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The question is… there are many voices declaring there was no pandemic. (According to so me definition, I guess.) It may well be some sort of “environmental” disaster, affecting everybody to the same extent and causing reactions in those most vulnerable. The name is “toxic” then, not contagious. If not contagious, no disease. If toxic, c…
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The question is… there are many voices declaring there was no pandemic. (According to so me definition, I guess.) It may well be some sort of “environmental” disaster, affecting everybody to the same extent and causing reactions in those most vulnerable. The name is “toxic” then, not contagious. If not contagious, no disease. If toxic, containable. But, it seems, it is not containable, and more brave scientists work diligently to disarm the remains of our working defense mechanism by promoting an injection of a deadly pathogen + enough fuel to make sure it will turn you into a complete zombie… if you survive long enough…
I know people got sick...I kinda tend to both murderous hospital protocols, the withholding of safe medication, and JJ Couey's infectious clone theory to explain the "Pandemic"...but in reality, the jabs were the ultimate bioweapon, weren't they? I have been living in a nightmare for 3 years, and it doesn't seem to be stopping. And the latest Japanese invention you mention is truly horrifying. Please God, let me wake up.
The only neutral (with no emotions attached) truth is that we don’t know what is happening.
Many brilliant “independent” (what an absurd term) professionals provide many explanations and descriptions how this or that works and how this may or may not contribute to this or that. But it’s all theories based on a single particle “isolated” from the whole body of knowledge. Useful and valuable, but worthless.
Anyway, all these deductions (it’s hard to call it research, sorry) lead to nowhere, because nobody is interested in collecting them together and taking a bird’s eye view. Well, not really nobody. Some highly educated professionals are already building new medical empires based on this alleged pandemic and various miracle remedies or education related to that bad something. They are amazingly certain, knowledgeable and reliable in podcasts and interviews, and there it ends. Their contribution is equally useful and valuable, but worthless - because only the manufacturer knows 100% of the relevant knowledge. Why nobody is asking the manufacturer direct, simple questions? Why all these extremely proficient medical professionals are not opening a public dialogue with the manufacturer directly? They are the only ones qualified to do this. Yet, they won’t.
The result is that we know nothing. Who knows, maybe it is as it should be.