Judging by the low "like count" people didn't really like this article, and judging by the comments, it confused some.

"I can’t work out if he is being ironic, cryptic, or completely honest."

I don't blame you, it confused me when I first read my friend's article.

But yes, he is clearly being ironic at time "Fauci portrait".

Yes, he is being somewhat cryptic, but the reason I loved it, is that he is being completely honest.

Some of us saw this clearly during the last three years and didn't "tap out", but for many they lost connection with reality and under immense pressure, and on reflection with deep regret, tapped out to the machine's submission.

What I love about his article is his honesty about allowing himself to be submitted while being awake enough to know that something awfully evil was going on.

None of us made it through unscathed.

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Is this a late April Fool or a lesson in irony?

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I am wondering that, too! I'm confused...

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At least, I'm not alone in my confusion. 🤪

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BJJ and heel of the palm strike. Good combo.

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Such a fascinating puzzle! With my own experience with being oblivious to my being obese, I am certainly aware that delusion knows no bounds, and is always the other person's problem!

And, I am also thinking that the Jiu Jitsu 'master' has played us to see how easily we will submit to a narrative. Would not the Jiu Jitsu 'student', commenting about submission and traps, be cognisant of the parallels described? Possibly not. See above.

However, I think that this was a cleverly done 'psyop'. Is he testing our ability to suspend reason with a 'nice' narrative? And, I am open to being totally wrong about that.

Is Unbekoming suggesting that the use of reason will not work to wake people? I am firmly convinced of that because reason doesn't co-exist with fear.

Clue of the psyop: why would the 'friend' who was exhausted by constant conspiracy yammering be okay with giving out for public display his journal that basically said his kind neighbour was full of shit?

Thank you *LIES* are Unbecoming and yet so beguiling. Good night.

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So after all that he got the jab?

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I can’t work out if he is being ironic, cryptic, or completely honest.

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My snarkasm detector was triggered by that last paragraph. Great metaphor !

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