I first came across Xavier Bazin’s work when a French reader and mentor pointed me to the work he had done on scientific journals. I referenced his article at length when I wrote this Substack in March 2023.
Peer Review - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)
He opened my eyes to how “reprints” are a financial tool of journal capture by way of funneling large volumes of money into these journals:
Here's how it works: as soon as one of these newspapers publishes a positive study on a drug, the manufacturer buys thousands of copies of the relevant edition!
However, the massive recirculation of a single issue can generate up to 2 million euros in turnover for the magazine!
This is not nothing, when you know that the annual turnover of The Lancet is $40 million (and NEJM $100 million).
In total, it is estimated that these "reprints" represent up to a third of the revenues of these newspapers!
This is all the more significant since these revenues have a margin rate of at least 80% (because it costs nothing to re-print).
In short, these reprints ordered by Big Pharma make a lot of money for medical journals!
I recently asked Xavier if he would be open to an interview, and I am thankful that he agreed.
There is plenty to learn from his answers, and as you will see, the fight is the same no matter what country you are in. The social conditioning is the same. The risk of cancellation is the same. The poisoning and damage to society is the same. It varies by degree, but the shape and spirit of the monster is the same.
I encourage you to follow Xavier’s work here. Do not worry that it is in French. All/most browsers and email accounts have translation tools nowadays.
Who is Xavier Bazin? | Xavier Bazin (xavier-bazin.fr)
With thanks to Xavier Bazin for both the interview and all the work that he is doing.
Tell us a bit about yourself, your background, and some of your journey that got you to this point.
During my years of college (“Sciences Po” in France), I studied social and human sciences, not biology or medicine. I had total faith in the medical system.
But then I suffered from chronic fatigue (especially brain fog) and discovered what modern medicine really was about.
No conventional doctor could help me. By contrast, natural solutions helped a lot – notably fasting.
So, I decided to write about health, as an independent journalist. I write about the problems with many drugs, that too many people do not know. I write about the incredible solutions that can be found in natural health.
When did you first realise there was a problem with childhood vaccination? Was there a particular incident or trigger?
My eye-opening was gradual. First, I realized that a lot of drugs had hidden dangers and very low efficacy (anti-cholesterol or anti-depressant drugs, for instance). But even at that point, I still could not imagine that vaccines could be as bad (let alone that they could be a sort of “hoax”, the term used at the end of the great book Turtles all the way down).
But over the years, writing about natural health, I encountered a lot “heretic writings”, and read them with an open mind.
The first book that really put me “over the edge” was Toxic Story, by Romain Gherardi. It explained so well and so elegantly how aluminium could cause toxic diseases to the muscle and the brain.
By the way, it was at this point that I realized that I might have been vaccine-injured too – and that my chronic fatigue and brain fog could be the result of aluminium-containing vaccination.
This is not what motivated me to write so much about vaccines, but my personal story is somewhat revealing.
When I was 18, I had three vaccines before travelling to Africa: yellow fever, hepatitis A and typhoid fever. Believe it or not, I had an immediate syncope, 1 second after the injection – I brutally fell on the floor and hurt my head (but not badly).
But even this did not make me reconsider vaccination at all! Five years later, at 23, my doctor prescribed me a DTp(olio) booster – a bad idea, especially since I had some sort of a viral infection, maybe mono. It contained aluminium.
This is the year – coincidentally – that my brain fog and fatigue started.
To cap it all – I heard quite recently about a family tragedy that was not often discussed. My father had a young brother, Dominique, who died at age two. He was perfectly normal, but right after a vaccination (smallpox, I suppose, but I am not sure), he immediately and radically changed. His mother saw the best neurologists, but he just decayed and died at two.
Again, this is not why I write about vaccine. But for those who have a spiritual mind, it is interesting to note that my middle name is Dominique. It was chosen by my parents in his memory.
What motivated you to write extensively about vaccinations?
It really was Covid.
Yes, I had written some articles about vaccines before Covid. But with Covid, I had this thinking: the worst measures (lockdowns, suppression of early treatment and mass vaccination) would not have happened without the “vaccine religion”.
If people and doctors had learned to think critically about vaccines, none of this would not have happened (well, maybe the first lockdown still would have happened, but the other ones were only accepted because a vaccine was coming).
So that is why it seemed to me so important to have that conversation about what vaccines are really about.
Plus, it was a good time to do so. A lot of people understood that there was a problem with Covid vaccines. These people were now open to realize that there were a lot of problems with other vaccines too.
How has your public vaccination work impacted you professionally and financially?
I was already an outsider anyway. I had been writing about natural health and the hidden danger of pharmaceuticals for several years. Independently and in alternative magazines.
So, I did not experience so much change after I published my book:
“Antivax toi-même” (Antivax yourself).
It would have been different if I had sold more than a hundred thousand books – all the media would have come after me. But since I only sold 15,000 of so – which I think is good enough – they leave me alone; they do not want to promote my work.
How has it impacted your personal relationships?
I lost a good friend during the Covid craze, because of what I wrote about Covid vaccines. He said I was “dangerous”. It was painful to hear.
But fortunately, my parents and my spouse share my thinking. And most of my friends do not mind what they consider my “eccentric views”. So I consider myself lucky.
Who were your main mentors and teachers in this subject?
In France, Michel Georget wrote illuminating books about vaccines. That was my first encounter with serious vaccine skepticism.
Then I read Pr Gherardi’s great book about aluminium adjuvant. Then Michel de Lorgeril’s series of books about vaccination. Then thousands of reports and scientific studies. Also, Dissolving illusions was a great influence on me.
ICAN has done a great work showing that none of the childhood vaccines had been tested against a real placebo.
But the Covid crisis really made me realize all the ramifications of the vaccine religion. It goes deep, with military stakes, as I describe in my book.
Why do you think the public's faith and belief in vaccination is so hard to break? What is it about us that makes us so susceptible and accepting of the grand story?
Before my awakening, I thought that vaccination was one of the great “successes” of modern medicine. I thought that vaccines got rid of the plague of infectious diseases and that antivaxxers were anti science.
It is a very simple and convincing narrative. A century ago, many people died of infectious diseases. Now very few people do, and some of the diseases have even been eradicated.
I know now vaccines were not the real saviors, but you need to do your own research to find out.
Also, the story of the “attenuated disease” that you inoculate yourself to prevent a more serious disease is powerful and easy to understand.
To understand how problematic and simplistic it is, you have to dig into vaccine science and realize how complex and mysterious our immune system is.
I love this quote from an ex-director of viral vaccine production at Sanofi (and WHO consultant: “we do not know how vaccines work”. That is the real truth. I would add that we do not really know whether they work. But few people know it.
What are your thoughts on genetics as an explanation for why some kids are injured and others seem to not be?
Until recently, I thought genetic variability was the only logical explanation. And I still think it explains a lot. For example, some kids may have troubles with autophagy and have a hard time detoxing aluminium.
But very recently, I have dug into Marc Girardot “bolus theory”, which I find fascinating. A lot of vaccine injuries are probably caused by accidental intravascular injection of the content of the vaccine. Doctors think that there is a 1/10,000 chance of intravascular injection, but it is probably more than 1/100 chance of at least part of the content of the vaccine going right into the bloodstream).
Do you think that because France is the country of Pasteur, the vaccination faith is particularly strong?
Actually, for reasons that I do not totally understand, France is one of the most “vaccine sceptic” country. Maybe because it is the country of Pasteur and people saw early on that vaccines caused harm; I do not know.
See the Gardasil coverage: it is low compared to other Western countries. See also the Covid vaccines coverage for 5-11 years old: 5 % only in France vs almost 50 % in Spain and around 20 % in Germany.
The fact that 11 childhood vaccines are mandated in France is more a reflection of its authoritarian tendencies than a sign of vaccine popularity.
Vitamins and Cancer
I notice that you have written quite a few articles about Vit D. What are the main bullet points you would tell people about Vit D to open their eyes to the subject?
Vitamin D was considered a miracle vitamin until the 1950, because it cured children from rickets. But then it got bad press in England, unjustly. As a result, insufficient doses were given to infants in most Western countries after that (France resisted this movement until recently).
Vitamin D is still accepted in the medical community to be good for the bones, but the reality is that it is good for almost everything: for the heart, the brain, the immune system… and against cancer.
Regarding the immune system, the Covid era proved, beyond any reasonable doubt, how great vitamin D is against viral infections (see all the studies here https://c19early.org/d).
But there is another area where vitamin D has great scientific proof of efficacy: against cancer.
As a treatment, it has been shown in meta-analysis of randomized control trials to reduce by 30% your risk of dying from colorectal cancer (see https://www.xavier-bazin.fr/si-la-vitamine-d-peut-vous-eviter-le-cancer-est-elle-efficace-pour-traiter-un-cancer-deja-apparu/)
But works better still to prevent cancer. The biggest randomized trial done on vitamin D (Vital) showed that a modest dose (2,000 units per day) is enough to prevent at least 25% of all cancers and 37% of the worst ones, the metastatic cancers.
But there is a catch: to benefit from this incredible protection, you must not be overweight, let alone obese.
Vitamin D supplementation does not seem to work for obese people. Worse: for obese women people, it could slightly increase the risk of breast cancer (see https://www.xavier-bazin.fr/tres-surprenant-chez-ce-petit-groupe-de-personnes-avaler-de-la-vitamine-d-pourrait-etre-inefficace-voire-contre-productif/).
So, it is very easy for Pharma controlled scientists to claim vitamin D does not work, all they have to do is lump together people of different BMI! They then say that you should not examine sub-groups (like normal BMI people), because it is “cherry-picking”. And voilà! Vitamin D “does not work” against cancer!
What are the types of lies that have been told about Vit D to hide its value from the public?
There are two main lies. One is that it is not effective. During Covid, there was the same phenomena with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and many other early treatments, so we have seen how they do these kind of lies.
The other great lie is that it is dangerous. The reality is that you need to take absurd doses every day for months to have some risk of toxicity (see https://www.xavier-bazin.fr/dangereuse-la-vitamine-d-mensonge/).
So, everyone should have a blood level of vitamin D superior to 40 ng/mL (or 100 nmol/L). Ideally with the sun alone, but it is impossible for most people, so they need to take supplements to achieve that level, especially during the winter.
Oh, and they need to take daily supplements, not monthly bolus doses – these do not work that well. By the way, this is another way they claim vitamin D does not work: by testing intermittent boluses instead of small daily doses.
How do you respond to critics who argue that vitamins are not a substitute for conventional cancer treatments?
It is certainly not a substitute for other treatments (natural or conventional), but there are no problematic interactions with conventional treatments, so it would be foolish to not take higher doses of vitamin D in case of cancer (except, I repeat, for obese women with breast cancer).
Healthcare Systems and Professionals
Who are some of the main doctors and researchers in France fighting the good fight that English-speaking readers might not have heard of?
Michel de Lorgeril is great. He was trained as a cardiologist and epidemiologist. He has become one of the world experts on anti-cholesterol drugs and was a pioneer of their denunciation. Then he investigated vaccines, because he saw that they also were very problematic. He is also an expert on nutrition and the Mediterranean diet.
Didier Raoult is now well-known internationally because he treated 30,000 Covid patients in France with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc. He has a lot of great insight about medical science and the pharmaceutical industry (yes, he remains a vaccine believer – even Gardasil – but nobody is perfect).
The team of Romain Gherardi – Guillemette Crépeaux in particular – keeps searching about the risks of aluminium adjuvants.
Personal and Future Works
Any current interests or future projects you want to tell us about?
As far as vaccines are concerned, I am working on the issue of their rapid – and unofficial – insertion into the vascular system, either via some venules or via the lymphatic system. This is unrecognized and probably leads to a lot of damage.
Regarding natural remedies, I still need to recap all my work on vitamin D and publish a book. Then I intend to work on melatonin. Its effects are also amazing, including against cancer.
Thanks for being here.
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You will get nothing more for your support, as everything is made freely available. The money goes towards covering the costs of this work, medical freedom causes and support for the vaccine injured.
I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com
If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes
If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a “safe” chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.
Here are all eBooks and Summaries produced so far:
FREE Book Summary: The HPV Vaccine on Trial by Holland et al.
FREE Book Summary: Bitten by Kris Newby (Lyme Disease)
FREE Book Summary: The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr Malcolm Kendrick
FREE Book Summary: Propaganda by Edward Bernays
FREE Book Summary: Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff (Glyphosate)
FREE Book Summary: The Measles Book by CHD
FREE Book Summary: The Deep Hot Biosphere by Thomas Gold (Abiogenic Oil)
FREE Book Summary: The Peanut Allergy Epidemic by Heather Fraser
FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
prior to becoming aware of the many dangers of vaccines, was getting an annual flu shot and the only prominent warnings were egg product & thimerisol allergies & you also had to sign off that you weren’t currently ill or pregnant … NEVER EVER was there a prominent listing of all the other ingredients in the vaccine (flu or otherwise) OR the possibility of dangers associated with accidental injection directly into the blood stream due to failure to aspirate the needle before injection (was very interesting the Bolus Theory )… the reward to risk profile was ALWAYS overstated
it is absolutely INSANE that kids attending public schools are currently mandated ~76 of these “RISK EVENTS” from birth to adulthood.
NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.
Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:
The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4
- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886
- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889
- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889