
We don't vaccinate!

The Myths and Reality of the Vaccination Campaigns! (Documentary 2015)

Not sure how I came across this documentary. It might have been Twitter.

It is simply excellent, and I highly recommend it.

It’s from a German perspective, and I’m glad to find something that triangulates with what is happening in the US and Australia, which I’ve watched documentaries on.


I watched it here on Rumble.

We Don't Vaccinate! - The Myths and Reality of the Vaccination Campaigns! (Documentary 2015)

It covers so much ground:

  • Injured kids and their families

  • Aluminum

  • Brain injury

  • Shaken baby syndrome (used to blame the parents)

  • Tetanus

  • Measles

  • Diphtheria

  • Polio and DDT (this is an exceptional section)

  • Adjuvants (one of the better explanations I have seen)

  • Dendrite damage

  • HPV

  • Hep B

  • Unvaccinated kids (and their much healthier stats)

Frankly, it’s a tour de force. Well done to Michael Leitner who made it!

The clip I highlighted in the masthead video has Dr Klaus Hartmann talking about macrophages smuggling aluminum into the brain. I hadn’t seen anyone on camera say that before or explain it like that.

This is a good time to rinse and repeat the highlights of just how vaccines and aluminum cause autism.

Real Autism Science - Lies are Unbekoming

This is a bullet point summary of chapter 5 of Handley’s masterpiece, “How to end the autism epidemic.”

1.    The brain has its own immune system, and it has been woken up, activated, to fight “something”, and this fight is causing inflammation and swelling.

2.    Activating the brain’s immune system causes (or to be polite and probabilistic: significantly increases the risk of) autism.

3.    The brains immune system produces too much IL-6 and that interferes with synapse formation

4.    Immune activation in the child can be triggered by the mother, or by “something else” after birth.

5.    Aluminum adjuvants cause immune activation and brain swelling.

6.    A particular type of white blood cell, a macrophage, acting as the body’s garbagemen, and doing their job, “clean up” or “gobble up” the aluminum, but they cannot “digest” it, so it stays inside them “the garbage truck” and gets sent around the body, including to the brain.

The garbage men deliver the aluminum to the brain, acting, unwittingly, as Trojan horses.

Watch this amazing clip of “a garbage man” in action.

7.    The aluminum causes the immune activation, and because it cannot be “processed” it causes permanent immune activation, inflammation and swelling.

8.    Small regular doses of aluminum, as in a 42 (Australia) or 72 (USA) dose vaccine schedule are much more dangerous than a single large dose, because the body reacts to the large dose in a way that “packages” it and keeps it in the arm. It doesn’t put it in the garbage truck and move it around. It will simply “warp” it safely and let it sit on the street to be thrown into a nearby landfill.

9.    Aluminum, in the brain, triggers elevated IL-6, which causes autism.

10.  One of the vaccines, Hep B, causes increased IL-6, which causes autism.

11.  We have discovered large amounts of aluminum deposits in autistic brains.

Synthesized here:

The brain has its own immune system that can be activated to fight against foreign elements, resulting in inflammation and swelling. The activation of this immune system significantly increases the risk of autism. The overproduction of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) by the brain's immune system interferes with synapse formation, contributing to the development of autism.

Immune activation can be triggered by the mother or by external factors after birth. One of these factors is aluminum adjuvants, used in vaccines, which are said to cause immune activation and subsequent brain swelling.

Macrophages, a type of white blood cell that acts as a 'garbage collector' for the body, can ingest the aluminum but are unable to process it. This results in aluminum being transported throughout the body, including the brain, where it contributes to chronic immune activation, inflammation, and swelling.

There you have it, it’s quite terrifyingly, horrifyingly simple once you see and understand it.

On the matter of Shaken Baby Syndrome, I hadn’t heard of it until Amelia emailed me about it about 8 months ago:

Some people who were convicted of murdering babies by shaking them have been released. I don’t know what happened to this Australian man whose conviction was being re-examined last year:

Shaken baby syndrome on trial: Judges to re-examine homicide conviction

You’ll find plenty of articles in the msm written in recent years pointing out that SBS is BS but most don’t mention vaccination (e.g. in the Guardian in 2017 - what a surprise!).

But a book was written in 2011 Buttram and England: Shaken Baby Syndrome Or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis - Are Parents Being Falsely AccusedAnd Viera Schniebner was writing about it in the 1990s.

And then there is the tragic story of Sally Clark, a lawyer in Britain.  Two of her sons died, the first a few weeks after being vaccinated, the second five hours after being vaccinated.  She was convicted of murdering both boys.  She was eventually released and died soon after from alcohol poisoning and a broken heart.

You will notice when looking up Sally Clark that there is no mention of vaccination in her story.

You will find this though:

The prosecution case relied on flawed statistical evidence presented by paediatrician Professor Sir Roy Meadow, who testified that the chance of two children from an affluent family suffering SIDS was 1 in 73 million. He had arrived at this figure by squaring his estimate of a chance of 1 in 8500 of an individual SIDS death in similar circumstances. The Royal Statistical Society later issued a statement arguing that there was no statistical basis for Meadow's claim, and expressed concern at the "misuse of statistics in the courts"

She was acquitted on second appeal because:

Later, it came to light that microbiological tests showed that Harry had a colonisation of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, indicating that he had died from natural causes, but the evidence had not been disclosed to the defence.

 “Natural causes”…a lie to imprison and a lie to release.

Also, hats off to Steve Kirsch, he is going for it…well done sir!!

The Vigilant Fox
Steve Kirsch Testifies the Truth About All Vaccines to Pennsylvania State Senate
Watch now (4 min) | “All these vaccines are causing harm to our kids. It’s not just the COVID vaccines,” attested entrepreneur and citizen journalist Steve Kirsch in front of the Pennsylvania State Senate. Here’s the transcript of his testimony: All these vaccines are causing harm to our kids. It’s not just the COVID vaccines; it’s every single one of them. There has never, ever been a …
Read more

Lastly, I want to take a moment and make a list of all the childhood vaccination documentaries I’ve watched and written about to date. I haven’t done that before, so here they are in general order of significance and value for me:

Vaxxed 2

"Vaxxed II: The People's Truth" is a follow-up documentary to "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe." The first film was abruptly removed from the Tribeca Film Festival in 2016 due to pressure from pro-pharmaceutical interests. The film's subject, Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), had confessed that the results of a pivotal vaccine safety study conducted by the CDC were fraudulent. This revelation catapulted the film from obscurity to notoriety, and it quickly became a worldwide trending topic.

The enormous number of parents who came forward with their own vaccine-injury stories stunned the producer of "Vaxxed," Polly Tommey. She began live-streaming their stories, reaching millions worldwide. This gave voice to a community that had previously been silenced.

The live-streamed injury accounts that followed the release of "Vaxxed" led to the production of "Vaxxed II: The People's Truth" in 2019. This sequel documents the scenes from the more than 50,000 miles that Polly and the "Vaxxed" team traveled in the U.S. and around the world. The thousands of interviews they conducted with parents and doctors revealed the alarming extent of the vaccine injury epidemic.

The mission of these two films is to reach every single parent and guardian of young children on the planet and cause them to ask themselves: "Are vaccines really as safe and effective as we've been told?"​1​.

1986 Act

In 1986, pharmaceutical companies extorted the US Congress into giving it the best business model in the world: no lawsuits for vaccine products that are mandated by law to be injected into children - products that have never been properly tested for safety. Vaccines that are currently being rushed-to-market for COVID-19 require even less rigorous testing of their capacity to cause harm. Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID19 - A dramatic never more relevant forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its consequences. What happens when an ancient wisdom - a mother's intuition - is pitted against powerful interests in a race against time?

Vaccination: The Hidden Truth

"Vaccination: A Hidden Truth" is a documentary that presents a critical view of vaccinations. It proposes that instead of resulting in prophylaxis (prevention), all responses to vaccines actually fall under the broad umbrella of anaphylaxis, which it defines as sensitization, the opposite of immunization. This view is presented by fifteen individuals, including Dr. Viera Scheibner, a PhD researcher, five medical doctors, and other researchers, who discuss what they believe to be the reality of illness and vaccines, drawing on orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research.

The documentary claims that there is a significant amount of misinformation about vaccines disseminated by the media, the Health Department, and the medical establishment. It presents a critical perspective on the effectiveness of vaccines and argues that they often have harmful effects.

The film seeks to provide answers to a variety of questions, such as:

  • Was it really vaccines that saved us?

  • Why are vaccines only counterproductive?

  • How are many statistics misleading?

  • What do vaccines contain?

  • What are they doing to our organs, immune systems, and even our genes?

  • Are childhood diseases really dangerous to healthy children?

  • Why does vaccination continue?

  • What are our rights?

  • Can vaccine damage be evaluated and countered?

  • What is the true key to immunity?

These questions aim to challenge the conventional understanding of vaccines and their role in public health1.

L’Alu Total

L'alu Total is an excellent French documentary that focuses on the subject of aluminum in childhood vaccines. Some key points:

  • The French documentary "L'Alu Total" explores the potential dangers of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines. The documentarian, a mother whose cat died due to an aluminum adjuvant, undertook an 18-month investigation into the subject.

  • A significant focus of the documentary is the 2011 safety study of aluminum adjuvants by Dr. Robert J. Mitkus, which has been criticized for its methodological shortcomings. For instance, the study used aluminum citrate instead of aluminum hydroxide and was tested on adults rather than infants.

  • The documentary argues that aluminum is toxic to any living organism once inside the body. Injecting vaccines bypasses the body's primary barriers (skin, intestines, lungs), making it even more dangerous.

  • A key point raised in the documentary is that the blood-brain barrier in infants is still developing in the first 6 months of life, allowing more aluminum to penetrate the brain.

  • The documentary contends that despite the existence of safer adjuvants like calcium phosphate, aluminum was chosen for its cost-effectiveness. This decision reflects a broader industry trend of focusing on "antibody production" as a primary goal, often leading to shortcuts in safety and effectiveness.

  • Aluminum adjuvants are often used in vaccines due to their ability to stimulate a strong immune response. However, the documentary argues that this "crazed" state may lead to an autoimmune reaction, where the body starts attacking itself.

  • The documentary highlights that studies often cited to "prove" the safety of aluminum in humans, such as Flarend 1997, are of limited scope and duration and have shown aluminum's ability to penetrate the brain.

  • The idea that "the dose makes the poison" is challenged by the documentary, suggesting that some substances can be toxic regardless of the dose, and aluminum could be one of those substances.

  • The film suggests that the usage of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines might one day be seen as a major public health mistake, akin to the use of mercury fillings, lead pipes, and asbestos.

  • The filmmaker points out a concerning contrast: while pet vaccines are moving away from aluminum adjuvants due to safety concerns, human vaccines, particularly those administered to babies, are not showing the same trend.

Trace Amounts

Trace Amounts is a 2014 documentary film by Eric Gladen, who claims to have experienced mercury poisoning after receiving a tetanus vaccine. In the film, he presents his investigation on the cause of his condition, argues that vaccines should be made without mercury, and claims that mercury and aluminium content of vaccines is linked to autism, a claim that is contrary to the scientific consensus. The film questions a 2011 journal article which described the vaccine-autism connection as "the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years".

Gladen begins the film by describing his own experience of mercury poisoning. He says that he was a healthy child until he received a tetanus vaccine at the age of 12. Shortly after the vaccine, he began to experience a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. He was eventually diagnosed with mercury poisoning.

Gladen then sets out to investigate the link between mercury and autism. He interviews a number of scientists and parents who believe that there is a link between the two. He also investigates the history of mercury use in vaccines.

The film concludes with Gladen calling for a ban on the use of mercury in vaccines. He argues that the risks of mercury poisoning are too great, and that there are safe alternatives to mercury-containing vaccines.


Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a 2016 American documentary film by Andrew Wakefield, which explores the purported link between the MMR vaccine and autism. The film has been widely criticized by the scientific community for its misleading and false claims.

The film begins with Wakefield introducing himself as a former British doctor who was struck off the medical register for his role in publishing a fraudulent paper in 1998 that suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Wakefield argues that he was the victim of a smear campaign by the pharmaceutical industry and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and that his research was correct.

The film then interviews a number of parents who say that their children developed autism shortly after being vaccinated. The parents describe their children's symptoms, which include regression, repetitive behaviors, and social problems. The film also interviews a number of scientists who are skeptical of the safety of vaccines.

The film concludes with Wakefield calling for a moratorium on the use of the MMR vaccine until further research can be done.

Uninformed Consent (covid but also childhood vaccination)

"Uninformed Consent" is a documentary film that provides an in-depth look into the COVID-19 narrative, focusing on who is controlling it and how it is being used to introduce a new and untested technology, namely the COVID-19 vaccine, to almost every person on the planet. The film is produced, written, and edited by Todd Michael Harris, with Vaccine Choice Canada and Children's Health Defense credited as executive producers. Both of these organizations have expressed skepticism of all vaccines, including those tied to speculation about autism and those that have significantly increased human lifespan over the past 50 years​1​​2​.

The film challenges the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, questioning the speed and universal support for the vaccine in the face of the general fear of COVID-19. The documentary raises issues around transparency, medical knowledge, consent, and the right to refuse a vaccine. It features interviews with about eight medical doctors, who ask several legitimate questions. However, the film has been criticized for failing to pursue answers to these questions and for presenting data and studies in a way that may create doubt without thorough examination​2​.

The documentary presents a variety of claims and perspectives, including those of a doctor removed from social media, a teenager asserting that his sister was killed by the COVID-19 vaccine, and assertions that governments are controlled by pharmaceutical companies. The film engages with the debate over the death toll of COVID-19, acknowledging that while young and healthy individuals had a low risk of dying, older people and those with certain underlying conditions were at high risk. It also discusses the potential overcounting or undercounting of COVID-19 deaths and the increase in "all cause mortality" for two years across many countries​2​.

Infertility – A diabolical agenda

“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda” is a documentary by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense1 that exposes a World Health Organization program resulting in the sterilization of African women without their knowledge or consent2The documentary pulls back the curtain to reveal the truth behind WHO’s nefarious collaboration with the Kenyan government in which an experimental tetanus vaccination — later found to be laced with the pregnancy hormone βhCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) — was given to millions of unknowing African women of childbearing age in the 1990s and early 2000s.

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes

If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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