Spot on review and overview. Having worked with Ken Watt at UC Davis, I was knee deep in the entire Peak Oil and Olduvai Cliff modeling. Made for a lot of sleepless nights! Clearly, the Peak Oil scenario is a Malthusian world-view. I still remember Mike Rupert hypothesizing that Gold's book was a CIA operation to produce overshoot and chaos.

The idea that we have to go off-shore to find new deposits of oil (as a rebuttal to Abiogenesis) does not take into account the inter-locking web of board members and seats that direct and control the flows of funds for oil drilling. Regulations and zoning in areas that may be abundant with land-based resources (Nixon's EPA) are not accessible for legal reasons. The cartel nature of the the large oil companies, as well as the cartel nature of trans-national corporations, ensures that IF there is a plan to control energy resources (and keep oil prices (or any commodity) in a zone of value), there is enough data and personnel sharing to control prices and discoveries.

Beautiful work, mate.

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Thank you Xavier, you made my day!

As a layman trying to figure out what is true/not within this Truman Show, it's great to hear from people "in the room" with deep expertise, that confirm the main point.

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I wish I had paid more attention in college about the finer details, but the maths Ken was working in where a little over my head and I'm sure he was keeping some of the equations very close to the vest. My hat is off to you for doing the leg-work of actually going to these conferences, talking to both sides and actually getting an education of the deep, hot and chemically active interior of planet earth.

The mere fact that you actually sat through a presentation by Kjell Aleklett and listened to the information he presented is more than most mere humans actually accomplish. The work that the Russians have accomplished in this area is truly incredible, given how they have been isolated and not allowed much in the way of external access or exposure.

The real reason for the invasion of Iraq was an attempt to deny China access to oil and to stop Iraq from developing an alternate exchange system from the petrodollar. It was not due to the dwindling supply of oil.

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I would like to take the credit, but the passage about Alekett was from Engdahl 😉.

BTW, I'm from Iraq and was there during the Gulf War, from time to time I write stories from that period:



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Thank you for another explosive article, friend. Once again filled with many leads to investigate. I look forward to doing so. Tried buying the first book but was unable. Will have to try again later.

Without any education or experience in 'fossil' fuels I had started to doubt the narrative about them.

For the same reason I know the Climate Change narrative is a bag of bulldust. When someone claims to 'own the science' about it you just know their agenda is naked graft and corruption. And extinction for most of us.

And that everything about big (P)harma is about killing/milking us. Not making us better. Or there would be some actual discussions. Rather than censorship.

JD Rockefeller himself was involved in the branding, to drive a scarcity mindset and elevate prices.

There are legit challenges for us, even putting aside the Democide/cull. But as I see it these are questions of distribution/equality not availability. Extreme wealth concentration has put us in this corner. Something like 8 people have more wealth than the poorest 50% of our species. That was some years ago. And that didn't count the real players who pay to not be listed anywhere in such a way.

Cheap abundant energy for all is an idea The Monster hates just as much as it does Nationalism. Another reason they would maintain fairy tales for the masses. Still, I'd rather be splitting Uranium for electricity (or fusion one day, when the technology is released for our species to flourish). That too has been strangled almost to death in many places despite the objectively excellent qualities.

Talking about the PetroDollar, is that warclouds forming over Iran this weekend? As with NSII, the US Cabal will have a counter to the recent BRICS moves. A Wag The Dog war would fit the bill. We know they are experts at false flags. And we already know they hate their own military, forcing them to be jabbed or discharged. Hitting one of their own ships in the Straits of Hormuz would be right up their alley. Their teetering regime will do everything it can to stay at the top of the Global Mall Cop roster. Another meatgrinder, perpetual like 1984 directs, would also finish that delayed PNAC Hit List for their puppetmaster. While sending the MIICC into a decade of record profits.

Fingers crossed it is just the usual posturing.


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A lot of books are available to read for free on the Internet Archive.

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Thank you for following this issue. Stumbled on some of this in Covid-Red-Pill Twitter threads back in 2020 when such things could be discussed in more places, but it seemed so fantastical and I didn’t find the deep vein that you are bringing to light. Now so obviously true that we can’t run out of the earth, just like we can’t die from CO2 which feeds plants. Access may be a different issue.

But also this shines light on current discursive shift: we don’t talk about scarce oil any more. We talk about “carbon” that has to be kept out of the atmosphere by not burning oil. Almost like...they know the “fossil fuel” scam is wearing thin.

So, the Russians figured this out? Puts the whole “Russia is our eternal enemy” frenzy in a new light. As the world splits between Russia/BRICs who don’t mind having abundant energy, and US/Euro who love to starve and freeze in Net Zero orthodoxy, I think Thomas Gold will have the last laugh.

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Nicely said 👍

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I believe it was John D. Rockefeller that coined the team fossil fuel. That's all we need to know.

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Men can do something about production rates. Not a problem. I have a general geology and economic geology background. Was taught fossil fuel theory of course. Never took the entire bite. Abiogenic, mantle/core heat sources fills all the criteria for source issues. The Fossil model of course strengthens scarcity and fear. Economic/political/engineering/human greed/war, etc will influence production rates.....been there before with other technical issues. Solvable. No worries.

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Thank you from a long time believer glad to see good resources. For me it started in 70s when, as kids we were asking if someone has calculated how many dinosaurs had died for that much oil.

Surely today, with computers and all, someone troubled to find out. Lol

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Wow, that is a stunning revelation. Greta Thunberg and the climate change freaks aren't going to like this, which greatly pleases me. Thanks for this... :)

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Very interesting. I agree, the likelihood of oil being derived from rotting dinosaur carcasses is not likely at all. Per below, it is also unlikely that political science suggests we have a climate change emergency. Look at Australia for one country, it looks to cut the use of coal & coal fired electricity stations, whilst continuing to ruin the country by digging it out and selling to India and China (among many), who are some of the worlds largest 'polluters'... Explain that??

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It's a distraction to mention dinousaurs. I don't think anyone seriously proposes they are the source of fossil fuels.

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I have been a believer too...I know so many believe in Peak Oil...but what if we are wrong?

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Amazing information. It is incredible how little I know; however, people like you shine a spotlight on vast materials which enables someone like me to learn and share with others.

Thank you.

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I went to high school with a man that went on too become one of the top geologist for one of the largest petroleum companies. Now that he is retired he talks of this very thing. He states as a fact that petroleum "oil and natural gas" is produced naturally deep within the Earth's crust and works its way to the surface. It is an endless renewable resource. He said writing or even speaking of these things would have you fired and blacklisted across the world in a month. He also states they knew the floating BP gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico would fail, they wanted it to fail. That anyone worth their salt opposed this project. They wanted it to fail to bolster the anti oil movement. He pointed out that at the pressure of 5500 feet under the sea the oil still had the pressure to blast out of the sea floor unrestricted and it would have forever. The patch they put on it will blow out again. The gulf floats on a sea of oil. He states the entire oil business is controlled by a shadow group they never could put their finger on. It is all about power and control more than money.

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Thank you for the comment Larry.

I remember asking my father, who at the time was one of Iraq's most senior geologists, where oil came from, in the 1980s when I was in my teens, and I still remember the dinosaur explanation.

That's one of the most important learnings of Covid for me, that whole disciplines can be "designed" or "disciplined" in particular and useful directions.

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Ah, Fletcher "Secret Team" Prouty. That book of his opened my eyes in so many ways. I seem to have had a close family connection with that Team, although it being secret and all I have no way to be certain. All I have is a "signature" match between this person's history and behaviors and a certain kind of asset described in the book.

A great many stories have been told. Some stories are reflections of observation and testing, while many others are made up as entertainment, or as proposals for that which cannot be observed or tested, or both.

Much of what we know as "Science" is grounded in the latter kind of story, and much of that grounding is false. Much effort has gone into retelling the false stories so as to make them appear, through repetition and peer agreement, to be true to the uninquisitive mind, and perhaps this is the true success of "Science".

I find it ironic, although not terribly surprising, that I as a creationist ground my understanding of our world in observationally supported stories -- the biblical account -- that are accused of being mere myths and legends by the master storytellers, whose pivotal stories lack such grounding. But such is the nature of our world.

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Most of eastern Australia is one big, long coal seam. Apparently wisdom is to leave it in the ground.

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Well, at least this is one official story one can research and ask questions about without worrying about being arrested, tried, convicted for "hate" speech, and sent to jail.

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Give them a minute. 😖

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Nah...Only the official story I reference above has the support of virtually the entire world enforced by billions (probably) with not a peep of outrage that governments jail people for asking questions.

Those benefiting from this hardly have to do or say a thing to keep this outrage going. They've got "the mob" to do it for them, enforcing via name-calling and shaming for daring to hang a question mark on this, the holiest of holy "official stories."

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https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/mark-reynolds/fossil-fuel-or-not/ My take on it from a while back… I AM Mark Reynolds

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Thank you Mark!

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I know you don't "do" geopolitics but reading this my mind was thinking "Ukraine War" and I took a peek to see whether the reserves you talk of might help explain this conflict https://about.soar.earth/press-releases/maps-show-ukraine-invasion-lines-versus-existing-energy-resources

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Thank you, that was very intersting.

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