"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change." – Charles Darwin
With thanks to Amelia who is the lead author of this piece.
There is a greater story here, that of human adaptability and resilience.
I really do marvel at my vaccinated friends’ denial of the possibility of there being a link between their vaccines and their injuries, their tranquility, their lack of fear for their future, their acceptance of their symptoms of ill health.
A pathway to that tranquility is silence. To quote Paul Collits
The Cone of Silence - by Paul Collits
The dead silence of the duped classes, the Covidiots, the mad vaxxers, too humiliated now even to whimper “what the heck?”
Although I’m constantly reminding people to look at how healthy unvaccinated kids are, it’s good to remember that being unhealthy, visiting doctors regularly is part of growing up vaccinated today. The resilience/adaptability point is that parents of vaccinated kids (who don't know any unvaccinated kids so have no point of comparison) don't compare their own healthy childhood to their children's unhealthy childhood.
One of the most important things I’ve learnt during the GMC, is Sowell’s mental model and thinking tool:
9 Thoughts on helping family + friends wake up from COVIDmania
I learned the following from Thomas, to always ask:
Compared to what?
Show me the evidence.
I have found this question and demand to be two on the most powerful thinking tools I have ever come across. They are the Pick and Shovel of the gold seeker.
They have been priceless tools in this time of Covid. To any single Covid narrative and claim, they are Kryptonite. Try it.
Covid is deadly: Compared to what?
Cases are rising: What is a case and compared to what?
Too many people are dying: Compared to what?
Hospitals are full: Compared to what and when?
The vaccines work: Compared to what?
To each of these you add: Show me the evidence.
Were you aware of occupational and speech therapists and school psychologists when you were growing up?
Were there physiotherapists in in every suburb?
And what do chiropractors actually do?
What is dietetics?
Did you know there are over 200,000 'allied health professionals' in Australia today? (apha.com.au)
Individuals adapt really quickly, as we saw during lockdown. For mums raising children today the existence of all these therapists and reliance on them to raise children is totally normal.
In our new world it takes a doctor, occupational therapist, speech therapist and school psychologist, rather than a village, to raise a child. I find in my community even unvaccinated children are taken to allied health professionals regularly. It amazes me. These parents spend a lot of money on monitoring and investigating symptoms or genetic predispositions in their pretty healthy children. Perhaps they have absorbed the attitude that only a heartless parent would ignore trivial symptoms, that it is cruel to let a child suffer minor pain or discomfort e.g. due to having a temperature, that if they love their kids they will find a professional to help their kids overcome a minor, temporary, inability to pronounce a word correctly or a slight delay in their ability to hold a pencil the way teachers prefer.
Besides the huge number of doctors in Australia, add to that the huge number of allied health professionals and I am even more amazed. My guess is the number of kids taken to allied health professionals has been steadily rising over recent decades so now even parents of young unvaccinated children use them because it is part of our new normal. After all, parents want to see themselves as caring and vigilant, not cruel or neglectful.
Back to covid vaccines and adaptability.
This from Rintrah
To start with, your headache is probably not just a headache. I’m sorry. Around 98% of the population has been infected by a neurovirulent Sarbecovirus, with a spike protein that accumulates in your brain, as your body struggles to get rid of it. About 20 million people have died from it. Long covid is mainly a product of microclots in the brain, you can just look at people with a scanner and see them, you can give them anticoagulants and their symptoms improve. Kinda hard to accomplish that with a psychosomatic illness.
People have used the metaphor of sheep, vaccinated people being like sheep. So now, three years on, are the sheep content? Yes, and in a way they are to be envied. They are calm and accepting. Every medical problem they have is due to something other than the vaccine, the increase in the number of funerals is to do with lockdowns, not vaccines. They don’t worry about whether there is a tsunami of heart attacks coming. They endure their new symptoms, get treated by their shepherd GPs and carry on. They don’t think they are suffering from Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome so aren’t curious about ways of resolving it:
Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome
Humans adapt fast to new circumstances and selective amnesia is a trait we all have that helps us adapt to our new normal. Most of the sheep I know aren't worried. What will be will be. Perhaps it is a state of mind that we should envy.
Thanks for being here.
Please consider a small paid subscription (donation). The money goes to help covid vaccine injured Australians.
I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com
If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes
If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.
Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
If Alternative healthcare didn't work, why are their OP drugs so dangerous they kill? And don't really work. But the Vitamin/Mineral bone growth ones reversed OP back to Osteopina, and according to their bad science, the falls I've had should have broken my hip several times. This last one left me with a deep bruise on the Right Knee, should have broke it. The same goes for Covid, no jabs, no Covid. At 74.
There is no exact science to the dosages of vits/mins. For Coral Calcium, D3 the dr will recommend, leaving out the Magnesium Citrate, Strontium Citrate, Selenium, and other trace minerals like Folic Acid. I just looked up what makes babies' bones grow, and multiplied it out by my weight. They test for Calcium and D only.
I agree with most everything you write. And…I do believe there is an important place for holistic therapists. Physical trauma from accidents, emotional trauma, and other developmental anomalies (e.g. tongue ties) can be uncovered and overcome with wise care. The rate at which these issues have grown, I agree, is alarming. (transparency: My career has focused on promoting natural, non-allopathic, holistic practitioners.)