People are being killed now because they WANT to kill them, however, for 9/11 and other events that are referred to as “false flags” they don’t kill them.
If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me “they don’t care about the people” …
Of course, I’d never argue in a million years that they didn’t kill people because they cared abo…
People are being killed now because they WANT to kill them, however, for 9/11 and other events that are referred to as “false flags” they don’t kill them.
If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me “they don’t care about the people” …
Of course, I’d never argue in a million years that they didn’t kill people because they cared about them. That is sooooooo not the reason as we see so clearly now. They don’t kill them primarily for two reasons:
—- They really love - absolutely adore and get such a kick out of - controlling our minds. Psyops are are all about MIND CONTROL. If they kill people for real, where’s the mind control? There isn’t any.
—- It’s often not practicable to kill the people for real considering the people they need to involve. Sure, they can propagandise and coerce tens of thousands of health professionals to inject people with jabs whose ill-effects extend way, way beyond merely “harmful” on the back of centuries of fraudulent science but you can’t propagandise demolition professionals to leave people behind in buildings … especially not for a terror story where only belief in their deaths is desired … not the reality. And they obviously involved a lot more people than just the demolition professionals - we see clear evidence of media personnel knowing exactly what was going on.
In the film that first woke me up to how power rules us, JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, the filmmaker says “All terror is fake”. It seemed a big call at the time … but now I see it’s true. Terror is not about doing things for real, it’s all smoke’n’mirrors make believe.
Standard practice is to FULLY evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas, not partly evacuate them.
Disbelievers mock the notion that high rise steel frame buildings came down by fire on the only day in history on 9/11. However, how about the notion that on the only day in history, demolition crews agreed to leave people in buildings and surrounding areas for the sake of a terror story … when the evidence clearly shows that people don’t need to be killed in order that we believe they were?
People are being killed now because they WANT to kill them, however, for 9/11 and other events that are referred to as “false flags” they don’t kill them.
If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me “they don’t care about the people” …
Of course, I’d never argue in a million years that they didn’t kill people because they cared about them. That is sooooooo not the reason as we see so clearly now. They don’t kill them primarily for two reasons:
—- They really love - absolutely adore and get such a kick out of - controlling our minds. Psyops are are all about MIND CONTROL. If they kill people for real, where’s the mind control? There isn’t any.
—- It’s often not practicable to kill the people for real considering the people they need to involve. Sure, they can propagandise and coerce tens of thousands of health professionals to inject people with jabs whose ill-effects extend way, way beyond merely “harmful” on the back of centuries of fraudulent science but you can’t propagandise demolition professionals to leave people behind in buildings … especially not for a terror story where only belief in their deaths is desired … not the reality. And they obviously involved a lot more people than just the demolition professionals - we see clear evidence of media personnel knowing exactly what was going on.
In the film that first woke me up to how power rules us, JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, the filmmaker says “All terror is fake”. It seemed a big call at the time … but now I see it’s true. Terror is not about doing things for real, it’s all smoke’n’mirrors make believe.
From my post which I invite you to read:
What is standard practice in demolitions?
Standard practice is to FULLY evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas, not partly evacuate them.
Disbelievers mock the notion that high rise steel frame buildings came down by fire on the only day in history on 9/11. However, how about the notion that on the only day in history, demolition crews agreed to leave people in buildings and surrounding areas for the sake of a terror story … when the evidence clearly shows that people don’t need to be killed in order that we believe they were?
We’re told that Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI), a company proud of its four world records in large building demolition projects - three occurring in the three years before 9/11,, Puerto Rico (1998),, Chicago (1998) and the (2000) - and its safety culture, presented a,_Inc. after the fateful day (note we’re told 11 days, not the date). You don’t think CDI might have played a major role in the demolitions themselves, do you?