Wow - thanks for this! The Vitamin K shot was the one shot that our pediatrician required and that was the only shot they got. Everything else was not taken.

But seeing that there’s also a negative effect there, I’ll be looking more into this, so that’s for that.

PS: I made this comment on Sasha’s page yesterday as it’s a very similar topic so sharing here to provide value to this piece:

“To add more to the child vaccine commentary, surprisingly, here’s some info from Meta AI when I asked it about a study I recall seeing years ago:

“There's a pilot study comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children in the United States, specifically looking at allergies and other health outcomes. The study, conducted by Mawson et al. in 2017, found that vaccinated children were more likely to have allergies and other health issues compared to unvaccinated children ¹.

The study surveyed over 400 children aged 6-12 and found that vaccinated children were more likely to have:

•⁠ ⁠Allergies: 22.2% of vaccinated children had allergies, compared to 6.3% of unvaccinated children

•⁠ ⁠Eczema: 9.5% of vaccinated children had eczema, compared to 3.6% of unvaccinated children

•⁠ ⁠Learning disabilities: 5.6% of vaccinated children had learning disabilities, compared to 1.2% of unvaccinated children”

It’s funny that RFK Jr’s own CHD shows the danger of vaccines, but he wants to “make Americans trust vaccines again” (Thanks Peggy Hall for shedding light on this)

It definitely sounds good and we all agree with “making America healthier again,” but as I just called out in my newest article, it’s up to US not THEM to change the country for the better: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-the-democrats-are-destroying

Link to the study: https://www.oatext.com/Pilot-comparative-study-on-the-health-of-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-6-to-12-year-old-U-S-children.php”

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Can you please point to exactly where is RFK Jr saying that he wants to make Americans to trust vaccines again? And if he indeed did say that, when was that? As far as I can tell over the years he's stance on vaccines changed substantially.

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That's because of the flu vaccine damaging his vocal cords. He admitted to that. Now he's up against a highly controversial vaccine he knows was never a vaccine that's killing millions. He has to show some allegiance to the cartel or risk being destroyed. So he uses the "theory" of vaccines being safe, but others need more research. He's playing the game telling half truths.

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It’s an argument tactic he uses. Siri and Bigtree at ICAN have come under fire for similar ploys. What they’re driving at is that if we honestly look for safety and demand proof, the whole house of cards collapses. And who could be opposed to an honest look?

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The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

Lost in the fog of history is the fact that one year before the 1986 Vaccine Act was passed Pharma Cos. were pulling out of the vaxx industry (through the 70's-80's) due to costs of litigation/fines. Pharmaceutical companies were being inundated with lawsuits for injuries that would soon bankrupt them.

For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing $20 to injury lawsuits. The 1986 law was enacted because there was only one manufacturer left for each of the only three routine vaccines at that time, and the harms they caused created financial liability exceeding their revenue.

Even as all vaccines are toxic it is no longer the case when you are receiving a single vaccine you are receiving a single vaccine. Multivalent vaccines are the norm so when someone gets 3 shots e.g. they are receiving well beyond 3 antigens. The number varies depending on shots given.

This was done so that Pharma could get all their 90 or so antigens on the schedule from birth to 18 without having to have the kids marched into the pediatricians for each and every one. This was an intentional tactic done in part to manage the situation where parents did not want to keep bringing their kids in with the increasing number of shots as it is such an unpleasant experience.

Of course there are exactly zero studies ever done that examine the combinative and synergistic impacts of these multivalent witches brew and I'd say that such a study is quite impossible to do.

Of course the Pharma hubris and their wholly owned media subsidiaries label all of this madness as 'safe and effective'.

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the vitamin k shot is a perfect analogy to what we have been going through with covid shots vs. putting medicine in the nose or mouth. You can purchase rapid absorption k1 in a bio emulsion tincture form cheap. If the k1 is important, the baby can be given a few drops orally of k1 blended into sesame oil. It would be easy to do a study to see how many drops are needed for desired levels to be achieved. The high end tincture with the rapid absorption is $35 a bottle instead of $22 for the ones they would be willing to test that don't work rapidly . I think this is a good ground to stand on in the battles with the hospital. Instead of allowing the hospital to frame you as a bad parent refusing the k injection, people could insist on the oral form. I'm not sure of the importance of vitamin k early, but we need to redirect them away from injections when other methods of delivery are correct. I am pretty sure that a few drops of k1 orally are not going to be harmful and we can reframe the argument from people who are "refusing the science" to people who demand a safe method of delivery for the medicines they take. It would be good to explain ahead of time that you will be using the oral form. This forces the hospital to admit that their desire to inject is more important than k1, and allows the parent to say "I agree that k1 is important, I have researched this and purchased the best form available orally, I will be happy to review your advice on oral administration." Let us not assume that there is no value to small amounts of this vitamin administered orally the first couple days of life just because the injection is obviously bad and should not be given. This approach is important because we need to establish the right to avoid injections whenever possible since there is almost always a better path.

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Hospital births are often very violent for the baby, and can produce internal bleeding. The K-shot can help cover up these injuries. Additionally, when they manage to produce a case of autism (or other vaccine injuries) via the aluminum adjuvant in the K-shot, then pharma can obtusely claim "See there? An 'unvaccinated' kid has autism, so therefore vaccines cannot possibly cause autism." ;-) That's their version of "science."

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Clearly and undeniable, a program of eugenics. What else could it possibly be...

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I agree but what a weird program. Does it select for people with better detox pathways? Better glutathione production and recycling? Higher birth weights? More resilient and self-correcting immune systems? Or is just a shotgun blast into the face of humanity? I get that many people know, while most don’t, and that that can protect the coastal classes and the insiders while they cull the hoi polloi… but they aren’t killing enough of us.

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Finally, great exposure to the mass culling, thank you.

And let's not forget the well baby vi$it$, trick...nothing to do with health or wellness.

and schools mandatory policies, nasty, evil, scam.

It's not possible to research childhood vaccines in earnest and come out the other side pro-vaccine...IMPOSSIBLE!

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Great post, and I will share around...

Unfortunately, most of my vaxxed friends will never read it.

That's simply the way it is, very difficult to admit you've been duped.

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As a social scientist, I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement: "The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept". - Bob Moran

Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.

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“Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains.”

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Great post, and I will share around...

Unfortunately, most of my vaxxed friends will never read it.

That's simply the way it is, very difficult to admit you've been duped.

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Share it anyway. No blood on your hands. You made an effort to warn them.

Godspeed, Joy

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The only thing one can do is rage against it. We can rebuild whatever they destroy. This health freedom movement is slowly but surely discovering the way. God and nature, and the unstoppable human spirit, will prevail, and these deterministic demons will be exposed for the disembodied and ungodly fools they’ve always been. Quite a few have flown over the vaccinators’ nest. Some of us have been working for decades to fix the damage inside ourselves, and we have successfully done so. Soldiers arrayed on the spiritual plane. This has only just begun.

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This is Stellar coverage of this imperative issue, crisp and clear, easy to understand, and it truly gets the points across.

God bless you for covering this!


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This is Stellar coverage of this imperative issue, crisp and clear, easy to understand, and it truly gets the points across.

God bless you for covering this!


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Thank you.

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I never heard of the vitamin K shot but do take a vitamin k2 +D3 supplement. Is that in any way a risk to health?

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K1 is natural, K2 synthetic. Dr Noack has video on Bitchute re K2 warning of carcenogicity which is injected. We are told to take K2 with D3 so it would be good to find out. Noack said it was one component, in the mix, which exceeded a full grown woman's daily limit, and they are injecting over this amount straight after delivery!

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Yes. And parents who refuse it are threatened with CPS taking their child. About 25 years ago they started this K-shot at birth crap at the behest of big pharma. This was also when "jaundice" (yellow baby) suddenly became a common and EXPECTED thing for newborns. It is caused by the k-shot, which causes overly viscous (thickened) blood, liver damage, and for some unlucky babies, gangrene and amputations of their extremities, i.e., fingers/toes, and even hands or feet.

If one were to notice an adult turning yellow/orange, they would be immediately diagnosed with liver failure and treated for it ASAP, as it's deadly. Jaundice is always a clear indication the liver is failing. But obvious symptoms of liver failure are now so "common" for babies, (due to the fact over 99% of them are injected with the K-shot) that parents are told "no problem here" and "all babies have this."

I had two homebirths and no jabs of any sort. Neither of my babies ever turned yellow. They were pink and perfect.

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The vitamin K shot is administered to newborns.

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