“It’s Mao that figured out that Cultural revolution was far more important, and sustainable, than Economic revolution. Today’s “Marxists” are not really Marxists, they are Maoist (without knowing it).”

Nailed it. And I’m sure we will reap the same sort of results that Mao did (millions dead, etc).

As an aside, I love your writing (topics, insights, all of it). Don’t stop. I always look forward to hearing what you have to say. And, yes, Moneyball is one of my favorite movies as well. I might have to watch it again tonight just because you mentioned it.

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Thank you David!

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Ended up rewatching Moneyball tonight. 😀

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Nice 👍, I might do that tonight 🤣

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Great breakdown of this wicked problem.

Marketing. Newspeak. As with Safe & Effective, so many just use the false binary of: capitalism is the opposite of whatever-'ism' that is being talked about. Truth is: Capitalism without a strong leash on the inherent predatory impulses is no better than any other '-ism'.

They don't even see the fact our system has long been more Neo-Feudalism than anything to do with freedom for the masses. Property is growing further and further from the reach of many. Literally. Whether you get there through pricing the masses out with predatory measures, or through outlawing things by edict, matters not.

Contemporary evidence proves your point. The WEF's 4th IR has seemingly overnight attracted the biggest corporations in the world; like Epstein's Island attracting predators. "You will own nothing" is their headline promise. To us. They will own ALL the property, if their fevered nightmare visions become reality. Of course predatory corporations want to be on the other side of that equation!

Public-Private Partnership: Another piece of Newspeak, infusing capitalist systems/nations. Under Mussolini I'm sure it had a different name...

Thanks for pulling together those various resources, also. Will check them out as opportunities present.


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Thanks for another great article. I wonder if we can just call it Totalitarian. That way people don't get stuck on the idea that the basic tenets vary so much between a particular countries expression of that kind of system. And definitely need more education so that people realise that Capitalism doesn't value individual human rights anymore than the Collectivists do. Those of us here in supposedly "free" societies can sometimes be a bit smug as if we have something better. As if we are not being immersed in propaganda and have been for decades. I have always questioned everything I thought, and yet in this current space of revelation my head reels at times because of how many false narratives we have been fed and I am only just discovering so many of them.

So grateful for your research and these articles. On the other side of things, the better world our hearts know is possible, have you heard about The Greater Reset organised by Derrick Broze? This short documentary is so inspiring. https://www.wearenotzombies.com/canales/flix/cinerama/the-greater-reset/

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Thank you for the doco pointer!

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I also use CommuNazis as the line between fascism and communism has been blurred.

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Does it also mention what group it is that uses communism as governing principle for not themselves but exclusively for the globe spanning Gentile peoples of the world?

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Historically, only those who studied Marx and the Anarcho-syndicalists agnostically, understood that economic collectivism and individualism were simply two different approaches to rationing, but that each requires a hierarchy of privileged access to surplus value.

Inculcating an at least rudimentary awareness of this among the general public is long overdue.

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"hierarchy of privileged access". Yes, that is what it is all about— tyrranny to be able to steal all resources from the "masses".

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"Communists" are those who share resources communally/live in communes. So maybe the Globalists are "Globalnists" or "Globunists"?

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Is the Medial Freedom Movement another form of collectivism? I don't know. Just asking.

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