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Michael's book is a fantastic document exposing the nuclear bomb fraud. There are additional angles beyond those he points out and there are quite a few others who've presented material on the subject. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence in my view is simply that the destruction profiles of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are identical to that of Tokyo which was an acknowledged fire-bombing.

H&N - https://youtu.be/HoJ1V9lG0xI

Tokyo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1_W4OXD0zY

For more: https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/nuclear-weapons-hoax.html

I very much doubt that the Soviet Union was taken in by the fraud or that the US thought they would be fooled because the Soviets would surely have spies telling them and if not work it out for themselves ... and, of course, all the powers now are in on the fraud together, including pretty hilariously, North Korea.

Re Pearl Harbour: "The death and destruction that happened on that day, and who perpetrated it, is not under dispute."

While the destruction is not under dispute the death most certainly is. Just like with 9/11 and every other so-called "false flag" it is most important to consider that primarily these events are all about MIND CONTROL using smoke'n'mirrors, they are not about doing things for real unless they are wanted for real - they didn't want to kill people for real they only wanted us to BELIEVE in their deaths." I'm currently writing - very lackadaisically - a post, "Are false flags a thing? Or are false flag narratives simply the propaganda streams targeted to the 10% disbeliever profile so we're all duped, believers and disbelievers alike?"


It is fascinating to ponder the deal going on between the US and Japan with both the alleged atomic bombing and the alleged bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan. What kind of deal went on? Scipio Eruditis points out some interesting information on the Japan/US Freemason connection in the third part of his series on the alleged atomic bomb - https://dfreality.substack.com/p/the-coincidence-zone-atomic-edition-1ec. Also, Shinzo Abe's death was obviously staged - https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/japans-regret

I've banished the term false flag from my vocabulary because to me false flags are just psyops with two main propaganda streams - one aimed for the anticipated believers and one for the anticipated disbelievers.

9/11 was just a massive demolition job and what happens in demolition jobs? They FULLY evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas prior to demolition. They don't partly evacuate them, they FULLY evacuate them and there is every reason to believe that standard demolition protocols were followed on the day ... just like every other day in history. The jumpers, the "miracle survivors", the "loved ones", etc - all staged. Many of the alleged dead are simply made-up people while real people would have been treated similarly to those in Witness Protection Programs ... and if you ran into someone who you knew was supposed to have died what would you do about it? Report them to the police or media?


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Thanks for this comment with links Petra!!! Very helpful ❤️

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My cuz is on same page as you 🙏

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