4 Insights into COVID/Global Death in 2020
Reflections on my email to a friend in June 2020 (Australia) - 6 July 2021
A close friend of mine sent me a graphic that was viral at the time, in June 2020, showing how COVID was the leading cause of death. After staring at it for a couple of minutes I wrote him the following email…he never replied.
On rereading the email today, it holds up.
Hi Mate
Interesting, but it’s really just part of the COVID narrative propaganda designed to support the idea that COVID was worth breaking the global economy over.
The goal of the graphic is to end up with COVID on the top of the list.
It was troubling me, and I couldn’t initially figure out why, then I realised that the total death number of 1,748,949 by 24 May 20 didn’t make sense.
The total global death count is 57,000,000 pa1, which translates into 156,000 per day which means that by 24 May 20 there were 22,500,000 deaths this year (actually is 26,800,000 so far2 to 15 June 20…NOT 1,750,000!
This is what the total death graph really looks like (by risk factor):
And this is what it looks like by cause:
So far there are 435,000 COVID deaths3 (which is an exaggeration based on the with/off dynamic, but let’s stick with it).
1. Malaria
But let’s go back to the initial graphic and look at Malaria.
It says that the Malaria death count is 256,000 by 24 May 20, no. 2 on the list, and about 90,000 deaths behind COVID.
Total Malaria deaths in 2018 were 405,0004.
93% of cases were in Africa (94% of deaths were in Africa).
Children under 5 made up 67% of all deaths (271,000) and then pregnant women…compare this to 80-year old’s with co-morbidities that live in developed countries.
$2.7B was invested in 2018 globally in Malaria control (reduced from $3.2B in 2017)…literally a drop in the bucket and rounding error on global finances.
The disgusting irony is that Malaria can be eliminated, many countries are “certified” as Malaria free. And the cost of eliminating it is nothing, $2 nets5 save lives.
It seems that for every 1,000 nets (the range is 100-1000 but let’s take the highest) one child doesn’t die.
So, using some primary school maths that means 271,000 children (mainly Africans) could have been saved for about $2,000 per child…or an additional $542M (not even a billion).
“We” broke the world because “we” have lost our ability to think forcefully and clearly in the midst of overwhelming ideological forces and tension.
Anyway, I had a feeling that graphic was bullshit, and this helped me flesh out why…
Notes from today 6 July 2021
2. “Diet low in nuts and seeds”
COVID related death for 2020 was c. 2m (1.9m to be precise).
We can use that number for the whole of 2020 because we now know that Cov-Sar-2 was already swirling the planet in 2019, so the full calendar year count of 2m is reasonable.
On that basis as a risk factor, it puts it level globally with “Diet low in nuts and seeds”.
And as a Cause of Death, it is just above “Neonatal disorders”.
3. CDC 5%
But we know that the 2m number is BS.
So, we go to the CDC, in this next link, scroll down to the section that says Comorbidities and other conditions, you will find this update:
Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups.
For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health
So, according to the CDC, in only 5% of deaths was COVID the only cause.
This would place it at 100,000 global deaths. At this level it sits below “Fire” as a cause of death.
But, let’s be generous and say that 20% of deaths were primarily due to COVID, that leaves us with 400,000 deaths globally, on par with “Homicide”, and earlier mentioned Malaria.
Whichever way you want to come at the numbers, you do not end up with a justification to lockdown and destroy society.
If you do, there is something wrong with your critical thinking and/or your values.
4. 2020 Global Excess Death + Volatility
There is no reliable number for total global death in 2020. It is being suppressed. If you find a credible number, let me know.
But, at some point someone is going to credibly collate the number and what it will tell us is that the total global death tally will be approximately the same as 2019. If there is an increase, it will be within the normal range of normal death “volatility”. The number bounces around each year, those small changes are the volatility I am referring to.
What we already know is that the Flu virtually vanished from the planet as a cause of death in 2020. Reasons are not clear to me. There are many conspiracy theories, but I don’t buy them, I think there is a medical reason, it might be what’s called “viral interference” but I don’t know. Bottom line, it doesn’t matter, people that would have died of the Flu have either actually died of COVID or had their Flu-like death attributed to COVID.
Add to that the sharp decline in deaths attributed to cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases and pneumonia that have been categorised as COVID deaths, and you in the main have a “replacement” of numbers rather than an “addition” of deaths.
So, at some point we will know that 2020 deaths were about the same as 2019 deaths.
No pandemic.
Global death: https://ourworldindata.org/births-and-deaths
Worldometer: https://www.worldometers.info/
COVID Deaths: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?