Let’s consider the whole immune system, not only immunoglobulins1 [antibodies], as necessary to protect against the ravages of cancer. Immune cells and cytokines2 [e.g. interferon], and their exquisitely coordinated and synergistic functions, must be protected from the destructive events initiated by irreversible experimental injections of novel products, such as the mRNA vaccines. – Collen Huber
What do I know about cancer? Frankly nothing. I only figured out the other day that the immune system is charged with preventing cancer. That’s how late to the party I am.
What do I know about immunity? Frankly not much. I only pieced together immune imprinting recently.
What do I know about covid vaccines? A little bit. Nothing compared to Malone, and only about 21% more than the general public.
So, with all that said, I feel highly qualified to talk about cancer, immunity and covid vaccines, as only someone who doesn’t know much about all three can.
After all, our doctors, oncologists, virologists, and immunologists either don’t know, or don’t want to know or know and will not tell us the truth. So, it’s left to us to figure it out for ourselves. I can read after all.
What brought this about is all the recent talk about IgG43, upregulation4, downregulation, and cancer. What the hell is all that?
What I am going to do, is write about what I’ve read and learnt, and use ai to help with quite a bit of the technical heavy lifting and then piece it together in a way that helps me with my understanding but then hopefully helps someone else, who like me doesn’t know anything about all this, to achieve a survival level understanding of the subject.
A strategy that I have used from the start of this GMC mess is to find someone with a torch light who can help bring some order to the ignorance and chaos of my mind, who can guide me out of the cave.
In this instance that person is Colleen Huber. But before we get to Huber, here are some first-principles ideas that I now understand to be true.
Our cells are splitting all the time.
Many of them are “bad splits”, they don’t look like the original “self” cells, they are “non-self” cells.
We all have these bad splits in us, all the time. But not everyone has cancer, why?
Because of our immune system. We are not riddled with cancer because our immensely complex immune system quickly cleans the bad cells up, and recycles them, before they get out of hand and become a problem.
If you mess with the immune system, you are messing with cancer.
If there is an immunologist or oncologist in the room that disagrees with this, or anything else I am about to write, you know where to find me.
What I want to do first is understand this “thing” we call the “immune system”. I’ve been reading about it since March 2020, but I would be a liar if I told you I understand it. I’ve heard of white blood cells and antibodies and antigens etc, but honestly, that is not even a pimple on the left pinkie of the subject. Turns out nobody else really understands it either. Including all the people who have been injecting us for decades to “train” our immune systems, to “train” this thing they don’t understand.
So, let’s first do a bird’s eye view of the immune “system”, it will help me, and hopefully you.
The Immune System 101
Here's a quick overview of the main parts of the immune system and how they work:
Skin and mucous membranes: These are the body's first line of defence against germs. The skin acts as a physical barrier to keep germs out, and mucous membranes (like those in the nose and mouth) produce mucus that traps germs and helps flush them out of the body.
White blood cells: These are the cells that help fight off infections. There are different types of white blood cells, including neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes. They circulate in the blood and move to the site of an infection to help fight off the germs.
Antibodies: These are proteins produced by certain immune cells (like B cells) that help neutralize or remove germs from the body. Antibodies can bind to specific germs and mark them for destruction by other immune cells.
Complement system5: This is a group of proteins that work together to help the immune system fight off infections. The proteins in the complement system can help destroy germs directly, or they can help activate other immune cells to attack the germs.
Fever: When the body has an infection, it can sometimes produce a fever as a way to help fight off the germs. A fever can help kill off some types of bacteria and make it harder for them to multiply.
Lymphatic system: This is a network of vessels and organs that helps filter out infections and other foreign substances from the body. The lymphatic system includes the spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes, which produce and store immune cells.
Immune memory: After the body fights off an infection, some of the immune cells that were involved in the response can "remember" the germ and are able to respond more quickly if the body is exposed to the same germ again.
I hadn’t realised, until recently, that “fever” is actually part of the immune system. Seems obvious after the fact. Clearly “fever” is a good thing, but we have been taught to think of it otherwise. Yet one more thing they have lied to me about.
I like a good analogy, so let’s look at all of the above in an analogy.
The Castle’s Defense System
Imagine that your body is a castle, and the immune system is the castle's defence system. The castle has a few different ways to keep out intruders (like germs):
The walls and moat are like the skin and mucous membranes. They form a physical barrier to keep out unwanted visitors.
The archers on the walls are like the white blood cells. They watch for any invaders that try to get past the walls and shoot them down with arrows (or in the case of white blood cells, attack them with chemicals).
The knights are like the antibodies. They are trained to fight specific types of enemies (like bacteria or viruses) and can go out and seek them out to defeat them.
The boiling oil that the archers pour on the enemy is like the complement system. It's a special weapon that can help destroy invaders or make it easier for the knights to defeat them.
The fire in the castle's fireplace is like a fever. When there's an enemy invasion, the castle can build up the fire to create a higher temperature (like a fever) to help kill off some of the invaders.
The castle's drainage system is like the lymphatic system. It helps carry away any unwanted invaders that get past the walls and moat.
The castle's intelligence network is like immune memory. It keeps track of all the enemies that the castle has defeated in the past and can use that information to prepare for future invasions.
I guess, compared to not understanding anything about the immune system, the above 101 and analogy is better than nothing, but now that we are here, I want to go one step further to say that the above understanding of the immune system, as “complex” as it already sounds, is so simple and incomplete as to render it wrong.
For starters, the castle analogy is within the framework of a “foreign attacker, invader”, so what about all the “self” cells, that exist within us that the system “knows” not to attack. How does it “know”?
For that we need to spend some time with Francisco Varela (with thanks to wm who brought him to my attention) and his essay titled Immu-knowledge (written with Mark Anspach).
Varela suggests an alternative view:
The standard role attributed to immunity is to protect the "self" from the assault of foreign infections. The immune system is supposed to produce defenses against invaders, and surveillance cells that kill the pathogens and keep the self from foreignness or non-self. Every immunology text will start by defining immunology as the study of such immune responses.
The alternative view we are suggesting can be likened to the notion of Gaia claims that the atmosphere and earth crust cannot be explained in their current configurations (gas composition, sea chemistry, mountain shapes, and so on) without their direct partnership with life on Earth.
It’s an invitation to think about immunity as a perfectly balanced and adaptive system with such complexity that it is more accurately understood as “cognitive” of even “conscience”.
Let us transpose the metaphor to immunobiology, and suggest that the body is like Earth, a textured environment for diverse and highly interactive populations of individuals. The individuals in this case are the white blood cells or lymphocytes which constitute the immune system. The lymphocytes are a diverse collection of species, each differentiated by the peculiar molecular markers or antibodies its members advertise on their membrane surfaces. Like the living species of the biosphere, these lymphocyte populations stimulate or inhibit each other's growth. Like species in an ecosystem, they are also enormous generators of diversity: the antibodies and other molecules produced by lymphocytes are by far (a millionfold) the most varied collection of molecules produced in the body, and there are exquisite mechanisms to assure the constant change and diversity of those present at all times.
The lymphocytes' network exists in harmony with their natural ecology, the somatic environment of the body, which shapes which lymphocyte species exist. But as in Gaia, the existing lymphocytes alter in a radical way every molecular profile in the body. Thus, as adults, our molecular identity is none other than the immune/body partnership shaped throughout life, in a unique configuration. Like a microcosmic version of Gaia.
It is this, most glorious of creations, that we are messing with. That we have messed with.
As Brett Weinstein confirms in a video below, we still do not understand how it works, just as we do not understand how consciousness of the mind works, we do not understand how “consciousness” of the immune system works either.
As Varela says:
The richness of the network processes and their emergent properties so pervasive elsewhere in the study of complex systems and cognitive science is, however, not well understood. The number of experimental papers which, properly speaking, study immune network problems can be counted with the fingers of one hand, and the theoretical explorations are just beginning (Varela and Coutinho 1991).
There is at least one reason why the papers that study the immune network problem “can be counted on one hand”, it’s because money has not been allocated to it, because industry frankly doesn’t want to know. The more that you acknowledge and understand immune system complexity, the more you have to come to terms with the lies and falsehoods contained within the two-dimensional vaccine mythology of antigen and antibody. Inject this to get that, and don’t look too hard at anything else.
The point of all of this is to get some basics out of the way, including the point that it is complex beyond belief, complex beyond our comprehension and with all of that ignorance and hubris they have gone ahead and injected the planet with a genetic “safe and effective sludge”.
Just before we look at the IgG4 issue.
This is a decent video where Brett and Heather talk about the recent IgG4 paper. What I’ve always liked about them is their genuine attempt at quality, simplified communication. Making the complex simple and understandable for everyone.
Unfortunately, they are trapped in the lab leak narrative and are unwitting amplifiers of the “threat” story, that Couey has been working to debunk. It’s possible that is the main reason they are allowed on YouTube. The threat of lab generated viruses is an immensely important narrative to pump out, especially among the dissidents. It’s the story that is required to build a global “preparedness” industry.
But that doesn’t preclude them from talking a lot of truth and sense on other matters.
Their take on complex systems is spot on. You mess with complex systems at your peril. The immune system is clearly one of the most complex systems there is.
I wrote about messing with complex systems and cane toads here a while back.
They do a decent job of explaining the IgG4 antibody problem.
My favourite part though is at 22.50, where Brett says, “welcome to complex systems…you are dealing with a system you don’t know nearly enough about to make any sort of a radical change and think you know what’s going to happen.”
He is obviously talking about mRNA vaccines and the carnage we are continuously discovering, but their cognitive dissonance around childhood vaccination is unfortunate. That sentence perfectly describes the problem of injecting 70+ antigens and 38 chemicals into babies and infants, but he is oblivious to that point. As much as I love these guys, their cognitive dissonance on childhood vaccination is stunning.
Now let’s look at the IgG4 paper that has caused all the fuss. Jessica Rose has been doing a lot of great work here.
IgG4-related disease (IgG4RD) means FIBROSIS and organ destruction (substack.com)
A recent paper published in Science confirms what many of us have been saying for well over a year now: repeated injections with modified mRNA encapsulated by LNPs messes up your immune system.
A simple summary of the abstract is:
After receiving two doses of an mRNA vaccine, the body's immune system produces mostly pro-inflammatory antibodies called IgG1 and IgG3. However, several months later, the body begins to produce more non-inflammatory antibodies called IgG4. This increase in IgG4 antibodies was boosted by a third mRNA vaccination.
So, after two doses of genetics, the immune system makes antibodies that produce inflammation? That doesn’t sound good.
But after three doses, there is so much inflammation that IgG4 is called in, production of the "class" of IgG “switches6”, to try to calm it down? That doesn’t sound very good either.
What does “pro-inflammatory” mean?
Pro-inflammatory antibodies are types of antibodies that stimulate the body's inflammatory response. Inflammation is a natural process that occurs in the body as a response to injury or infection. It is characterized by swelling, redness, heat, and pain. The body's immune system uses inflammation to help protect against foreign invaders and to promote healing.
These antibodies are typically produced in the early stages of an immune response and play an important role in helping the body fight off infections. However, excessive or prolonged inflammation can cause harm and lead to chronic health problems. Therefore, it is important for the body to balance its production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory substances to maintain a healthy immune response.
So, the vaccines are causing “injury” that requires an “inflammatory” response to try to “heal” the injury. I thought these things were “safe”, but apparently, they are causing injury and inflammation.
What is the difference between the 4 different IgG types?
IgG (immunoglobulin G) is a type of antibody that is produced by the body's immune system to help protect against infections. There are four subclasses of IgG antibodies: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4. Each subclass has a unique structure and performs different functions. Here's a brief overview of the main differences between the four subclasses:
IgG1: This is the most common subclass of IgG and is responsible for activating the body's immune system to fight off infections. It is pro-inflammatory, meaning it stimulates the body's inflammatory response. IgG1 is involved in activating the complement system, which is a group of proteins that work together to attack and destroy foreign invaders.
IgG2: This subclass of IgG is responsible for activating the body's immune system to fight off infections. It is also pro-inflammatory and activates the complement system.
IgG3: This subclass of IgG is similar to IgG1 and IgG2 in that it is pro-inflammatory and activates the complement system. However, it is less common than the other two subclasses.
IgG4: This subclass of IgG is the least common of the four subclasses. It is anti-inflammatory, meaning it counteracts the body's inflammatory response. IgG4 is involved in blocking the action of pro-inflammatory substances and is thought to play a role in preventing autoimmune diseases (conditions in which the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body).
In summary, the four subclasses of IgG antibodies (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4) have different structures and perform different functions. IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 are pro-inflammatory and help stimulate the body's immune response to fight off infections. IgG4 is anti-inflammatory and helps regulate the immune response to prevent autoimmune diseases.
But, back to Rose, what does “messes up” mean?
It messes it up in a specific way. We have evidence from this work that the fibrosis and organ destruction we are witnessing in countless numbers of folks post COVID injection, is due to the shots and more specifically, likely due to the eventual class switching to IgG4 and subsequent prevalence (perhaps dominance) of this antibody subclass. Just so that you know, the typical relative percentages of the four subclasses of IgG in the blood are the following: 60-70% IgG1, 20-30% IgG2, 5-8% IgG3, 1-3% IgG4.
So, if IgG4 percentages are much higher than 1-3% in the blood, then something is out of the ordinary. It may even manifest pathologically. To reiterate from my last Substack article, the authors found a 48,075% increase (from 0.04% - 19.27%) in spike-specific IgG4 antibodies in test subjects between the 2nd and 3rd injections of the Comirnaty product, so I suppose this would translate to a presence of IgG4 in the blood at levels higher than 1-3%. Probably closer to 20%? In any case, the shift in IgG subclass ratios is notable following the 2nd and 3rd injections.
What does this mean in English?
Well, in a nutshell, having too much IgG4 is bad. But you end up with too much IgG4 if you have too much inflammation in the first place, which is also bad, which these multiple doses of vaccines are causing.
Why is having too much IgG4 bad? For that we look at this paper, pointed to by Rose.
Immunology of IgG4-related disease - PubMed (nih.gov)
Abstract summary:
Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a condition characterized by the presence of high levels of IgG4 antibodies and an abundance of IgG4-positive cells in affected tissues. It is distinguished from other fibrotic disorders, such as systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, by its reversible nature. The cause of the disease is not fully understood, but research suggests that it may involve an abnormal collaboration between B cells and T cells, particularly Th2 cells and regulatory T cells. It is also possible that innate immunity may play a role in the development of the disease. This review aims to summarize the current understanding of the immunology of IgG4-RD, including its clinical and histological features and potential treatments.
Amazing how often they say, “not fully understood”.
So, high levels of IgG4…bad.
What is causing high levels of IgG4? Yep, you guessed it, multiple covid vaccine injections.
But we still haven’t addressed the cancer question.
Why is too much IgG4 likely promoting cancer? Let’s stick with Rose.
IgG4 and cancer - a mechanism of action for cancer relapse and onset (substack.com)
I refer you all to a paper published in 2016 in Current Allergy and Asthma Reports entitled: “IgG4 Characteristics and Functions in Cancer Immunity”.1
This paper reveals that not only is there a link between tumor progression and the presence of IgG4 due to class switching, but that this link might even be necessary for tumor promotion and progression.
A summary of that paper’s abstract:
IgG4 is a subclass of the antibody IgG that is produced in response to chronic antigenic stimuli and inflammation. Elevated levels of IgG4 have been observed in certain types of cancer, and some studies have suggested that this subclass of antibodies may play a role in the immune evasion of tumors. IgG4 has unique structural characteristics that may contribute to its poor effector function and immunomodulatory properties. This review discusses the ways in which IgG4 may contribute to the evasion of immune surveillance by tumors, as well as the potential implications for cancer immunotherapy.
Let’s read this bit again:
“IgG4 may contribute to the evasion of immune surveillance by tumors”
This from Rose:
On IgG4 class switching and what it means pathologically
IgG4 class switching is associated with chronic exposure to antigen. This particular subclass of antibody can outcompete other antibody species, like IgG1, to subsequently block their effector mechanisms. One of these effector mechanisms imposed by IgG1 is tumor control (or suppression), mediated by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). And yes, I do see the irony of the three-letter name. These mechanisms are all ways to keep unwanted cells and material under control.
Which basically means that IgG1 is great at preventing cancer, via its surveillance functions, but IgG4 isn’t.
To summarise some of the points made by Rose:
1. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC): This involves the binding of antibodies to antigens on the surface of unwanted cells, which leads to the activation of immune cells called Natural Killer cells. These cells then send a signal for the unwanted cell to undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis7).
2. Antibody-dependent phagocytosis (ADCP): This involves the binding of antibodies to antigens on the surface of unwanted cells, which leads to the activation of immune cells called phagocytes (macrophages). These cells then consume the unwanted cell.
3. Complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC): This is a mechanism in which antibodies work with a group of proteins called the complement cascade to remove pathogens or control the overgrowth of unwanted cells. The complement cascade leads to the formation of a Membrane Attack Complex, which creates a hole in the membrane of the unwanted cell and leads to its death.
Overall, these processes help the body to remove or destroy unwanted cells, such as infected or abnormal cells, to help keep the body healthy.
So, just before we move on.
How does IgG1 help with cancer prevention, while IgG4 doesn’t?
IgG1 is a subclass of the antibody IgG that is produced by the immune system in response to certain types of infections and foreign substances. Like other subclasses of IgG, IgG1 can participate in a variety of immune processes, including antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), antibody-dependent phagocytosis (ADCP), and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC).
In ADCC, IgG1 antibodies can bind to antigens on the surface of unwanted cells, leading to the activation of immune cells called Natural Killer cells. These cells then send a signal for the unwanted cell to undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis).
In ADCP, IgG1 antibodies can bind to antigens on the surface of unwanted cells, leading to the activation of immune cells called phagocytes (macrophages). These cells then consume the unwanted cell.
In CDC, IgG1 antibodies can bind to antigens on the surface of unwanted cells, leading to the activation of the complement cascade. This is a series of proteins that work together to remove pathogens or control the overgrowth of unwanted cells. One of the proteins involved in this process is called C3b, which is essential for the phagocytosis of unwanted cells.
IgG4 is a subclass of the antibody IgG that is produced by the immune system in response to certain types of infections and foreign substances. IgG4 has unique structural characteristics that may contribute to its poor effector function and immunomodulatory properties.
While it is known that IgG4 can participate in a variety of immune processes, its specific role in processes such as antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), antibody-dependent phagocytosis (ADCP), and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) is not well understood. Some studies have suggested that IgG4 may have reduced ability to bind to Fc receptors, which are proteins found on the surface of immune cells that help to mediate immune responses. This may limit the ability of IgG4 to participate in ADCC and ADCP.
So, let me see if I get this.
IgG4 is good at reducing inflammation and is only called on when there is too much inflammation (thank you Pfizer), but it’s no good at regulating cancerous cells. In other words, it’s not a good multi-tasker, or to be polite, it’s a specialist, or one-trick pony if we’re not being polite.
So, the covid vaccines are causing injury, so much of it that the immune system is producing inflammation, so much of it that anti-inflammatory IgG4 is called on, but because there is so much of it, IgG4, and less of its other brothers and sisters as a consequence, and because it’s no good at dealing with cancerous cells, those cancer cells are having a field day and evading immune surveillance.
So, boom! Old cancers popping up again and brand-new ones emerging.
Thank you, Pfizer, and Moderna (both mRNA vaccines), thank you Government, Heath Ministry, Health Regulators and Medical Bodies. Thank you all for forcefully providing such safe and effective medications. Safe from oversight and accountability, and effective at causing cancer, disease and morbidity.
Something doesn’t make sense to me about all this, there were cancer signals from the start, it didn’t just pop up are three doses of Pfizer. So, although I think all of the above is important to know and is helpful to better understand the complete suite of problems these vaccines are causing, I don’t believe it’s the primary picture, nor the whole picture (nothing is the whole picture).
Which now finally brings me to Colleen Huber, whose light I’m going to follow out of this cave. A Naturopathic Oncologist with 16 years of experience treating patients.
She agrees with me.
Even before the boosters were rolled out to the public, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) showed vastly more cancers following COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines during the 30-year history of VAERS. These new cancers following the COVID vaccines accounted for 97.3% of cancers reported.
In her words.
How COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer - by Colleen Huber NMD (substack.com)
There is so much more to immune function than only antibodies
Now let’s look at other aspects of immune function that are powerhouse fighters against cancer, but have been associated with high viral load and/or high spike protein, such as is expected to occur after COVID vaccination. These researchers found that two of our most important cancer-fighting cells, natural killer (NK) cells and CD8+ T-cells were significantly reduced in these circumstances. Reduction in NK cells is seen with more aggressive tumors.
But the major problem with the mRNA COVID vaccines and cancer risk was shown in April of this year, in the Seneff, Nigh paper.
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
A summary of Seneff’s abstract.
The mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 were developed quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and are a new type of vaccine that has not been used before for infectious diseases. These vaccines work by hiding the mRNA from the body's defenses and promoting the production of the spike protein, but the immune response to the vaccine is different from the response to a SARS-CoV-2 infection. This paper presents evidence that vaccination with these mRNA vaccines impairs type I interferon signaling, which can have negative impacts on human health, including immune and protein synthesis problems, increased risk of cancer and neurodegenerative disease, and other issues. The authors also present evidence from the VAERS database supporting their hypothesis and suggest that a risk/benefit assessment of these vaccines raises questions about their overall positive impact on public health.
So, before we got the IgG (antibody) mess that we have spent so much time figuring out, we had a bigger mess, that of this thing called “Type 1 Interferon signaling”.
So, what is that?
Type I interferons are a group of proteins that play a key role in the immune system's response to viral infections. They are produced by cells in response to viral infections or other types of cellular stress, and they help to stimulate the immune system to fight off the infection. Type I interferons bind to specific receptors on the surface of cells and trigger a signaling pathway that leads to the activation of immune cells and the production of other proteins involved in the immune response. Dysregulation8 of type I interferon signaling has been linked to a number of immune and autoimmune disorders, and it is thought to play a role in the development of some types of cancer. In the context of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, impaired type I interferon signaling could potentially have negative impacts on the body's ability to mount an effective immune response to viral infections.
What is the relevance to cancer?
Type I interferons have been shown to have both anti-tumor and pro-tumor effects, depending on the context and the specific type of cancer. In some cases, type I interferons can stimulate immune cells to attack cancer cells, and they have been used as a treatment for some types of cancer. However, in other cases, type I interferons have been shown to promote the growth and survival of cancer cells, and they have been linked to the development of some types of cancer. The exact mechanisms by which type I interferons contribute to cancer are not fully understood, and more research is needed to fully understand the role of these proteins in cancer development and progression. However, it is clear that type I interferon signaling plays a complex and multifaceted role in cancer.
There’s that “not fully understood” again.
Clearly, we shouldn’t be interfering with interferon (I couldn’t help myself) and clearly, we have.
Honestly, what have they done to the world?
Back to Huber.
The science community’s pre-occupation with the relatively smaller adaptive immune system, mostly its humoral portion, and unfamiliarity or disinterest in the vastly more important and stronger innate immune system has led attention away from this seminal paper. I have to recommend not only reading but thoroughly studying the Seneff, Nigh paper for the best understanding to date of the effect of the COVID vaccines on tumorigenesis, immune-failure with respect to cancer and metastatic events.
What Seneff et al found is that the most profound threat to immune function by the mRNA vaccines is the interference with Type I interferon signaling pathways. This in turn debilitates the surveillance capabilities of the immune system in cancer detection. As a result, we see both new tumors and metastases of existing cancers in the COVID-vaccinated. We see what is now called turbo cancers. Here is how Seneff et al supports that hypothesis. Their paper is enormously detailed, and my summary of it below is quite brief.
Ivanova, et al found that people who were naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been able to dramatically up-regulate our arguably most crucial cytokine, Type I interferon, as seen from their peripheral dendritic cells, whereas mRNA-vaccinated people have not shown this ability, nor any such increase, nor any progenitor cells for the same. From those various findings, is evident that the COVID vaccines suppress Type I interferon signaling. The results are a devastating breakdown of many downstream immune functions, creating new vulnerability to not only viral diseases, but also to cancer. The necessity of interferons for the body’s war against cancer is further seen in the productive clinical use over decades of interferon as a therapeutic agent to cancer patients.
The most appreciated mechanisms of Type I interferon against cancers include up-regulation of the tumor suppressor gene p53, as well as kinase inhibitors, and the resulting arrest of cancer’s cell reproduction. Perhaps even more crucial is that Interferon-alpha, a type of interferon I, makes cancer recognizable, or in a way visible to other immune cells for destruction.
Let’s wrap up this story.
They have messed with a biological system that is complex beyond their comprehension, in ways that are beyond their comprehension, and in so doing have caused so much death and disease that I don’t really have words to describe it.
“Vialli announced he had undergone radiotherapy and chemotherapy in November 2018, having been diagnosed with cancer one year earlier. He was initially given the all-clear in April 2020, but in December 2021 he announced the disease had returned.”
Knowing what we now know about covid vaccines and cancer, his death should be assumed to be a vaccination death, unless proven otherwise.

RIP Vialli.
Further reading and study:
Immunology 101.1 - by Colleen Huber NMD (substack.com)
2017-Cancer-treatment-paper.2017.12.30.pdf (natureworksbest.com)
Philadelphia 2023 - by Dr Ah Kahn Syed - Arkmedic's blog (substack.com)
are covid vaccines causing persistent covid? (substack.com)
The IgG4 situation is highly complex - Modern Discontent (substack.com)
The trainwreck of all trainwrecks: Billions of people stuck with a broken immune response – Rintrah
Luck - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)
An immunoglobulin (also known as an antibody) is a type of protein produced by certain cells in the immune system. It is part of the body's defense against infections and other foreign substances that may enter the body.
Immunoglobulins are produced by a type of white blood cell called a B-cell. They are specifically designed to recognize and bind to specific molecules called antigens, which are found on the surface of pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. Once an immunoglobulin has bound to an antigen, it can help to mark the pathogen for destruction or neutralize it in some way.
There are several different types of immunoglobulins, including IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE, and IgD. Each type has a specific role in the immune response and is produced in response to different types of infections or foreign substances.
Immunoglobulins are important for helping the body to fight off infections and maintain overall health. They play a key role in the adaptive immune system, which is responsible for building immunity to specific pathogens.
Cytokines are small proteins that play a critical role in the immune system. They help to coordinate the immune response and communicate between immune cells. There are many different types of cytokines, each with a specific function. Some cytokines stimulate the immune response, while others suppress it. They are important for a healthy immune system and play a key role in the body's ability to fight infections and other diseases.
Cytokines are produced by a variety of cells in the immune system, including T cells, B cells, and macrophages. They can also be produced by non-immune cells, such as fibroblasts and endothelial cells. When an immune cell encounters a foreign substance, such as a virus or bacteria, it can release cytokines as part of the immune response. The cytokines then help to recruit and activate other immune cells to help fight the infection.
Here are a few examples of cytokines:
Interleukins (ILs): These are a type of cytokine that plays a role in communication between immune cells. There are many different interleukins, including IL-1, IL-2, and IL-6.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF): This cytokine plays a role in inflammation and can help to kill cancer cells.
Interferons (IFNs): These are a type of cytokine that helps to inhibit the replication of viruses and stimulate the immune response.
Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs): These cytokines help to stimulate the production of certain types of immune cells, such as white blood cells.
Chemokines: These are a type of cytokine that helps to attract immune cells to a specific area in the body.
IgG4 is a type of protein called an antibody that your body makes to help fight off infections and diseases. It's not very common in healthy people, but sometimes when you have a lot of inflammation or if your body is trying to fight off a certain germ for a long time, the IgG4 levels can go up. Sometimes, when people have cancer, their bodies can make a lot of IgG4 to try and fight off the cancer cells. But even though it's a type of antibody, it doesn't work very well at fighting off diseases.
In some people, the body can produce too much IgG4, which can cause a condition called IgG4-related disease. This condition can cause inflammation and scarring in different parts of the body, such as the pancreas, salivary glands, or eyes. It can also cause problems with how certain organs function.
Regulation (Up and Down)
Upregulation and downregulation are terms that describe how much of a particular substance or process is happening in the body. Upregulation means that there is more of something happening, while downregulation means there is less of it happening.
For example, if a person is sick with an infection, their immune system might upregulate the production of a certain type of white blood cell to help fight off the infection. This means that their body is making more of these white blood cells than it normally would. On the other hand, if the person's body is able to fight off the infection and they are no longer sick, their immune system might downregulate the production of these white blood cells. This means that their body would start making fewer of these cells because they are no longer needed in such large numbers.
The complement system
The complement system is a group of proteins in the blood that help to identify and remove foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses from the body. It does this by marking these invaders for destruction by the immune system.
There are three main pathways by which the complement system is activated: the classical pathway, the lectin pathway, and the alternative pathway. Each pathway involves the activation of specific complement proteins, which then go on to activate other complement proteins in a cascade.
One of the main functions of the complement system is to create a "membrane attack complex" (MAC), which is a complex of proteins that can punch holes in the cell membranes of foreign invaders. This leads to the destruction of the invader, as well as the release of inflammatory molecules that help to alert the immune system to the presence of the invader.
In addition to its role in defending against foreign invaders, the complement system also plays a role in the development of autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues. Dysregulation of the complement system has also been linked to a number of other diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Dysregulation refers to a failure of a system to function properly due to an imbalance or disturbance in its normal regulatory mechanisms. In the context of the complement system, dysregulation can refer to an overactive complement system that leads to an inappropriate immune response, or a deficiency in one or more complement proteins that results in an impaired immune response. Dysregulation of the complement system can lead to a variety of health problems, including autoimmune diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
Class switching
Class switching refers to the process by which a B cell (a type of immune cell) changes the subclass of antibody it produces. B cells are responsible for producing antibodies as a part of the immune response to an infection or foreign substance. When a B cell is activated and begins producing antibodies, it initially produces a type called immunoglobulin M (IgM). However, as the immune response progresses, the B cell can undergo class switching, which involves changing the type of antibody it produces to a different subclass.
Class switching is mediated by enzymes called activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) and occurs in the germinal centers of lymphoid tissue (structures in the immune system where immune responses are initiated and amplified). Class switching allows the immune system to fine-tune its response to a specific pathogen or antigen (a substance that stimulates the immune system) by producing antibodies with different properties and functions. For example, switching to a different subclass of IgG (such as IgG1 or IgG3) may allow the B cell to produce an antibody that is more effective at neutralizing the pathogen or activating immune cells.
Apoptosis is a type of cell death that occurs during the normal development and functioning of an organism. It is a highly regulated process that involves the activation of specific proteins (called caspases) that cause the cell to undergo structural changes and be dismantled in a controlled manner. Apoptosis plays a critical role in maintaining the balance of cells within an organism and in eliminating damaged or unwanted cells.
During apoptosis, the cell shrinks, its plasma membrane (the outer layer that encloses the cell) becomes blebbed (meaning it bulges outward), and its DNA is fragmented into small pieces. These changes enable the cell to be efficiently recognized and phagocytosed (engulfed and destroyed) by other cells, such as immune cells. In contrast to necrosis (another form of cell death), apoptosis does not typically trigger an inflammatory response, as the cell is dismantled in a way that does not release its contents into the surrounding tissue.
Apoptosis is regulated by a variety of signaling pathways that can be activated by both internal and external stimuli. It can be induced by factors such as DNA damage, oxidative stress, and certain signaling molecules. Dysregulation of apoptosis is associated with a variety of diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and autoimmune diseases.
In the context of the immune system, dysregulation can refer to a failure of the immune system to properly respond to a stimulus, such as an infection or an allergen. This can lead to various health problems, including:
Autoimmune diseases: These are conditions in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body. Examples include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.
Allergies: These are conditions in which the immune system overreacts to a substance that is normally harmless, such as pollen or peanuts. This can lead to symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and difficulty breathing.
Chronic inflammation: This is a persistent state of inflammation that can lead to tissue damage and contribute to the development of various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Cancer: Immune dysregulation may play a role in the development and progression of cancer. In some cases, the immune system may fail to recognize and attack cancer cells, allowing them to grow and spread. In other cases, the immune system may overreact and cause chronic inflammation, which can contribute to the development of cancer.
Dysregulation of the immune system can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental exposures, and lifestyle factors. Dysregulation can also be influenced by other biological systems, such as the endocrine system and the nervous system.
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I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com
If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch this 21 minutes.
Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
This has a lot of fantastic basic and while my own understanding includes many thousands of hours reading and learning it's still far from a place to critique most of the citations.
However with the case of flu vaccine you are so far from the mark it's an easy correction.
"This is why some vaccines (like the flu vaccine) can provide long-lasting protection against certain diseases."
If flu shots offered durable protection it wouldn't be a yearly jab. Best case based on CDC data the flu vaccines have 14% efficacy & even this seems generous since not everyone gets every flu.
Next like Covid & all coronavirus they're always in the background of our atmosphere it's an aerosolized virus which means primary immune response is mucousal immunity. The flu shot never has interaction with your respiratory system & these fail on fundamentals.
Add to the points of failure that the jabs are chasing mutations that happen withe each and every transmission. It's a wild guess what to manufacture & ship to protect against some yet unknown variant while Mother Nature never rests, lucky us. A healthy immune system recognizes the most stable proteins in the virus & most killed off in the nose and throat.
Big time kudos & thanks for the Herculean effort it's a wonderful resource gift!! :~)
The immune system is complex! There are some important fundamental distinctions on immune cells worth learning more about…
Here’s an opportunity: IPAK-EDU has a learn-at-home course starting this month all about the immune system, how it works, and its impact on disease, including cancer.
w/ James Lyons-Weiler
Direct Registration Link: https://ipak-edu.org/registration/?store-page=The-Biology-of-the-Immune-System-p412473268