

On Pfizer and the Spiritual War

A friend sent me this two-part discussion with Naomi Wolf that was recently hosted by Australia’s Club Grubbery Media.

It’s excellent is so many ways, especially in how much ground it covers.

Graham and John host a panel discussion with Naomi Wolf and Senators Roberts and Antics Parts 1 and 2

The 8-minute clip, from part 2 of the discussion, I felt was worth highlighting, is self-explanatory, and I’ll come back to it in a minute.


Naomi, in part 1 for about half an hour provides an excellent helicopter view of the work done by the 3,500 volunteer scientists that she has corralled to review and report on the Pfizer documents. So far, they have produced 69 reports, that cover in simple English, what Pfizer knew about the damage that their mRNA/lipid nano-particle technology would cause.

The health carnage that we are witnessing all around us each day, was all known, before the very first shot went into a single arm. If that is a claim that you are struggle with, then listen to Naomi in this discussion and spend some time on her website that is leading the way globally on the Pfizer document reporting.

Welcome to Daily Clout! What’s our story?

Here are the five most recent reports.

Report 69: BOMBSHELL - Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.

Report 68: 34 Blood Vessel Inflammation, Vasculitis, Adverse Events Occurred in First 90 Days After Pfizer mRNA "Vaccine" Rollout, Including One Fatality. Half Had Onset Within Three Days of Injection. 81% of Sufferers Were Women.

Report 67: Part 4b - Rhabdomyolysis - a.k.a., "Jellied Muscle" - After mRNA Gene Therapy Injections

Report 66: 1,077 Immune-Mediated/Autoimmune Adverse Events in First 90 Days of Pfizer mRNA "Vaccine" Rollout, Including 12 Fatalities. Pfizer Undercounted This Category of Adverse Events by 270 Occurrences.

Report 65: In the First Three Months of Pfizer's mRNA "Vaccine" Rollout, Nine Patients Died of Anaphylaxis. 79% of Anaphylaxis Adverse Events Were Rated as "Serious."

The reason this work is so important is that it is the only work on scale, that I know of that categorically proves what they knew BEFORE the vaccine rollout.

Most people need to see direct evidence of malfeasance to believe in its existence.

Well, here it is.

Now back to the 8-minute masthead clip.

The man asking the question is John Larter:

John found himself sacked by NSW Ambulance for failing to comply with a mandatory vaccination order and subsequent policy. As a result he took the Health Minister Brad Hazzard to the NSW Supreme Court to fight what can only be described as medical apartheid. He is passionate about politics and has previously been elected Mayor. He shares a passion for aviation like Graham and holds licences for helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. John teamed up with Drifta in 2022 and opened a store in Tumut. He is married to wife Caitlin(RN) and has six children. John is passionate about serving and answered the call from “Hoody” to assist with the Corakai floods. He has worked in many disasters including assisting with the Bali bombings and our most recent bushfires.   

He asks Naomi a question, that includes a reference to The Burnet Institute that he correctly describes as a “shopfront for misinformation”.

Burnet and the Doherty Institute were the two most important “modelers” that guided Australia’s political response and mass house arrest of the population.

The Gates Foundation loves Burnet and has done so for a long time.

Burnet receives Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Grant

Gates Foundation funds innovative vaccine project

Gates Foundation funding for Burnet diagnostic

Naomi goes on to give a comprehensive answer saying, “everyone got money to lie in the same way”.

This reminders me of a line from her recent essay:

The Death of Culture: How Lies Killed Books

The New York Times these days has the most boring headlines I have read in my life, and it is for this reason: the truth of our time is toxic to the editors of that newspaper, because they bathed in the money of the lies.

Indeed, a lot of people and organisations took the money, bathed in it, and now cannot be expected to act in any way that would highlight their past lies, hypocrisy and treachery.

These organisations took the silver and engaged in a coordinated theft of health, wealth and well-being from the citizens that unquestioningly trusted them.

Theft is THE sin. Theft is evil.

On Theft

“There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. When you kill a man, you steal a life... you steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness... there is no act more wretched than stealing.” ― Khaled HosseiniThe Kite Runner

Naomi ends her reply with an apt reference to “a spiritual crisis” and a war between good and evil.

A lot of people struggle with this idea of evil, of its existence. I don’t.

There is something uniquely inhuman about what has happened, about what has been done to humankind.

Graham Hood concludes the clip with a description of what he is witnessing across Australia. I for one struggled to keep a dry eye listening to him.

Graham Hood

Graham is a veteran aviator and former Qantas Captain with 36,000 flying hours. Graham and wife Michelle herself, an accomplished RN with degrees in law and psychology have always had a passion to serve their community. “Hoody” as he is affectionately known, coming to public prominence through a heartfelt and passionate video about our country, his employer, the mandates and lockdowns which left Australia in a state of fibrillation. He is a passionate Aussie larikin who has a great respect for our war veterans, history, freedoms and those willing to serve in any capacity during times of need.

I’ve written, on and off, about evil over the last 2 years, so I thought I’d collect and collate a few of my prior thoughts on the subject here.

"Vaccinated" children as human shields: A Saddam Hussein Story

Evil is both a noun and a verb. To become the noun, you need to do the verb. [Note: please don’t write to me about adjectives]

If you are a baby boomer and expect your grandkids to get injected to become a human shield to protect you, your expectation and entitlement is the verb and you have become the noun.

If you are the child of a baby boomer and you want to use your child’s body as a human shield to protect yourself and your parents, your usage of that body is the verb and you have become the noun.

It’s easy to point at Saddam Hussein and tell all that would listen “There stands evil”. But it’s far harder to look in the mirror and realise that the person you are looking at is pure evil, arguably worse than Saddam.

What else have they lied to me about?

I’ve found too many people struggle with “malfeasance” and “lies” because both words imply malevolent intent, and although we know that some people are exactly that, malevolent, “surely everybody isn’t” which is also true.

But when you start thinking of things as “industries” or “industrial” it’s easier for them to see how huge swaths of people can work within an “industry” that may be up to no good, without themselves being evil.

It’s easy for people to understand the “tobacco” industry as “evil”, with some of its key decision makers as evil, you know, the “nicotine is not addictive” guys, without believing that “everyone” in the industry is evil.

7 Covid jab stories around me in last few weeks

Most people have not come face to face with evil in their life, so when it shows up at their door step, they don’t recognize it.

There is an evil that has descended. Something is rotten, very rotten.

Hannah Arendt, Martial Arts, and Insurance Brokers

Hannah Arendt

The Nazis had succeeded in turning the legal order on its head, making the wrong and the malevolent the foundation of a new "righteousness." In the Third Reich evil lost its distinctive characteristic by which most people had until then recognized it. The Nazis redefined it as a civil norm.

Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.

Sleepers - Lies are Unbekoming (substack.com)


Reasoning circularly, decent people can't imagine they participate in evil because they are decent people who don't participate in evil. And then it's easy for decent people to believe the absence of (media-reported) evidence of evil planning is evidence of the absence of evil planning. Perfect.

Galileo, Evil, God and Huxley

What is the correlation between fear and evil?

I think it’s theft.

Fear is a consequence of theft. Fear is the emptiness created after theft.

Imagine a stadium of people at a soccer match. Imagine each of those people has been made fearful. Something or some things have been taken from them. The truth, peace of mind, health, certainty, hope about the future. All these people in this stadium are now fearful, they each have less than what they had, they are all standing next to each other and this “lizard brain” fear starts to connect with others’ fear. A grid is formed, a network of fear, a spirit. Theft got the stadium to this spirit. It’s an energy, a zeitgeist, and it’s very real. It doesn’t have a “mind” it just has a “feel”.

This spirit is hungry.

It will need to take what is not its to take. It will need to steal. It will need to devour that which makes it “feel” whole again, yet nothing will make it whole, so it keeps taking, it keeps stealing. This hungry spirit is never satisfied.

So, theft to fear to theft and then more theft and then more…

This, I think, is Evil.

Through The States theft we awakened the Evil spirit.

And finally on Evil, it’s well worth listening to Bob Moran in this 2-minute clip.

Lies are Unbekoming
Bob Moran
Watch now (2 min) | I think I bumped into the clip above about 6 months ago. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve watched it. When I first saw it, and because of his suit and tie, I thought he was a government whistleblower or a new political independent. I only recently figured out that this is Bob Moran…
Read more

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes

If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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