Anger is the expression of powerlessness.
Doctors are bred, constructed and positioned to project authority and have power. When it doesn’t work, when we don’t buy what they’re selling, they get angry.
A friend of mine recently took his son for his first “check-up”, what they call in the US a “wellness” visit.
He’d read Handley’s masterpiece on autism, and especially chapter 5 (discussed here). So, he understood the connection between childhood vaccination and autism. Being polite and wanting to minimize confrontation, he told the doctor that he wanted to delay vaccination, for now, and look at it later. The doctor, following his script, went into fear mongering mode, telling him of the dangers of not vaccinating, but especially the consequence of not being able to put the boy in childcare. After several attempts, with my informed friend standing firm, the doctor turns to his computer and starts typing notes, while reading them out loud, so that my friend knew what was being written about him, that a, b and c were explained and that he has chosen to not vaccinate his child.
It's an interesting scene at several levels for me.
First, that the doctor, having failed to convince the customer of the benefits of his product, in the face of an informed, well read and researched potential buyer, quickly resorted to the tools of financial violence that the government had made available to him. For that is what not being able to send your child to childcare is, financial violence. The inability to earn two full incomes.
Secondly, that the doctor, with clear menace, wanted my friend to know what was being entered, about him and his decision, into the permanent record. He wanted him to hear the words that would constitute a black mark against him. It was intended to intimidate and instill fear and doubt.
Thirdly, it’s worth noting, that the doctor was frustrated and angry. Like the young, emotional, angry doctor in the video above. For anger is the emotion of powerlessness.
It was an interesting, heart-warming, case of informed refusal. The boy didn’t get poisoned.
By the way, the doctor didn’t even bother to weigh and measure the kid, as we know, that is just a ruse to get the parents in for the poisoning ritual.
The video above is informative in many ways for me. When I first saw it about a year ago, I didn’t know who the guy in the audience was (J.B. Handley). And I certainly didn’t understand at that point the mechanics of how an injection can lead to brain inflammation that can lead to autism.
The point he makes about ingredients is a really important one for me and he makes it well and in detail in his book:
This from Handley in his magnificent book How to end the autism epidemic, discussing the one ingredient out of thirty-eight that has been “studied” by the authorities:
And here are all thirty-eight vaccine ingredients. Once again I’ve underlined (bold) the one that has been studied for its relationship to autism: 2-Phenoxyethanol, albumin, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum potassium sulfate, amino acids, ammonium sulfate, antibiotics, bovine components, bovine serum, chick embryo cell culture, culture, detergent, dextrose, enzymes, formaldehyde, gelatin, glutaraldehyde, human components, human embryonic cells, lactalbumin hydrolysate, medium 199, mineral salts, monosodium l-glutamate, phenol, phosphate, polymixin B sulfate, polysorbate-80, potassium aluminum sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate monobasic, sodium borate, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate dibasic, sorbitol, soy peptone, sucrose, thimerosal, vero (monkey kidney) cells, and yeast protein.
Do you think it’s reasonable to say, “Case closed; we’ve studied vaccines and autism”?
That’s why I’m very comfortable describing it as a poisoning. A ritualistic poisoning.
The medical system with it uninformed, useful idiot, foot soldiers will come at you. Again, and again and again. To stand your ground, you need to be informed to such a degree that you can withstand the hypnotizing effects of the lettered people in white coats, with their pomp, pride and degrees.
Informed refusal needs to become part of the normal, day to day, armory of the awake parent of unvaccinated children. It requires knowledge, skill and courage to pull off.
It requires chutzpah.
extreme self-confidence or audacity
This site is a good one to get to know. It provides practical tools on how to have these types of difficult conversations.
Do’s and Don’ts in conversation – Reaching People
Amelia recently wrote to me with her practical thoughts on informed refusal that I thought were worth sharing.
With thanks to Amelia.
I'm a reader, not a watcher, so I usually skip the videos, but this one is short [the video above], so I watched it and I found it fascinating because of the way the surgeon (I'm assuming that is what he is, given he is in 'scrubs', not a white coat) behaved.
This is how egotistical doctors behave when then they lose an argument: they get very angry. This doctor lied or revealed his ignorance of the complexity of the vaccine - autism debate. (I'd say he is stupid as well as ignorant, as only a stupid doctor would accept to debate vaccines with Jenny McCarthy if he knew so little about them.)
JB Handley explained some very basic points to the doctor which revealed the doctor had a simplistic misunderstanding of vaccines and the doctor got angry with Handley. He accused Handley of attacking him and doctors, who he said only want to help children.
My guess is that medicine, and surgery and ER in particular, attracts egotistical people, who find this behaviour useful. If you get angry and accuse someone of being nasty to you when you lose a rational debate, you end the debate without conceding you've lost, the person you have attacked verbally is less likely to challenge your opinion again.
I've had a similar reaction from an ER doctor, with more controlled anger but anger never the less, when he discovered my son wasn't vaccinated after he had stitched a nasty cut on my son's elbow after a bike crash.
Apart from expressing anger physically (rigid jaw, glaring eyes, slower, dictatorial enunciation) he told me his mother had not had him vaccinated and as soon as he reached 18 he had all the vaccines. I replied he had just done a fantastic job of cleaning and stitching my son's gaping, shallow wound in well oxygenated tissue on his forearm and thanks to his work the risk of tetanus was negligible, and I really was grateful for his kindness and expert care of my son.
It served as a warning to me, and you can view the video above as a warning parents of unvaccinated children. They should have facts about tetanus (and probably Covid-19 and other vaccines) written down on a piece of paper which they keep in the glove compartment of their car or on their phone because when your child has been injured and you are in hospital you are already stressed and when one of these guys gets angry it isn't pleasant.
This reminds me of Murphy’s story where her father stood up to the system on her day of birth, multiple times, as they tried to get the Vitamin K and Hep B injections into her.
Murphy’s stellar “Vitamin K” story - Lies are Unbekoming (
About three minutes after birth a red shirted Paediatrician entered the room (emotions obviously sky high at this point) and proceeded to ask me why I didn’t want VK administered to which I responded with the findings of the study that supported my view that it was not necessary. The doctor then went on to talk about how they are naturally risk averse and they recommend it for all and that we should really consider as babies are unable to stop bleeding (as if all babies are born haemophiliacs) meaning she could die if we don’t get it. My partner freaked out at this and, to be honest, my confidence was shaken when I looked at the screaming pink and red baby in my partners arms. The doctor said he would return in 10 minutes to chat further.
The final VK chat I had was with the Paediatrician who came to our room before our baby was discharged from the NICU and released to our room. Again, I got a stern talking to about the risks of VK deficiency bleeding but this time she also wanted to talk about why I didn’t want my baby to receive the Hep B shot – a disease that requires either the sharing of needles or sex to transmit – but that is a story for another day.
The way I deal with people in hospitals is easy to remember, humility, gratitude, flattery.
Humility and gratitude are obvious, the flattery might not be, but it is such a great technique for winning people over, we all succumb to flattery unless it is delivered really badly and in an obviously sarcastic, mocking way.
So, my technique when I have to take a child to hospital is to flatter doctors and to be polite and very appreciative towards all staff. I am effusive and I start the minute I walk into the hospital. This way my relationship with doctors and nurses is well established before the discussion about vaccines comes up. I massage their egos; they think I am a nice person. When the V word pops up they find it harder to get angry with me. If I need to give them vaccine facts I do so calmly but also deferentially, I don't try to score points, I don't argue. I just explain the reasons why I have decided not to follow their advice. I politely give informed refusal. They aren't prepared, they are so used to getting uninformed consent. As we leave I once again express my gratitude for their great work and superb care of my child to discourage them from putting a black mark against my name or reporting me to welfare officers for 'neglecting' my child.
Thanks for being here.
Please consider a small paid subscription (donation). The money goes to help covid vaccine injured Australians.
I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately:
If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes
If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.
Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
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