Well, thanks. Just yesterday I was in a social situation, a birthday party, where some vaccinated people got interested in the information, and I referred them to some of your stuff. Today, I am sending them this one as a follow up.
The other thing that gave people pause was my own simple story of my vax-sceptic MD father, who did not alllow me to get vaccinated, and me asking him at age 8 or so, how come all the 'fully' vaccinated kids were sick all the time. Many of those were other doctor's children. Your story puts it all together, but I have known all my life.
Thank you, thank you so much! I'm trying to break to my son but can only do it in "very small steps" and this is the first comprehensive piece that gave me the courage to send to him. Him being very fortunate to have minimal interference in this regard (as only few childhood vaxxs) and being very healthy but now against my advice, after two shots and a flu shot, not so much. I'm so desperately trying to get him to think for himself and to not believe in this overwhelming barrage of propaganda. Once again, thank you.
How wonderful to have all those documentaries listed in one place. You are truly doing God's work.
Well, thanks. Just yesterday I was in a social situation, a birthday party, where some vaccinated people got interested in the information, and I referred them to some of your stuff. Today, I am sending them this one as a follow up.
The other thing that gave people pause was my own simple story of my vax-sceptic MD father, who did not alllow me to get vaccinated, and me asking him at age 8 or so, how come all the 'fully' vaccinated kids were sick all the time. Many of those were other doctor's children. Your story puts it all together, but I have known all my life.
Thank you Rogier for a great note. Always very happy when I hear that my material is shared and being put to work.
All vaccines are “unavoidably dangerous.” -1986 Vaccine Act
Very grateful. ❤️
Thank you for another excellent article. I'm sending a link to my grandson who has a new son of his own.
Great, I hope it helps.
Thank you
It is so frustrating to see everybody falling for the propaganda. If only people thought if only people researched, if only people questioned.
I'm reposting this with some additions (!) You deserve more readers. Best and thanks for your comprehensive vaccine coverage.
Thank you 🙏 Robert!
Thank you, thank you so much! I'm trying to break to my son but can only do it in "very small steps" and this is the first comprehensive piece that gave me the courage to send to him. Him being very fortunate to have minimal interference in this regard (as only few childhood vaxxs) and being very healthy but now against my advice, after two shots and a flu shot, not so much. I'm so desperately trying to get him to think for himself and to not believe in this overwhelming barrage of propaganda. Once again, thank you.
Thanks Marta, you made my day. Hope it helps.
Here's a playlist of even more vaccine documentaries: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/oIBBfjdB9sPA/
That's great, thank you!!
Mammoth informative posting here.
I clicked it because around 2015 in Western Australia, there was a "We Vaccinate" launched.
"I Immunise" oops
Here's another vaccine playlist on Odysee: