
Listen here, four years ago, not knowing about vaccines, we all grew up thinking we had to have them in order to live, I got a stupid cut on my finger, and what did they give me at the urgent care? A tetanus vaccine. It has rendered me with MS. I am half numb from the waist down. – Heather Berman


Transcriber B commented with a link to this clip (now in the masthead).

It’s from Aug 2021, and only has 82 views.

I’d never heard of Heather, and hadn’t seen her freedom rally speech, and to Transcriber B’s point “That's how heavy the censorship and shadow-banning has been.”.

So, I thought that’s exactly why it needs some airtime. It’s a part of our history after all.

Brave woman.

My ears pricked at the tetanus vaccine injury reference. I’ll come back to tetanus in a minute.

Pierre Kory (whom I have a lot of time for) today tweeted:

I’m grateful that Kory is doing his bit for the childhood vaccination awakening that is occurring, but it’s NOT “a surprisingly difficult question to answer”.

That’s what Offit and Hotez would like you to think, and not to worry your pretty little mind about it and leave it to the Scientists.

To which @Inversionism replied:

It's not difficult.

It's really easy actually. Let me put it simply in several levels of understanding.

Injecting neurotoxins into babies on their first day of life is idiotic, barbaric, and myopic on a surface level, especially when the injection of aluminum has never been safety studied in infants.

To go a step further into deeper understandings, injecting neurotoxins in combination with surfactants1 that increase blood brain barrier permeability2 is even more idiotic and barbaric, almost as if they are designed to get metals into the brain and nerve tissue.

To go even further than that to where it becomes unfathomable and straight EVIL, like they are intentionally trying alter the genome of humanity... injecting aborted fetus cells, animal cells, and other human or non-human or genetically modified DNA is the most stupid insane bullshit imaginable and cannot be rationalized in any world predicated on good science or reason, knowing we've known for decades on plasmids and DNA integration through injections. This is Fauci's area of bioweapon specialty coincidentally.

Let me remind all of you that every single vaccine insert says the following:

"Has not evaluated/studied for effects on fertility, or carcinogenicity or mutagenicity".

This means we're injecting DNA, food stuffs, neurotoxins, carcinogens, surfactants, and other chemicals, and yet they don't study them for their capacity to cause cancer or infertility, while they contain compounds known to cause cancer and infertility, as well as mutagenesis.

Think about that for a second, and then realize it's a strikingly easy question to answer.

No. More. Vaccines. Ever. Not one.

He’s right, about all of it.

But he reminded me about the fertility, carcinogenicity, and mutagenicity point.

That disclaimer IS in every insert if anybody cared to look at them.


refers to the ability of a physical, chemical, or biological agent to cause mutations, which are changes in the genetic material of an organism. Mutations can lead to a variety of changes in the structure and function of the proteins that genes code for, and these changes can have a variety of effects on the health and function of the organism.

We know by now that the control is spiked (no true/inert placebos), but what doesn’t roll off the tongue, and it should, is that they are not tested for their ability to reduce fertility, increase cancer, and increase genetic mutations.

It really is not that difficult to understand.

Now back to Heather and what the tetanus vaccine did to her.

Tetanus is one of the first childhood vaccines I wrote about in May 2022 as I was waking up to the subject.

Tetanus the “T” in DTP: Rusty Nails, Latex, Gorillas and Sterilisation

I went back to read it; you can see I was angrier back then. It still holds up and seeing that I haven’t written about tetanus in a while, I’m reposting some of the more relevant bits:

I’ve become more of a first principles thinker than I ever used to be, and with that in mind, what does the word “vaccine” really mean, it’s simply a word that has been given “holy” status to describe a combination of chemicals and ingredients. Nothing more. The vial is a chemical stew, no more and no less.  So, what’s in the Tetanus brew?

According to this Australian government site the category of ingredients in DTP vaccines available in Australia are:

  • Albumin/serum

  • Aluminium compounds

  • Bovine exposure during manufacturing

  • Formaldehyde

  • Glutaraldehyde

  • Latex/natural rubber

  • Neomycin

  • Phenoxyethanol

  • Polymyxin

  • Polysorbate or sorbitol

  • Streptomycin

  • Yeast

Let’s start off by saying that I don’t know what all these words mean, but my gut feel suggests that unless it is absolutely necessary, and I will talk about necessity later, I don’t want all these foreign agents floating around in my body or anyone else’s body for that matter.

Why the fuck would I want “latex” or “formaldehyde” in me UNLESS IT WAS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY?

Also, I need to know that they have been tested thoroughly and honestly for safety. Well, the corrupting of placebo test groups means that they haven’t.

Only God knows what flooding your baby’s system with all this junk means over their life, and it’s quite possible that even God doesn’t know. What could be a more complex system than the perfectly fine tuned human body, and what are the odds that injecting these foreign agents into the system are NET POSITIVE. I’ve written about the foreign agent idea in my Cane Toad article.


Candace doesn’t spend too much time on Tetanus, but she doesn’t need to, she makes the point about necessity very effectively with just a few data points:

  • Tetanus vaccination began in the US in 1947

  • That year the US population was 147m

  • That year there had been 472 Tetanus cases in the entire US (WITHOUT vaccination)

Let’s pause and chew on this for a moment.

That means that there was a 1 in 311,000 chance of getting Tetanus in the US in 1947. Back then you had a 90% chance of dying in you got Tetanus, today it’s a 90% chance of surviving if you get Tetanus. In the vaccine information they gave us back in 1998 (yes, my wife has kept them all!) there is this ominous bit of fear mongering about Tetanus:

Tetanus is a severe, often fatal disease of the nervous system. The person suffers severe painful muscle spasms, convulsions and lockjaw. Even with modern intensive care about 1 in 10 people will die.

Nowhere in the “disinformation sheet” is there ANY mention of your CHANCES of getting it, but if you do get it, they frame it as “even” with the best care in the world 1 in 10 will die, instead of saying that even if you get it, and it’s almost impossible to get it, then 90% survive.

So, the idea underpinning a national vaccination campaign would then be that we need to inject 311,000 with a cocktail of chemicals to eliminate 1 Tetanus case (based on 1947 numbers) and 0.9 deaths (as at 1947) and 0.1 deaths today.

I am going to be pedantic with numbers for a moment.

To prevent 1 death in 1947 you had to inject 345,555 people.

To prevent 1 death today, using the same case ratios even though they have improved dramatically from 1947, you need to vaccinate 3,110,000.

Is this starting to seem absurd to you?

At what point do you simply say NO?

Have I mentioned that Tetanus is NOT infectious, you cannot catch it from someone, so why is it part of a program designed to get to “herd immunity”?

Another point worth mulling over is that a 1 in 311,000 (1947) risk of getting Tetanus is not spread evenly between all 311,000 people. Not everyone of this 311,000 group are going to step on a rusty nail nor are they all going to share a junkies’ needle.

I don’t know what the risk of Tetanus is from needle sharing, but let’s say that it’s 1 in 1,000 needle sharers.

That means that out of that 311,000 random population, let’s assume 1,000 share needles (which is much higher than the actual number, but I’ll use that number here just to keep the numbers simple to make the point), that means there are two groups, one is 310,000 that don’t share needles and their risk of getting Tetanus is ZERO and another group of 1,000 needles sharers and their risk is 1 in 1,000.

You get the point. RISK is a function of RISK FACTORS. If you don’t have those RISK FACTORS or you don’t expect your child to have them either, then the risk to you is effectively and for all intents and purposes ZERO. We should NOT go around injecting ourselves PROPHALACTICALLY against ZERO risks.

That doesn’t make sense to me.

And this from Oct 2022

Vaccine Refusers: Tribunal and Taskforce

What if parents agree to accept every vaccine for contagious diseases but not for tetanus which is not contagious?  Would financial penalties be imposed on them even though there is absolutely no public health justification for demanding babies be vaccinated against a disease that is not contagious?

The truthful simplicity of this point is unassailable. Even if you accept the claim of a risk to “public health” for all the other diseases, that argument collapses with tetanus. At most, you are a risk to yourself, if that. But this is where the “combo” vaccines come in handy, the T in DTP is just thrown in for good measure, you cannot separate it.

I’ll give the last word to Stillwagon:

The Silent Killers - by Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

So, what should you do if you step on a rusty nail? First, know that rust has nothing to do with this disease. Tetanus organisms live as spores in the intestines and feces of various animals, even humans. That’s right, humans, and this becomes important later. When the animals poop, the spores enter the ground and can survive as spores for a very long time. Subsequently, spores can enter the body when the skin is punctured with an object that is contaminated with the spores. Here’s what you should do if you are deeply punctured by an object according to Vincent A Fulginiti, MD: “Tetanus is better prevented by appropriate attention to aseptic wound care and prompt, correct, rigorous treatment of injuries than by relying on immunization.” He wrote that in 1981, and even now in 2022 this advice appears in numerous publications.


The medical profession has been lying to you about this for decades. There IS natural immunity to the tetanus toxin. Humans can harbor this organism and that’s why its spores can be found in human feces. Here is a study from 1975 showing that 59 people who have never been injected by any shots at all, had antibodies that would react to the tetanus toxin: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1092755/

Isn’t it interesting that for kids, they don’t make a single tetanus shot, only combos.

But for adults who step on a nail, they do.

I’m sorry that they injured you Heather and thank you for standing up.

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes

If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”


In the context of vaccines, surfactants play a crucial role in ensuring the stability and effectiveness of the vaccine formulation. They can serve several functions:

  1. Stabilizing Agents: Surfactants can help to stabilize the vaccine components, preventing them from aggregating or adhering to the vial. This is particularly important for vaccines that contain subunit proteins or viral vectors, which can be sensitive to changes in the environment.

  2. Adjuvants: Some surfactants can act as adjuvants, substances that enhance the body's immune response to the vaccine. They do this by facilitating the delivery of the antigen (the part of the pathogen that the immune system responds to) and enhancing its presentation to the immune cells.

  3. Emulsifiers: In some vaccines, surfactants are used to create or stabilize emulsions (mixtures of oil and water), which can enhance the immune response and prolong the release of the antigen, allowing for a more sustained immune response.

One commonly used surfactant in vaccines is polysorbate 80. It's used in several vaccines, including some formulations of the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccines developed by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. It's important to note that while surfactants are generally considered safe, some people may have allergies or sensitivities to specific surfactants. [ChatGPT]


Yes, certain surfactants have been shown to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The blood-brain barrier is a highly selective semipermeable border of endothelial cells that prevents solutes in the circulating blood from non-selectively crossing into the central nervous system's extracellular fluid. This barrier is crucial for protecting the brain from harmful substances.

However, this protective feature of the BBB also presents a challenge for the delivery of therapeutic agents to the brain. To overcome this, researchers have been exploring the use of surfactants and other substances to increase the permeability of the BBB temporarily.

For example, polysorbate 80 and other similar surfactants have been used to enhance the delivery of certain drugs to the brain. They are thought to work by making the endothelial cells of the BBB more permeable and/or by disguising drug molecules so they can be transported across the BBB.

However, this is a delicate process, as increasing the permeability of the BBB too much or for too long can potentially allow harmful substances to enter the brain. Therefore, the use of surfactants to enhance BBB permeability is a topic of ongoing research, and their use must be carefully controlled and monitored. [ChatGPT]

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