
The instructional video above is one of my all-time favourite GMC clips.

The teacher is Luke Martin who many consider to be the No.1 Australian Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) coach. He saw through the bullshit early, and I believe helped keep a lot of young people from the injection. A good man.


My son and I discovered BJJ over 3 years ago and it’s been a wonderful journey so far.

In 2020, during a very wet Winter, the lower level of our home flooded. It prompted us to think about how we wanted to use the rooms downstairs and we decided to turn one of the rooms into a BJJ gym, complete with protective wall-mounted pads and mats.

In 2021 the vaccination campaign was in full swing in Australia and the psychological pressure was turned up to 11.

To give you an idea of the level of pressure the government created, here is a list of edicts summarised by a friend that lives in Victoria, NSW wasn’t much different.

Lies are Unbekoming
I’m part of a small WhatsApp group of sane and awake friends who have managed to keep each other sane mainly by listening to each other’s rants during the GMC. A friend from that group, living in Melbourne, recently posted the summary below. It’s worthy of its own stack, as another historical record of what, as my friend calls, the “Despicable They” have …
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In this pressure cooker, we decided to turn our BJJ gym into a highly illegal hangout.

We invited a small group of close friends in our BJJ circles to come over and train. But it had to be as inconspicuous as possible. My wife and I would park our cars in the street and have our friends park their cars in our oversized garage, so that neighbours wouldn’t see strange cars in the street and be tempted to be “good Germans”.

A few friends were given remote access clickers to the garage door and others messaged ahead and we’d open the door for them as they arrived. It was a finely tuned underground operation to minimize the neighbour risk.

If fear was at 11, trust was at 0.

People want to forget the last 3 years; they want to go back to “normal”. That desire to return to a world now lost, is the basis of the silence we are witnessing.

The silence that Naomi Wolf so eloquently recently wrote about.

The Death of Culture: How Lies Killed Books

I had found that Brooklyn — alongside literary Manhattan — was oddly frozen in an amber of denial and silence.

And the silence that Paul Collits recently described.

The Cone of Silence

Silence from the media. The Big Pharma criminals. The sheepish vaccinated. The politicians facing re-election. Their opponents, with whom they have created a conspiracy of silence. The university “experts” wheeled out to help the fear program.  If you don’t mention Covid, well, I won’t. The sadly non-faceless bureaucrats who appeared daily on the airwaves. The employees and contractors who knew it was a con but thought, hey, what the heck? The mask wearing goons who roamed over the earth in silence.

I’m very conscious of this silence. It rings loudly in my ear.

I don’t want to forget the last 3 years; I want to journal and capture as much of it as I can before our memories fade.

Which is why I asked one of our friends if he wanted to write something about his memories of the time downstairs in our illegal gym. I’m grateful that he agreed.

Here is his wonderful journal entry.

When the Pandemic hit, at first I was confused and then concerned. In the flurry of events, I lost my equilibrium. Story after story after study after article. I felt a rising tide of helplessness. By the end, I was so burnt out on COVID that I lost the will to discuss it any further. I’m so glad that things are now getting back to normal. I feel the moral pressure has lifted from the days of Lockdown.

For me the worst thing about lockdowns was that I could no longer practice my favourite sport. To train Jiu-jitsu you need training partners. Because of the close contact nature of the sport and the extreme contagiousness of the virus - all the gyms were shut down. One day at home with my parents, trumpets and drums signaled the arrival of The News - Flashing red and green banners gave way to body bags in New York and Italy. They had added a little body counter in the corner of the screen. I had to get away from the TV. As I rose from the couch my parents sat transfixed. A serious lady behind a desk implored decent citizens to stay put at home - I left for my mate’s house.

His family kindly took me in every other evening to practice Jiu-Jitsu in their basement-turned DIY gym. Little did I know I was walking into the belly of a radical commune run by a benevolent Dictator. The one known as: Unbekoming.

I was quickly brought up to speed on all things COVID-19 according to Unbekoming. They were… shall we say, alternative theories about what was going on. Infection Fatality percentages, PCR tests, chess boards, droplets, masks and lies - but not regular lies, lies with blind men and elephants and tails and trunks and… Christ!

While I immensely appreciated his powers of rhetoric - it was just too much for my brain to process. I would excuse myself politely, dragging my knuckles to the basement to work on my grappling skills.

For those unfamiliar with the sport of Jiu-Jitsu - it is basically the art of controlling someone without any nasty business like punches and kicks. The ultimate goal of the sport is submission; when control of your opponent is so total and their position so utterly helpless, that they lose their ability to physically defend themselves or even better - their will to resist at all. It’s generally considered more desirable to be the one administering the control, but that’s not where you begin.

At first when you begin Jiu-jitsu, it’s magic. In a flurry of misdirection, you’re barreled over, pretzeled into a knot and smooshed. You then become increasingly aware of less blood travelling to your head, or a joint starting to bend a way it’s not meant to. Overwhelmed by the superior skill of your opponent; You beg for the pressure to end - and go along quietly toward your inevitable surrender. If you’re sick enough in the head, you’ll find that part greatly amusing. But the real joy begins when you’re able to apply it to other people. But how is this done? Once you start to understand the underlying concepts of the sport, the magic dissolves and the real game comes into focus.

  1. Always seek to off-balance your opponent. Attack balance and you undermine their ability to take effective action.

  2. Chain attacks to create dilemmas that overcome your opponent’s layers of defence. Even an off-balanced opponent will likely meet your first attack with fierce resistance, and the second with vigour. But a third, fourth and fifth sequence? Multiple offensive moves linked skillfully will overcome the defensive capacity of most.

  3. Once an advantageous position is gained, there is no need to rush. Take your time, let your opponent sap their energy. Maintaining even a slight advantage is highly effective in wearing down your opponent over time.

Weeks passed. In the basement, our skills improved.

Outside, the cases, the deaths and the stories increased. My visits to the basement gym were islands of playful refuge amidst oceans of moral judgement drowning everything in the outside world. Unbekoming would reluctantly admonish our raucous laughter… the neighbours could be listening… then rattle off more stories complete with newly-coined buzz-words. Scam-demic, Spiky proteins, Ivermectin, Jobs, Jabs and Organisational capture. In isolation the ideas seemed plausible enough - and I mean, I’m not one to just blindly trust authority. But I’m also a believer in Science (I keep a portrait of Fauci above my door) and a skeptic of conspiratorial thinking. I just couldn’t get on board with the overall picture he was painting. But I was a guest - and he was hosting me in his own home at risk to his person. I was raised to be polite. So, I listened and engaged, but I wasn’t convinced.

So, you’re telling me - I would courageously not say but think to myself as I nodded politely. That the whole pandemic, lockdowns and incoming vaccines are part of some global authoritarian agenda? That everything I know about cases, hotspots, close-contacts and covid-deaths are part of an organised propaganda campaign coordinated by the medical industry, the media and the government? In a bid to do what? To what end?

The ultimate aim of jiu-jitsu is The Submission.

Whilst there are many paths to submission, the most efficient methods are favoured. If an opponent’s will to resist has been depleted, this is ideal as submission is inevitable without much effort. But even when tightly controlled, some opponents defend fiercely to the end. Once a certain dominant control point has been established, the opponent understands the imminent threat. They begin to focus on one thing: escape.

As the attacker, at this point it is not always favourable to hunker down and accelerate the attack with greater degrees of force. Instead, the experienced practitioner, once satisfied with their points of control, may proceed to gently and loosely let the opponent see an easy window to burst free. But the open avenue of escape is an illusion. The master has set a trap for their opponent, anticipating exactly where the neck is about to be exposed.

At first the pandemic knocked me off-balance.

Story after story after study after article. At first I had a skeptical lens, but consistent chains of information coming from every direction ensured beyond doubt what was right and what was wrong. Once we were all at home, unable to move - there was nothing to do but wait.

The pressure grew almost unbearable. But there was nothing we could do. I felt completely helpless.

By the end, I was so burnt out on discussing objections to COVID that I lost the will to discuss anything that might offend or make me or anyone else feel uncomfortable. When the vaccines were available - I jumped at the chance for freedom. This was the window we had been waiting for. Thank you Science!

I’m so glad that things are now back to normal. I feel the heavy weight of moral pressure has lifted from those days in Lockdown. Now we can train Jiu-Jitsu again whenever we want! Even though it was alarming to see our society locked down, I feel much freer now to move around as I used to. Now that all the Pandemic business is behind us, I enjoy watching the Hundred Flowers Bloom. I rarely reflect on all that stuff in the past. I'm just glad that the authorities were able to bring the virus under control, that we as a civilisation were able to band together and beat COVID.

Lies are Unbekoming is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


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Please consider a small paid subscription (donation). The money goes to help covid vaccine injured Australians.

I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes

If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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