

On "Doubling", and Australian medical tyranny.

We are meaning-hungry creatures; we live on images of meaning…the human psyche can create meaning out of anything. - The Nazi Doctors

The masthead video is from April 2022.

I’ve watched it several times.

There’s something about her testimony, the way she tells it, that I find hard to put into words. I find it haunting.


It’s matter of fact, it’s light, if she’s angry, I cannot hear it. She even has a smile that floats in and out of her words.

She took the vaccine because her Perth employer said she had to get it. She didn’t want to get it, “my back was against the wall”.

Wow, I'm so sad for this lady. I'm a nurse, no longer in the industry as I won't submit to these jabs. We were always trained if u have a reaction to medication, don't take it again. I feel so upset with the medical system now, unable to trust the most basic rights as a human being. - Karen Kingston

She represents a large portion of the country that didn’t have the means to push back, say no, or walk away from her income. The full spectrum assault on the citizenry was overwhelming. In fact, it was militarized.

She got a clot in her lungs, she got Covid, and pneumonia and finally pericarditis.

But there she is smiling, sitting calmy on a beautiful Australian sunny afternoon, testifying to camera about what her government and Australian doctors and nurses did to her.

Listen to how her doctor asks her about family history of heart attacks, anything at all to pin it on. If doctors are good at anything, it’s pinning symptoms to “possible” causes.

It is obvious that all the medical practitioners are responding in exactly the same way across the state / country. What exactly was communicated to them that has resulted in them all turning this blind eye, or telling people it’s nothing or anxiety? Where did this message come from exactly and what was it? - Joni Leigh

The doctor tells her that for her “next dose”, it will be worse, so she will need to take some pain killer beforehand…and that next time she should take Moderna, because…

The nurses tell each other that “she’s just in here for a bit of dizziness from Pfizer”…

She is testifying to a psychosis within Australian medicine. The hospital system especially, is now riddled with it. These doctors and nurses who lie to themselves and to her have become termites hollowing out the institution, feeding on every last bit of trust that walks in the door.

I can’t imagine that I will ever again trust the medical industry, the government, the law, the media, the police, the army…or anyone other than close friends who I respect for their critical thinking. And I think there’s maaaaaany other people who feel exactly the same way. - Darryl Thomas

I’ve struggled to get a handle on what has been going on inside the heads of our Australian doctors over the last three years. How can they be saying and doing all of this, after all this time. In the case of Renee, clearly everyone knew what was going on with her. That she was damaged by an injection that was forced on her by the institutions that paid their wages, and in walking through their doors, seeking comfort and healing, they bandied together, connected by the tight bond of their new omerta, and conspired to withhold any form of comfort or healing from the woman. Instead, they prepared her for the next step down the vaccine corridor.

I recently came across The Nazi Doctors by Lifton and towards the end he writes about the psychology of the Nazi doctors, the psychology of genocide.

Let’s see what he has to say:

The key to understanding how Nazi doctors came to do the work of Auschwitz is the psychological principle I call "doubling": the division of the self into two functioning wholes, so that a part-self acts as an entire self.) An Auschwitz doctor could, through doubling, not only kill and contribute to killing but organize silently, on behalf of that evil project, an entire self-structure (or self-process) encompassing virtually all aspects of his behavior.

Doubling, then, was the psychological vehicle for the Nazi doctor’s Faustian bargain with the diabolical environment in exchange for his contribution to the killing; he was offered various psychological and material benefits on behalf of privileged adaptation. Beyond Auschwitz was the larger Faustian temptation offered to German doctors in general: that of becoming the theorists and implementers of a cosmic scheme of racial cure by means of victimization and mass murder.

One is always ethically responsible for Faustian bargains—a responsibility in no way abrogated by the fact that much doubling takes place outside of awareness. In exploring doubling, I engage in psychological probing on behalf of illuminating evil. For the individual Nazi doctor in Auschwitz, doubling was likely to mean a choice for evil.

Generally speaking. doubling involves five characteristics. There is:

  1. First, a dialectic between two selves in terms of autonomy and connection. The individual Nazi doctor needed his Auschwitz self to function psychologically in an environment so antithetical to his previous ethical standards. At the same time, he needed his prior self in order to continue to see himself as humane physician, husband, father. The Auschwitz self had to be both autonomous and connected to the prior self that gave rise to it.

  2. Second, doubling follows a holistic principle. The Auschwitz self “succeeded” because it was inclusive and could connect with the entire Auschwitz environment: it rendered coherent, and gave form to, various themes and mechanisms, which I shall discuss shortly.

  3. Third, doubling has a life-death dimension: the Auschwitz self was perceived by the perpetrator as a form of psychological survival in a death dominated environment; in other words, we have the paradox of a “killing self” being created on behalf of what one perceives as one's own healing or survival.

  4. Fourth, a major function of doubling, as in Auschwitz, is likely to be the avoidance of guilt: the second self tends to be the one performing the “dirty work.”

  5. And, finally, doubling involves both an unconscious dimension—taking place, as stated, largely outside of awareness—and a significant change in moral consciousness.

These five characteristics frame and pervade all else that goes on psychologically in doubling.

In general, psychological terms, the adaptive potential for doubling is integral to the human psyche and can, at times, be lifesaving: for a soldier in combat, for instance; or for a victim of brutality such as an Auschwitz inmate, who must also undergo a form of doubling in order to survive. Clearly, the “opposing self” can be life enhancing. But under certain conditions it can embrace evil with an extreme lack of restraint.

Certainly, the tendency toward doubling was particularly strong among Nazi doctors. Given the heroic vision held out to them—as cultivators of the genes and as physicians to the Volk, and as militarized healers combining the life-death power of shaman and general—any cruelty they might perpetrate was all too readily drowned in hubris. And their medical hubris was furthered by their role in the sterilization and “euthanasia” projects within a vision of curing the ills of the Nordic race and the German people.

At the same time, we are meaning-hungry creatures; we live on images of meaning. Auschwitz makes all too clear the principle that the human psyche can create meaning out of anything.

Do you think some or many of our Australian doctors and nurses believe they are doing “God’s work” to save society from the scourge of Covid? Do you think that some or many of them believe that vaccines have saved 20m lives and that any death or disease they witness, that is “maybe” caused by the vaccines, is a price worth paying for the greater good of society and its public health.

Do you think there is much of a difference, as a vision, between the health of the German Volk and the public health of Australian society, or is it by now a distinction without a difference?

At about minute 6.30 Kheriaty talks about this exact issue.

Posted in Australian SADS Facebook group on 04-01-23

My mother who is 86 has had regular blood tests as all elderly do. No abnormalities showing up until after her 3rd dose in which I begged her to stay away from. Now she is terminal with bowel cancer. My healthy fit son in his 30s took 2 doses to get over the border because I was in hospital ( i begged him not to because I knew the premier would eventually open) is constantly in and out of hospital with high blood pressure and chest pain and now after all these years working with animals has contacted a virus from them. My husband’s uncle who was a very fit and healthy 70 has just passed from pancreatic cancer which only presented after the vaccine.

This is not a coincidence this is criminal.

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.

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If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch this 21 minutes.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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