Lies are Unbekoming
Lies are Unbekoming Podcast
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -8:45


“How come he’s never sick?”

“I see children all the time with Vaccine Eyes.” – Lauren

This is Lauren, mother of a 4-year-old boy, living in NSW.

Ideally listen to her before you read the stack.

Tell me if you hear what I hear, the soft feminine and hard resolve. Mother.


Amelia put together a list of questions, and among her contacts Lauren agreed to answer them on tape. From Amelia:

Numerous people I know have commented that one benefit of the pandemic is that our numbers have grown, and we have made cheerful communities in which subsets of people get together on a regular but casual basis.  

When we first met Lauren, her son was less than 12 months old.  At that time our group was about ten mums, the link was their children were under school age and affected by No Jab No Play (I was the only one who didn't have young children, I was involved because I started the group). We knew other anti-vax people who didn't have children in this age group, but we didn't feel as if they were part of our group the way we do now. We don't ever get together as one group, we are a bunch of cats after all so you just can't herd us, but there are many of us, which I assume is the case in all towns and suburbs. So today it should be easy for parents of newborns to find other like-minded families.

The 10 questions:

  1. Tell me about your children (number, sex, age). Were they born before or after you learned about the No Jab No Play law?

  2. How did your family react to your decision not to get your children vaccinated?

  3. How did your friends react?

  4. Did you and your children’s father always agree?  If not, how did you negotiate on this issue?

  5. How have you managed healthcare for your children?  Do you see a GP, is he/she supportive?  How did you find this GP?  Do you use alternative healthcare practitioners?  If you have had to take a child to hospital in an emergency how did you deal with the doctors, did they want to vaccinate your child?  Have you made any preparations for going to hospital in an emergency in the future in case this issue comes up, for example the tetanus vaccine if your child gets a cut that needs stitches?

  6. Have you set up informal childcare arrangements?  How do you get time to yourself?

  7. How do your children socialise with other children their own age?

  8. Have any of your children attended pre-Kindy or preparatory classes in a school, or a preschool?

  9. Have any of your children started school?  Have you observed, or has their teacher commented on, differences between your child and the others in their class?

  10. Is there anything else you would like to tell someone with a young baby who has decided not to get their baby vaccinated?

This is the first audio clip I’m publishing on Substack, and it works well, I think.

I would like to invite you to do the same, if you feel like it, do a short audio clip answering these questions and send it to me, I’ll build it into a stack and circulate it. We want to hear the real experiences of others who are choosing to live their lives based on a foundational principle of Personal Medical Freedom.

I found it very interesting listening to her talk about the loss of an otherwise loving relationship over the decision to not inject her son. It’s clear to me now that self-injection and/or child-injection is a relationship defining issue in both directions.

If you have woken up to the fact that an injection is all downside, but your partner remains in the cult and part of the faithful, then you are going to do one or two things.

Part ways with the partner to protect the child, or part ways with the child’s health to stay with the partner. I’m with Lauren on this one.

From Amelia:

All the intelligent younger mums in the book club I joined when my sons were about 4 and 2 happily ignored me and vaccinated their kids.  One boy (father a newly qualified GP) developed autism at 18 months, they moved to Sydney and enrolled him in an amazingly expensive therapy centre for 5 day / week sessions and we lost contact.  My only regret is that I didn't know enough to convince his mum to stop letting him get vaccines when he was 'failing to thrive', she was the only one of the group who asked me lots of questions.

Listen to Lauren talk about the health of her boy, and map that over the last 21 minutes of Vaxxed 2.

It’s the same story again and again and again.

From Amelia:

You are never too young to sit on mum's lap listening to a story, and public libraries have story time and craft for toddlers every week where mums take their toddlers and their younger babies. I am sure that mums and dads of unvaccinated kids can find each other if they search for activities for parents and kids that are free or cheap. Most families with unvaccinated children have the same problem: little money, plenty of time and a desire to find cheap ways of getting together with others in the same situation. So, playgroups, library story time, free toddler swimming sessions perhaps? It can't be hard to find these events and it can't be hard to find the questions to ask to find out if other parents are like-minded, e.g. “Do you plan to send little Johnny to day care?”

When my oldest was 18 months old I took him into an organic food shop that I had never been in before. He was in a trolley (the only way of keeping his hands away from the shelves, super healthy means super energetic from 5 am on every day) and when I was at the register the owner glanced at him while totting up what I owed and said 'nice boy, not vaccinated' which made my blood run cold.

How did he know?

He said it was EASY to tell (when looking at a blond, blue-eyed boy): he had sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. The next time you are out look at every 18-month-old child with fair skin. You will see most have glazed eyes, they have grey shadows under their eyes, and they have a pallid complexion, as if they have never been out in the sun. My sons and all unvaccinated toddlers radiate good health, it is remarkable enough for strangers to comment on, I was often told my eldest should be a model (when he was 18 months old).

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.

In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.

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If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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