That's a great idea Karen. If you are happy to share it once ready, I'd love the opportunity to share and boost its reach. I'm at
That's a great idea Karen. If you are happy to share it once ready, I'd love the opportunity to share and boost its reach. I'm at
I will share the list and items. Some I had on hand but now I’m putting it all in one place for easy access for my family. Ah yes, but you also have some easier access to things we don’t in the U.S. For instance, I try to keep inhalers on hand for when my son is here b/c he has asthma. He lives in Asia so there he can get inhalers OTC so to keep one on hand here I had to order last time from Canada.
Thank you and can do that-I will gladly share! Mind you, I’m creating the information in a binder for personal family use so not the most professional looking thing I’ve created! I can also take pics of the items I have on hand for emergencies.
I have everything put together for upper respiratory, bronchitis, flu, viruses etc- for instance I purchased a nebulizer and created a hydrogen peroxide solution. For this I followed instructions from Dr. Jockers site. I purchased CDS not pre-made and printed out the Andrea’s Kalcker protocols. I purchased DMSO and have made topical blends with aloe, vitamin C and magnesium ( that blend is for muscle, joint, tendon pain and injury).
My thinking was that if my family is sick I know what to do to help them but if I’m sick they have no idea what to do to help me. I know some companies make wellness kits but I wanted one geared to us. Also the more I read up on CDS, H2O2 and DMSO, I realize these can be used for various purposes.
I also have been working on identifying medicinal plants on my property. For instance yarrow is a very common one. I have dried this plant in my dehydrator and have a jar stored to add to a tea for fevers.
It’s a lot of work getting it together but glad I’m finally doing it.
That's a great idea Karen. If you are happy to share it once ready, I'd love the opportunity to share and boost its reach. I'm at
I’d be very interested in your list. I do have some of the things mentioned. Some are hard to come by in Canada though.
I will share the list and items. Some I had on hand but now I’m putting it all in one place for easy access for my family. Ah yes, but you also have some easier access to things we don’t in the U.S. For instance, I try to keep inhalers on hand for when my son is here b/c he has asthma. He lives in Asia so there he can get inhalers OTC so to keep one on hand here I had to order last time from Canada.
Thank you and can do that-I will gladly share! Mind you, I’m creating the information in a binder for personal family use so not the most professional looking thing I’ve created! I can also take pics of the items I have on hand for emergencies.
I have everything put together for upper respiratory, bronchitis, flu, viruses etc- for instance I purchased a nebulizer and created a hydrogen peroxide solution. For this I followed instructions from Dr. Jockers site. I purchased CDS not pre-made and printed out the Andrea’s Kalcker protocols. I purchased DMSO and have made topical blends with aloe, vitamin C and magnesium ( that blend is for muscle, joint, tendon pain and injury).
My thinking was that if my family is sick I know what to do to help them but if I’m sick they have no idea what to do to help me. I know some companies make wellness kits but I wanted one geared to us. Also the more I read up on CDS, H2O2 and DMSO, I realize these can be used for various purposes.
I also have been working on identifying medicinal plants on my property. For instance yarrow is a very common one. I have dried this plant in my dehydrator and have a jar stored to add to a tea for fevers.
It’s a lot of work getting it together but glad I’m finally doing it.