded. I read Death by Injection but I missed this book.
This is all fascinating. I'll offer that one thing Luciferianism has correct is that pain is the most valuable metaphysical coin of the realm. The Demiurge definitely controls the spectrum of energy in which we live this fairytale of being a mortal primate, and he takes your suffering as tribute, as the tax for whatever little joy or pleasure you can scratch from this existence. Buddha said "all life is suffering," and he was correct. Well, all life here, now; not all life everywhere. You can live here in that truth without being a child-sacrificing banker, and you can navigate your own relationship with Lucifer to maximize your time here without becoming cruel and exploitative. What you have to do is pay him with YOUR pain, not someone else's. Asceticism, fasting, extreme physical feats, or simply indulging your melancholia or ruminating on suffering... these things strengthen the mind and the body, while overindulging in pleasure rots both. What the positive theologies get wrong is that you can ever actually arrive in the land of milk and honey. You'd be miserable there. Your teeth would rot and fall out; your muscles would wither; and your soul would grow dim. So, I propose that if we truly want to overpower these Canannites once and for all, and usher in the Kingdom of God, we have to understand the true source of power in this realm. We have to use that knowledge to get strong, like the Spartans. The mind that can let all of it in, consider all of it, and ultimately decide, as a matter of free will, to use it for improvement and benevolence, as opposed to ruination and predation, is the mind of the Messiah.
Ah, good ol' Eustice, author of 'Death by Injection.' We should have listened. https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-conspiracy
I have a copy of Mullins book and the title is Murder by Injection. When and why did the title change, I wonder?
I could have misremembered it...
Plenty to chew on here! Speaking of freemasons, the freemasonic creep little John Howard ran Australia for eleven years from 1996 to 2007. Elected on 11 March 1996, conveniently timed for the first major false flag operation on Australian soil, the staged mass shooting known as the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania on 28 April 1996, blamed on a patsy called Martin Bryant who certainly did not have the firearm skills required to do it. This event lead to Australians having to surrender most of their guns - even pump action shotguns and .22 semi autos were banned. Then on 911 Johnny Howard was with his fellow freemason George Dubya Bush as those events unfolded in America. That staged fake terror operation had worldwide consequences including the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Al-Qaeda? Or El-CIA-duh. Then came the Bali bombing in Kuta. Indications are this was a Mossad job using some Indonesian patsies. No surprise there.
Freemasons are bad news alright:).
A dethroned king is still running the show for a period of time. He was dethroned in 33 A.D. in Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave. His devices are the same. He hates God and he hates those created in the image of God and he will do anything to separate the two from each other.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
I have a question this is something that has been bothering me actually for some time, I have been wondering exactly what the national deficit actually is because there is no way it could be money, I don’t question that it can amount to a sum, but it can’t not be a debt involving currency or at least it doesn’t make sense to me that it would be. The debt would need to paid in something other than money like land, resources etc that amount to the sum in question. So where this piece talks of central banks creating money from nothing and loaning it to governments, which I will admit is exactly what it looks like is happening, there has to be more to it, because paying back the interest in money would would be completely pointless when the ones the debt is owed to can create it from nothing. There is more to this system that is being missed, maybe this is where the numbers tied to people come into play, as in the maritime law where people are seen as corporate entities instead of people. Trying to understand what’s really taking place in this area I has been very difficult for me. Does anyone know exactly what is used to pay back the bankers? Money means nothing to them? Also there is only so much metal to back it, that would eventually give out. There is something really messed up taking place in this specific area ( repaying the debt to the bankers ) what exactly do they want? I think this is an area where trafficking might be taking place as well. Can anyone help me understand this part???????
This concept is one that I have had in mind for some time. What exactly is money? Where did it come from? What gives various denominations of money their value? If I have a $1 bill in one hand and a $5 bill in the other, presumably, I worked harder for the $5 bill than what I did for the $1 bill but really, they're nothing more than paper with printed ink and on their own they have the same value except for that value which the printing on the paper conveys. As a society, we accept that the $5 bill has more value than the $1 bill but really, if we wanted to, provided we all did so, we could say that the $1 bill has more value than the $5 bill. Physical money has its value because as a society, we accept that it has the value of its designated markings. But in the end, money is just paper with ink printing.
For money to have TRUE value, it must be backed by something of high, reliable value, ie: gold, silver, precious metals, etc. Every dollar bill in circulation must have a backing of some unit of measure in gold, silver, etc. I would be lying if I said that I have done a deep dive on the history of money and whether or not the very first iterations of money had backing by anything of value such as gold but I'm fairly confident that somewhere along the way in history, at one time, money was backed by an unknown amount of gold that was held, for example, in Fort Knox. I've heard of some other untold amounts of gold that had been stored under the Vatican and in stores underneath the Vatican. All of this gold was accumulated both legitimately and as well, Ilegitimately, by means of pillage and confiscation. This is more or less a small piece of the puzzle that explains what backs money. It may or may not be 100% correct, but it is a general idea from my understanding. We were disconnected from the system of gold backing which opened the door to the free printing of untold sums of money, all of which has no backing and the value of what the printing on it indicates.
"Money out of thin air": we may as well just accept that money does in fact, grow on trees. The federal reserve, a private institution that is unaccountable to the US citizen, and is unauditable. The reserve prints, cuts, bundles and exports trillions of dollars of cold, hard cash which has absolutely no backing. The money is distributed to countless financial institutions and banks which then lend this cash to borrowers worldwide. And where it was no cost to anyone anywhere, and skin off of anyone's hyde anywhere, borrowers will pay real money to borrow, and real interest over time such that the only real value of anything moves up the chain. Miss a car payment, your real value will be repossessed. Miss a mortgage payment, your home - a real value - will be foreclosed on. Default on credit cards - you may be sued. It once was legal to imprison people over credit card default and non-payment. But notice how all items of REAL value are ultimately collected upon by those at the top of the financial structure who never put up anything of value whatsoever to create the very money. In other words, failure to repay loans for example, hurts literally no one. You'll be hurt if you don't repay the loan but the loan providers suffer no loss as there was never anything to lose on the end. Money is a system of control which creates classes, tax brackets, 'haves' & 'have nots'. A system so tight that it is guarded by firepower, withheld in institutions protected by multiple layers of tight security and protected such that, relatively speaking, it is difficult to access, at least in sums that would benefit a person all around. High level executives rake in millions regularly sitting in cushy, leather, spin chairs in tall skyscrapers for a few hours followed by guarded transportation to their high rise penthouse residences to enjoy bespoke meal creations over prized wines never breaking a sweat while men and women all over the world, every single day work a lifetime, destroying their health and often livelihoods through endless blood sweat and tears for practically nothing. And it's all done over paper printed with ink that purports to have the value indicated on its face. And the more of these dollars that are injected into the world money supply, the higher inflation becomes, the more and harder we all have to work (dare I say 'slave') just to get by. Money is a control.
By our national documents, debts can only be repaid by gold, silver and other items of value. If money is not backed by something of value, it is absolutely meaningless which would mean that all financial transactions are illegal and unconstitutional. This means we have some real problems on our hands.
Honesty, I don't think that there is anything being missed. I don't think money is backed by anything whether gold, silver, precious metals, or land. Bankers simply dole out cash backed by nothing and on one's reputation to repay timely. Nothing of value is handed out. And only real value is sent back to the top whether by repayment or confiscation for failure to repay.
This all makes me think of the plan that I have with my electric provider. Throughout each year, I pay somewhat exorbitant costs for power. But then come February, I receive a prepaid debut card in the mail congratulating me for 'earning' that money back. It seems to me the people to congratulate are those who chose different power plans. I was simply charged excessive amounts and then refunded that money. I look at it as a type of annual savings that I receive back each year in February. But there is nothing about it to be congratulated about. What is done with my monthly overpayment throughout a year who knows? I suspect it's additional money that the power company utilizes to generate additional interest for themselves. Just a guess. But I like saving here and there and this is one way to do so. I just think it's ignorant to congratulate me over when all I dod was accept a plan that overcharges me for electric service each month.
Money is a control. And then there is all of the money that we all generate, unbeknownst to us, year to year as we are all traded on the stock market generating who knows how much and for who all based on our CUSIP number listed on our social security cards. This is an interesting deep dive right here.
This is a great dive in response to Debatable's comment which started it off. I also see money as a control mechanism. Money has no intrinsic value. Even if it's backed by gold, the value of gold is arbitrary. Both money and value are mental constructs designed to enslave and control and in turn profit and elevate and give power.
But it's all in the mind and as such is the psyop we all buy into, pun intended.
As for repaying debt, I see that as human suffering and sacrifice and yes, human/child trafficking and all the disgusting pedophilia, rape, murder and cannibalism involved. The illicit trading of aborted body parts by Planned Parenthood is already a stomach churner.
I'm reminded of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Shylock the Jew, and his need for repayment by a literal pound of flesh.
Is paranoia real? How would one know?
It would take weeks if not months to trace all the threads linked here. I felt Mullins work expressed in your Q&A was somewhat simplistic, considering everything involved. That it always came back to Freemasons and their control of the world to create a Canaanite/Babylonian NWO. Gnosticism felt condemned yet the Gnostics had tremendous historical and spiritual value, imo.
Regarding Egypt I've read that Christianity, or rather the Biblical story presented, borrowed much from existing sources. Specifically, the Flood and Noah's Ark from the flooding of the Nile known as Arkanoa.
That Osiris was chopped up but missing his vital member inspired a potential movie sequel: Indiana Jones and the Lost Phallus. But then there's Baal and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Raging Baal. etc etc
As for the banks, Switzerland was neutral during WWII so banks from all sides could keep doing business. Then there's the young Austrian painter Addi Heidler who was groomed in the UK into Adolf Hitler by Lord Bedford and the Tavistock Institute and funded by the Bank of England, Royal Dutch Shell and King Edward VIII. At least that's a theory I read. It certainly seems plausible.
In general, I would say Mullins presentation involves multiple books of research to come to a fuller understanding. But it's a great overview.
Satan. That’s what’s wrong with the planet. It seems to me this book is a distortion of much of the word of God.
The account of Ham, Canaan and Noah is distorted. The act that got Ham's son Canaan cursed occurred long after the Ark had settled on Mt Ararat and following a vineyard being planted. None of that occurred on the Ark. The wine eventually produced was used to get Noah drunk leaving him exposed to rape. There is no account of the daughters of men having relations with the sons of God. That occurred much later. The bloody history of two bloodlines in conflict concerns both Ishmael and Issac as half brothers fighting over the proffered inheritance. The rights of primogeniture.
Including the right to rule over the earth. That right is reserved for the son of the free woman, Issac, and not the son of the bond woman, Ishmael. National Israel is descended through Isaac then Jacob. And the 12 sons of Jacob comprising the 12 tribes seen all through the OT. Today the nation of Israel is in the Land before the time. Is in deep disobedience, without Messiah and as the slayer and defiled after touching the dead body of Messiah. Israel will pay a steep price for her rebellion, profligacy, butchery and global skullduggery. But first must come repentance but not before severe punishment. That's what the Time of Jacob's Trouble serves up to these stiff-necked stubborn people of God. They are God's Chosen. But in their present condition they are less than sheep dung.
MM on Mullins: "I suspect Mullins was Jewish himself, misdirecting the opposition in the same way David Irving is doing."
Who is MM?
"You couldn't ask for a bigger red flag. He met Pound in 1949 and within a year he had finished the manuscript for what would become The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Those guys worked fast, eh? Mullins was a quick learner, right? No, he was probably just a front for a writing committee."
Who are you quoting?