For all the finger pointing at doctors, don’t forget the lowly dentist. Me and my brother were routinely subjected to the dentists drill on perfectly good teeth in our teens, just to give the dentist a second cottage and entry to middle class lifestyle. We are now living with the consequences.

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For me, it happened in the military (USMC). Some of us were called out to be Guinea pigs for the Navy corpsmen to practice their skills on. Some of us got their teeth yanked out (the poor kids from the city, from what my retired Gunny acquaintance tells me). Some like me got 25 perfectly good teeth drilled out (“future cavities”).

I’ve been in pain, and in debt, ever since. Yep, dentistry is as corrupt and heartless as the medical profession…they just torture a different part of the body.

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Soldiers are parts of a LOT of "experiments," but so is the general public. Every blood test potentially steals the person's DNA, which is for sale, just like biopsies and aborted fetuses... Unnecessary "procedures" abound, because they keep the system afloat and helps with the training of all those pesky interns...

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Every blood test also steals immune cells your body needs to keep you healthy. Never let them take more than 3 or 4 vials at a time. Return again in a few weeks if need be. Ask them to take half vials instead. If they can tell everything about someone from one drop of blood on a crime scene floor, they don't need an entire vial of blood to test for each vitamin deficiency, cholesterol, or what have you.

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Anthony William (MedicalMedium.com) was the first source to raise this issue, to my knowledge

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I'm so sorry this was done to you and the others, Joe. It's heartbreaking.

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it never made sense to me to go to a doctor let go a dentist without any illness or pain. Why would you let someone else tell you that you have a problem? we all feel ourselves better than anyone else can ever do. The dentist back in the old country told me, that what dentists do her as 'care' is in fact damaging your gums and teeth. A dental hygienist is something they never heard of there, and the doc is alone in his office. No 'business' like here in the US, no checking everything unnecessary to the problem. No one checks your sugar, and the numbers used here as pre-diabetic are a laughing stock. So are the numbers for overweight, blood pressure etc. Doc here just searching for a way to fill pocket.

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Actually, it's more about tracking and control of every single person. Dental records are also used for ID-ing unidentified corpses, so dentists have always been parts of the tracking system.

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And dental anesthetics have been documented to contain nanotech, too... Just like the convid injections. Well, "vaccination" is nearly totally moot, because it can be legally performed in a poetic variety of ways; that was clear already two years ago:


Since the end of May, 2023, "vaccination" through the food supply has been added to the sources of the general poisoning:


The poisoning started around 1960, and seems to have been one of the major causes of modern "health conditions." Since January, 2024, have been able to break through the fog of war (on humanity) twice. The second time is recent:


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Yes, I’ve heard this.

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Which part?

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I remember the same and it hasn't changed. I even read that they are now putting covid vaccine Ingredients into new fillings. Lord have mercy.

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I heard it was within the local analgesic…either way, beware the western ‘healers’…

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That's how far my sources allow me to see, too, but putting nanotech is logical in fillings, and whatever can be done, is usually done by someone...

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Wow, it stands to reason, but where did you hear it? I concur with your last call...

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Never saw one till a tooth rotted and cracked in my teens. To poor. Unless there was a reason never did. I was taught to brush early. Not always with toothpaste. Baking soda, The floride in tap water is Rat posion.

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When I left England to work in Switzerland and needed some filling replaced "normal for me at that time after going to dentist every six months". The swiss dentist looked at my teeth and said, who ever did this is a butcher..... He might have got a nice car just from me alone, we actually liked our family dentist.... Wow. How can these people do this to children.

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Same here. My mother took me to a dentist at 5 or 6 years old "just for a check up." My father said don't Mother took me and the dentist said I had a mouthful of cavities. He wasn't finished when we moved and my new dentist said there were no cavities at all, then asked my mother why so much work was done on my teeth. She didn't have a good answer. Later in life another rotten dentist told me I needed root canal, forgetting my childhood I let him perform it and about 2 months later that tooth fell out. Went to another dentist and the same damn thing happened again! I've always taken good care of the teeth I have left and haven't gone to a dentist in decades. So, I haven't lost any more good teeth - lol.

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PS: I forgot this one. Had my teeth cleaned thinking the dentist couldn't do damage with that. Within a few weeks my bottom teeth on one side turned black, cracked, and there's nothing left but the root. I went to 3 dentists to get one to testify against the dentist who did this but they refused.

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Yes to this! Would love to read some articles on dentistry.

6 monthly check ups at the dentist certainly did me no good. I’ve had endless issues with my teeth, which I now know was largely due to diet.

Switched to a Weston A. Price diet (animal based) my teeth have been heaps better but I can’t undo all the damage that’s been done!

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The substack "Surviving Healthcare" (Robert Yoho, MD, retired) has a lot of articles about dentistry.

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Yes he does. He has ebooks for free and his Substack is free for everything. If you do subscribe he donates the money.

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I spent $7k on my teeth last year,,,to get all the 70's and 80's junk out. It would have been nice to save for retirement instead.

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Same here. My dentist didn't use any 'caine. Maybe they picked on teens because we were old enough to sit still in the chair, but too young to object.

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I hate articles like this. It hits me like a bullet between the eyes. Every word of this article intro is exactly what I felt when my baby was unleashing the most horrible scream I had ever heard upon being vaccinated. That doctor wiped the tears from my face as I cried for my baby. I wanted to say, fuck you all to hell, and leave and never come back, but I didn't. I knew but I was a coward.

Divine intervention came when I moved out of state and didn't seek a new doctor. I forged all vaccine records but the damage was already done in 2 years of vaccines. No vaccines from 2 to 12 years old. I again succumbed to the hepatitis vaccine under relentless pressure. That day my boy came home with Type 1 diabetes. I destroyed his life. I can never forgive myself for that.

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this needs to be read by all parents and parents-to-be, specially here in the US where vaxxines are holy water. Thankfully most of Europe does a whole lot less. But the juice sickness is getting there too. What makes people think this witches brew is good for? I am so sorry CM you had to find out the hard way what bad it does - please do not ruin your life with guilt for their guilt! Very few honest docs are left - most of them are just med salesmen.

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Pharma pays for their CEs yearly at swanky resorts; pharma tracks whether a doc is prescribing the latest free samples and dutifully reprimands them if not; pharma controls the med schools.

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Honest "madical" personnel burn out in a few years or are expelled for not following the protocol... Been there, although haven't "done that."

It's mighty inconvenient to think on one's own. Most people prefer to play the game of following "expert" advice in order to be able to blame the "expert," if the advice is wrong. They seem to forget that the dead cannot blame anyone...

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And the unnecessary and toxic "Vitamin K" injection on the first day can be added...

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I am saddened for you, your child and so many others who have been subjected to this horror of so-called health care. I was fortunate enough to be very skeptical about vaccines after my daughter was born. She did receive some when her mother took her in for check-ups but after that, I did not consent. I became custodial parent before she was two years of age and I never allowed another vaccine. She is a mother now to two girls who are unvaccinated.

This world is in a very dark period. Seek truth, light and justice and never stop. Support those who are fighting the evil on the front lines.

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I stopped going to the Pediatrician when my first was around 4 or 5 months old. I just didn't schedule a follow up and never called back. I had my eyes opened after his first 3 rounds of vaccines and I still feel bad for those. I am about to have another baby and haven't even looked up anywhere to take them. Part of me wishes I could find a doctor in case something is wrong, but the stress and annoyance of the constant visits is just not worth it the end.

I can weigh and measure my own kid at home, I did with my first. I can do basic palpitations of movement tests. That is all they did at these visits besides jab. Parents need to be okay with doing basic medical checks themselves. It's not that hard to look up the check lists that doctors quickly do each visit. It doesn't take 4 years of training.

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Stay home and have your child. If you do go to OB during pregnancy, claim an ‘oops, baby came so fast my hubby had to deliver.’ When AMA cracked down on midwifery, that became the standard. Midwives are a strong, quiet, saving force (Exodus 1).

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Once a child is born, his/her prisoner number is issued (SSN). Giving birth these days is for the absolute optimist, anyway:


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My son is six months and I have no vaccinated him nor do I intend to. Is there any reason for me even taking him to the pediatrician at this point? All she does is ask a bunch of questions and what not. I work in healthcare and if something is wrong, I’ve taken him to one of the docs I work with instead of her anyway. So what’s the point if I’m not going to let them slowly poison my son?

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There is no point besides the slow poisoning and the slow wealth transfer.

In fact, Mendelsohn, who used to teach paediatricians advised parents to avoid them. His book on the subject is a classic.


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Do you know I actually bought this book lol. I forgot I bought it back in September of last year when my son turned a month old!! I have yet to be able to read it.

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Thank you!!

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That's the way to go in a state where they don't go after you. In NYC, there was a couple whose newborn was taken after they refused to accept the (toxic and unnecessary) "Vitamin K" injection on the first day, and it took them several months to regain custody of their child; I'm sure they had to agree to "mandatory vaccinations."

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a friend had her oldest with a bad reaction from a jab and decided to stop there and then. She now has 5 children, healthy as can be. When a problem arises, she and her husband look up online what it could be, find a natural doc or homeopath and describe the problem. Usually he or she asks a blood test to be done, which they send to an independent lab, and when the result comes in, they get an herbal or homeopathic treatment. Quite expensive, but very efficient. the 'holistic' doc in town is a needle pushers like the rest - I have little info on the 'naturopath' and have to see if she really is or not. A friend went to one and the first thing they wanted to do was a covid swab and a strep test (for a totally unrelated problem). I would have left rightaway but of course I don;t have the problem!

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If I could only go back in time and not do all the things I did to myself medically and to my 3 sons. I feel remorse and guilt about vaccinations and circumcision.

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Wow - all the resources in one place. What a great outline for new parents. I pray for RFK Jr every day - that he’ll live until the election, and if Trump is elected that he’ll be able to clean house at HHS. Great post!

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Mariann. As an aside here. Trump is no one’s saviour. November’s choice is between trash and garbage, if nothing changes. Trump is a chameleon, and tells us what we want to hear. Stay out of this election cycle. This may be the last election the nation experiences.

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You sure haven't got a clue. Must be a leftist.

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Don't be an asshole. Just because someone sees beyond what you see--and it is beyond-- because only fools believe that celebrated politicians are heroes. Your hero brought us Operation Warp Speed and still touts the covid vaccines as "miracles." It's ok if you are still in a stupor and can't think beyond the Fox News headlines, but don't go around calling other, more intelligent and well-read people, names. Clichés no less.

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RFK Jr is just as deadly as half a glass of wine after dinner...

The political circus is only for the masses. Trump's fake assassination clearly demonstrates that:


No matter what, all governments have been treating their subjects as state assets for over 100 years:


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How do you know it's fake? No one who's said that has ever presented any proof except a dislike for the best President we ever had, at a time when we needed him. Don't bother to respons - I'll delete it without reading. Some people are not worth debating.

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You can't delete comments here--are you that dumb?

It's all fake, Marlene--all of it. They are all stage actors, playing their parts. You have only two choices --chosen by our overlords each time--and which you go along with every time. You pick one as your hero. It's brainwashing/cult grooming 101.

A perfectly timed, fake shooter assassination attempt. A bullet "skimmed" his ear (nothing hit him, but if he weren't "injured", it wouldn't get any press). His (poorly acted) security team just stood there (she did not even know how to holster her gun, I guess they can't refine all the moves in advance). He ducks down then pops up for the picture op and the blood. Not rushed off stage. Ear completely healed a week later.

Get out of your own head (and hatred for everything not-Trump) and use some critical thinking skills.

No one gets a seat at the table without the ruling class mafia's permission. It doesn't matter who you pick because that person is already chosen and they all work at the behest of the same bankster cartel group. Wake the F up already.

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Marlene. “Best President we have ever had”. “we needed him”. There you go again.

America’ choice in Nov is between garbage and trash. Best bet? Sit out this election. It’s already baked in. The Deep State has been engineering this steal long before 2016. And back then the Dems claimed stolen election. We are at war. This migration is clearly an invasion. All political forces are ignoring the facts. Chaos. Lawlessness and violence are coming to American neighborhoods. Arm up. No one is coming to the rescue.

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Why don't you stop spamming this comment thread. You have now revealed quite enough to disregard you.

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As a Edinburgh trained dentist & doctor,now naturopath ("MD" in USA) it's taken me decades to pull away from the robotics reductionism control system that controls medicine here(& also down south in England ). We gave immunisations we hadn't a clue what else it contained, then administered paracetamol, (Tylenol in USA) to bring down temperatures(the body's main protective mechanism against vax injury!..not knowing that this drug ALSO depletes Glutathione & vitC..main protective anti-oxidants in body...leading to a reduced immune status post Vax ..unbelievable ignorance of basic medical science.

Giving kids fluoride toothpaste is criminally negligent ,also,when the original(US) trials were deliberately tweaked for corporate profit. Contributes to low thyroid (,& indirectly breast cancer) I'm not afraid of speaking out any more..the COVID "vaccine" contributed to my mum's death( seizures)..so will oppose medical misinformation/harm to the end of my life.

I'm now ashamed getting into one of the most famous,& oldest medical schools in the world to be taught protocols based upon material profit,and control hierarchy

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Regarding the toxicity of vaccines, can you share some information and data on SIDS? How many babies succumb to SIDS who are unvaccinated?

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My 6 year old granddaughter gets sick after every vax. This is the worst, RSV, STREPH, AND COVID. Her 3 month old sister has FTT, Failure to thrive, and has sniffles, At 3 months they get first vax. a baby with a birth weit of 5.8 who weighs only 8 lbs at 3 months is a FTT baby, they double weight at 3 months. 15 wpuld be her normal weight, crappy peditrician and stupid uneducated parents.

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It's the most frustrating thing to see this happen to your own family. The nature of vaccination--injections into the bloodstream --causing permanent and irreversible effects) makes it near impossible to convince young parents they've made a bad decision. It's personal and shameful. And the only way to avoid that is to continue with more injections to maintain the denial. So sorry to hear this.

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I agree about RFK Jr. Naturally, people on the left and independents are criticizing him for aligning with Trump. I myself, as an RFK Jr. supporter, and active campaigner for him, was greatly disappointed to hear about his more or less abandoning his goals and aligning with Trump, who I am no fan of, in spite of the positives of his campaign. On further reflection, I realized what an act of self-sacrifice this was, a kind of political auto-da-fe made for the sake of principle and the cause of the American people. He's no fool, and fully understood the massive criticism he'd face from family, friends, political allies, and his own supporters. He marched bravely into the teeth of the storm, because he really believed that working for integrity in politics, the health of our children, and peace are worthy goals. How many politicians now or ever would ever make such a huge sacrifice? He will be thought of as a traitor by people who don't understand, but looked at by those who recognize the magnitude of his self-sacrifice, he will be forever remembered as a great hero, commensurate with the heroism of his father and his uncle. He literally jumped on a political grenade to save others.

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Thank you for this..and for everything you've done here. So grateful.

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The butchers also love home visits both for babies and for the elderly. That basically means casing the premises...

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Home visits. Also applies to health insurance providers who want home visits. Wife and I (79 and 81) receive emails and phone calls insisting we assent to home vists and all the benefits…we just say no. Are we risking forfeiting the insurance ? Yet to the seen. But we will not fold.

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This is exactly how a Controlled Op works. Don't go to the Doctor. Yes, I see the little post at the end of the article. Exit the System. This is how They keep you engaged. Didn't Trump brag about rolling out the Covid shot in record time? Don't vote! Voting is consenting. Don'y give away your power. No one has any power over you unless you give it to them. You can't "Educate" your Doctor. They are required to follow protocols dictated to them by the System. Been there, done that.

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Agree 100%. We can shake our fists until the cows come home. Actually making choices and changing our engrained behavior is the only way to go.

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You can cast your vote to stop the almost completed rampaging communist takeover of this republic while also making choices and changing behavior.

Or we can just give up now and get it over with.

You do you.

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If Trump is not elected and the election is stolen again, this country is going into full-blown Marxism.

Everything is rigged against us, this is true. This world is very dark now and we are going to pass through some horrors no doubt.

I don't believe Trump is our savior, but he is all we have at the federal level to beat back the weaponized administrative state Blob. RFK Jr. obviously realizes this, that is why he joined Trump.

But go ahead and don't vote.

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Haven't you noticed that we just go from red to blue, alternating every four to eight years and nothing ever changes? Do you continue to play poker when you know your playmates are cheating? What are Newton's Laws of Motion? What is the Double Slit Experiment in Quantum Physics? These all apply to how Elections and Voting work.

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JJ Couey is and has been fighting for this since 2021.... pls, contact him and interview him.... he sheds a bright light on all of this..... Vaccinating Children: Public Trust and Health 2014 -- (9 Aug 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2219860496

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You should look into the numbers of SIDS dropping for the first time in 25 years during Covid. If that’s not a wake up call, I don’t know what it is.

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This statement from the post is partially true - “They are brainwashed, well-intentioned, and lethal.”

Brainwashed? Check. Lethal? Check. Well-intentioned? Hardly. If you take bribes and kick-backs from insurance companies/pharma, without disclosing this, to bully and threaten parents into vaxxing their children, you are not well-intentioned - even if you’re foolish enough to believe your doing good.

Pediatricians aren’t adamant that parents vaccinate because they believe it’s beneficial for the child (although many believe this). They are adamant about it because a specific, very high percentage of their patients must be vaxxed in order to get the bribe money from insurance/pharma.

In the absence of the bribe money, 95% of pediatrician practices would go bankrupt overnight. And our children would be far healthier and happier.

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Marcella’s work is awesome. Her body of work has no comparison. She knows her stuff and communicates it well. I highly recommend her Substack as a definitive source for truth about vaccines.

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