

On "The Great Awakening" Documentary
  • “Perhaps the most important lesson I’ve learnt in my years as a prime minister…is that national interests are often best served by international co-operation” – Mark Rutte, Dutch Prime Minister

  • Marxist theory meets the real world of food production. Going back to the Stalinist crop disasters of the 1920’s - 1930’s, the left’s track record on agriculture policy has cost millions of lives. In version 2.0, the elites are telling people who are struggling to survive and feed their fellow humans that they are responsible for some climate catastrophe if they don’t accept lower crop yields, more crop disease and pests, and a little belt- tightening. The elites then go home in their SUVs to their fully powered homes and plan their international travel and cruise ship vacations. This is absurd beyond words. Be prepared for a global backlash. – comment from Sea Sentry

  • Intersectionality fundamentally turns people inside out. It used to be the case you were expected to externalize a sense of uniformity and community while being internally independent and individual. You were supposed to look and behave like everybody else but were given license to think differently. Intersectionality fractionates and individualizes external identity while demanding strict obedience and uniformity of its adherent’s internal identity. You can look and behave as differently as you want, but your thoughts belong to the group. It's as though they are giving you the right to behave differently in order to buy your right to think differently. Once they have your right to think differently, they get to tell you how to think about all behaviors. – YouTube comment from Jeremy Poncy (to James Lindsay lecture on Mao, below)


I wasn’t planning on watching Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening (frankly I’m a bit plandemiced out), but then I came down with an annoying cold, and while being a couch vegetable, I decided to watch it.

Plandemic Series | Official Home of The Great Awakening

It is not what I expected at all, and I’m very glad I did. It’s not about the physical “virus” but instead a magnificent telling of the reincarnation of communism as international collectivism, or what we have come to know as globalism.

I’m going to call it Commuglobism.

I highly recommend it, especially as an education for younger teens and twenties to understand how communism has been reincarnated, bigger, better and with much more sophisticated technology, PR and shiny new words. It is hidden in plain sight.

The effect of all those documentaries on the history channel about Stalin and Mao (not as many as those about Hitler may I add) is that we have come to understand “that” as communism.

But “that” is not communism. “That” is just one “form” of it, one manifestation of it. Today we are living through a new “form”. But it the same underlying framework and spirit.

The masthead video is a cut-out from the documentary, I found the continuum between anarchism and all the other -isms to be very helpful, and I especially like the fact that they have correctly categorized all the -isms as being different forms of the same thing “collectivism”.

In my eBook on climate, in the chapter titled Climate Collectivism, and referring to Milton Freidman, I wrote:

The Climate By Unbekoming
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The Collectivist spirit is always there, it never goes away, in history it ebbs and flows. In our current history that spirit has been invoked using The Climate™. “We” are destroying the world and in so doing are destroying our future selves. We need “compassion” for future generations to do what is necessary now. We need to act “together” as selfish individualism is a danger to us all.

Milton Friedman is among the best at explaining freedom and collectivism. He has a way with words and understands the subject matter so deeply that he can explain it to a child. Socialism, Communism etc are just expressions and sometimes only different labels for Collectivism and centrally planned collectivist systems. The title of this clip is Socialism is Force, but it should be read as Collectivism is Force. He articulates a wonderful sentence near the end.

“The most harm of all is done when power is in the hands of people who are absolutely persuaded of the purity of their intentions”.

Think about Gates as you listen to Milton here.

And from the chapter titled Igor Shafarevich, I quote a section from Under the Rubble:

As if that wasn’t enough blasphemy, in the following excerpts from his essay I have replaced socialism with collectivism and socialist with collectivist (may Igor forgive me). The reason I have done this is twofold. Since 1974 the word “social” has been hijacked and imbued with all manner of distractive meaning, thus when Igor’s words are read in 2022, they invoke a spirit that I believe he never intended. Secondly “collective” best describes the distinction to the “individual” and acts as an umbrella meta-term under which Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and all manner of other -isms can sit.

There exists, however, one voice which is untinged by doubts or obscurity; there exists a doctrine which points confidently to the future of mankind — collectivism. At present it is divided into countless currents, each claiming to be the sole exponent of collectivism and considering the others to be pseudocollectivist. If we eschew such narrow partisanship and examine which countries are headed by governments that have proclaimed collectivism as their aim, we shall see that the greater part of mankind in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America has already started to move in that direction. And in the rest of the world collectivist parties are contending for power and collectivist teachings prevail among young people. Collectivism has become such a force that even the most prominent politicians are obliged to curry favor with it and the most weighty philosophers to make obeisances to it.

The point that Shafarevich makes, is that collectivism is a spirit that has roamed the globe for thousands of years and remerges in new guises and -isms from era to era. Marxism gave use Lenin, then Stalin then Mao, each with their own “upgrade” of the same underlying idea: That the collective is more important than the individual and that the State is there, and in fact required, to express the will of that collective.

But Communism has been framed incorrectly in our minds, maybe on purpose. It has been framed as the “opposite” of Capitalism, but frankly nothing could be further from the truth.

Without capital you cannot do anything, that includes the Communists. Where was the capital in the old Russia? It was with the elite, the landowners, and the State. So, the communists got control of all that capital. The issue was never capital itself, but who owned and controlled it.

This famous line from The Communist Manifesto reminds us of what Marx thought of capital:

In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.

He didn’t have a problem with “property”, it was “private property” that was the problem.

So, if we simply think about this through a more meta lens, the Collectivists want to abolish Private Capital, not all Capital.

The thread I’m picking at here is that Collectivists like Capital, for obvious reasons, but Capital also likes Collectivism for less obvious reasons. But I think they are obvious once you slow think it.

Capital doesn’t like competition; in fact, it seeks to eliminate it.

Capital seeks to graduate to Monopoly. Total, unchallenged, control.

Capitalism, unchecked by a healthy political immune system, like a cancer, grows into Monopolism.

This again from my eBook, where I quote Toby Rogers:

Toby Rogers in his great review of the book adds a good caveat, that I agree with:

Our opponent is not just Global Capitalism per se. I would be happy for people to sell their crafts via the internet all over the world (indeed I just bought a lovely meditation bench from a craftsperson in the U.K.).

What we are up against is Global Monopoly Capitalism (GloboMonoCap) and that’s a completely different beast altogether.

Competition in the marketplace is exhausting, uncertain, and cuts into profit margins. So capitalists look for ways to consolidate and collude. What we are left with now is the illusion of choice, via a wide range of brands, that are all controlled by a tiny handful of giant multinational companies. Monopolies and oligopolies solve the collective action problem (for capital) and enable the consolidated corporate sector to spend all of their time capturing the political system and using it to their advantage.

So, that is the Capital side of the story.

On the human side (the labor side), you have the pesky sovereign individual at one end versus the homogenized and pasteurized obedient, centrally managed, and controlled collective at the other.

So, I ask you, which political system (and ideology) do you think Monopoly Capitalism prefers?

One built around the free-thinking sovereign individual, nested within the sovereign family, or one of the many Collectivist -isms?

Yep, you guessed it, Collectivism and Monopolism are two perfectly matched bedfellows.

They are both power seeking -isms.

One arrives at total power via Capital.

The other arrives at total power via Labour.

Together they become one.

So, when we talk about Global Monopoly Capitalism, what does that really mean?

Is it Portuguese monopoly capitalism that we should worry about, or maybe the Albanians?

No, it is Empire, and there is only one, you guessed it, US Empire.

Which brings me, again, to Denis Rancourt’s 2019 study, the most important geo-political report I have read to date.

Geo Economics And Geo Politics Drive Successive Eras Of Predatory Globalization And Social Engineering
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The question arises: what can serve as an overarching religion (or collection of religions) that will support and stabilize increased USA global economic predation in the unipolar context following the fall of the Soviet Union, in a globalized world built on “universal human rights” since the end of WWII, in which multicultural immigration is a labour-supply reality? – Denis Rancourt

I cannot stress how important it is to read the full Rancourt study, but it is 70 pages and most will never do it, so here are 10 key concepts and takeaways:

  1. Bretton Woods System: The report discusses the Bretton Woods system, which was established post-World War II to ensure global financial stability. It was designed to avoid wars and destabilizing economic maneuvering between capitalist Western states, and to facilitate military and strategic integration under USA supremacy.

  2. Collapse of Bretton Woods: The report highlights the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971 when the US unilaterally removed the gold backing from the dollar. This allowed the US to print as much money as it wanted, disregarding any trade deficit it might accumulate, as long as the dollar remained the de facto world currency.

  3. Post-Bretton-Woods Globalization: The report discusses the aggressive financial globalization that ensued after the collapse of Bretton Woods. This led to a surge in investment revenues and elite salaries, while the support structures of the working class were decimated.

  4. Fall of the Soviet Union: The report discusses the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 as a major world event that spurred accelerated globalization and led to a USA rampage for unrestricted exploitation of and dominance over formerly protected regions.

  5. Post-Soviet-Union Globalization: The report highlights the post-Soviet-Union globalization, characterized by a large negative net international investment position (NIIP) of the USA, in which the USA became the largest debtor nation.

  6. Social-Construct Globalization: The report discusses the emergence, capture, promotion, and institutionalization of global warming, gender equity, and anti-racism as state doctrines in the post-Soviet-Union era.

  7. Impact on Social-Class Structure: The report discusses the effect of post-Soviet-Union globalization on social-class structure, with the gutting of professional independence in teaching and civil service, and the decimation of the working class's support structures.

  8. Deregulation of Industries: The report highlights the deregulation of the agricultural and public-health industries in the post-Soviet-Union globalization era.

  9. Upsurge of Chronic Diseases: The report discusses the upsurge of chronic diseases as a result of post-Soviet-Union globalization.

  10. Conclusion: The report concludes that the global financial system significantly determines national and regional reality in people's lives and security, with an emphasis on the two main post-World-War-II transformations, initiated in 1971 and 1991. The report also describes the ongoing tectonic shift that followed the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, leading to the present backlash.

We are in the grips of Empire.

We have been for a long time.

The GMC is born out of Empire.

The Climate™ story is born out of Empire.

The Gender™ story is born out of Empire.

The Race™ story is born out of Empire.

Said another way, Global Monopoly Capitalism has chosen its State Doctrine, it was once “Anti-Communism” but with the fall of the Soviets in had to recreate is it “in the aggregate” with Climate, Gender, and Race.

If you have watched Moneyball (I love that movie), then you will remember Brad Pitt explaining it quite simply. How they will “recreate Giambi in the aggregate”.

So, that is what Empire has done, it has recreated Giambi in the aggregate, with Climate, Gender, and Race.

Three Collectivist rivers that combine into a raging flow of “communal” beliefs that organize the globe in ways that are friendly and frictionless to monopoly capital.

The beauty of The Great Awakening documentary is that it is woven around a 1969 lecture by G. Edward Griffin. I doubt you will ever find a more prophetic lecture. It is worth watching in full.

While on the subject, here is an important recent episode from James Lindsay.

It’s Mao that figured out that Cultural revolution was far more important, and sustainable, than Economic revolution. Today’s “Marxists” are not really Marxists, they are Maoist (without knowing it).

In the masthead video there is a short mention of Sri Lanka. Most people do not know what has happened to that country, and the destruction wrought on it by Global Monopoly Capitalism, because “The News™” didn’t report on it.

Michael Shellenberger has reported well on Sri Lanka here:

U.N. War On Fertilizer Began in Sri Lanka (substack.com)

In fact, the fertilizer ban was causing a crash in agricultural production. After the fertilizer ban, 85% of Sri Lankan farmers experienced crop losses. Rice production fell 20%, prices rose 50 percent, and the nation had to import $450 million worth of the grain. In Rajanganaya, where farmers operate on just a hectare (2.5 acres), of land on average, families reported producing half their normal crop harvest.

And here:

Green Dogma Behind Fall Of Sri Lanka (substack.com)

Sri Lanka has fallen. Protesters breached the official residences of Sri Lanka's Prime Minister and President, who have fled to undisclosed locations out of fear of death. The proximate reason is that the nation is bankrupt, suffering its worst financial crisis in decades. Millions are struggling to purchase food, medicine and fuel. Energy shortages and inflation were major factors behind the crisis. Inflation in June in Sri Lanka was over 50%. Food prices rose by 80%. And a half-million people fell into poverty over the last year.

But the underlying reason for the fall of Sri Lanka is that its leaders fell under the spell of Western green elites peddling organic agriculture and “ESG,” which refers to investments made following supposedly higher Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria. Sri Lanka has a near-perfect ESG score (98) which is higher than Sweden (96) or the United States (51).

The masthead video also touches on the Dutch farmers, and Mark Rutte, the Dutch Prime Minster and traitor to the globalists.

Shellenberger has also written well about the Dutch situation.

Green Elitism Behind Farmer Crackdowns (substack.com)

ALMERE, Netherlands — Farmers in the Netherlands reduced nitrogen pollution by nearly 70%. But the government says that is not enough and is demanding that they cut pollution by another 50% by 2030. 

By the Dutch government’s own estimates, 11,200 farms out of the roughly 35,000 dedicated to dairy and livestock would have to close under its policies; 17,600 farmers would have to reduce livestock; and total livestock would need to be reduced by one-half to one-third. The Dutch government has demanded that animal farming stop entirely in many places. Of the over $25.7 billion the government has set aside to reduce pollution, just $1 billion is for technological innovation, with most of the rest for buying out farmers.

And here:

Dutch Farmers Revolt Against Green Elites (substack.com)

Data show ammonia pollution from manure has already declined by nearly 70% since 1990. And farmers say they will continue to reduce pollution as they put in place low-cost, common-sense fixes, like diluting manure with water, injecting it into the soil and more frequently washing down barn floors.

Netherlands is something of a model for the efficient use of nitrogen fertilizer in farming. Since the early 1960s, the Netherlands has doubled its yields while using the same amount of fertilizer. It’s hard not to conclude that politics and green ideology, more than science and reason, are driving the government’s decision.

And lastly, I want to leave you with Larry McDonald’s last public interview.

This desire from Global Monopoly Capitalism “to move left” has been around for a very long time. It’s only now those that were in a deep sleep (people like me) are waking up and smelling the manure.

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FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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