Babylon’s Banksters
By Dr. Joseph P. Farrell – 50 Questions & Answers – Unbekoming Book Summary
I first came across Dr. Joseph Farrell when Danial Natal interviewed him.
As I try to understand and trace back the roots of central banking (the private right to create money out of nothing) I came across this book by Farrell.
I find Dr. Farrell’s work, and take, absolutely fascinating.
The system that we live within has genuinely ancient roots.
With thanks to Dr. Joseph Farrell.
Imagine a vast ocean with natural tides and currents that affect everything within it. In this ocean, there are two types of sailors. The first group consists of regular fishermen who work with these natural patterns, using them to navigate and fish sustainably, sharing their knowledge openly with their communities. This represents state-created money and open systems that work with natural economic cycles.
The second group is a powerful cartel of commercial fishing operations who have discovered how to predict these patterns through sophisticated monitoring equipment. However, instead of sharing this knowledge, they create artificial barriers in key ocean channels, controlling fish migration and manipulating market prices. They maintain expensive sonar equipment to track the fish while telling the small fishermen that such technology is impossible or dangerous. They even build artificial reefs that appear to be natural but actually serve as hidden monitoring stations.
This cartel maintains their power in three ways: they control the markets where fish are sold (finance), they maintain relationships with harbor authorities who validate their authority (religion/state power), and they suppress or buy out any new fishing technology that could threaten their monopoly (technology/physics). When independent fishermen discover new methods or equipment that could challenge their control, the cartel either shuts them down or classifies the technology as a "trade secret."
Just as the ocean's patterns are natural phenomena that affect all maritime activity, the book suggests that economic cycles are manifestations of deeper physical patterns in the universe. And just as the fictional cartel maintains power through controlling resources, information, and technology, the international banking class maintains control through similar means, suppressing knowledge that could lead to open systems of both energy and finance.
Elevator Explanation
Throughout history, there's been an ongoing battle between two fundamentally different approaches to money and science. One approach, represented by state-issued money and open scientific inquiry, creates wealth based on real productive output and seeks to understand natural cycles for everyone's benefit. The other approach, represented by private banking interests, creates artificial scarcity through debt-based money and suppresses scientific discoveries that could threaten their control.
What makes this story fascinating is that these bankers have long understood that economics and physics are deeply connected. Economic cycles follow the same mathematical patterns as waves in physics, and they're influenced by planetary alignments and natural earth energies. This knowledge goes back to ancient times, when temples served as both banks and sophisticated technological devices for monitoring these cycles.
The same banking dynasties that once operated through ancient temples continue to maintain power today through three main strategies: they control the creation of money through private central banks, they suppress technologies that could provide abundant free energy, and they keep secret their understanding of how cosmic cycles affect human behavior and economics.
In essence, this is a story about how a small group maintains global power by creating artificial scarcity in both money and energy, while suppressing the knowledge that could set humanity free. They practice a kind of false financial alchemy - creating money from nothing through debt - while preventing the development of real physical alchemy that could transform both science and economics into open systems benefiting everyone.
12-point summary
1. Money exists in two fundamental forms throughout history. State-issued money represents real productive output and creates an open system serving public good, while private bank-issued money represents debt bearing interest, creating a closed system of artificial scarcity. This dichotomy forms the basis of an ancient struggle that continues today.
2. A profound connection exists between physics and finance, where economic cycles reflect deeper wave patterns in the physical medium of space-time. Planetary alignments create interference patterns that affect economic activity, and the same mathematical relationships govern both physical phenomena and economic behavior, suggesting a unified underlying reality.
3. Ancient temples functioned as sophisticated technological devices, serving as scalar wave transceivers through their precise geometric design and placement on earth grid points. These structures combined astronomical observation with banking operations, forming a global communications network that utilized the earth's natural resonant frequencies.
4. Banking dynasties have maintained consistent methods and patterns from ancient times to the present, combining financial power with control over scientific knowledge. These families preserve and protect specific genetic lineages while maintaining close relationships with religious institutions, which provide both legitimacy and repositories of preserved knowledge.
5. The systematic suppression of technologies that could lead to open energy systems has been a consistent pattern throughout history. Banking interests typically fund promising research initially, then classify or shut down technologies that threaten their control system, thereby maintaining artificial scarcity in both energy and monetary domains.
6. DNA functions as a natural scalar wave transducer, exhibiting mathematical relationships that match ancient sacred geometric principles. This biological resonance with cosmic forces may explain banking dynasties' emphasis on genetic preservation and suggests a scientific basis for ancient understanding of human-cosmic relationships.
7. An international banking class has operated continuously since ancient times, working through religious and educational institutions to maintain control over both financial systems and scientific knowledge. This group employs consistent methods across different cultures and eras, adapting their strategies while maintaining core operational principles.
8. A planetary grid system of standing waves in the physical medium influences both physical and economic patterns. Ancient temples were deliberately positioned at grid nodes to utilize these natural energy patterns, creating a sophisticated network that combined spiritual, scientific, and financial functions.
9. Modern scientific research, including Global Scaling Theory and extensive documentation by the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, provides empirical evidence for ancient understanding of wave phenomena. Contemporary plasma physics experiments confirm principles that were apparently understood and utilized by ancient civilizations.
10. The control system maintains power through simultaneous manipulation of financial, religious, and scientific domains. This system preserves crucial knowledge while restricting public access, creating artificial scarcity through deliberately maintained closed systems that concentrate power in the hands of a small elite.
11. Alternative physics principles, particularly involving scalar waves and rotating systems, operate fundamentally differently than conventional electromagnetic phenomena. Large masses serve as natural wave resonators, and rotating systems provide access to zero-point energy, explaining both ancient temple technology and modern suppressed science.
12. The modern banking system deliberately maintains a closed-system paradigm while possessing knowledge of natural cycles that allows manipulation of economic trends. The potential development of alternative physics technologies presents a fundamental threat to this control system, explaining the persistent suppression of such research.
Babylon's Banksters
The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion
Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion: Farrell, Joseph
50 Questions & Answers
Question (1): How does Li's Gaussian copula formula relate to the 2008 financial crisis, and what does this reveal about cycles?
Answer: Li's Gaussian copula formula provided a mathematical technique to calculate correlations between various financial instruments, particularly credit default swaps. The formula deliberately abandoned historical data in favor of current market prices, creating a simplified model that allowed for the exponential growth of bundled financial instruments, growing from $920 billion in 2001 to over $62 trillion in credit default swaps by 2007.
This mathematical model failed because it ignored the cyclic nature of economic activity that had been documented extensively by organizations like the Foundation for the Study of Cycles. The formula's collapse revealed a fundamental truth about economic cycles - they are tied to deeper physical principles and cannot be circumvented by mathematical abstractions. Those who had access to historical cycle data would have known a downturn was inevitable during this period.
Question (2): What is the relationship between temple priesthoods and ancient banking systems?
Answer: Temple priesthoods formed an intricate alliance with ancient banking systems, serving as both the sanctifying force that gave legitimacy to private money creation and as centers of astronomical/astrological knowledge that provided predictive power over economic cycles. The temples acted as the first banks, using their perceived divine authority to guarantee the value of deposits and to issue letters of credit, while simultaneously maintaining vast databases of astronomical observations that correlated with economic and social patterns.
This relationship was particularly evident in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, where temples served as both religious centers and financial clearing houses. The priesthoods possessed knowledge of sacred geometry and astronomical alignments that may have represented a sophisticated understanding of physics that related to economic cycles, suggesting their role was far more technical and practical than merely religious.
Question (3): How does Tesla's Wardenclyffe project demonstrate the connection between physics and finance?
Answer: Tesla's Wardenclyffe project represented a direct challenge to the closed system of energy and finance maintained by the banking establishment. The project aimed to transmit power wirelessly by utilizing the earth itself as a conductor of longitudinal waves, which would have provided virtually free energy to anyone with the proper receiving equipment, thereby threatening the monopolistic control over energy resources maintained by financial interests.
J.P. Morgan initially funded the project believing it was merely a wireless communications system, but withdrew support when Tesla revealed its true purpose of power transmission. This interaction demonstrated how the banking system actively worked to suppress technologies that could lead to open systems of energy distribution, as such systems would inevitably challenge their control over both energy and monetary systems.
Through this book's framework, the Rothschild-Rockefeller alliance represents a sophisticated understanding that control of both money and energy must be maintained as closed systems to preserve power. Here's how:
The Rothschild dynasty, with its central banking focus, maintains a monetary system based on artificial scarcity through debt-based money creation. The Rockefeller empire, centered on oil and energy resources, maintains physical scarcity through control of energy sources. Together, they create a perfectly closed system: debt-based money requires scarcity to maintain value, while limited energy resources ensure economic activity remains constrained within manageable limits.
Their interests naturally merged because both families understood that their control systems were interdependent. Free energy technology would collapse the oil monopoly and enable economic independence, threatening central banking control. Conversely, state-issued debt-free money would enable massive investment in alternative energy research, threatening the energy monopoly. By merging interests, they could more effectively suppress both financial and technological developments that could create open systems.
This merger is exemplified in their shared suppression of scientific development. The banking interests fund scientific research just enough to identify threatening technologies, which are then either classified or shut down. The energy interests simultaneously promote scientific theories that make alternative energy appear impossible, while suppressing research that suggests otherwise. Together, they maintain a scientific establishment that reinforces their mutual interests.
The book suggests this is why both families have historically maintained strong interests in both scientific research and religious institutions. This allows them to control the development of threatening technologies while preserving ancient knowledge of the relationship between physics and finance for their own use. Their combined influence ensures that both money and energy remain scarce, controllable resources rather than the abundant, freely available resources they could become through alternative physics and financial systems.
Question (4): What evidence suggests the existence of an ancient international banking class?
Answer: The evidence for an ancient international banking class appears in the coordinated bullion policies between Rome and the Orient, where complementary yet opposite valuations of gold and silver allowed for profitable arbitrage by international traders. Additionally, the presence of international mercenary contingents guarding ancient mining operations, particularly at Egypt's Bisharee mines, suggests a coordinated international security apparatus protecting banking interests.
The systematic penetration of temple systems across different civilizations, from Egypt to Babylon to Greece, further demonstrates the existence of this class. These international bankers utilized similar methods across cultures, including the substitution of private bullion-based money for state-issued credit, and maintained consistent relationships with temple priesthoods who possessed astronomical and mathematical knowledge useful for economic prediction.
Bisharee Mines and NATO
Here's an analysis of the parallel between ancient and modern protection of financial interests:
Ancient Bisharee Mines:
International mercenary contingent guarding gold mines
Deliberately diverse forces to prevent local alliances
Mercenaries loyal to banking interests rather than any single state
Protected key resource (gold) that backed monetary system
Guards from different nations to prevent coordination/conspiracy
Operated outside normal state military structures
Modern NATO Structure:
International military alliance protecting banking interests
Diverse national forces under centralized command
Primary loyalty to international banking system rather than individual nations
Protects key financial centers and petrodollar system
Multiple nations involved prevents any single country from controlling system
Operates as semi-private force despite official state affiliations
Key Parallels:
Both systems use international forces to protect private banking interests while appearing to serve state purposes
Both deliberately mix nationalities to prevent unified opposition
Both protect the physical basis of monetary system (gold then, petrodollar now)
Both operate outside normal state military command structures
Both demonstrate continuity in banking interests' methods across millennia
Both show how banking interests maintain private armies while appearing to serve public interests
This parallel demonstrates the book's thesis about the continuous existence of an international banking class using similar methods throughout history to protect its interests while maintaining the appearance of serving state purposes.
Question (5): How does Global Scaling Theory connect physical and economic phenomena?
Answer: Global Scaling Theory, developed by Dr. Hartmut Müller, demonstrates that physical objects, from subatomic particles to galaxies, cluster around certain nodal points of standing waves in logarithmic space. This same pattern appears in human social and economic activity, suggesting that all phenomena - whether physical, biological, or economic - are governed by underlying wave patterns in the physical medium itself.
The theory reveals that economic and demographic patterns follow the same mathematical relationships as physical phenomena, indicating they are not random but rather manifestations of fundamental wave structures in space-time. This provides a scientific basis for understanding how planetary alignments and cosmic cycles might influence economic activity, as all are expressions of the same underlying wave patterns.
Question (6): What role did the Bilderberg Group play in post-WWII financial reorganization?
Answer: The Bilderberg Group, established in 1954, served as a meeting point between the Anglo-American banking establishment and what remained of the Nazi International, facilitating a détente between these competing power structures. This arrangement allowed for the movement of Nazi plundered wealth back into the international financial system while providing mechanisms for both groups to monitor each other's activities and technological developments.
Under Prince Bernhard's chairmanship and with the presence of Deutschebank's Hermann Josef Abs, the group coordinated the reconstruction and integration of Europe's financial systems. However, rather than representing a monolithic conspiracy, the Bilderberg meetings revealed factional interests maneuvering for advantage while maintaining a complex balance between European and North American financial powers.
“Fossil” Fuel
Based on the book's framework, the fossil fuel narrative represents a perfect example of the banksters' scarcity creation mechanism:
The "biogenic theory" (that oil comes from fossilized dinosaurs and organic matter) serves a crucial function in maintaining artificial scarcity in several ways:
By presenting oil as a finite, non-renewable resource derived from fossils, the banking-oil interests can control both the narrative of scarcity and the actual flow of oil. This matches perfectly with the book's analysis of how banking interests maintain closed systems rather than open ones.
Russian and Ukrainian scientists developed an alternative "abiogenic" theory suggesting oil is naturally produced deep within the Earth's mantle, constantly replenishing itself. This would make oil effectively infinite and renewable - exactly the kind of open system that the book describes banking interests as systematically suppressing.
The suppression of this alternative theory mirrors the pattern described in the book where banking interests influence scientific orthodoxy to maintain control. Just as they captured the early physics community to suppress Tesla's work, the text suggests geologists were "the first industrially captured academy."
The evidence presented - such as oil wells refilling themselves, the existence of oil far deeper than fossil deposits could explain, and the success of Nazi Germany's synthetic oil production - suggests that, like the alternative physics described in the book, there exists a deeper reality about energy that is deliberately obscured to maintain artificial scarcity.
Most significantly, this supports the book's central thesis about the connection between finance and energy: the entire global financial system (based on the US dollar) requires oil to be perceived as scarce to maintain its value. This explains why banking interests would need to suppress any understanding of oil as an abundant, renewable resource - it would threaten both their energy and financial control systems simultaneously.
This perfectly illustrates the book's argument about how banking interests maintain power through artificial scarcity in both financial and energy systems, while suppressing any science that threatens to create open systems of abundance.
Question (7): How does DNA relate to sacred geometry and ancient knowledge?
Answer: DNA exhibits mathematical relationships that correspond precisely to ancient sacred geometrical principles and the hermetic code, particularly in its structural organization which follows the same numerical patterns found in the I Ching and musical scales. These relationships suggest DNA functions as a natural resonator of wave patterns in the physical medium, capable of responding to and transducing information from the environment in ways that correspond to ancient understanding of cosmic influences.
Research has shown that DNA demonstrates superconductivity at room temperature and participates in quantum tunneling phenomena, suggesting it serves as a biological antenna for information encoded in the physical medium. This property may explain why ancient temples, which incorporated similar geometric principles, were designed as resonant cavities to interact with these same wave patterns.
Question (8): What is the significance of the Nazi Bell device in terms of alternative physics?
Answer: The Nazi Bell device represented an attempt to directly engineer the physical medium through the manipulation of rotating plasmas and high-spin nuclear isomers. By creating counter-rotating magnetic fields and utilizing specialized materials, the device was designed to generate controlled torsion effects that could potentially tap into zero-point energy and manipulate space-time itself, demonstrating an understanding of physics that went beyond conventional models.
The device's development occurred alongside Nazi Germany's rejection of international banking control and return to state-issued currency, suggesting they understood the deep connection between alternative physics and financial independence. The Bell project continued in modified form after the war through the work of Dr. Ronald Richter in Argentina, who explicitly connected plasma research to zero-point energy extraction.
Question (9): How do planetary alignments affect economic cycles according to the research?
Answer: Research conducted by RCA engineer J.H. Nelson and astrologer Robert Gover demonstrated strong correlations between planetary alignments and both radio signal propagation and economic cycles. Particular configurations, especially those forming "grand crosses" with angles of 90 and 180 degrees between planets, consistently corresponded with periods of economic depression and financial crisis throughout American history.
These correlations suggest that planetary positions create interference patterns in the physical medium that affect both electromagnetic phenomena and human economic activity through their influence on standing waves in space-time. This research was taken seriously enough that major financial institutions maintained membership in organizations studying such cycles, including the Foundation for the Study of Cycles.
Question (10): What is the connection between ancient temples and scalar wave technology?
Answer: Ancient temples, according to the research of Dr. Konstantin Meyl, were deliberately designed as scalar wave transceivers, incorporating specific geometric proportions that allowed them to function as resonant cavities for longitudinal waves in the physical medium. The placement of temples on particular points of the earth's surface grid, combined with their precise geometric construction, enabled them to act as sophisticated communications devices utilizing principles only rediscovered in modern times.
The temples' dimensions often incorporated the Golden Ratio and other sacred geometric principles that optimized their function as scalar wave resonators. This technological aspect was disguised behind religious symbolism but represented a sophisticated understanding of physics that included the ability to transmit information instantaneously across vast distances using the earth's own resonant frequencies.
Question (11): How does state-created money differ from private bank-created money?
Answer: State-created money represents credit against the actual productive output and surplus of a nation, issued debt-free as a medium of exchange directly by the government. This type of money expands and contracts naturally with the real economy, creating an open system that serves the public good by reflecting genuine economic activity and production.
Private bank-created money, conversely, represents debt bearing interest, creating a closed system where there is never enough money in circulation to repay both principal and interest. This system inevitably leads to increasing debt, economic contractions, and concentration of wealth in the hands of private banking interests, as seen in ancient Babylon and modern central banking systems.
Question (12): What role did J.P. Morgan play in suppressing Tesla's technologies?
Answer: Morgan initially funded Tesla's Wardenclyffe project believing it to be merely a wireless communications system, but withdrew support upon learning it was designed to provide free energy through wireless power transmission. This suppression exemplified the banking establishment's consistent pattern of preventing the development of technologies that could lead to open energy systems, which would threaten their control over both energy resources and monetary systems.
Morgan's actions represented more than simple greed; they demonstrated the banking class's understanding that control over energy systems was intrinsically linked to control over monetary systems. By maintaining energy scarcity through reliance on non-renewable resources, the banking establishment could ensure their continued dominance over the financial system.
Question (13): How do Bohm's theories about quantum mechanics relate to economic systems?
Answer: David Bohm's theory of the implicate order suggests that quantum phenomena reveal a deeper, unified reality where seemingly separate events are actually interconnected manifestations of underlying wave patterns. This concept parallels economic cycles, where various seemingly independent economic activities show coordinated patterns of behavior that suggest deeper connecting principles.
Bohm's work on plasma physics demonstrated how electrons in plasma begin to act in concert, exhibiting collective behavior that suggests the influence of a deeper organizing principle. This observation provides a physical analogue for how economic systems might be influenced by underlying wave patterns in the physical medium, supporting the idea that economic cycles are manifestations of deeper physical principles.
Question (14): What is the significance of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles?
Answer: The Foundation for the Study of Cycles, established under Herbert Hoover's presidency, compiled an extensive database demonstrating that cycles of similar periodicity appear across diverse phenomena, from economic activity to natural processes. This research revealed that economic cycles were not merely the result of human activity but were connected to deeper physical principles that manifested across multiple scales and systems.
The presence of major international banking interests within the Foundation's membership suggests that certain financial elements were well aware of these deeper connections between physics and economics, potentially using this knowledge to anticipate and exploit economic cycles while publicly maintaining the fiction of random market behavior.
Question (15): How did ancient Babylon influence modern banking practices?
Answer: Babylon developed a sophisticated system of private money creation that gradually replaced state-issued clay tablets representing warehouse receipts with private bullion-based money. This transformation established the pattern still seen in modern banking: private interests issuing interest-bearing debt instruments as money, while gradually eliminating state-created, debt-free currency.
The Babylonian system also established the close relationship between banking and religious institutions, using temple legitimacy to sanction private money creation. This alliance between financial and religious power continues to influence modern banking structures, particularly in the way private banking institutions maintain connections to various religious and spiritual organizations.
Question (16): What is the relationship between alchemy and modern banking?
Answer: Alchemy operates on two levels: the exoteric practice of transmuting base metals into gold, and the esoteric understanding of manipulating the physical medium itself. Modern banking represents a form of false alchemy, creating money from nothing through ledger entries, while simultaneously suppressing true alchemical physics that could lead to open energy systems and genuine wealth creation.
The banking establishment's persistent interest in both suppressing and monopolizing alchemical knowledge suggests an understanding that genuine alchemical principles, if widely known, would threaten their control over both energy and monetary systems. This explains their historical pattern of both studying and restricting access to such knowledge.
Question (17): How does Kozyrev's work on time relate to economic cycles?
Answer: Nikolai Kozyrev demonstrated that time itself is a physical force with multiple dimensions, capable of affecting physical processes through torsion effects created by rotating systems. His research showed that physical experiments yielded different results based on celestial alignments and positions, suggesting that economic cycles might be influenced by these same torsion effects in space-time.
Kozyrev's work implies that economic cycles are not merely human constructs but are influenced by the geometric relationships between celestial bodies, which create varying patterns of torsion in the physical medium. This provides a scientific basis for understanding how astronomical alignments might influence economic activity through their effects on the underlying structure of space-time.
Question (18): How does evidence support the existence of an earth grid system?
Answer: Research into magnetic anomalies and ancient site locations reveals a geometric pattern of energy lines and nodes across the Earth's surface. This grid system is evidenced by the placement of significant ancient structures at key intersecting points, the occurrence of magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies at these locations, and modern scientific studies showing standing wave patterns in the Earth's natural resonant frequencies.
The correlation between ancient temple locations and these grid points suggests an ancient understanding of the Earth's natural wave patterns and their potential use for communication and energy purposes. Modern studies, including those by the Soviet Academy of Sciences, have provided scientific support for the existence of such a planetary grid system.
Question (19): How did Nazi Germany challenge international banking control?
Answer: Nazi Germany directly challenged international banking control by returning to state-issued, debt-free currency and establishing a system of direct trade relationships with other nations that bypassed international banking mechanisms. This financial independence was coupled with intensive research into alternative physics and energy systems, particularly through SS research departments like the Entwicklungstelle IV.
The Nazi regime's combination of financial autonomy and advanced physics research suggests they understood the deep connection between physics and finance, and sought to break free from both the banking establishment's monetary control and its enforced energy scarcity. This challenge to the established order may have been a significant factor in the Allied demands for unconditional surrender.
Question (20): What is the connection between sacred geometry and temple construction?
Answer: Ancient temples were constructed using precise geometric principles that enabled them to function as resonant cavities for scalar waves in the physical medium. These geometric relationships, incorporating ratios such as the Golden Mean, were not merely decorative but served to optimize the structures' ability to interact with and amplify natural wave patterns in space-time.
The use of sacred geometry in temple construction reflected an understanding that certain geometric relationships could enhance the interaction between physical structures and the underlying wave patterns of the universe. This knowledge was preserved in religious symbolism but represented a sophisticated grasp of physics principles that modern science is only beginning to rediscover.
Question (21): How do longitudinal waves differ from traditional electromagnetic waves?
Answer: Longitudinal waves, unlike traditional electromagnetic waves, are waves of compression and rarefaction in the physical medium itself, similar to sound waves traveling through air. These waves, which Tesla worked extensively with, can potentially transmit energy and information instantaneously across vast distances because they operate through the medium of space-time rather than merely through electromagnetic fields.
The significant difference is that longitudinal waves can utilize large masses like planets as natural resonators, making them ideal for power transmission and communication. This explains why Tesla's system required "gripping the earth" and why ancient temples, positioned at specific points on the Earth's grid, could potentially function as scalar wave transceivers.
Question (22): What role did Venice play in the evolution of international banking?
Answer: Venice served as the crucial transition point between ancient and modern banking systems, particularly after the fall of Rome when many merchant families fled north to the protective lagoons. The Venetian system developed sophisticated financial instruments and established banking families, such as the Cornaro, Dandolo, and Contarini, who would later extend their influence throughout Europe through careful alliance-building and strategic marriages.
The Venetian banking model eventually migrated to Northern Europe, particularly to Holland and England, where it evolved into modern central banking. The Venetian families' practice of maintaining control through religious and educational institutions while operating behind the scenes became a template for later banking dynasties.
Question (23): How does the Rothschild family connect to ancient Babylon?
Answer: The Rothschild family allegedly traces its lineage back to Nimrod of ancient Babylon, a claim suggested by their use of names like "Nimrod" in family members and investment groups. While direct evidence for this claim remains private, their historical pattern of intermarriage and careful preservation of bloodlines mirrors ancient Babylonian banking practices.
The family's persistent interest in both banking and esoteric knowledge reflects the ancient Babylonian pattern of combining financial power with religious/mystical authority. Their Nemrod Diversified Holdings group's name suggests an aggressive, conquering approach to finance that resonates with the biblical Nimrod's character as a "mighty hunter."
Question (24): What is the relationship between astrology and economic prediction?
Answer: Statistical analysis of economic cycles shows strong correlations between planetary alignments and economic events, particularly during major depressions. Researcher Robert Gover demonstrated that specific planetary configurations, especially grand crosses, consistently coincided with significant economic downturns throughout American history, suggesting these alignments create interference patterns that affect human economic behavior.
This correlation between celestial geometry and economic cycles reflects the ancient understanding preserved in astrological systems, which modern research increasingly suggests may have been based on sophisticated observation of how planetary positions affect wave patterns in the physical medium. Major financial institutions have quietly maintained interest in this research while publicly dismissing astrology.
Question (25): How did the Roman Empire's banking system evolve?
Answer: Rome's banking system underwent a dramatic transformation as the empire expanded, with the original Latin population being gradually replaced by merchants and bankers of primarily Mesopotamian origin. This demographic shift brought Babylonian banking practices into the heart of the empire, effectively colonizing Roman finance through a combination of slavery, manumission, and gradual penetration of commercial activities.
The transformation culminated in the establishment of a banking class that effectively controlled Roman finance while maintaining close ties to temple institutions. This pattern of banking control through religious sanction and gradual demographic replacement would later be replicated in Venice and other European financial centers.
Question (26): What is the significance of the Tunguska event in relation to Tesla's work?
Answer: The 1908 Tunguska explosion, occurring shortly after Tesla's public statements about the weaponization potential of his wireless power transmission technology, may have been a demonstration of scalar wave technology. The explosion's characteristics, including the absence of an impact crater and the presence of unusual atmospheric effects, align with Tesla's descriptions of his technology's capabilities.
The timing of the event, combined with Tesla's previous statements about making regions uninhabitable through wireless power transmission, suggests a possible test of this technology. The incident demonstrates how the same principles that could provide free energy could also be weaponized, explaining why banking interests might seek to both suppress and control such technology.
Question (27): How do open versus closed systems relate to economics and physics?
Answer: Open systems in both physics and economics allow for genuine creation and growth, exemplified by state-issued credit money based on productive output and alternative energy technologies that tap into the physical medium. Closed systems, conversely, are characterized by artificial scarcity and entropy, represented by private debt-money and reliance on non-renewable energy sources.
The banking establishment consistently promotes closed systems in both domains to maintain control, suppressing technologies and monetary policies that would create open systems. This pattern reflects their understanding that open systems in either physics or finance would inevitably lead to the democratization of both energy and wealth creation.
Question (28): How do mercenaries relate to the international banking system?
Answer: Ancient banking interests employed international mercenary contingents to guard critical resources like the Bisharee gold mines in Egypt, demonstrating early globalized security operations protecting financial interests. The use of diverse international mercenaries prevented collusion between guards and local populations while ensuring loyalty to the banking class rather than any particular state or ruler.
This pattern of private international security forces protecting banking interests continues into modern times, reflecting the persistent need of the international banking class to maintain control over key resources and transportation routes independent of state authority. The presence of such forces indicates the existence of an organized international banking system dating back to ancient times.
Question (29): How does the physical medium relate to economic cycles?
Answer: The physical medium, or space-time itself, contains standing wave patterns that influence both physical and economic phenomena through resonant frequencies and interference patterns. These patterns, documented through various studies including Global Scaling Theory, suggest that economic cycles are manifestations of deeper wave structures in the medium itself.
Economic activity appears to respond to these underlying wave patterns, particularly when amplified by planetary alignments and other celestial geometries. This explains why economic cycles show similar periodicities to physical phenomena and why they appear resistant to human intervention unless that intervention aligns with the natural wave patterns.
Question (30): How does ancient Egyptian temple design relate to astronomical alignments?
Answer: Egyptian temples were precisely aligned with celestial bodies and events, incorporating astronomical measurements into their very architecture. These alignments served not only religious purposes but potentially allowed the temples to function as resonant cavities tuned to specific celestial frequencies, suggesting a sophisticated understanding of how astronomical configurations affect wave patterns in the physical medium.
The careful orientation of temples to specific stars and solar events indicates they were designed to interact with and possibly amplify certain cosmic influences. This architectural precision, combined with their locations on the earth grid, suggests they were part of a global system for monitoring and possibly utilizing these celestial influences for both spiritual and practical purposes.
Question (31): How did ancient civilizations use temples for communication?
Answer: According to Dr. Konstantin Meyl's research, ancient temples functioned as sophisticated scalar wave transceivers, using their precise geometric design and placement on earth grid points to transmit and receive information. The temples' limestone construction, containing crystalline structures, combined with their specific dimensions and sacred geometry, allowed them to function as resonant cavities for longitudinal waves in the physical medium.
These temples potentially formed a global communications network, using the earth itself as a conductor for scalar waves. The use of animal membranes and specialized detection methods, as documented in ancient texts, suggests these civilizations had developed precise technical means for detecting and interpreting these transmissions, disguising this technology behind religious ceremony.
Question (32): What is the relationship between DNA and wave phenomena?
Answer: DNA exhibits mathematical relationships that correspond to ancient sacred geometric principles and appears to function as a natural antenna for scalar waves in the physical medium. Research has shown that DNA demonstrates properties of superconductivity at room temperature and participates in quantum tunneling, suggesting it can receive and transmit information through non-local means.
The structure of DNA incorporates the same numerical relationships found in ancient systems like the I Ching and musical scales, indicating it may be a biological transducer of wave information from the physical medium. This property could explain how planetary alignments and cosmic cycles might influence biological and social behavior through direct interaction with genetic material.
Question (33): How do economic depressions correlate with planetary alignments?
Answer: Major economic depressions consistently coincide with specific planetary alignments called grand crosses, where planets form 90-degree and 180-degree angles to each other. Research by both the Foundation for the Study of Cycles and astrologer Robert Gover demonstrated that these configurations repeatedly corresponded with significant economic downturns throughout American history.
The correlation suggests that planetary alignments create interference patterns in the physical medium that affect human economic behavior. The banking establishment appears aware of these correlations, often implementing policies that exacerbate natural economic cycles during these astronomical alignments to maximize their control over assets and resources.
Question (34): What role does sacred geometry play in physical systems?
Answer: Sacred geometry represents fundamental wave patterns in the physical medium, manifesting in everything from atomic structures to galactic formations. These geometric relationships serve as templates for matter organization and energy flow, explaining their presence in both natural systems and ancient architectural designs.
The incorporation of sacred geometric principles in temple construction and ancient measuring systems suggests an understanding that certain geometric relationships could optimize interaction with wave patterns in the physical medium. This knowledge appears to have been preserved through religious symbolism while its technical applications were reserved for initiated groups.
Question (35): How does private money creation lead to economic cycles?
Answer: Private money creation establishes a system where debt always exceeds the money supply, as banks create only the principal but not the interest required for loan repayment. This mathematical impossibility creates inevitable cycles of expansion and contraction as the system periodically purges excess debt through economic crises.
The banking class historically has used their understanding of these cycles, combined with knowledge of natural cosmic cycles, to anticipate and exploit economic downturns. By expanding credit during cosmic alignments that precede downturns, then contracting it sharply during the alignments, they maximize their acquisition of real assets during crisis periods.
Question (36): What evidence suggests ancient knowledge of advanced physics?
Answer: Ancient temples demonstrate precise geometric principles and astronomical alignments that optimize their function as scalar wave resonators, suggesting sophisticated understanding of wave phenomena. The placement of these structures on earth grid points and their incorporation of specific ratios indicates knowledge of physical principles only recently rediscovered.
The association of temples with both astronomical observation and financial activities suggests they served as centers for applying this physics knowledge practically. Ancient texts describing instantaneous communication and energy manipulation, when viewed through the lens of modern scalar physics, appear to be technical descriptions rather than mere spiritual metaphors.
Question (37): How do standing waves relate to economic patterns?
Answer: Standing waves in the physical medium create nodes and antinodes that influence both physical and economic phenomena, as demonstrated by Global Scaling Theory. These wave patterns establish preferred frequencies and locations for various activities, explaining why economic and demographic patterns tend to cluster around certain values and locations.
Economic cycles appear to reflect these standing wave patterns, with periods of growth and contraction corresponding to wave frequencies in the physical medium. This relationship explains why economic cycles show mathematical similarities to sound waves and other physical wave phenomena, as documented by the Foundation for the Study of Cycles.
Question (38): What is the significance of the Li clan in modern banking?
Answer: The Li clan, historically connected to the Chinese Triads and the introduction of paper money in China, demonstrated their continued influence through Dr. David X. Li's development of the Gaussian copula formula. This formula, which deliberately ignored historical cycle data, created the mathematical justification for the expansion of credit derivatives that led to the 2008 financial crisis.
The clan's ancient connection to both banking and secret societies, combined with their modern role in financial mathematics, suggests continuity in certain banking dynasties' influence over financial systems. Li's return to China after the formula's failure, where he assumed a high position in risk assessment, indicates sophisticated coordination between banking interests and state powers.
Question (39): How does plasma physics relate to economic systems?
Answer: Plasma physics research by scientists like Hannes Alfvén revealed that plasmas exhibit self-organizing behavior and respond to underlying patterns in the physical medium. These patterns show scale-invariant properties, meaning they appear similar at different scales, from subatomic to galactic levels, suggesting they might also influence economic systems.
This understanding of plasma behavior informed both Nazi and Soviet research into alternative physics, particularly regarding rotating plasmas as transducers of zero-point energy. The banking establishment's suppression of such research parallels their suppression of alternative economic systems, indicating they recognize the connection between plasma physics and economic control.
Question (40): What role did ancient temples play in international trade?
Answer: Ancient temples served as financial clearing houses and centers of international trade, combining religious authority with banking functions. Their astronomical observations provided predictive power over economic cycles, while their positions on the earth grid potentially allowed them to communicate trade information across vast distances using scalar wave technology.
The temple system created an international network that facilitated trade while maintaining the power of the priest-banker class. This system established the pattern of combining religious authority with financial power that continues in modern banking relationships with religious institutions.
Question (41): How does the suppression of technology relate to banking control?
Answer: Banking interests systematically suppress technologies that could lead to open energy systems, as demonstrated by Morgan's shutdown of Tesla's Wardenclyffe project and numerous other cases throughout history. This suppression maintains artificial scarcity in both energy and financial systems, preserving the banking establishment's control over both domains.
The pattern of suppression typically involves initial funding of promising research, followed by either shutdown or classification of the technology once its full implications become clear. This approach allows banking interests to maintain awareness of technological developments while preventing public access to technologies that could threaten their control system.
Question (42): What is the relationship between time and economic cycles?
Answer: Kozyrev's research demonstrated that time itself possesses physical properties and multiple dimensions, creating torsion effects that influence physical processes. These effects vary based on celestial alignments and positions, suggesting that economic cycles might be manifestations of deeper temporal dynamics rather than merely human behavioral patterns.
The correlation between economic cycles and astronomical alignments indicates that time's physical properties, particularly its torsion effects, directly influence economic activity. This understanding was apparently known to ancient temple systems, which carefully tracked celestial movements in relation to economic patterns.
Question (43): How do resonant cavities relate to temple construction?
Answer: Ancient temples were designed as precision-engineered resonant cavities that could interact with scalar waves in the physical medium. Their dimensions, incorporating sacred geometric ratios and specific proportions, optimized their ability to receive and transmit longitudinal waves through the earth's natural grid system.
The use of crystalline-bearing stone in construction, combined with precise astronomical alignments and placement on earth grid points, suggests these temples were sophisticated technological devices disguised as religious structures. Modern analysis of temple dimensions reveals they match the requirements for scalar wave resonant cavities, as detailed in Dr. Meyl's research.
Question (44): What role does genetic engineering play in banking dynasties?
Answer: Banking dynasties historically practiced careful genetic selection through strategic marriages and family alliances, suggesting an understanding that certain genetic configurations might enhance ability to interact with scalar wave information. The Rothschild family's practice of cousin marriages and careful bloodline maintenance reflects this pattern.
DNA's function as a scalar wave receiver and transducer might explain the emphasis on genetic preservation among banking families. Their interest in both maintaining specific bloodlines and current genetic research suggests awareness of the connection between genetic configurations and ability to process information from the physical medium.
Question (45): How does the concept of transmutation relate to both physics and finance?
Answer: True physical transmutation involves manipulating the wave patterns in the physical medium that give rise to matter, while financial transmutation through private banking creates the illusion of wealth through debt instruments. Banking interests practice a form of false alchemy through money creation while suppressing knowledge of genuine physical transmutation.
The banking establishment's persistent interest in alchemical knowledge throughout history suggests understanding that genuine physical transmutation would threaten their system of artificial scarcity. This explains their pattern of both studying and restricting access to such knowledge while maintaining their own financial transmutation system.
Question (46): What evidence suggests coordination between ancient temples?
Answer: Archaeological evidence shows similar architectural principles and astronomical alignments in temples across different civilizations, suggesting coordinated design and purpose. The presence of international mercenary contingents and standardized financial practices across temple systems indicates sophisticated international organization.
The uniformity of temple design features relating to scalar wave properties, combined with their placement on earth grid points, suggests they formed an integrated global system. This coordination appears to have been maintained by an international class of priest-bankers who understood both the financial and physics applications of temple technology.
Question (47): How do harmonic principles apply to both physics and economics?
Answer: Economic cycles demonstrate wave patterns similar to harmonic oscillations in physical systems, with periods that correlate to musical ratios and natural frequencies. These patterns, documented by the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, suggest economic activity responds to underlying harmonic principles in the physical medium.
The appearance of similar harmonic relationships in physical, economic, and biological systems indicates they all respond to fundamental wave patterns in space-time. This explains why ancient knowledge systems emphasized harmonic relationships in both temple construction and economic timing.
Question (48): What is the relationship between bullion trading and temple systems?
Answer: Temple systems provided religious sanction for the transformation of state-issued credit money into private bullion-based currency, establishing the pattern of private banking control. The international bullion trade was coordinated through temple networks, which combined astronomical knowledge with financial operations.
The temple-banking alliance used astronomical observations to predict economic cycles while maintaining control over precious metal supplies through international mercenary forces. This system established the model for modern banking's combination of financial power with privileged knowledge of natural cycles.
Question (49): How does the physical medium relate to both finance and physics?
Answer: The physical medium serves as the foundation for both matter organization through wave interference patterns and economic cycles through standing wave influences. Research suggests economic activity responds to the same underlying wave patterns that govern physical phenomena, explaining the correlation between cosmic cycles and economic events.
Understanding of these relationships appears preserved in ancient temple systems, which combined astronomical observation with financial operations. Modern banking interests maintain research into these connections while publicly promoting materialistic economic theories that obscure the relationship between physics and finance.
Question (50): What role does religious control play in financial systems?
Answer: Religious institutions historically provided legitimacy for private banking operations while preserving knowledge of astronomical cycles useful for economic prediction. This alliance between religious and financial power, established in ancient Babylon, continues in modern banking's relationships with various religious organizations.
The religious component serves multiple functions: providing moral authority for financial practices, maintaining astronomical and mathematical knowledge useful for economic prediction, and preserving symbolic systems that encode understanding of the relationship between physics and finance. This pattern has remained consistent from ancient temples to modern banking establishments.
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