My man! Listen man, we’re on the same page- just different paths on the wavelength. The nuclear hoax was one I discussed in the following article: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

When people realize it’s easily for 8,000 people to control 1 billion, everything begins to make sense.

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Thank you for this painstaking review of this important topic.

I have reached the point where I know probalistically (thank you for that, too) that official history is false history. Virtually all of it. So, no atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Sure, I can believe that. I can believe that "they" lied to us about that, too.

Also appreciate your list of official stories and calling them illusions...and especially the reference to the official story of Sep 11.

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As luck would have it, this morning I stumbled onto a passage that mentioned both Galileo and Truth vs Illusion. I happened to be re-reading a book titled "Drama of the Gifted Child" by Alice Miller. (This book is still recommended by many therapists for those who were raised by disordered parents.)

Note: the following excerpt was written in 1984.

Miller's prediction of what could happen (if we stay with illusion) starts in the 2nd paragraph.

(Link to full book at end)


"In 1613, when Galileo Galilei presented mathematical proof for the

Copernican theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the

opposite, it was labeled "false and absurd" by the Church. Galileo was

forced to recant, and, perhaps as a result, subsequently became blind. Not

until three hundred years later did the Church finally decide to give up its

illusion and remove his writings from the Index.

Now we find ourselves in a situation similar to that of the Church in

Galileo's time, but for us today much more hangs in the balance. Whether

we decide for truth or illusion will have far more serious consequences for

the survival of humanity than was the case in the seventeenth century. For

some years now, there has been evidence that the devastating effects of the

traumatization of children take their toll on society, leading to inconceivable

violence in society and to the repetition of child abuse in the next

generation-a phenomenon that we are still forbidden to recognize. This

knowledge concerns every single one of us and-if disseminated widely

enough-should lead to fundamental changes in society, above all to a halt

in the blind escalation of violence. The following points are intended to

amplify my meaning:

1. All children are born to grow, to develop, to live, to love, and to

articulate their needs and feelings for their self-protection.

2. For their development, children need the respect and protection

of adults who take them seriously, love them, and honestly help them to

become oriented in the world.

3. When these vital needs are frustrated and children are, instead,

abused for the sake of adults' needs by being exploited, beaten, punished,

taken advantage of, manipulated, neglected, or deceived without the inter-

vention of any witness, then their integrity will be lastingly impaired.

4. The normal reactions to such injury should be anger and pain;

since children in this hurtful kind of environment, however, are forbidden

to express their anger and since it would be unbearable to experience their

pain all alone, they are compelled to suppress their feelings, repress all

memory of the trauma, and idealize those guilty of the abuse. Later they

will have no memory of what was done to them.

5. Disassociated from the original cause, their feelings of anger,

helplessness, despair, longing, anxiety, and pain will find expression in

destructive acts against others (criminal behavior, mass murder) or against

themselves (drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, psychic disorders,


6. If these people become parents........."


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This choked me up and perfectly encapsulated why I have chosen to forgo parenthood.

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I read his book .. it was eye opening to say the least

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Recommended read?!

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I’m taking about 180 degrees by F. Greenwood

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He's got it wrong on Pearl Harbour - it wasn't a false flag per se it was a complete psyop. See my comment: https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/hiroshima-revisited/comment/59737321

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I will .. I never heard that 😬

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Michael's book is a fantastic document exposing the nuclear bomb fraud. There are additional angles beyond those he points out and there are quite a few others who've presented material on the subject. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence in my view is simply that the destruction profiles of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are identical to that of Tokyo which was an acknowledged fire-bombing.

H&N - https://youtu.be/HoJ1V9lG0xI

Tokyo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1_W4OXD0zY

For more: https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/nuclear-weapons-hoax.html

I very much doubt that the Soviet Union was taken in by the fraud or that the US thought they would be fooled because the Soviets would surely have spies telling them and if not work it out for themselves ... and, of course, all the powers now are in on the fraud together, including pretty hilariously, North Korea.

Re Pearl Harbour: "The death and destruction that happened on that day, and who perpetrated it, is not under dispute."

While the destruction is not under dispute the death most certainly is. Just like with 9/11 and every other so-called "false flag" it is most important to consider that primarily these events are all about MIND CONTROL using smoke'n'mirrors, they are not about doing things for real unless they are wanted for real - they didn't want to kill people for real they only wanted us to BELIEVE in their deaths." I'm currently writing - very lackadaisically - a post, "Are false flags a thing? Or are false flag narratives simply the propaganda streams targeted to the 10% disbeliever profile so we're all duped, believers and disbelievers alike?"


It is fascinating to ponder the deal going on between the US and Japan with both the alleged atomic bombing and the alleged bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan. What kind of deal went on? Scipio Eruditis points out some interesting information on the Japan/US Freemason connection in the third part of his series on the alleged atomic bomb - https://dfreality.substack.com/p/the-coincidence-zone-atomic-edition-1ec. Also, Shinzo Abe's death was obviously staged - https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/japans-regret

I've banished the term false flag from my vocabulary because to me false flags are just psyops with two main propaganda streams - one aimed for the anticipated believers and one for the anticipated disbelievers.

9/11 was just a massive demolition job and what happens in demolition jobs? They FULLY evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas prior to demolition. They don't partly evacuate them, they FULLY evacuate them and there is every reason to believe that standard demolition protocols were followed on the day ... just like every other day in history. The jumpers, the "miracle survivors", the "loved ones", etc - all staged. Many of the alleged dead are simply made-up people while real people would have been treated similarly to those in Witness Protection Programs ... and if you ran into someone who you knew was supposed to have died what would you do about it? Report them to the police or media?


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Thanks for this comment with links Petra!!! Very helpful ❤️

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My cuz is on same page as you 🙏

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I was literally just discussing this topic with a fellow gardener yesterday. Seems like we're on the same wavelength Unbekoming!

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More good stuff on the nukes hoax here:-


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Histologic review of breast cancer cases in survivors of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan


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Ophthalmologic survey of atomic bomb survivors in Japan, 1949. Atomic bomb radiation cataract case report with histopathologic study. Medical examination of Hiroshima patients with radiation cataracts (in Japanese and English)


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Statistical analysis of longitudinal growth data on adolescents exposed in utero to the atomic bombs, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Final report, January 1, 1971--February 29, 1972


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It’s become fashionable to decide we’re living in the Matrix, where nothing is as it seems. Well, of course there’s always more to a story, but you only know what they thought and what they felt when you were there. You can only convey the fear, the loss, the sacrifice when you were There first Hand. A good historian remembers who was affected, what their perspective was, what the beliefs were at the time. I see this book as part of the effort to demean the United States, ( just like Obama did ), to untether us from our common past and destroy our future.

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We don't live in the matrix. That's a childish fantasy that has the advantage of letting every single person off the hook of personal responsibility since NOTHING is real. EVERYTHING is an illusion and who can be responsible for what they do in the context of illusion?

It's a famous defense criminals have used to success when they plead they were not responsible for their actions due to the illusion created in their minds while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The only difference now being the influence creating impairment that leads to releasing one from personal responsibility is the illusion of psyops manufactured by governments or other shady "drug dealers" on the internet.

People actually die in wars and false flags. Because something is a false flag does not mean no one was harmed.

Whether an atomic bomb or some other mighty weapon of war was used to murder hundreds of thousands of civilians in Japan is of little interest to me. The result is the same. Just as I don't care if someone is murdered with a shotgun or an AK-47. A steak knife or a machete. To argue these points is to lose sight of the humanity and suffering in the argument over weaponry.

What is not "real" is the AI generated art you use. Though I realize nothing is pure. We can try to hold to what is inherently human and that is why I object to this computer generated imagery being used and obliterating the human. Next we'll all be marrying robots and embracing robot babies claiming "it's the same thing."

Perhaps this channel is not real. If we are to integrate the matrix into our minds, then why would I think otherwise of you or anyone else who is nothing more than keystrokes in my world?

This is godlessness to it's core. One of many varied encroachments of evil and is the antithesis of what it means to be human.

Like empathy for the real suffering of others and ourselves and art made by human beings with blood running in their veins.

I'm weary of this. Obviously, there are two roads and the divergence of these roads is becoming wider by the day. I say, fine, live in fantasies. I'm sure unicorns are a lot more fun than I am.

God Bless.

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People die in wars and in the case of Japan many more people would have died by conventional bombing than the alleged atomic bombs although - in reality - it was all conventional bombing. This is an interesting video pointing out the massive bombing of the rest of Japan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRyt2vJraic

I don't know whether anyone dies in a "false flag" though. I haven't seen one where there's any convincing sign that anyone died, only clear signs of fakery. I think "false flag" is a propaganda term for the anticipated disbelievers of the story so they also get it wrong.

Psyops are about making us believe things that aren't true so unless they WANT to kill people there's no reason to - killing people when they don't want to makes no sense for a psyop, it's against psyop principles in fact. They're killing people now by the thousands, millions? but that's surely only because they want to kill them. I really don't understand it, I can't really buy the depopulation agenda but it's not accidental or simply collateral damage. Makes no sense to me.

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They don't care if people die in false flags. It would take a lot of effort to organize a false flag like 911 where everyone was safely elsewhere when the event occurred and that would be very difficult to keep secret over the long haul with so many varied kinds of people (civilians) that would have been kept from the buildings on that day in such numbers. It would have involved people and logistics within corporations to notify and prevent their large staffs of employees from going to work that day.

It would be much simpler to kill them and safer for the perps. Why the perps would go to such extremes to "save lives" of people they have no connection to or regard for is mind boggling to me, but to each his or her own.,

I'm not saying some weren't warned. I'm saying they don't care if some are murdered. I've seen this kind of thing on a small scale and most times it's desirable to insure the success of the false flag if people do die.

We are seeing this right now with the injections and the false flag of covid. Millions are not dying by accident. The numbers confirm and details of many effects repeated in many victims of the injections confirm this. They simply don't care.

I agree sometimes it's likely no victims are murdered, but that would vary according to the most likely success of the plan.

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People are being killed now because they WANT to kill them, however, for 9/11 and other events that are referred to as “false flags” they don’t kill them.

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me “they don’t care about the people” …

Of course, I’d never argue in a million years that they didn’t kill people because they cared about them. That is sooooooo not the reason as we see so clearly now. They don’t kill them primarily for two reasons:

—- They really love - absolutely adore and get such a kick out of - controlling our minds. Psyops are are all about MIND CONTROL. If they kill people for real, where’s the mind control? There isn’t any.

—- It’s often not practicable to kill the people for real considering the people they need to involve. Sure, they can propagandise and coerce tens of thousands of health professionals to inject people with jabs whose ill-effects extend way, way beyond merely “harmful” on the back of centuries of fraudulent science but you can’t propagandise demolition professionals to leave people behind in buildings … especially not for a terror story where only belief in their deaths is desired … not the reality. And they obviously involved a lot more people than just the demolition professionals - we see clear evidence of media personnel knowing exactly what was going on.

In the film that first woke me up to how power rules us, JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, the filmmaker says “All terror is fake”. It seemed a big call at the time … but now I see it’s true. Terror is not about doing things for real, it’s all smoke’n’mirrors make believe.

From my post which I invite you to read:


What is standard practice in demolitions?

Standard practice is to FULLY evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas, not partly evacuate them.

Disbelievers mock the notion that high rise steel frame buildings came down by fire on the only day in history on 9/11. However, how about the notion that on the only day in history, demolition crews agreed to leave people in buildings and surrounding areas for the sake of a terror story … when the evidence clearly shows that people don’t need to be killed in order that we believe they were?

We’re told that Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI), a company proud of its four world records in large building demolition projects - three occurring in the three years before 9/11, https://www.controlled-demolition.com/explosives-demolition/projects/villa-panamericana-las-orquideas/, Puerto Rico (1998), https://www.controlled-demolition.com/explosives-demolition/projects/jl-hudson-department-store/, Chicago (1998) and the https://www.controlled-demolition.com/explosives-demolition/projects/the-seattle-kingdome/ (2000) - and its safety culture https://www.controlled-demolition.com/about-us-explosives-controlled-demolition-implosion/safety/, presented a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Demolition,_Inc. after the fateful day (note we’re told 11 days https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14utv0/911_was_an_occult_megaritual_the_numbers_of_the_4/, not the date). You don’t think CDI might have played a major role in the demolitions themselves, do you?

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I love how people two generations from the fact think they know anything. Keep moving those puzzle pieces around and you’ll come up with more nonsense.

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So do you contend that revisiting history and corrections to it are impossible?

The comment about people "two generations from the fact" thinking they know anything baffles. Do you contend that none of us can know (probalistically) anything other than what has been reported or crafted about historical events by those at the time of those events? Even if it can proven now to be false or impossible?

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It is a complete fallacy to think you need to be somewhere to know something better than someone who wasn't. People can be right there and believe the propaganda right under their noses while people four centuries later can look at the information and work out the truth better than those who were there at the time.

I was a witness to a police arrest, standing 2 metres away from the person who was arrested. It was only later when I watched this person talking on the internet that I realised she was an agent provocateur and her arrest was staged.

Working out the truth isn't about "being there" - it's about having certain required knowledge to make sense of things to be able to put the pieces together intelligently.

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So we’ll just keep listening & following those in charge 😂😂😂

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Thank you. The depth of conspiracy and lies seems at times unfathomable... The veil has certainly been drawn to expose the 'evil elite' and their long-game shenanigans.

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