The authority spell you are referring to in the early paragraphs of this article is probably the source of everything that separates medicine from real science. As it is combined with leader/cult worship, the students, later being initiated to be doctors, simply continue what was done before them - which secures for them a validated seat in the cult. The power grip of this complicity is astounding. Even when criticism arises as repeatedly published by John Ioannides (, a genius of their own community, the “approved” medical professionals do not see, do not understand, do not analyze, and do not reference his statements against their own practice. All the best characteristics of a cult, along with special garments, secret writing style, language and rituals. Absurd pricing of some rituals (“treatments”) maybe is not about the manufacturing cost. Maybe it’s just a support system to enhance medical hexing, intended to weaken the spirit - which may be compared to the immunological defenses of the body - of all patients, past, present and future.
ioannidis pointed out early that most people had already been exposed and were thus immune....if it ever got out that the pandemic was already happening in the fall of 2019, their plans for this fake pandemic would have been screwed. Ioaninidis is one of the early heros of the war on truth.
The question is… there are many voices declaring there was no pandemic. (According to so me definition, I guess.) It may well be some sort of “environmental” disaster, affecting everybody to the same extent and causing reactions in those most vulnerable. The name is “toxic” then, not contagious. If not contagious, no disease. If toxic, containable. But, it seems, it is not containable, and more brave scientists work diligently to disarm the remains of our working defense mechanism by promoting an injection of a deadly pathogen + enough fuel to make sure it will turn you into a complete zombie… if you survive long enough…
I know people got sick...I kinda tend to both murderous hospital protocols, the withholding of safe medication, and JJ Couey's infectious clone theory to explain the "Pandemic"...but in reality, the jabs were the ultimate bioweapon, weren't they? I have been living in a nightmare for 3 years, and it doesn't seem to be stopping. And the latest Japanese invention you mention is truly horrifying. Please God, let me wake up.
The only neutral (with no emotions attached) truth is that we don’t know what is happening.
Many brilliant “independent” (what an absurd term) professionals provide many explanations and descriptions how this or that works and how this may or may not contribute to this or that. But it’s all theories based on a single particle “isolated” from the whole body of knowledge. Useful and valuable, but worthless.
Anyway, all these deductions (it’s hard to call it research, sorry) lead to nowhere, because nobody is interested in collecting them together and taking a bird’s eye view. Well, not really nobody. Some highly educated professionals are already building new medical empires based on this alleged pandemic and various miracle remedies or education related to that bad something. They are amazingly certain, knowledgeable and reliable in podcasts and interviews, and there it ends. Their contribution is equally useful and valuable, but worthless - because only the manufacturer knows 100% of the relevant knowledge. Why nobody is asking the manufacturer direct, simple questions? Why all these extremely proficient medical professionals are not opening a public dialogue with the manufacturer directly? They are the only ones qualified to do this. Yet, they won’t.
The result is that we know nothing. Who knows, maybe it is as it should be.
I’m in the same camp as Dana White-I stopped using the allopathic medical system years ago. I am in the process now creating a remedy kit and instructional binder for our family so that we have everything on hand such as a nebulizer, H2O2, CDS, DMSO, herbs and more.
That's a great idea Karen. If you are happy to share it once ready, I'd love the opportunity to share and boost its reach. I'm at
I will share the list and items. Some I had on hand but now I’m putting it all in one place for easy access for my family. Ah yes, but you also have some easier access to things we don’t in the U.S. For instance, I try to keep inhalers on hand for when my son is here b/c he has asthma. He lives in Asia so there he can get inhalers OTC so to keep one on hand here I had to order last time from Canada.
Thank you and can do that-I will gladly share! Mind you, I’m creating the information in a binder for personal family use so not the most professional looking thing I’ve created! I can also take pics of the items I have on hand for emergencies.
I have everything put together for upper respiratory, bronchitis, flu, viruses etc- for instance I purchased a nebulizer and created a hydrogen peroxide solution. For this I followed instructions from Dr. Jockers site. I purchased CDS not pre-made and printed out the Andrea’s Kalcker protocols. I purchased DMSO and have made topical blends with aloe, vitamin C and magnesium ( that blend is for muscle, joint, tendon pain and injury).
My thinking was that if my family is sick I know what to do to help them but if I’m sick they have no idea what to do to help me. I know some companies make wellness kits but I wanted one geared to us. Also the more I read up on CDS, H2O2 and DMSO, I realize these can be used for various purposes.
I also have been working on identifying medicinal plants on my property. For instance yarrow is a very common one. I have dried this plant in my dehydrator and have a jar stored to add to a tea for fevers.
It’s a lot of work getting it together but glad I’m finally doing it.
We are also doing the same and trying to educate and encourage others. The many different "costs" of alopathic Medicine are too high and too easily withdrawn??
In the interest of "Keeping it simple" we use a small basic medicine chest largely based on this:
There will be similar resources for your specific region. Homeopathic medicines are more subtle in their treatment and generally are not of the "feel-good" effects...
Had horse for many years. We used "horse drugs" all the time, including iver. A real party-pleaser was Banamine (horse NSAID)... great for hangovers. Party crowd would drink a shot (not inject) next day and hangover-b-gone.
If control freaks shut *that* one down, we're really screwed. Lmao
Good to have a short film for the historical record, but the more pressing issue right now is derailing the WHO treaty and just being ready to get out in the streets in an organized way when they pull whatever lever they're going to pull to create chaos and impose on our rights and lives in a more aggressive fashion because there is no letup with these psychos.
Heard that invermectin needs a prescription but I have heard you can get it over the counter you. Just gave my dog her monthly “horse” dewormer heart guard
Another fabulous post, which I shared to Facebook. I recommend others do the same.
I've found doctors lack curiosity my whole life. I'll share here something I shared on one of Aldred's posts; it's worth a reshare. I wrote:
I was born with strabismus, which initially took form in crossed eyes; after two surgeries at two or so years of age the surgeon had over-corrected. The divergence got worse over time to a 23-degree spread. Can you imagine trying to get a date on top of my nerdiness?
I somehow found myself at one of the world's premier ophthalmology centers, UCLA's Jules Stein Institute, in my mid-20s asking about surgical correction. After prodding and testing and such the doctor told me nothing could be done. She jokingly commented, it has its benefits: I could view the road with one eye and look in the rear-view mirror with the other, which might make driving safer. LOL.
I nevertheless found myself a bride, married for over a decade and then divorced (another story in itself). In the dating world a girlfriend recently had LASIK surgery to correct her nearsightedness and wondered whether laser-type surgery might help correct my strabismus. I opted to try her surgeon, Dr. David Callister in Glendale, CA, who prodded and tested and looked closely at my eyes. I asked whether laser surgery might correct my divergence? He responded, No, but continued doing doctorly things as I shrugged my shoulders to myself and figured, oh well, at least I tried.
After completing his exam, he stood back and, fingers to chin and clearly deep in thought said, "I don't think we can make it perfect, but I think 70-80% is quite doable." I said, wait, I thought you just said nothing could be done. No, not with lasers. I looked him square in the face and asked, are you telling me the Jules Stein Institute had it wrong, and you can correct the old-fashioned way via surgery? And this could have been done 20 years ago? His response was classic: I just don't understand Jules Stein, because they get so many things right. Yet there are some things they Just. Don't. Get.
In the most psychedelic experience I can imagine, awake but with a tinge of benzos on board, he did a partial correction (via what I think is called a z-myectomy). I landed at 8-9% divergence; most people would not notice in casual conversation. But it was destined to worsen over time. The divergence gradually increased back to the 23% area from which it had begun and reading was more laborious, not to mention clients and others wondering what I was looking at, heads turned over left shoulder before figuring it out (I focused on people and objects with my left eye; my right eye looked up and over people's left shoulder).
Two and a half decades later I called Dr. Callister's office figuring he was long retired, but perhaps his replacement could do it over. No, but they referred me to another ophthalmologist, Dr. Mark Borchert at the Children's Hospital in Altadena, CA. He'd done 6,000 such procedures, mostly on children, with a fair share of adults. He thought he could get the divergence to within a few percent; not perfect, but better than Dr. Callister's work (who Borchert not only knew and deeply respected; he studied under him).
The surgery, which had me under for 1 1/2 hours, was a temporary success. At our aftercare follow-up visit he measured the divergence at 3% but admitted the first words out of his mouth after he essentially pulled out my eyes at the start of the procedure were, "Oh fuck." The nurses were a bit shocked at his language, which he'd never before used, but it was warranted as I had much more scarring than he had expected. He explained: he entered the eyes sideways and could not change his approach once he had started. He cleaned out as much of the scar tissue as he could, but it would grow back and my eyes, he told me, would be right back where they were within five months. He would schedule me for another surgery, when he would tackle the job using the muscles above and below the eyes.
So, I asked a question that, apparently, few (perhaps only iNtuitive Thinkers and almost none of those other than INTJs) might ask: what prevents internal scarring?
He responded, nothing.
Few would question his assertion. He was a skilled surgeon, has seemingly done the impossible, and he is an "expert." Who would dare question this lovely and obviously highly skilled and intelligent gentleman and do the research? LOL.
I stumbled on to just one inkling of a possible solution: large doses of Vitamin C. I began mega dosing, increasing my daily gram to six grams daily.
Five months later he measured my divergence and his jaw dropped: the divergence was still 3%.
Borchert's a great guy. But even he did not admit that what I read might be right and wow, just wow. And where else might this be applied? I did not yet know much about myocarditis (the surgery took place in mid-2021, and I did not take the jab so was not yet carefully following the plethora of adverse events). (FYI: myocarditis is scarring of the heart muscle. Hmm....)
It's reminiscent of another experience. Long ago in my 20s I stayed at Mammoth Mountain Inn several times skiing Mammoth, CA. The altitude is 9,000 feet. I awoke two or three times every night gasping for breath. I figured it was some sort of sleep apnea and, shrugging, wondered what I could do about it. I lived with it.
I likely endured a few years of this when I read a "health nut" book (possibly Adelle Davis's "Fit for Life") in which the author mentioned one little factoid: Vitamin E helps the lungs assimilate oxygen into the blood stream.
I put two and two together and began experimenting with E. I don't recall whether I started at 400, 800 or 1200 I.U. or whether I initially ingested it daily at sea level, but whatever I took (likely 800 or 1200) worked and I never woke up again gasping for breath when at elevation.
Until 1987. I was by this time taking E daily. I ran out of the vitamin while on a trip to Denver, Colorado. We were heading up for a two-night stay at Winter Park, elevation 9,000 feet. I figured, "Oh, I'll be fine." I literally pooh-poohed the idea I would have a problem. Nope! I woke up three times that night gasping for breath. Staying another night, I found some vitamin E at a Safeway early the next day, took it, and was fine that night. I've taken E ever since, gradually increasing it to 1,600 I.U. daily, upping it to 2,000-2,400 on days when I'm heading to 7,000 feet or higher and when I expect to be heavily exerting myself at lower elevations. It works incredibly well, markedly reducing the degree to which I breathe deeply when water skiing (the difference between going out on a run before taking E vs. after is mind-boggling and cannot be ascribed to caffeine alone).
I long wondered whether E might help those with breathing problems, especially COPD. I mentioned the possibility over a couple of decades to COPD patients and never, to my knowledge, did anyone try it. Of course, they were all college educated and had consulted "experts" and if those "experts" did not suggest the idea it must be unworthy of consideration.
One day, my non-college educated office maid walked in with oxygen. I said, crap. She admitted she had smoked two packs a day most of her life. And of course, I told her my experience with Vitamin E and offered to buy some if she would she try it. Of course. After all, she was "uneducated." I gave her a bottle (Costco--nearly free) on her next visit and, sizing her up suggested 800-1200 I.U. daily. I don't recall now which I.U. she used, but later asked how it worked. Thanking me, she told me she had cut her oxygen in half, from four to two hours daily.
I suppose knowing of Ignaz Semmelweis's battle to get the idea of scrubbing one's hands before performing surgery, and the belief that "Carbs good! Fats bad!" helping to create a nation of obese and diabetics, and the idea that lobotomies resolved mental illnesses, set me up to question everything in medicine. And to be willing to experiment. So, if I had succumbed to the greatest propaganda coup in history and taken the fake vaccine, whether or not officially diagnosed with myocarditis, I'd be taking at least five if not ten grams of Vitamin C daily.
After all, that is what medicine is about: trial and error, experimentation, and "practice." And being open-minded.
Thank you. I am moving my little website here to Substack this month. I am looking forward to it. I appreciate your incredible dedication and I read often. I have some very strong groups here in BC, Vancouver Island. We intend to make a big impact this year! Election Sept 21, 2024 Everything will break loose. BC 93 Districts to overturn, well, except 2 perhaps:) Who knows. Everyone's courage keeps me courageous. Lioness of Judah is also inspiring. Blessed.
How can you say Ivermectin can be used to treat a “disease” which is fictional?
There’s no such thing as Covid-19 it as an geopolitical operation not a clinical condition.
Those who continue to push the lie that COVID is unique disease that caused a pandemic and that “early treatment” was needed are reifying the Big Lie upon which the Biosecurity State depends. That includes RFK, Kory, Willis, Kirsch and the rest of them. These people are part of the problem and have purposely ignored evidence that proves irrevocably they are wrong on this fundamental point.
IVM became suspicious only after it was allowed to prescribe. It's manufactured by the same companies that have been merrily poisoning patients with all kinds of pharmaceutical products:
For that matter, the same is true for the rest of the "medications" that both humans and animals receive. By the way, none of them is candy, either, even in their original form...
Thank you for representing this information. There are still so many people bound up by the lies of the Medical/ pharmaceutical industries who in reality worship them as gods. I pray for the breaking of the power of this evil so people see the truth
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (Covid -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world (Clown Schwab, Davos 2022)”.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented MmRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
No jabs, just the Supplement regime with Quinine Bark added. Takes the place of Placquenil. I already took all but 1 of the Supplements anyway. C runs my BS up. Zinc is your Master Mineral according to Earl Mendell.
The authority spell you are referring to in the early paragraphs of this article is probably the source of everything that separates medicine from real science. As it is combined with leader/cult worship, the students, later being initiated to be doctors, simply continue what was done before them - which secures for them a validated seat in the cult. The power grip of this complicity is astounding. Even when criticism arises as repeatedly published by John Ioannides (, a genius of their own community, the “approved” medical professionals do not see, do not understand, do not analyze, and do not reference his statements against their own practice. All the best characteristics of a cult, along with special garments, secret writing style, language and rituals. Absurd pricing of some rituals (“treatments”) maybe is not about the manufacturing cost. Maybe it’s just a support system to enhance medical hexing, intended to weaken the spirit - which may be compared to the immunological defenses of the body - of all patients, past, present and future.
Words like "spell" and "cult" are apt.
ioannidis pointed out early that most people had already been exposed and were thus immune....if it ever got out that the pandemic was already happening in the fall of 2019, their plans for this fake pandemic would have been screwed. Ioaninidis is one of the early heros of the war on truth.
The question is… there are many voices declaring there was no pandemic. (According to so me definition, I guess.) It may well be some sort of “environmental” disaster, affecting everybody to the same extent and causing reactions in those most vulnerable. The name is “toxic” then, not contagious. If not contagious, no disease. If toxic, containable. But, it seems, it is not containable, and more brave scientists work diligently to disarm the remains of our working defense mechanism by promoting an injection of a deadly pathogen + enough fuel to make sure it will turn you into a complete zombie… if you survive long enough…
I know people got sick...I kinda tend to both murderous hospital protocols, the withholding of safe medication, and JJ Couey's infectious clone theory to explain the "Pandemic"...but in reality, the jabs were the ultimate bioweapon, weren't they? I have been living in a nightmare for 3 years, and it doesn't seem to be stopping. And the latest Japanese invention you mention is truly horrifying. Please God, let me wake up.
The only neutral (with no emotions attached) truth is that we don’t know what is happening.
Many brilliant “independent” (what an absurd term) professionals provide many explanations and descriptions how this or that works and how this may or may not contribute to this or that. But it’s all theories based on a single particle “isolated” from the whole body of knowledge. Useful and valuable, but worthless.
Anyway, all these deductions (it’s hard to call it research, sorry) lead to nowhere, because nobody is interested in collecting them together and taking a bird’s eye view. Well, not really nobody. Some highly educated professionals are already building new medical empires based on this alleged pandemic and various miracle remedies or education related to that bad something. They are amazingly certain, knowledgeable and reliable in podcasts and interviews, and there it ends. Their contribution is equally useful and valuable, but worthless - because only the manufacturer knows 100% of the relevant knowledge. Why nobody is asking the manufacturer direct, simple questions? Why all these extremely proficient medical professionals are not opening a public dialogue with the manufacturer directly? They are the only ones qualified to do this. Yet, they won’t.
The result is that we know nothing. Who knows, maybe it is as it should be.
Interesting that there seems to be no problem getting Fenatyl, but Ivermectin isn't available anywhere?
Could it depend on who makes the Profit?
Weird, that./s.
I’m in the same camp as Dana White-I stopped using the allopathic medical system years ago. I am in the process now creating a remedy kit and instructional binder for our family so that we have everything on hand such as a nebulizer, H2O2, CDS, DMSO, herbs and more.
That's a great idea Karen. If you are happy to share it once ready, I'd love the opportunity to share and boost its reach. I'm at
I’d be very interested in your list. I do have some of the things mentioned. Some are hard to come by in Canada though.
I will share the list and items. Some I had on hand but now I’m putting it all in one place for easy access for my family. Ah yes, but you also have some easier access to things we don’t in the U.S. For instance, I try to keep inhalers on hand for when my son is here b/c he has asthma. He lives in Asia so there he can get inhalers OTC so to keep one on hand here I had to order last time from Canada.
Thank you and can do that-I will gladly share! Mind you, I’m creating the information in a binder for personal family use so not the most professional looking thing I’ve created! I can also take pics of the items I have on hand for emergencies.
I have everything put together for upper respiratory, bronchitis, flu, viruses etc- for instance I purchased a nebulizer and created a hydrogen peroxide solution. For this I followed instructions from Dr. Jockers site. I purchased CDS not pre-made and printed out the Andrea’s Kalcker protocols. I purchased DMSO and have made topical blends with aloe, vitamin C and magnesium ( that blend is for muscle, joint, tendon pain and injury).
My thinking was that if my family is sick I know what to do to help them but if I’m sick they have no idea what to do to help me. I know some companies make wellness kits but I wanted one geared to us. Also the more I read up on CDS, H2O2 and DMSO, I realize these can be used for various purposes.
I also have been working on identifying medicinal plants on my property. For instance yarrow is a very common one. I have dried this plant in my dehydrator and have a jar stored to add to a tea for fevers.
It’s a lot of work getting it together but glad I’m finally doing it.
We are also doing the same and trying to educate and encourage others. The many different "costs" of alopathic Medicine are too high and too easily withdrawn??
In the interest of "Keeping it simple" we use a small basic medicine chest largely based on this:
There will be similar resources for your specific region. Homeopathic medicines are more subtle in their treatment and generally are not of the "feel-good" effects...
Yes, good to have book sources on hand like ones on plant medicine. I also have a fully stocked homeopathic kit and a remedy book.
Had horse for many years. We used "horse drugs" all the time, including iver. A real party-pleaser was Banamine (horse NSAID)... great for hangovers. Party crowd would drink a shot (not inject) next day and hangover-b-gone.
If control freaks shut *that* one down, we're really screwed. Lmao
Good to have a short film for the historical record, but the more pressing issue right now is derailing the WHO treaty and just being ready to get out in the streets in an organized way when they pull whatever lever they're going to pull to create chaos and impose on our rights and lives in a more aggressive fashion because there is no letup with these psychos.
Heard that invermectin needs a prescription but I have heard you can get it over the counter you. Just gave my dog her monthly “horse” dewormer heart guard
Another fabulous post, which I shared to Facebook. I recommend others do the same.
I've found doctors lack curiosity my whole life. I'll share here something I shared on one of Aldred's posts; it's worth a reshare. I wrote:
I was born with strabismus, which initially took form in crossed eyes; after two surgeries at two or so years of age the surgeon had over-corrected. The divergence got worse over time to a 23-degree spread. Can you imagine trying to get a date on top of my nerdiness?
I somehow found myself at one of the world's premier ophthalmology centers, UCLA's Jules Stein Institute, in my mid-20s asking about surgical correction. After prodding and testing and such the doctor told me nothing could be done. She jokingly commented, it has its benefits: I could view the road with one eye and look in the rear-view mirror with the other, which might make driving safer. LOL.
I nevertheless found myself a bride, married for over a decade and then divorced (another story in itself). In the dating world a girlfriend recently had LASIK surgery to correct her nearsightedness and wondered whether laser-type surgery might help correct my strabismus. I opted to try her surgeon, Dr. David Callister in Glendale, CA, who prodded and tested and looked closely at my eyes. I asked whether laser surgery might correct my divergence? He responded, No, but continued doing doctorly things as I shrugged my shoulders to myself and figured, oh well, at least I tried.
After completing his exam, he stood back and, fingers to chin and clearly deep in thought said, "I don't think we can make it perfect, but I think 70-80% is quite doable." I said, wait, I thought you just said nothing could be done. No, not with lasers. I looked him square in the face and asked, are you telling me the Jules Stein Institute had it wrong, and you can correct the old-fashioned way via surgery? And this could have been done 20 years ago? His response was classic: I just don't understand Jules Stein, because they get so many things right. Yet there are some things they Just. Don't. Get.
In the most psychedelic experience I can imagine, awake but with a tinge of benzos on board, he did a partial correction (via what I think is called a z-myectomy). I landed at 8-9% divergence; most people would not notice in casual conversation. But it was destined to worsen over time. The divergence gradually increased back to the 23% area from which it had begun and reading was more laborious, not to mention clients and others wondering what I was looking at, heads turned over left shoulder before figuring it out (I focused on people and objects with my left eye; my right eye looked up and over people's left shoulder).
Two and a half decades later I called Dr. Callister's office figuring he was long retired, but perhaps his replacement could do it over. No, but they referred me to another ophthalmologist, Dr. Mark Borchert at the Children's Hospital in Altadena, CA. He'd done 6,000 such procedures, mostly on children, with a fair share of adults. He thought he could get the divergence to within a few percent; not perfect, but better than Dr. Callister's work (who Borchert not only knew and deeply respected; he studied under him).
The surgery, which had me under for 1 1/2 hours, was a temporary success. At our aftercare follow-up visit he measured the divergence at 3% but admitted the first words out of his mouth after he essentially pulled out my eyes at the start of the procedure were, "Oh fuck." The nurses were a bit shocked at his language, which he'd never before used, but it was warranted as I had much more scarring than he had expected. He explained: he entered the eyes sideways and could not change his approach once he had started. He cleaned out as much of the scar tissue as he could, but it would grow back and my eyes, he told me, would be right back where they were within five months. He would schedule me for another surgery, when he would tackle the job using the muscles above and below the eyes.
So, I asked a question that, apparently, few (perhaps only iNtuitive Thinkers and almost none of those other than INTJs) might ask: what prevents internal scarring?
He responded, nothing.
Few would question his assertion. He was a skilled surgeon, has seemingly done the impossible, and he is an "expert." Who would dare question this lovely and obviously highly skilled and intelligent gentleman and do the research? LOL.
I stumbled on to just one inkling of a possible solution: large doses of Vitamin C. I began mega dosing, increasing my daily gram to six grams daily.
Five months later he measured my divergence and his jaw dropped: the divergence was still 3%.
Borchert's a great guy. But even he did not admit that what I read might be right and wow, just wow. And where else might this be applied? I did not yet know much about myocarditis (the surgery took place in mid-2021, and I did not take the jab so was not yet carefully following the plethora of adverse events). (FYI: myocarditis is scarring of the heart muscle. Hmm....)
It's reminiscent of another experience. Long ago in my 20s I stayed at Mammoth Mountain Inn several times skiing Mammoth, CA. The altitude is 9,000 feet. I awoke two or three times every night gasping for breath. I figured it was some sort of sleep apnea and, shrugging, wondered what I could do about it. I lived with it.
I likely endured a few years of this when I read a "health nut" book (possibly Adelle Davis's "Fit for Life") in which the author mentioned one little factoid: Vitamin E helps the lungs assimilate oxygen into the blood stream.
I put two and two together and began experimenting with E. I don't recall whether I started at 400, 800 or 1200 I.U. or whether I initially ingested it daily at sea level, but whatever I took (likely 800 or 1200) worked and I never woke up again gasping for breath when at elevation.
Until 1987. I was by this time taking E daily. I ran out of the vitamin while on a trip to Denver, Colorado. We were heading up for a two-night stay at Winter Park, elevation 9,000 feet. I figured, "Oh, I'll be fine." I literally pooh-poohed the idea I would have a problem. Nope! I woke up three times that night gasping for breath. Staying another night, I found some vitamin E at a Safeway early the next day, took it, and was fine that night. I've taken E ever since, gradually increasing it to 1,600 I.U. daily, upping it to 2,000-2,400 on days when I'm heading to 7,000 feet or higher and when I expect to be heavily exerting myself at lower elevations. It works incredibly well, markedly reducing the degree to which I breathe deeply when water skiing (the difference between going out on a run before taking E vs. after is mind-boggling and cannot be ascribed to caffeine alone).
I long wondered whether E might help those with breathing problems, especially COPD. I mentioned the possibility over a couple of decades to COPD patients and never, to my knowledge, did anyone try it. Of course, they were all college educated and had consulted "experts" and if those "experts" did not suggest the idea it must be unworthy of consideration.
One day, my non-college educated office maid walked in with oxygen. I said, crap. She admitted she had smoked two packs a day most of her life. And of course, I told her my experience with Vitamin E and offered to buy some if she would she try it. Of course. After all, she was "uneducated." I gave her a bottle (Costco--nearly free) on her next visit and, sizing her up suggested 800-1200 I.U. daily. I don't recall now which I.U. she used, but later asked how it worked. Thanking me, she told me she had cut her oxygen in half, from four to two hours daily.
I suppose knowing of Ignaz Semmelweis's battle to get the idea of scrubbing one's hands before performing surgery, and the belief that "Carbs good! Fats bad!" helping to create a nation of obese and diabetics, and the idea that lobotomies resolved mental illnesses, set me up to question everything in medicine. And to be willing to experiment. So, if I had succumbed to the greatest propaganda coup in history and taken the fake vaccine, whether or not officially diagnosed with myocarditis, I'd be taking at least five if not ten grams of Vitamin C daily.
After all, that is what medicine is about: trial and error, experimentation, and "practice." And being open-minded.
The corruption and spinelessness of the medical establishment is just breathtaking.
As a former allopath, you can only truly see it once you exit. Dana White absolutely nailed it. Pills and jabs. General health, nutrition? Nah.
Thank you. I am moving my little website here to Substack this month. I am looking forward to it. I appreciate your incredible dedication and I read often. I have some very strong groups here in BC, Vancouver Island. We intend to make a big impact this year! Election Sept 21, 2024 Everything will break loose. BC 93 Districts to overturn, well, except 2 perhaps:) Who knows. Everyone's courage keeps me courageous. Lioness of Judah is also inspiring. Blessed.
How can you say Ivermectin can be used to treat a “disease” which is fictional?
There’s no such thing as Covid-19 it as an geopolitical operation not a clinical condition.
Those who continue to push the lie that COVID is unique disease that caused a pandemic and that “early treatment” was needed are reifying the Big Lie upon which the Biosecurity State depends. That includes RFK, Kory, Willis, Kirsch and the rest of them. These people are part of the problem and have purposely ignored evidence that proves irrevocably they are wrong on this fundamental point.
I just finished RFK Jr. new book The Wuhan Cover-up - a lot of people need to be in jail.
IVM became suspicious only after it was allowed to prescribe. It's manufactured by the same companies that have been merrily poisoning patients with all kinds of pharmaceutical products:
For that matter, the same is true for the rest of the "medications" that both humans and animals receive. By the way, none of them is candy, either, even in their original form...
Thank you for representing this information. There are still so many people bound up by the lies of the Medical/ pharmaceutical industries who in reality worship them as gods. I pray for the breaking of the power of this evil so people see the truth
Gene Therapies Disclaimer of Liability ™
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (Covid -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world (Clown Schwab, Davos 2022)”.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented MmRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
We care,
CEOs Murderna & Schizer
© 2021 Dr. Red Pill
No jabs, just the Supplement regime with Quinine Bark added. Takes the place of Placquenil. I already took all but 1 of the Supplements anyway. C runs my BS up. Zinc is your Master Mineral according to Earl Mendell.
Unbekoming, I neglected to mention the most important thing.
Your executive summary is just top notch. You are so right on.
Best I've seen...a keeper. And they will do it again.