
Immune Imprinting

On flu vaccines, and home security systems.

The masthead video is an 8-minute discussion where Malone, and then Meryl Nass, for a bit at the end, discuss the flu vaccines and immune imprinting.

This was after Couey made his presentation to the group, facilitated by Kennedy Jr.

This is really important. There are at least 3 axioms here.

  • What is immune imprinting?

  • Do flu shots work?

  • Have I been lied to, again?


Ok, let’s get “axiom” out of the way, what is it?

An axiom is a statement that is accepted as true without the need for proof.

Our heads are full of these things. I think of them as Lego bits. When you add them all up, we are either connected to reality or not. Reality is the territory and the map in our heads is drawn from these axioms and built with these Lego bits.

When an axiom is untrue, we now have a delusion in our head, it might be really small, but it’s still a delusion. When you add up all these delusions, all these false axioms, you arrive at a psychosis.

This is my favourite passage from Mark McDonald.

When a number of associated delusions organize themselves into an irrational belief system, a state of psychosis can develop. When the man who believes the world is out to get him also insists that his restaurant food is poisoned, that his wife is having a lesbian affair with the neighbor’s daughter, and that his boss is somehow involved in both—he is psychotic.

He may still be able to function quite well despite this, insisting that he be allowed to bring his own food with him when eating out, for example. Those around him may consider his behavior to be odd, but what if every diner in the restaurant brought his own food with him? Would that behavior still be considered odd? What if every restaurant insisted that customers brought their own food with them “to ensure everyone’s safety?” The one patron choosing to instead order from the menu would be seen as irresponsible and even dangerous.

So, what is Immune Imprinting?

As Malone tells us, it’s also called Original Antigenic Sin, which I assume you all have heard about without fully understanding it, like me, over the last 3 years.

Don’t you love all these fancy shmancy words that ultimately obscure what is actually going in. I’ve heard Geert Vanden Bossche try to explain it, I understood it even less by the time he was finished.

Malone’s training of an army analogy isn’t great either, I think it’s actually fundamentally flawed in its one-dimensional framing.

So, I’m going to have a shot at explaining it once and for all, in the context of this discussion about flu vaccines. But it applies to all vaccines that you need to repeatedly take, think covid vaccines.

You hear Malone say that this is a third rail of flu vaccine development. You are not meant, or allowed, to talk about it. It’s a forbidden topic.

So, let’s talk about it.

Malone explained it as training the immune system against yesteryears enemy.

But I think a better way of thinking about it is that it fixes your immune systems attention on something that is always changing. That fixation allows the inevitably changed virus to easily walk by, because the immune system has been trained not to see it.

Not only are you training the system on an old enemy, but in doing that the changing virus changes in a way that takes advantage of that “fixation”.

It has been hobbled, handcuffed, blinded, brainwashed (pick your metaphor) not to see the enemy today…it has been damaged, and purposefully so.

So, let’s try this analogy, which I think is better than the army training analogy, and allows for all the different moving parts to be understood in language we lay people can get.

Let’s talk about home security systems.

Immune imprinting is like a security system. Just like how a security system in a home is programmed to recognize and alert the homeowner of any intruders, the immune system is programmed to recognize and alert the body of any pathogens that may be harmful.

Well, that’s the basic idea and certainly the official story, the narrative, and frankly the immunomythology.

Imagine that we have the latest home security system, that is connected to the company that sold it to us and we pay a yearly fee to get the annual software update.

Now also imagine that we live in a neighbourhood that all (or most) of the other houses have the same home security system.

Once a year, the company does a survey of all the home break-ins in the area, with a profile of the average burglar. Height, weight, clothes etc.

So, let’s say that over the last year it was determined that the average burglar was 175 cms, 82 kgs, and wore either dark green or dark blue jumpers. So, they create new code that is uploaded to all the houses to pay extra attention to this type of person, and to use a large portion of its memory and bandwidth to stay alert to this type of robber.

Turns out the robber is part of a gang, that knows what the updates are doing, so once the security system receives its new code, it’s now “training”, the gang start recruiting and training new thieves that are 180 cms, 85 kgs, and get them to start wearing bright red jumpers. The system doesn’t pick up most of the robberies because it’s energy and focus has been diverted. At the end of that year, the cycle and updates continue.

That is the annual flu vaccine industry.

That is Immune Imprinting.

Its very design guarantees its failure.

That is why it’s a forbidden topic.

Malone has worked in this exact industry for most of his life, he understands it better than almost anyone, and he is now telling us.

It’s an important axiom, actually it is three important axioms.

  1. Immune imprinting is dangerous and designed to fail.

  2. The immune system is damaged because of it cannot do its job properly as a consequence. So, disease prevails, in fact disease increases.

  3. The home security company knows all this and does not care. Its business is to sell immunity “systems” and “updates”, not to prevent theft.

They have knowingly lied to us about the flu shots.

They have knowingly damaged our immune systems with the flu shots for decades.

They don’t care.

So, why do they do it?

It’s not just about the money, although it’s also about the money.

It’s to keep the vaccine factories open, for when we “really” need them, if there is a biological attack. Or at least that’s the story they are told, the story they tell, the story they believe in.

I’ll write more about that soon.

This also from a recent Malone Substack.

Identifying Discrimination - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)

I was trying to avoid writing more stuff on masks, but this is unbelievable. UC Berkeley, that bastion of California higher education, is now requiring masks -both indoors and outdoors, if one is not vaccinated against… influenza! And, as a virologist and vaccinologist, the use of the slang “flu” makes me cringe. There are no “flu” vaccines. There are a variety of vaccines for reducing Influenza A and Influenza B virus infection and disease. None of them work particularly well. And just as with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the vast majority of deaths from Influenza A and B occur in the elderly or otherwise infirm. Not in college age young adults. In most countries, influenza vaccination is neither routine nor required. One of the main reasons why influenza vaccines are pushed in the USA is to maintain “warm base manufacturing capacity” in case we have a really deadly influenza virus arise.

Well, those college administrations certainly know that those “flu” vaccines offer fantastic protection, right? umm…. not so much. Why not, you ask? Well, one key reason is that pesky problem that is also plaguing the SARS-CoV-2/COVID vaccines. Immune imprinting, otherwise known as “Original antigenic sin”. The more you vaccinate, the lower the protection against new strains. And both Influenza A (the more important pathogen) and Influenza B have a trick that coronaviruses do not have. They have a “multi-segmented” genome. Essentially multiple RNA strands, which can re-assort to form new variants if a cell gets infected by two different viruses of different strains at the same time. Therefore, Influenza A and B viruses can both “drift” (evolve step by step, like coronaviruses) or “shift” (re-assort their genome strands). So when we keep vaccinating, vaccinating, vaccinating against new influenza strains, we drive to lower and lower overall effectiveness for influenza vaccines in general. This is another one of those things which physicians and vaccinologists are not supposed to talk about, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The table below shows the data. Draw your own conclusions. But the peer reviewed literature on influenza vaccination and immune imprinting/original antigenic sin is broad and deep.

Yeh… well, that’s encouraging. The adjusted overall influenza vaccine effectiveness averages 30% in the USA over the past five years. Sound familiar?

And some more from Malone.

More SARS-CoV-2 and spike protein biology, immunology and vaccinology from Nov. 3 CHD panel discussion with Jonathan Couey, Robert Malone and others. (substack.com)

Key quotes from CHD discussion Nov. 3, 2022

Immune imprinting

Malone at 58:00 responded to questions about the newly-introduced “bivalent” injections.

He described “immune imprinting,” also known as “original antigenic sin,” as the “third rail” problem: a topic forbidden to be discussed in drug development circles. He said that his own occasional discussion of immune imprinting has led to his loss of some contracts.

He talked about immune imprinting in the context of flu vaccines, which were, he said, about 60-70% effective when governmental public health campaigns promoting annual shots began, but are now only 20-30% effective.

Vaccines, he said, become “less and less effective over time…that is precisely what is happening with these multiple [Covid-19] jabs.”

Malone at 59:50:

As I said at the outset, I couldn’t design a better product to elicit these adverse events and outcomes associated with immune imprinting if I had sat down at a computer for six years. It is the ideal product for driving immune imprinting, which has been a chronic problem with influenza vaccines. And the government doesn’t care. They just do the ‘I can’t hear you. I can’t see you. I can’t say it.’

[He mimed a monkey covering his ears, eyes and mouth.]

Other negatives of immune imprinting:

Immune imprinting can also have negative effects on the immune system. For example, if a person is exposed to a substance at a young age and their immune system becomes "imprinted" with a response to it, they may have an exaggerated or inappropriate immune response to that substance later in life. This can lead to the development of allergies or autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues.

It's also worth noting that immune imprinting can have long-lasting effects on the immune system, and some researchers believe that the immune system may be more prone to certain types of immune-related disorders or conditions if it becomes "imprinted" during early life.


  • Ziegler, E. E., & Hollway, J. A. (2017). Immune imprinting during pregnancy and lactation: shaping the offspring's immune system. Frontiers in immunology, 8, 1477.

  • Tulic, M. K., & Oski, J. A. (2020). Immune imprinting: A unique phenomenon of fetal and neonatal immune system development. Pediatric Research, 87(3), 340-346.

The flu vaccine is yet another, multi-decade, industrial lie.

It’s not that “it doesn’t work”, it’s that in not working, it has actually “damaged our immune systems”, which common sense would tell us, opens the door not just for the flu, but for all manner of other disease.

These people do not care.

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.

In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.

You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch this 21 minutes.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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