
Stanley Plotkin

On Childhood Vaccination
  • It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. - Upton Sinclair

  • We live in an economy based on lies: Big Pharma lies about everything. Big Ag makes Frankenfood. "Defense" contractors want constant war. The "news" media is a propaganda organ for capital. Academia, science, & medicine weaponize, validate, & profit from lies. – Dr. Toby Rogers


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The first time I heard of Stanley Plotkin was when reading Chapter 4 (excerpts below) of Handley’s masterpiece How to end the Autism Epidemic.


I think Handley’s book is the best, most effective, and most under-rated book on the question of childhood vaccination. Its value lies in its length (many of the other great books are too long for most people) and Chapter 5 on the science and biomechanics of how an injection can lead to brain inflammation and autism. No other chapter in any other book is as important as Chapter 5. Please buy, gift and share the book.

I’ve had Plotkin on my “to write about” list for so long.

The video in the masthead is a small collection of minutes from about 9 hours of testimony.

Here is the whole 9 hours. At some point YouTube will scrub it as mal-information, I’m sure.

Here it is on Rumble also.

Here is the full transcript of Plotkin being deposed by Aaron Siri.

Plotkin Siri Deposition Transcript
644KB ∙ PDF file

Here is an email I got from one of my earliest readers in late 2020. She sat through the whole deposition!

That 9 hours of Plotkin took me 2 days to watch. Earlier in the year my husband and boys were away camping, so I thought I'd tackle it. I would watch for 15 minutes and spend the next 30 minutes or more, pacing around the backyard trying to get rid of the anger and revulsion at his sheer arrogance and narcissism. But I couldn't stop watching. 

Bearing in mind this is 2018 and for a case between mother and father of a child who have opposing views of the childhood schedule. Old 'lost the Plot' thinks he is just swanning in to say "I wrote the book" (much like Fraudci's "I am the science" ), who cares if he hasn't seen the child's medical history, he wrote the book, he is the book, the book knows best.

I think everyone should try and watch this. Aaron Siri is brilliant. He lays out 'lost the Plot's' entire history with vaccines, the obscene amounts of money he has made (lost the Plot says he has no idea how many millions he has made as his wife takes care of that), vax ingredients etc. Every horrific and dodgy thing you now know about vaccines (and maybe some things you didn't) in the one place.

My favourite bit of the 9 hours is when Siri asks Plotkin about his vax status and watching him squirm as he tries to justify why he doesn't practise what he preaches. 

But the video above (in the masthead) posted by @Inversionism on Twitter was the final kick in the bottom. The account is also new to Substack and worth following.

He tweeted:

More horrific admissions from Plotkin about vaccine ingredients and how they're made.

In what world can we consider it acceptable to inject children with food stuffs like lactose, casein, egg proteins, gelatin, and numerous other ingredients that should never be injected into human beings like chopped up fetus pituitary glands, that will undoubtedly train the immune system to view those substances as a foreign invader? It's no wonder so many people have autoimmune and allergy problems. Makes for a great business model for pharma though with all the drugs to mask the symptoms. Life long customers.


"Nobel Laureate Charles Richet demonstrated over a hundred years ago that injecting a protein into animals or humans causes immune system sensitization to that protein. Subsequent exposure to the protein can result in allergic reactions or anaphylaxis. This fact has since been demonstrated over and over again in humans and animal models. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) confirmed that food proteins in vaccines cause food allergy, in its 2011 report on vaccine adverse events. The IOM’s confirmation is the latest and most authoritative since Dr. Richet’s discovery. Many vaccines and injections contain food proteins. Many studies since 1940 have demonstrated that food proteins in vaccines cause sensitization in humans. Allergens in vaccines are not fully disclosed. No safe dosage level for injected allergens has been established"

The second time I came across Plotkin was when Toby Rogers referred to Plotkin’s book here:

The CDC's very strange fallback position on Covid shots (substack.com)

The reason they vaccinate children so many times in the first year of life is that they don’t mount much of an immune response either — their immune system is too immature. That’s according to Claire-Anne Siegrist, Head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Neonatal Vaccinology, writing in chapter 2 of Plotkin’s Vaccines, the standard vaccine textbook used in many medical schools. In the first year of life, infants get immune support from their mother via breastmilk. If one wanted to be scientific, one would recommend breastfeeding (not vaccines) in the first year of life. Yet the FDA just authorized bivalent Covid “booster” shots for children as young as 6 months — without even allowing the VRBPAC to meet to consider the evidence — because the FDA works for the cartel.

As Handley says in Chapter 4 “Dr. Stanley Plotkin is the godfather of the modern vaccine industry.”. He literally wrote the book. Here it is:

Plotkin Et Al
110MB ∙ PDF file

In Chapter 4 (below) from Handley refers to the Gates’ forward to Plotkin’s book. Here is Gates lavishing praise on the book, with some commentary from me.

Bill Gates Foreword - to Plotkin’s Vaccines

I was born in 1955, the same year that the Salk polio vaccine went into wide distribution. If you talk to anyone old enough to remember the scourge of polio and the terror it engendered, you begin to get a sense of just how remarkable that breakthrough was and how it changed the lives of millions of people for the better.

That event changed the world, and I grew up in an environment where vaccines for polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, and other contagious diseases were simply taken for granted. Today, the risk of polio has been markedly reduced, having dropped from an estimated 350,000 cases and 125 endemic countries in 1988 when eradication began to fewer than 100 cases and three endemic countries (Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria) in 2015. Yet as long as polio remains endemic anywhere, the risk of exporting virus, more outbreaks, and more disabled people remains. How is it possible that more than a half-century after Salk’s vaccine, polio has still not been eradicated?

Gates opens with the Polio Official Story, which after the Smallpox Official Story, is the spiritual heart of the whole vaccination enterprise. This Official Polio Story can be dismantled by reading two books.

Dissolving Illusions.

The Moth in the Iron Lung.

Some of this is attributable to the biology of the pathogen. But a lack of political will and a failure of health systems to deliver polio vaccines to children at risk have also prevented the eradication of this scourge. We are 99% of the way there and I am optimistic we will succeed, but only if we combine the best of medicine, logistics, education, and community outreach. Similarly, S. pneumoniae has been studied for more than a century. Nevertheless, invasive pneumococcal disease kills more than 800,000 children each year. But since 2000, Gavi (The Vaccine Alliance) has been making effective pneumococcal conjugate vaccines available to the world’s poorest countries. Between 2008 and 2015, more than 50 Gavi-eligible countries introduced the vaccine via their routine programs at a rapid rate.

Prevnar-7 (and Prevnar-13) is the vaccine that Gates is pushing here. Siri does a great job addressing this vaccine and its “safety” studies here.

What the “Casual Cruelty” of Dr. Paul Offit Reveals (substack.com)

Prevnar 13, PCV-13 (Wyeth, part of Pfizer) licensed for babies based on trials with no placebo control (Prevnar 7 used as a control, and Prevnar 7 was licensed based on trial in which the control was another experimental vaccine) & 6 months of safety review after injection which found, “Serious adverse events reported following vaccination in infants and toddlers occurred in 8.2% among Prevnar 13 recipients and 7.2% among Prevnar 7 recipients.” See Package insert § 6.1 (Note the package insert for Prevnar 7 states the control in its licensing trial was an “Investigational meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine”)

There has been significant progress in the case of measles as well. The vaccine for measles was licensed in the 1960s, but its uptake was frustratingly slow in many places. Even 30 years after its introduction, three-quarters of a million children were dying from measles every year. However, since 2000, measles vaccine coverage has substantially increased, and measles deaths have declined by about 80%. This translates into more than 1500 children each day who live instead of die because the measles vaccine is being delivered regularly almost everywhere in the world.

The Official Measles Story is debunked here.

Measles - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)

While the greatest focus of vaccination programs has been on children in the first few years of life, some of the most vulnerable children are newborn infants who are too young for vaccines to induce immediate active immunity. There have been increasing efforts to protect these young children from diseases such as pertussis and influenza by vaccinating pregnant women with transplacental transfer of protective antibodies.

This is a very interesting paragraph. I had to read it three times to get the brazen double speak. What Bill just said is that the problem with “newborn infants” is that they are “too young” for vaccines to work.

Please reflect on this sentence and realise that this is in the literal bible of vaccination, on the first page.

The solution to the “too young” problem is not to stop vaccination, but to vaccinate the mother.

This new platform is likely to expand as promising candidates to prevent respiratory syncytial virus and other serious pathogens of the neonatal period prove to be safe and effective in clinical trials.

The simple truth is that vaccines save lives.

They are overwhelmingly safe, are remarkably cost effective, and remain the single best tool we have in global health. They protect the human potential that is sapped by rampant sickness in developing countries. As a result, vaccines are one of the best means we have to promote not just global health, but global development. A recent study showed that low- and middle-income countries can see a return of between $16 and $44 for every $1 invested in vaccines. That’s smart economics, not just smart science.

It's so interesting that he says, “remarkably cost effective” instead of “remarkably effective”.

If vaccines are this singularly important tool, then the seventh edition of Plotkin’s Vaccines is a singularly important resource in extending the power of prevention to the largest possible audience worldwide. Plotkin’s Vaccines is the most respected source of reliable information on the vaccine tools we now have available, summarizing the scientific basis and rationale for vaccine use as well as the directions being taken to expand this power of prevention to other infectious diseases. It is an honor to have been asked to write this introduction to the latest edition.

It is also an honor to be able to speak to the scientists, researchers, and medical and public health professionals who will take up this volume. Your work is critically important. At a time when irresponsible claims about vaccines sometimes garner as much attention as the facts, it is vital to have informed advocates for the power and necessity of comprehensive vaccination worldwide.

As I write this in 2016, it is an exciting time in the field of vaccines. Last year, we witnessed a remarkable event as donors pledged more than $7.5 billion to Gavi, even in the face of a global financial crisis. The generosity of governments, foundations, and private sector entities that participated in this pledging round will substantially expand the ability of poor countries to vaccinate their children. Through expanded vaccine programs, Gavi projects that it will prevent 5 to 6 million deaths with its vaccination programs in 2016 to 2020.

Remember that modelers can model anything. Those same modelers will tell you that covid vaccines saved 20m lives.

20 Million Lives. Saved or Lost? - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)

On the research front, we are seeing some promising signs in the decades-long search for an AIDS vaccine. Similarly, we are seeing progress with next-generation vaccines for malaria. The need for this in the poorest parts of the world cannot be overstated. The devastating costs of malaria in lives lost, sickness, diminished capacity, and reduced productivity are incalculable.

Notice how many times Gates appeals to the “helping the poor” case.

These “poor” countries are the easiest markets for Gates, Gavi and Empire, as they are the easiest to corrupt, and the easiest to create “debt based dependency” to Empire.

Pneumococcus and Rotavirus vaccines, with the potential to save millions of lives over time, are increasingly used in poor countries. Significantly, the time lag between vaccine introduction in rich countries and their availability in poor countries has been shortened from more than a decade to only a few years.

The world has seen the introduction of the first-ever vaccine developed specifically for the developing world—a meningococcal A conjugate vaccine that can end a terrifying threat for millions of people who live in Africa’s meningitis belt. Over 250 million people have been vaccinated with the vaccine in large-scale campaigns, and now the vaccine is recommended for use in routine immunization programs.

But much remains to be done. We need new vaccines. The work to develop effective vaccines for tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV must continue.

The answer is always MORE vaccines.

We need better vaccines. The currently licensed BCG vaccine for tuberculosis has been administered 4 billion times over the last 90 years. It is safe and it protects against severe disease in infants. However, its efficacy is quite limited and it does not such as the oral polio vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, and other orally administrated vaccines are often less effective in children living in extreme poverty.

We need to better understand mechanistic immune markers that correlate with protection to accelerate discovery and introduction of improved vaccines.

In other words, “we still don’t understand the immune system properly”.

We need to secure faster vaccine introduction and adoption of currently approved vaccines. We are still not reaching a significant number of children, resulting in an intolerable number of preventable deaths.

“Faster” has been the buzzword for many years now, culminating in the covid vaccines. Speed of development, approval, and manufacture is a primary goal, which is why they love mRNA technology so much.

Soon, they will be using AI to “model” their safety studies…stay tuned.

We need affordable and sustainable supplies of vaccines, particularly for developing countries. The high cost of producing vaccines such as the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been an obstacle to incorporating these highly effective vaccines into the immunization programs of developing countries with the highest burden of disease. The HPV vaccine is an extremely effective vaccine that prevents cancer in men and women, but its availability is limited, particularly in developing countries.

The Official HPV Story is debunked with the excellent “The HPV Vaccine on Trial”

Australia First - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)

Gavi is playing a major role in making these vaccines available to the poorest countries, but efforts to simplify the manufacturing and regulation of these vaccines can also help ensure a sustainable, affordable supply for everyone.

But we need to do more than just develop these vaccines and make them affordable; we must also focus on driving near-term improvements in the mechanics of delivering these vaccines to the hardest to reach places, to the people who need them the most. This can include advancing innovative solutions for cold chain equipment, expanded use of the controlled-temperature chain, and in some cases, improvements in thermostability.

Vaccines save lives. But that is not their only benefit. When health improves, poor countries can spend more on schools, roads, and other investments that drive growth, which makes them less dependent on aid.

Simply invert this sentence and you arrive at the truth of the whole geo-politics of vaccination:

Vaccines create disease and chronic illness. But that is not their only benefit. When health deteriorates, poor countries can spend less on schools, roads, and other investments that drive growth, which makes them more dependent on aid.

Vaccines deliver all this for, in some cases, just pennies per shot. That is why I say that if you want to save and improve lives around the world, vaccines are a fantastic investment.

We must use every tool at our disposal to continue to develop, improve, and deploy these miracles of science. It is a matter of the most basic human justice that we do all we can to extend these livesaving interventions around the globe.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

None of this (listening to Plotkin for 9 hours) would have been possible without the extraordinary work of Aaron Siri.

Managing Partner of Siri & Glimstad. Civil rights involving mandated medicine, class actions, & high stakes disputes.

Thank you Aaron!

Below are sections from Chapter 4 of How to end the autism epidemic, most relevant to Plotkin.

With thanks to JB Handley!

CHAPTER 4 - “The Reward Is Never Financial”

Dr. Stanley Plotkin is the godfather of the modern vaccine industry. Now in his 80s, he literally wrote the book on vaccines; called Plotkin’s Vaccines, it’s now in its seventh edition, and the textbook is recommended by Bill Gates as an “indispensable guide to the enhancement of the well-being of our world.”2 In a 2013 poll of the Top 50 “most influential people in vaccines,” Dr. Plotkin was voted number two, behind only Bill Gates.3

Dr. Plotkin’s intimate relationship with the vaccine industry knows no boundaries. He’s a vaccine inventor, company board member, peer reviewer, professor, and mentor of all things vaccines. The number of awards Dr. Plotkin has received for his service to vaccines would take up several pages in this book, including the French Legion of Honor, the Sabin Gold Medal, and the Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement.4

Dr. Plotkin’s prize pupil, Dr. Paul Offit (ranked number six in the aforementioned poll), learned everything he knows about vaccines from Dr. Plotkin, and together they have shaped many of the talking points that govern the way vaccines are positioned to the public. They jointly shared in the riches of the development of the rotavirus vaccines, with each of them making a cool six million dollars when their invention was sold to Merck.5 In early January of 2018, Dr. Plotkin almost added another superlative to his resume: expert witness. A custody battle in Michigan between Lori Matheson and her ex-husband Michael Schmitt included a disagreement over vaccines for their shared child. The mother didn’t want to vaccinate her daughter at all; the father did.6 With the case making national headlines, Dr. Offit got involved with the case behind the scenes to support the father, along with the pharma-funded pro-vaccine nonprofit, Voices for Vaccines. Their big idea? Roll in Dr. Plotkin as the expert witness for the father. Who better to extoll the virtues of vaccination than the founder of the modern vaccine industry?

This would be a high-profile case, and Dr. Plotkin’s testimony could set precedent for how these matters are adjudicated in the future. This was the first time Dr. Plotkin had agreed to serve as an expert witness on the subject of vaccines. It was also the first time Dr. Plotkin would have to testify under oath in a wide-ranging deposition conducted by the attorney for the mother in the case, Aaron Siri. Anytime an “expert witness” is offered up in a trial, the opposing counsel has the right to depose that witness in advance of the trial, and Mr. Siri exercised his rights, deposing Dr. Plotkin on January 11, 2018, at a location near Dr. Plotkin’s megamansion in New Hope, Pennsylvania.

The deposition lasted eight hours. The next morning, January 12, Dr. Plotkin recused himself from being an expert witness in the case. In between, Mr. Siri exposed more truth about vaccines and the vaccine industry in one document than I’ve ever seen.


The Plotkin Deposition

As a bespectacled Dr. Plotkin sat for his deposition wearing a dark suit and red tie, he had no idea his opposing counsel was one of the most informed people in the world on the topic of vaccines. A UC Berkeley School of Law honors graduate and former clerk for the Israeli Supreme Court, Mr. Siri is not your average lawyer. In 2015 Mr. Siri made headlines when he successfully defeated a flu shot mandate for children that had been imposed on citizens of New York City.10 At the time Mr. Siri explained that “parents across the city who, in consultation with their doctors, made the decision that the risks outweighed the benefits for their particular child, had that right taken away from them by 11 unelected individuals sitting in the Board of Health right across the street.”

Mr. Siri’s cross-examination skills are formidable, and reading the deposition for the first time was one of the more satisfying moments in my time as an autism activist. The opposing lawyer representing Dr. Plotkin was severely outmatched, and I had to laugh that this was the brainchild of Dr. Offit. Did he not realize Dr. Plotkin would be deposed? Mr. Siri understood every trick, exaggeration, misstatement, and controversy, and he walked Dr. Plotkin into bear trap after bear trap the way Tom Cruise brought Jack Nicholson along in A Few Good Men, which is the movie I kept thinking of as I read the deposition. And watching the video of the deposition, I saw Dr. Plotkin grow more and more annoyed as the deposition progressed. I kept waiting for him to scream, “You can’t handle the truth!”

Dr. Plotkin, along with Dr. Offit, has shaped many of the false narratives about vaccines that permeate our culture. From their perch at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Drs. Plotkin and Offit are the go-to resource for any mainstream journalist writing about vaccines. Vaccines rarely harm, testing is thorough, they never cause autism, every child needs them, herd immunity must be maintained. All of these false narratives and exaggerations can trace their origins to Drs. Plotkin and Offit. But none of them has ever had to endure the scrutiny of being challenged under oath.

It’s as close as we will ever get to deposing the vaccine industry itself, and it was a colossal blunder to allow Dr. Plotkin to be deposed, which he seemed to realize within the first hour of the deposition. It’s hard to do a four-hundred-page document justice in a chapter, particularly because in many cases Mr. Siri would lead Dr. Plotkin down a lengthy path before exposing the lies or contradictions to his testimony, but I’ll do my best. At the very least, I hope this will show you some of the ways the vaccine industry exaggerates, spins, and lies when the facts about vaccines don’t suit their needs.


Gardasil, Merck, and Data Manipulation

Earlier, Mr. Siri had established clearly that none of the vaccines for children were tested with a group of children who received an “inert placebo,” making any conclusions drawn about side effects nearly impossible to corroborate. Dr. Plotkin was forced to agree. For Gardasil (the HPV vaccine), a different problem took place. There were actually three groups used during testing. One group received the vaccine. One group received a shot that only contained aluminum adjuvant, and one group received a true placebo, a shot of saline. The latter two groups (aluminum and saline), however, were combined when the data was reported, making it impossible to know if the true placebo group had a lower rate of adverse events than either Gardasil or the aluminum adjuvant.

Painstakingly, Mr. Siri took Dr. Plotkin through this extraordinary abuse of data. Overall, the Gardasil trial showed that 2.3 percent of the women who received either the vaccine or the combined aluminum/saline developed a systemic autoimmune condition within six months. Mr. Siri explained to Dr. Plotkin, and got him to confirm, that the saline group, had it been reported separately, actually had an adverse event rate of zero. “And then if we had a third column that was just the saline placebo, it would show 0 percent? … Wouldn’t that have been a significant finding to report?”

Dr. Plotkin had no real answer: “I don’t—you’d have to ask a statistician.”

It’s a remarkable exchange. Mr. Siri had just highlighted an extreme abuse of trust and data manipulation by Merck, Dr. Plotkin’s primary benefactor.

Double Standards in Vaccine Testing

Mr. Siri then caught Dr. Plotkin in an extreme contradiction. He asked him about a recent study done by Dr. Peter Aaby in which Dr. Aaby looked at the impact of DTP vaccine in Africa and concluded the vaccine did more harm than good (discussed in chapter 2). Dr. Plotkin was familiar with the study, respected Dr. Aaby, but was dismissive of the findings, because Dr. Aaby “doesn’t have randomly vaccinated or children who randomly receive pertussis vaccine or don’t receive pertussis vaccine.… But in the absence of random administration, you don’t know for sure whether it’s the vaccine or other factors that are operating.”

None of the licensed vaccines for children ever receive this sort of rigorous testing, and placebos are never used, as Mr. Siri quickly established. He also had Dr. Plotkin confirm how long the observation period is for vaccine trials and showed him a number of package inserts from the vaccines themselves.

Mr. Siri started with the hepatitis B vaccine. “How long does it say that safety was monitored after each dose?” Begrudgingly, Dr. Plotkin responded, “Five days.” But, Mr. Siri wondered, is that “long enough to detect an autoimmune issue that arises after five days?” Dr. Plotkin stated the obvious: “No.” Mr. Siri then asked, “Was there any control group in this trial?” Dr. Plotkin, who had just argued how important control groups are to cause and effect, was forced to answer truthfully, “It does not mention any control group, no.”

Drilling down on the hepatitis B vaccine, Mr. Siri pulled out a different insert for a different hepatitis B vaccine that showed safety testing only took place for four days after administration. Dr. Plotkin confirmed the duration but stated, “I am willing to bet that they did collect reactions after four days.” Mr. Siri pressed, since no documentation supported Dr. Plotkin’s bet, and he was forced to admit it was “speculation.” Apparently, rigorous testing is critical when finding fault with vaccines, but not when licensing them for use in millions of children.

This was such a revealing back and forth. Dr. Plotkin seemed genuinely surprised by how short the observation period was for vaccines; he was sure they must have done more monitoring later, but of course that would have been explained in the package insert, and it wasn’t. Vaccine proponents lie about the “rigorous testing” vaccines have endured, but when you press them, they often point to how “safe” vaccines are that are already in use. In reality, we are dramatically underreporting vaccine injury, as Mr. Siri explained to Dr. Plotkin next:

Incomplete VAERS Data

Mr. Siri: Isn’t it true that VAERS only receives a tiny fraction of the reportable adverse events after vaccination?

Dr. Plotkin: Well, I can’t give you a percentage, but all physicians are asked to report putative reactions to the VAERS system. So I don’t think the VAERS system covers a tiny portion of alleged reactions. I think, rather, probably most are reported.

Mr. Siri produced a study commissioned by HHS and run by Harvard Pilgrim. He showed Dr. Plotkin where the study says, “Fewer than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events are reported.” He asked Dr. Plotkin to read it.

Mr. Siri: Okay, so this study says that less than 1 percent of adverse events are reported to VAERS, right?

Dr. Plotkin: Well, I have to check that, but I think that’s correct.

I probably let out my largest laugh during this exchange. Dr. Plotkin had the nerve to say that “probably most” vaccine reactions are reported. This is the mind-set of a vaccine developer who believes vaccines are always “safe and effective,” no matter what the data says. It feels fanatical, really. He is one of the foremost experts on vaccines in the world, and he believes VAERS is capturing most vaccine injuries; simply unbelievable!

The Inadequate Pertussis Vaccine

As I mentioned in chapter 2, the reason there are guaranteed whooping cough (pertussis) outbreaks in the United States every year is that the vaccine for pertussis is pretty ineffective. Dr. Plotkin confirmed this:

Mr. Siri: How long does the current immunity last from the current acellular pertussis vaccine?

Dr. Plotkin: Well, it lasts for probably on the order of five years, but the efficacy diminishes after two years or so. And the result is that there have been more pertussis in adolescents than we would like.

Mr. Siri was also able to establish that the vaccine for pertussis—DTaP— doesn’t prevent people from being a carrier of whooping cough to others:

Mr. Siri: Does the cellular pertussis vaccine prevent the infection and transmission of pertussis in the person vaccinated with acellular pertussis vaccine?

Dr. Plotkin: It appears that the acellular vaccines don’t protect the individual from carrying the organism as much as the so-called whole-cell pertussis vaccines did.… But there is a concern that the acellular vaccines may not protect an individual from passing the organism to another individual even if the vaccinated person doesn’t get sick himself or herself.

I think very few people understand how inadequate this vaccine really is; it was nice for Dr. Plotkin to admit it. As I’ve said before, people often have this cartoonishly simple view of a vaccine: You get the shot; now you’re immune— presto! It rarely works that way, and the explanation of DTaP’s limitations makes that clear.


DTaP, Autism, and the Burden of Proof

In reviewing the 2011 study from the Institute of Medicine, Mr. Siri asked Dr. Plotkin if he recollects what the IOM’s conclusion was about whether DTaP vaccine can cause autism. Dr. Plotkin replied, “I’d have to look that up, but I feel confident that they do not cause autism.”

Mr. Siri found the IOM’s actual conclusion and had Dr. Plotkin read it: “The evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between diphtheria toxoid-, tetanus toxoid-, or the acellular pertussis-containing vaccine in autism.”

Mr. Siri: So the IOM reviewed the available evidence with regard to whether Tdap or DTaP can cause autism, and their conclusion was the evidence doesn’t exist to show whether DTaP or Tdap do or do not cause autism, correct?

At this point Mr. Siri made mincemeat of the oft-repeated claim by so many that “vaccines do not cause autism”:

Mr. Siri: But since, Dr. Plotkin, we don’t know whether DTaP or Tdap cause autism, right, it would be a bit premature to make the unequivocal, sweeping statement that vaccines do not cause autism, correct?

Dr. Plotkin: In the absence of evidence, one should not draw any conclusions except that there’s no evidence. And so I don’t infer from the absence of evidence about a million different things that they’re necessarily true. One has to do studies to determine whether or not a phenomenon exists, and usually those studies are done because there’s some suspicion that, of a relationship. But in, we have no suspicions, at least I don’t, that autism is caused by DTaP.

Mr. Siri: Well, you may not have that suspicion, but it is one of the most commonly reported conditions, adverse events, which is why it was reviewed in this IOM report from DTaP/Tdap, which we discussed earlier. So I just, I’m not saying, I’m not asking you to say that vaccines do cause autism. I’m not asking that at all. I’m asking you, as a scientist, can you make the statement that vaccines do not cause autism if you don’t know whether DTaP or Tdap cause autism?

Dr. Plotkin: As a scientist, I would say that I do not have evidence one way or the other.

Mr. Siri: And so for that reason, you’re okay with telling the parent that DTaP/Tdap does not cause autism even though the science isn’t there yet to support that claim?

Dr. Plotkin: Absolutely.

This exchange was so revealing for me. In fact, I only gave you the heart of it; it actually went on for many pages. Dr. Plotkin thinks it’s okay to say, “Vaccines don’t cause autism,” even as the IOM has clearly said that with DTaP they don’t have evidence either way. Why is it okay? Because in Dr. Plotkin’s world, vaccines will never cause autism, because if they did his world as he knows it would basically end. The last exchange pushed me over the edge. Dr. Plotkin was more than happy to tell a parent DTaP doesn’t cause autism, even though the IOM said evidence was “inadequate” to make any conclusion at all.

Immune Activation Is the Objective of Vaccines

One of the many extraordinary admissions that Dr. Plotkin provided concerns the relationship between vaccines and “immune activation,” a topic you will soon understand intimately in chapter 5, as new science is demonstrating that immune activation events are the primary cause of autism.

Mr. Siri: This is from California Institute [of Technology], CalTech. That institution did a number of studies regarding—that group did a number of studies relating to immune activation and neurological disorder, correct?

Dr. Plotkin: Yes.

Mr. Siri: And they found a connection between immune activation and neurological historical disorders, correct?

Dr. Plotkin: Yes.

Mr. Siri: Okay. And one of the study’s findings they had was that immune activation alters fetal brain development through interleukin-6, correct?

Dr. Plotkin: As I said before, IL-6 is an important cytokine. I would point out in relation to immune activation, that immune activation occurs as a result of disease and exposure to a variety of stimuli, not just vaccines.

Mr. Siri: But it can be caused by vaccines, correct?

Dr. Plotkin: Immune activation is the objective of vaccines.

When I first read Dr. Plotkin’s testimony above, I gasped out loud. I know, if you’re relatively new to this topic, you may be scratching your head: “What’s the big deal?” The big deal is that science has converged, and it’s converged on autism’s causation: autism is caused by immune activation events, something vaccines are designed to trigger. Read on—chapter 5 will make the importance of his statement clear to you.

After reading a transcript of the deposition, I was struck with the following thoughts:

Dr. Plotkin appears sociopathic. The definition of the word is “lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.” I’m not sure what else to call someone who runs vaccine trials on orphans, the mentally disabled, and babies of moms in prison and then pens an op-ed justifying using the mentally ill for medical trials. It’s deeply disturbing thinking, and this is the man who has guided the vaccine industry’s ideology for fifty years. He’s also intolerant of anyone who may have a genuine religious objection to vaccines. Dr. Plotkin employs scientific standards only when convenient. The DTP study in Africa doesn’t meet his standards of science for having placebo controls, but vaccine safety trials do, despite having no controls and only monitoring adverse reactions for a few days. The Gardasil trial that hid its placebo numbers? You’ll have to ask the statistician. I’ve seen this from so many pro-vaccine spokespeople—they will criticize any studies that question vaccine safety but never acknowledge the paucity of safety studies.

Dr. Plotkin is blind to the scale of vaccine injury. The exchange in which Dr. Plotkin figured the deeply flawed VAERS system captures most vaccine injury was revealing. He doesn’t care about vaccine injury—the ends always justify the means. He’s wrong about vaccine injury by at least a factor of one hundred times (because only 1 percent of vaccine injury is captured by VAERS). How could he not know that? Because knowing that is inconsistent with his worldview: Vaccines are safe, no matter what the data says.

Dr. Plotkin will never cross the autism line. In part two of this book, I will show you depositions from two of the leading autism scientists in the world, both of whom acknowledge that vaccines can and do cause autism. It’s clear from how long Dr. Plotkin spends fighting Mr. Siri about the fact that the IOM stated that the data can neither prove nor deny a relationship between DTaP vaccine and autism that there is no world where Dr. Plotkin will acknowledge something that has become obvious to many. The mainstream has been denying the vaccine-autism link for so long—spearheaded by Drs. Plotkin and Offit—that admitting the connection at this point would probably be too much to bear.

Dr. Plotkin’s flawed thinking is the vaccine industry’s flawed thinking: Don’t acknowledge vaccine injury. Don’t acknowledge the weakness of safety studies. Employ scientific standards only when convenient. Never admit autism is connected to vaccines. Vaccines are always “safe and effective,” no matter what the data says.

The Tobacco Playbook

In November 1998 a Master Settlement Agreement was reached between tobacco companies and attorneys general from forty-six states. Tobacco companies were finally accountable for at least some of the damage cigarettes had caused. But the first science implicating tobacco was a mouse study published in 1953 in which scientists demonstrated, clearly and unequivocally, that cigarette tar caused cancer.12 The penalty of the settlement was $206 billion.13 What did US District Judge Gladys E. Kessler find the tobacco companies guilty of? “Conspiracy.”14 There’s that word again.

It took forty-five years for a reckoning because right after the mice study, to actively muddy the waters, tobacco companies formed the “Tobacco Industry Research Committee” so they could challenge all scientific evidence implicating tobacco. The organization provided hundreds of millions of dollars of funding for research at many of the leading institutions in the country that could sow doubt about the tobacco-cancer link. Producing “distracting research” that would sow endless doubt about a fast-emerging certainty became their primary goal. Committee members met with the leadership of every major newspaper, magazine, and television network, explaining their intent to fund a “research program devoted primarily to the public interest,” which was really a euphemism for research that would exonerate tobacco, or at least muddy the scientific waters and generate as much doubt as possible about the link between smoking and lung cancer.15

Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, in their best-selling book Merchants of Doubt, explained how Big Tobacco exploited the vulnerabilities of science to their advantage, creating doubt at every turn in the road and effectively extending the industry’s reckoning by four decades:

By the late 1950s, mounting experimental and epidemiological data linked tobacco with cancer—which is why the industry took action to oppose it. In private, executives acknowledged this evidence. In hindsight it is fair to say—and science historians have said—that the link was already established beyond a reasonable doubt. Certainly no one could honestly say that science showed that smoking was

safe. But science involves many details, many of which remained unclear, such as why some smokers get lung cancer and others do not.16

What if I told you that the only “Big” bigger than Big Tobacco was back in their heyday is today’s Big Pharma, the very industry that makes all these vaccines? Big Pharma, one of the largest purchasers of advertisements in mainstream media,17 and Big Pharma, the industry that spends the most on lobbying,18 is the reason this fight about autism is taking so long. Don’t believe me? From 1998 to 2009 the CDC was run by Dr. Julie Gerberding, where she presided over a massive expansion in the number of vaccines given to children and a massive explosion in the number of autism cases in the United States. Where did Dr. Gerberding go after resigning from the CDC? To serve as president of the vaccine division of Merck, the largest “Big Pharma” company in the world and the market leader in vaccines.19 This is not an easy battle.

Let me remind you that the market for vaccines is expected to be worth $60 billion in 2020,20 up from $170 million in the early 1980s.21 Let me say that again. In the 1980s, with no childhood epidemics to speak of, the market for vaccinations was worth $170 million. Fast forward, and the market for vaccines has grown 350 times larger! In the 1960s the vaccine schedule in the United States called for three vaccines for childhood; today, as I said in chapter 2, it’s thirty-eight (that’s not a typo)—a more than twelvefold increase in the number of vaccines given to children.22

Autism is Tobacco 2.0, with manufactured doubt cast on every new discovery from determined parents, doctors, and scientists. Just like tobacco, we even have mice studies that show precisely how a vaccine can cause autism in the brain of a newborn. This evidence of “biological plausibility,” now appearing in multiple scientific studies published since 2010, represents a tipping point for truth. History may not repeat, but it certainly rhymes.

People are fond of characterizing autism as “complex,” but that obscures the simple explanation for what has happened to so many children, and why. In the 1970s the rate of autism was documented to be just under one in ten thousand children. Today one in thirty-six kids has autism—that’s roughly 1.8 million school-age (four to seventeen) American children.23 This also means there are 277 times more kids with autism today than there were thirty years ago. That’s a gain of almost 30,000 percent! An epidemic this severe has to have a simple explanation, just as the lung cancer epidemic had a simple explanation, too.

The Tobacco Playbook is being expertly utilized by Big Pharma and their paid supporters—it almost seems like the very same PR firms and law firms that helped Big Tobacco are now helping Big Pharma … because they are. Literally. At the same time, it’s astonishing how many people already know the truth about the autism epidemic and what’s happening to our kids. Hundreds of scientists, thousands of doctors, and tens of thousands of parents, all saying the same thing. Heck, there’s the camera man on Larry King Live, the makeup person on the set of The Doctors, the wife of the famous radio host, the Time magazine reporter who just can’t tell the truth for fear of reprisal, or the board member at Autism Speaks, so many people know the truth. In fact, surveys show fully one-third of Americans today feel vaccines and autism are linked.24 Attempts to dismiss people who “believe” vaccines cause autism as some sort of minuscule movement are not supported by the facts; hundreds of millions share my view and that of my wife and the many scientists, doctors, and parents you’re about to meet in this book.

In retrospect, it seems unbelievable that it took people more than forty years to convincingly prove that inhaling hot tar multiple times a day would trigger lung cancer, but that’s exactly what happened. The CEOs of all seven Big Tobacco companies stood before Congress, swearing to tell the truth, and then said (with a straight face, no less) that cigarettes were not addictive, nor was it clear that they were causing lung cancer. I remember the TV broadcast. It’s an image I have never been able to shake. That congressional hearing took place in 1994, a full four years before the Master Settlement Agreement.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the very same strategies used to keep the tobacco debate alive have been employed in the debates about links between DDT and the loss of ecosystems, lead paint and children’s IQs, coal and acid rain, asbestos and mesothelioma, CFCs and the ozone hole, Vioxx and heart attacks, and fossil fuels and global warming (to name just a tiny fraction of examples). This movie has been shown so many times before that I suppose it’s harder to see it clearly in the moment. But the patterns are clearly established. Here’s what we know about how corporations will behave in the face of mounting scientific evidence proving their product is causing harm:

  1. Science will be utilized to manufacture doubt and manipulate the media and the public. This includes funding new science and paying experts to support the safety of a product causing harm. This strategy was created and mastered by Big Tobacco and now, as I’ve mentioned, even has a name: The Tobacco Playbook.

  2. Public relations firms will make a fortune from these deep-pocketed clients, and their job will be to meet with and alert members of the media on their client’s sponsored science while refuting any science from the opposing side. This job is always easier if the industry causing harm is a large buyer of television, print, and other paid media. (The Tobacco Industry Research Committee was actually run by a PR firm, Hill & Knowlton.25)

  3. Aggressive lobbying will happen at the state and federal level and donations to politicians supporting industry views will rise. Where possible, lobbyists will write and promote laws supportive of the product, dismissive of health concerns, and protective of future liability. Their paid politicians will present and pass these laws.

  4. Finally, real science will prevail. The truth will come out. And consumers will learn that the product in question causes harm, like the aforementioned mice study. This science will usually be hard to fund, condemned, and ruthlessly attacked, until enough courageous scientists publish the same information over and over again. Regulatory agencies will grudgingly respond. Few will see jail time, if any.

When the profits are big enough, corporations will do what they were formed to do: protect profits. This ruthless strategy continues today. Autism is arguably the most vicious, cruel, and dismissive battle yet. With so much at stake— money, careers, reputations—what happens when an inconvenient truth emerges? What happens when someone, somewhere speaks up and challenges the house of cards? Well, they need to be made an example of. Read on.


The Truth Can’t Be Hidden Forever

Despite the fact that tobacco took four decades to come to its day of reckoning, it happened, and I take great solace in that. In fact, it has fueled me time and again when really all I wanted to do was beat my head against the wall as the pharma- funded PR juggernaut crushed the vaccine injury story at every turn. And it happened because truth has a way of bubbling to the surface against the odds. In the case of vaccines and autism, there’s so much truth, so many affected children, so many loud and active parents, and new people brought into this fight every day.

The drumbeat will continue, the truth will get louder, and the next section will explain how much truth we already have through published scientific research—in the courtroom and through the stories of tens of thousands of parents. I think the real shame of Dr. Wakefield getting “Wakefielded” was best captured in a statement he made about the impact of The Lancet study, and who is really paying the price:

The damage done to my reputation and to that of my colleagues as well as the personal price for pursuing a valid scientific question while putting the patients’ interests above all others is trivial compared with the impact of these falsehoods on the children’s access to appropriate and necessary care. My experience is intended as a cynical example to discourage others. As a consequence, many physicians in the United Kingdom and United States will not risk providing the care that is due to these children. There is a pervasive and openly stated bias against funding and publication of this work, and I have been excluded from presenting at meetings on the instructions of the sponsoring pharmaceutical company. It has been an effective exercise in public relations and selling newspapers. But it will fail—it will fail because nature cannot be deceived. It has always been a privilege working with these children and their families. It is my hope that before too long the tide will turn.45

The Line We Will Not Cross

As we slowly built up our forces in the late 1960s in Vietnam, a prevailing ideology in the US government was that if Vietnam fell to the Communists, there would be a domino effect throughout Asia, and we’d see more countries fall to Communism, including Japan and South Korea. This fear of a far greater problem was used to justify the time, expense, and loss of life that followed. And it turned out to be untrue.

The public health system in the United States is consumed by a similar ideology. Admitting any problem with the present vaccine schedule or, God forbid, removing a vaccine is something that must not be done, the thinking goes, because it could cause the entire vaccine program to collapse if there’s any loss of confidence on the part of the public. At the end of the day, the vaccine program does rely on a complicit public. If most parents believed there was a nearly 3 percent chance of their child developing autism if they were vaccinated, you can imagine the impact on the vaccine program. In 2001, during deliberations for an IOM study that would be released in 2004, the study’s leader, Dr. Kathleen Stratton, made an admission during deliberations that only came to light through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request:

The point of no return, the line we will not cross in public policy is to pull the vaccine, change the schedule.46

Dr. Stratton is articulating a widely held view in public health, which I believe to be completely contrived. And she made her comment before any of the data had been reviewed—the fix was in! Trying to convince the public that vaccines are always “safe and effective” forces officials to lie, exaggerate, and cajole the public. A backlash is inevitable as more and more people discover the truth for themselves. It’s part of what has created the dynamic we have today where so many scientists and doctors know the truth, and they’re choosing to say so publicly.

On a more sickening level, I’ve heard public health officials who basically say, “Even if vaccines do cause autism, it’s a justifiable outcome for a robust vaccine program.” Really, that thinking does exist in public health. So what if we destroy the lives of 3 percent of the kids? It’s worth it to protect the other 97 percent. It’s insane. It never works, over the long term, to lie to the public, especially with medical procedures. Parents just want accurate information.

They want to understand the true risk versus reward of getting their child vaccinated. Like any cover-up, the choice public health officials are making right now is just postponing the day of reckoning.

Truth always comes out in the end. Can we just get on with it?

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If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes

If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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