Reading Amelia’s story gave me an epiphany: we now need to interact with doctors in the same way we interact with law enforcement. Here in the U.S. I have always realized that in interacting with cops you need to boost their ego early and often in any conversation. It works extremely well and if you don’t do it it can end badly for you. So sad that this is the state of our medical system. I’m actually sort of disappointed in myself for how long it took me to come to this realization. Apparently I still have some misplaced trust that needs to be exorcised.
YES!! I hadn't made that connection, but you are absolutely right. The pattern is the same, but with doctors it's so much harder to see because as CJ Hopkins taught me "the political has been disguised as the medical". They have power over us, especially when the kids are young. That is political.
The doctor(?) in the scrubs felt like he was being attacked, because he had no facts to support his irrational argument. He was the one who was doing the attacking.
Amazing how his voice went into 10-year old brat mode.
Or maybe not so amazing as it’s typical narcissistic histrionic deflection drama that happens once the Narc loses control of the situation--or control of “MY stage.”
The two doctors are true showmen. The white coat talks about meningitis being hardly heard of anymore - what about other illnesses though? He completely ignores the many "autoimmune" illnesses that children have these days which they don't need a doctor for but have to live with everyday of their lives. What about heart conditions at such young ages> Yeah give that a pass - he's got an open mind you know. And to Jennifer I'd say, it is ALWAYS the parents choice not just for the chicken pox or what SHE deems necessary. What happened to body autonomy? Why are parents taking advice from total strangers about what to put in their child's body? And why aren't parents checking out the facts for themselves? It is against nature to breach body autonomy and it amazes me and disgusts me that grown adults have no moral compass on this anymore. Then the white coat says "we don't want to be too narrow minded" while he's of course being totally narrow minded. The gentleman in the audience had very good points but they didn't listen to him for one second. Then the blue coat gets up on his high horse and says what a great guy he is - he just wants to save children's lives. Oh he thinks he's the only one hey? Then why isn't he caring about the massive death count in the young since the vaccine? And he then instead of calmly addressing the issue, he turns it around and says the man in the audience is antagonizing the medical community. He never once answered his allegations but incriminated the man for having put forward facts that show the stupid blue coat is totally one-sided. Notice the tactics the blue coat puts on the man - slamming him but crying foul of being antagonized himself. Medical doctors who support the vaccine have blood on their hands and they don't want to look.
I actually think they like talking about autism, because it means they don't need to talk about all the other stuff you mentioned. I've realised that both Aluminium and Autism are "limited hangouts". As CJ Hopkins says, they hang out a small part of the problem, allowing everyone to feed on it, thus allowing the elephant to be hidden and not discussed. There are 38 chemicals in total from the schedule, few even know what the other 37 are. and there are 100s of diseases from the schedule, but autism is the one they will discuss and bring the whole disinformation complex down on it, including genetics [blame the genes for your child's's your grandparents' fault].
Yes - we don't know anything and I think that we would soon find out if we had debates like in the days of old. That is how you find things out instantly! Notice debates never occur these days? So everyone is in their corner and nothing is challenged thus all the different theories and views get bandied about all of them conflicting. If they were face to face in a proper debate, they wouldn't say half the shit they do.
I could not handle the doctor whining at the end and suddenly playing the victim. “Why are you being so mean to us doctors? All we’re trying to do is help kids by shooting them full of chemicals. Why are you so mean?” Okay, that’s a paraphrase, but that’s basically what I heard. Jenny’s smirk at the end was priceless.
Btw, I think you missed a word in your middle sentence. I do that all the time also.
All it would take is mandating inert placebos in these RCTs, and the whole tissue-thin veneer would be shredded forever. Which is why it hasn't and will not happen.
Re: the Cult of Vaccination. It is based on fiction, a narrative constructed over a century+ that demands faith not facts. Hence the anger, as the author flagged. At least Astrology doesn't harm people. Just look at the swath of destruction these bioweapon developers and pushers have caused. The auto-immunity, allergies everywhere, the fact we now have many more chronically sick people in our countries. All correlated with the childhood poisoning schedule expansion. All tied to the explosion of Big (P)harma profits, as they damage fellow humans and create customers for life.
Look at what we did in response to the 9/11 psyop. And look at what we aren't doing as the equivalent bodycount is generated every few weeks or months (depending on the country). That Power has no interest in the huge increase to ACM tells me Power is complicit.
Eventually, Power - and The Monster behind it - will be held to account.
I can't stand to be around doctors/nurses/medical office staff anymore. I'm stressed to the breaking point before I get there. I have a really hard time being the least little bit cordial to them. This is my "pcp's" office. I haven't been to a speciaist in a couple of years. <--- They're usually much nicer. I divorced my pcp this February. I need a human, not an over paid robot.
Well now, I am offended by that remark! No, not really...but I am a nurse, and even I have a hard time being around my colleagues! I am late in my career, and I had an idea that I would move out of hospital work and into general practice nursing by this time. Thanks to the revelations of the last couple of years, I can longer see myself being the primary poison-injector in such a role.
There is still a place for nurses and doctors (and midwives like me) in our society, but it is NOT what it has become today.
I know it's not everyone, but it's the majority at my doctor's office. He's a member of a conglomerate. 🙄🤬😭 There's absolutely nothing about you when you go. It's all abusive pushing of drugs and calling you names if you say no. "No," is my favorite word. I have actually only seen him 3 times in 2 years. My blood pressure can't take it. My brain can't take it. I'm out.
Thank-you for not wanting to be "the primary poison injector." Bless you!
Thanks. I think you are correct about the pushing of drugs. I also think that has been, in part, due to patients feeling like they haven't got value from their visit if they walk out empty handed. When I repeated my refusal to have cholesterol tests (and the resultant statins), one doctor looked me in the eye and asked if I didn't believe in primary health care! I most certainly do, but it looks a whole lot different to their idea of 'health' care.
Primary health care is all about prevention of disease. The medical system is loaded with primary health initiatives - mammograms, bowel screening tests, immunisation schedules. The thing is, the screening tests don't prevent anything, they detect disease already there. To me, primary health care is about eating quality food, getting exercise, emotional care (mediation, relaxation, prayer, reading, music, etc), love, and so on. But staying away from doctors as much as possible sounds like a rare practice! Good on you!
I love your approach: gratitude, humility, and flattery...along with an iron will just beneath the surface. Know yourself, know your boundaries, and honor both with love.
So far I've managed to keep my son 100% unvaxxed. He's just turned 17. The doctor at his birth didn't put up a fight, just looked disappointed. I kept my son home from school on jab days and he hasn't been to the doctors for nearly 10 years so not coming in contact with the issue.
One of his friends was also brought up unvaxxed, when he went to university he went and got himself "up-to-date" with EVERY THING! 6 months later he had a complete nervous breakdown. But neither him or his family see the connection.
That is incredibly depressing. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to make an 18 year investment into protecting my child from poisoning, only to watch him "catch up". Protecting the body is one thing, protecting and "vaccinating" the mind against all the idea viruses of Pharma, is another thing altogether.
R u referring to the Bitchute channel called "T4 Japan"? If so, u may possibly still be able to view the exact same 5 min Liam Scheff clip at Unbekoming's link ^above^ and also here:
Good heavens. That chap in blue sounded like a whiny 10-year old. "All we're wanting to do is help children" - he sounded as though he was going to wailing to mommy. Such manipulative petulance. Vomit-inducing. Embarrassing. How on earth did he get through med school?
I wish I'd known all this when my husband and I first started our brood. My vaccine awakening happened years too late and only, thus far, has prevented all of us from further flu shots and, of course, the mRNA jabs.
Watching the video of the debate made me angry. It absolutely galls me to flatter these gas-lighting narcissists. Last October I was lectured by a nurse on the importance of yearly colon cancer screenings. In response to my initial hesitancy, she just went round and round with her repeated points for a literal 5 minutes while I nodded and finally thanked her for her thoroughness and obvious care for my well-being , and that I would think on it more - if that's flattery, then I did it [GAG!]. But wow, when she walked out of that room, her dismissal was curt and her jaw was firm; she was obvoiusly ticked. Bad vibes I get from the medical community. I just want to get as far away from them as I can.
A few thoughts: 1) consider skipping well visits altogether, 2) consider raising your own children instead of having them raised at a day care center, 3) consider homeschooling to prevent government indoctrination which includes vaccine indoctrination.
Reading Amelia’s story gave me an epiphany: we now need to interact with doctors in the same way we interact with law enforcement. Here in the U.S. I have always realized that in interacting with cops you need to boost their ego early and often in any conversation. It works extremely well and if you don’t do it it can end badly for you. So sad that this is the state of our medical system. I’m actually sort of disappointed in myself for how long it took me to come to this realization. Apparently I still have some misplaced trust that needs to be exorcised.
YES!! I hadn't made that connection, but you are absolutely right. The pattern is the same, but with doctors it's so much harder to see because as CJ Hopkins taught me "the political has been disguised as the medical". They have power over us, especially when the kids are young. That is political.
The doctor(?) in the scrubs felt like he was being attacked, because he had no facts to support his irrational argument. He was the one who was doing the attacking.
He sounds like a teenager to me. An untransitioned adolescent. Someone raised in bubble-wrapping. His feelings were hurt, give me a break.
Amazing how his voice went into 10-year old brat mode.
Or maybe not so amazing as it’s typical narcissistic histrionic deflection drama that happens once the Narc loses control of the situation--or control of “MY stage.”
Made me think of this Sam Vaknin video I watched this morning:
Excellent Video, thank you for the link!
The two doctors are true showmen. The white coat talks about meningitis being hardly heard of anymore - what about other illnesses though? He completely ignores the many "autoimmune" illnesses that children have these days which they don't need a doctor for but have to live with everyday of their lives. What about heart conditions at such young ages> Yeah give that a pass - he's got an open mind you know. And to Jennifer I'd say, it is ALWAYS the parents choice not just for the chicken pox or what SHE deems necessary. What happened to body autonomy? Why are parents taking advice from total strangers about what to put in their child's body? And why aren't parents checking out the facts for themselves? It is against nature to breach body autonomy and it amazes me and disgusts me that grown adults have no moral compass on this anymore. Then the white coat says "we don't want to be too narrow minded" while he's of course being totally narrow minded. The gentleman in the audience had very good points but they didn't listen to him for one second. Then the blue coat gets up on his high horse and says what a great guy he is - he just wants to save children's lives. Oh he thinks he's the only one hey? Then why isn't he caring about the massive death count in the young since the vaccine? And he then instead of calmly addressing the issue, he turns it around and says the man in the audience is antagonizing the medical community. He never once answered his allegations but incriminated the man for having put forward facts that show the stupid blue coat is totally one-sided. Notice the tactics the blue coat puts on the man - slamming him but crying foul of being antagonized himself. Medical doctors who support the vaccine have blood on their hands and they don't want to look.
I actually think they like talking about autism, because it means they don't need to talk about all the other stuff you mentioned. I've realised that both Aluminium and Autism are "limited hangouts". As CJ Hopkins says, they hang out a small part of the problem, allowing everyone to feed on it, thus allowing the elephant to be hidden and not discussed. There are 38 chemicals in total from the schedule, few even know what the other 37 are. and there are 100s of diseases from the schedule, but autism is the one they will discuss and bring the whole disinformation complex down on it, including genetics [blame the genes for your child's's your grandparents' fault].
Yes - we don't know anything and I think that we would soon find out if we had debates like in the days of old. That is how you find things out instantly! Notice debates never occur these days? So everyone is in their corner and nothing is challenged thus all the different theories and views get bandied about all of them conflicting. If they were face to face in a proper debate, they wouldn't say half the shit they do.
I could not handle the doctor whining at the end and suddenly playing the victim. “Why are you being so mean to us doctors? All we’re trying to do is help kids by shooting them full of chemicals. Why are you so mean?” Okay, that’s a paraphrase, but that’s basically what I heard. Jenny’s smirk at the end was priceless.
I felt exactly the same. That's when you need a Jordan Peterson type to slice swiftly through the bullshit emotional appeal and lay it bare.
Every single vaccine is toxic. Every one causes more than good. Prove me wrong.
Proof would be impossible, John.
Btw, I think you missed a word in your middle sentence. I do that all the time also.
All it would take is mandating inert placebos in these RCTs, and the whole tissue-thin veneer would be shredded forever. Which is why it hasn't and will not happen.
Re: the Cult of Vaccination. It is based on fiction, a narrative constructed over a century+ that demands faith not facts. Hence the anger, as the author flagged. At least Astrology doesn't harm people. Just look at the swath of destruction these bioweapon developers and pushers have caused. The auto-immunity, allergies everywhere, the fact we now have many more chronically sick people in our countries. All correlated with the childhood poisoning schedule expansion. All tied to the explosion of Big (P)harma profits, as they damage fellow humans and create customers for life.
Look at what we did in response to the 9/11 psyop. And look at what we aren't doing as the equivalent bodycount is generated every few weeks or months (depending on the country). That Power has no interest in the huge increase to ACM tells me Power is complicit.
Eventually, Power - and The Monster behind it - will be held to account.
Agree. Corrupting the placebos has been the key.
Yes! Dr Peter Breggin has explored this with the antidepressant drugs.
Sorry John, I cannot.
I can't stand to be around doctors/nurses/medical office staff anymore. I'm stressed to the breaking point before I get there. I have a really hard time being the least little bit cordial to them. This is my "pcp's" office. I haven't been to a speciaist in a couple of years. <--- They're usually much nicer. I divorced my pcp this February. I need a human, not an over paid robot.
Well now, I am offended by that remark! No, not really...but I am a nurse, and even I have a hard time being around my colleagues! I am late in my career, and I had an idea that I would move out of hospital work and into general practice nursing by this time. Thanks to the revelations of the last couple of years, I can longer see myself being the primary poison-injector in such a role.
There is still a place for nurses and doctors (and midwives like me) in our society, but it is NOT what it has become today.
I know it's not everyone, but it's the majority at my doctor's office. He's a member of a conglomerate. 🙄🤬😭 There's absolutely nothing about you when you go. It's all abusive pushing of drugs and calling you names if you say no. "No," is my favorite word. I have actually only seen him 3 times in 2 years. My blood pressure can't take it. My brain can't take it. I'm out.
Thank-you for not wanting to be "the primary poison injector." Bless you!
Thanks. I think you are correct about the pushing of drugs. I also think that has been, in part, due to patients feeling like they haven't got value from their visit if they walk out empty handed. When I repeated my refusal to have cholesterol tests (and the resultant statins), one doctor looked me in the eye and asked if I didn't believe in primary health care! I most certainly do, but it looks a whole lot different to their idea of 'health' care.
Amen! The only times I want to go to the doctor is when I'm actually sick or to get refills for really required meds. That's "health care" to me.
Primary health care is all about prevention of disease. The medical system is loaded with primary health initiatives - mammograms, bowel screening tests, immunisation schedules. The thing is, the screening tests don't prevent anything, they detect disease already there. To me, primary health care is about eating quality food, getting exercise, emotional care (mediation, relaxation, prayer, reading, music, etc), love, and so on. But staying away from doctors as much as possible sounds like a rare practice! Good on you!
Exactly! I just posted my own comment expressing the same.
Yes! The flattery, effusive thank you.
I had the call from some Vax reminder person.
I told them how much I appreciated the call. Thank you. Our whole household is up to date.
They were pleased. No black check marks. No more calls hopefully 🤣🤣🤣👍🏽
Sweet talking the Stasi is an acquired and important skill.
I’m learning that
I love your approach: gratitude, humility, and flattery...along with an iron will just beneath the surface. Know yourself, know your boundaries, and honor both with love.
a g r e e d
So far I've managed to keep my son 100% unvaxxed. He's just turned 17. The doctor at his birth didn't put up a fight, just looked disappointed. I kept my son home from school on jab days and he hasn't been to the doctors for nearly 10 years so not coming in contact with the issue.
One of his friends was also brought up unvaxxed, when he went to university he went and got himself "up-to-date" with EVERY THING! 6 months later he had a complete nervous breakdown. But neither him or his family see the connection.
That is incredibly depressing. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to make an 18 year investment into protecting my child from poisoning, only to watch him "catch up". Protecting the body is one thing, protecting and "vaccinating" the mind against all the idea viruses of Pharma, is another thing altogether.
"The Sick Religious Ritualized Act of Vaccination Exposed by Liam Scheff"
(5 min - well worth watching how ritual masquerades as "science")
Indeed! One of my favourite clips.
FYI: Channel censored to U.K. IPs
"FYI: Channel censored to U.K. IPs"
R u referring to the Bitchute channel called "T4 Japan"? If so, u may possibly still be able to view the exact same 5 min Liam Scheff clip at Unbekoming's link ^above^ and also here:
(5 min - located at the top of his post)
Good heavens. That chap in blue sounded like a whiny 10-year old. "All we're wanting to do is help children" - he sounded as though he was going to wailing to mommy. Such manipulative petulance. Vomit-inducing. Embarrassing. How on earth did he get through med school?
I wish I'd known all this when my husband and I first started our brood. My vaccine awakening happened years too late and only, thus far, has prevented all of us from further flu shots and, of course, the mRNA jabs.
Watching the video of the debate made me angry. It absolutely galls me to flatter these gas-lighting narcissists. Last October I was lectured by a nurse on the importance of yearly colon cancer screenings. In response to my initial hesitancy, she just went round and round with her repeated points for a literal 5 minutes while I nodded and finally thanked her for her thoroughness and obvious care for my well-being , and that I would think on it more - if that's flattery, then I did it [GAG!]. But wow, when she walked out of that room, her dismissal was curt and her jaw was firm; she was obvoiusly ticked. Bad vibes I get from the medical community. I just want to get as far away from them as I can.
If vaccines are so safe then have the manufacturer take full liability! No liability-no trust!!
These debates are over.
That's a great piece! Thanks Robert.
A few thoughts: 1) consider skipping well visits altogether, 2) consider raising your own children instead of having them raised at a day care center, 3) consider homeschooling to prevent government indoctrination which includes vaccine indoctrination.