DREs (digital rectal exams, for those who haven't endured this indignity) are nearly as worthless as colonoscopies. The difference being that learning that you have an enlarged prostate at least tells you why you are peeing more often and having to get up multiple times during the night. Most of what they learn from a colonoscopy they could have told you just based upon your symptoms. But then they don't get paid for each often benign polyp they find...

We have too many friends who have gone the radical prostatectomy route, despite my wife having been during the 90s unofficially dubbed as the "prostate queen of Seattle." They trust their doc, and figure she would only confirm what he advised. So yeah, they're now in that growing cohort of men with adult diapers and erectile dysfunction, when the likelihood is that the cancer would have been slow growing. Most hadn't progressed to the point of having difficulty peeing, which is when it often becomes necessary to do SOMETHING. Just not necessarily a roto-rooter job on the crown jewels.

Her title stemmed from her being the nurse of Dr. John Blasko, who helped pioneer the use of radioactive seed implantation to shrink prostate tumors. His father had died of prostate cancer, so he was on a mission to find a better way to deal with it. Unfortunately, one of the few pots of money available for research comes with the string attached that part of the solution has to include radium. So, he couldn't search for the best solution, only the best solution based upon that insane constraint.

His treatment was superior to blasting the tumor and surrounding tissue with external beam radiation, and had fewer side effects than surgical intervention. But all ANY radiation does is potentially reduce tumor size - it does nothing to stop the disease. That's useful when a cancer has grown to the point of impeding the functioning of an organ and thus being a threat to survival, but it hardly justifies effectively being REQUIRED by standard of care, as part of the barbaric cancer triad of burn, cut and poison.

I haven't done a deep dive on this issue, because the people I've known with it simply won't talk about it.

And they trust that their physicians know more than I ever could. But, if I ever develop prostate cancer, the two things I would try, to at least deal with the difficulty of peeing issue, are oral vitamin C and DMSO applied directly to the penis. Both can help improve urine flow. C presumably by reducing inflammation, and DMSO by the many magical properties that it has.

Virtually all of the allopathic cancer industry is a scam. And the few effective treatments that they offer are done in a way to squeeze every penny out of you.

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First alternative I would seek is fenbendazole. Many success stories using the Joe Tippens protocol. See fenbendazole.org for complete information. You have to be your own advocate as the medical mafia only sees personal health as a continuing revenue stream. Captured regulatory agencies and pharma-produced and corrupted research has trashed the medical establishment. Not much

Prestige honestly when you look under the hood. There are good docs out there but they are increasingly hard to find in these times.

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What is DMSO? Thanks for your article.

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Dimethyl sulphoxide. You should find A Midwestern Doctor's substack and search for his DMSO posts. He covers the history and uses in great detail. A year and a half ago our dog was circling the drain due to increasingly frequent TIAs (mini-strokes). DMSO stopped one in seconds. We rub a small amount on her belly every day and she hasn't had a TIA since.

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I read somewhere (I do have the info) that survival rates of cancer, doing absolutely nothing was historically 12 years. Playing with my kids one day, I twirled around and stepped off a low platform deck, just the right way, and broke my foot. Went to hospital by ambulance cause I could not walk. X-rays taken of both feet naturally for comparison, and was told nothing was broken, just a bad sprain. Got a boot and off I went. Black & blue covered my entire foot up my leg with each passing day. Saw an ortho weeks later who refitted my broken foot to pain I had never experienced. Same thing, only worse, happened to my mother who had her broken arm cast, bones in the wrong direction, who had to have her arm rebroken and set again.

Broken bones, on an x-ray, and no doctor could see that? WTF!! If a doctor cannot see a broken bone, why in heavens name, would I ever believe a cancer diagnosis, a Lyme disease diagnosis, a Fibromyalgia or any other algia, itis diagnosis. I am a candidate for every possible screening out there. The doctor who told me that is no longer my doctor. I ran out of there like the building was on fire. I simply do not want to know or be part of their never ending scamming.

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I was quite excited that after starting Healthy Cell supplements my PSA levels plunged. False enthusiasm I guess.

Is anything NOT a scam????? I will stay on track with supporting cell and gut health and stay away from traditional doctors.

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Third leading cause of premature death in the US is visiting doctors and checking into hospitals!

For prostate issues start by making sure you have sufficient IODINE in your diet!

The Japanese have far fewer issues with the prostate and their intake of iodine through their seafood and seaweed diet is about 15 mg per day, far more than the average US male gets!

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My thought exactly. What ISN'T a scam. If they're going to lop off women's breasts why wouldn't they do the same to men? Of course they would.

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An extremely respectable description of the situation, providing significant details that are hardly known by the public.

Compartmentalized "Madicine" (sic!) turns "doctors" into Agents of Evil:


They are often nothing more than hired killers:


"Cancer" is a collective noun for a number of conditions. "Immunotherapy" is also a new name for chemo (because chemo has finally acquired a bad name even among lay people). Anyway, even the ideas of the "immune functions" and "immune responses" are embarrassingly contradictory, because they fail to emerge in a "madical" paradigm that actually works. Here is my idea of one (badly needing further development):


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Diagnostic failure is a leading cause of death. Only "treatments" and "madications" (sic!) are worse:


And the business of invented illnesses (to cover up industrial poisoning) is thriving:


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“And the business of invented illnesses (to cover up industrial poisoning) is thriving:”


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This article is a must read for older men. The “prostate grift” is real, and too many men get talked into horrifying procedures by their urologist. My father got talked into a TURPs procedure, which is basically burning out the tissue blocking the urethra. He spent the rest of his years in diapers.

I personally avoided the high PSA scam 15 years ago. Fortunately, I had a holistic MD who walked me through the PSA issue, and also told me any other physician would insist on a needle biopsy. I used alternative means to mitigate my condition.

Watch out for the needle biopsy. It’s not benign, and very invasive, regardless of what the doctor says. Worse, there’s anecdotal evidence they can be dangerous if you do have cancer, because the needle punctures the prostate membrane and cells often escape into the surrounding areas. This happened to a friend who had a cancer diagnosis and was doing fine for a year until they insisted on the needle biopsy. Within weeks, cancer spread to the lower spine, and my friend passed within 8 weeks. He told me he wished he’d never got the biopsy.

If anyone is in this situation, learn about your options and thoroughly interrogate your oncologist over each test, what information they claim to gain, and if that really affects the treatment. Doctors always claim more tests are better. Don’t believe that at face value. Make them tell you the risks of the tests and treatments, and their PERSONAL success and mortality rates. Get another opinion from another doctor not in the same hospital group. Don’t be afraid to seek alternatives, even though the oncologist will scream you’re putting your life in danger. Ignore their vitriol. Be your own advocate.

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My neighbour died of this. He was a lovely orderly gentlemen. Somehow I’ve always had that thought that in the most likely diagnosis of major illnesses that actual diagnosis give the person the cancer. But I did not realised how many must be suffering in silence also. Very sad.

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I have heard so many people regret the needle biopsy. Including people dying from ongoing terrible infections. I had a massively swollen prostate. Had an MRI. No needle biopsy. I have had a TURP. As have many of my friends. It has been great for me and my friends. But I was at the point of not being able to pee whatsoever. Something had to be done.

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Thanks for posting this Ray. As you know, i'm with you on the YUGE fraud of our Madical system and it's attendant butcheries. I should have known this one was another bloody scam.

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Thank You For The Information.

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This is OT (Off Topic), but this interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf is worth paying attention to if you wonder about and/or are concerned about the long-term consequences -- medical, political, social -- of the Covid jab:


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Thx for the link. I’m more inclined to lean on the latypova/bailiwick theory of DOD as the oz behind the curtain. The Chinese threat seems like classic diversion tactic employed by gatekeepers. I’m not sure having an intel husband is a net gain given that cabals demonstration of integrity during the Russian collusion hoax.

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First let me say that I realize what the government and the medical community has done regarding the C19 Epidemic and the poisonous Jonestown Jabs that were forced on us thanks to the great work of people like Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, Sasha Latypova, and so many others around the World. Confidence in the medical establishment is at an all time low.

However, I disagree with most of this generalized article which attempts to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Screening for and treating prostate cancer is a rapidly evolving science. Instead of believing the generalized fear porn in this article, which BTW has very few relevant scientific references, one can review resources like the "Prostate Cancer Research Institue" Youtube site hosted by Dr. Mark Scholz (it's free) and decide for yourself.

I've watched 2 good friends in their 50's die long and painful deaths from prostate cancer. Neither had annual screening using the PSA test. If they had chosen to use the simple PSA test, they would be here today with most likely many years left to enjoy retirement and grandkids.

I was diagnosed with Gleason grade 6 prostate cancer in 2022 and chose photon radiation. Everything went as planned and I am now cancer free.

There is so much more to diagnosing and treating prostate cancer than this article, i.e. book promo, covers. Is the PSA test perfect.. no.

Bottom line, don't become a Darwin Award Winner by ignoring your annual PSA test.

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Long and painful deaths from cancer???

What has all that research money for cancer, (raised from annual begging campaigns)been used for???

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Much progress has been made in screening, diagnosis and treatment for breast and prostate cancers. For many other cancers, science is struggling to make significant advances.

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Didn’t read the articles on prostate and mammography screening, did you?

That, or you badly believe Big Pharma and Big Med are in the game solely for your benefit!

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I have researched prostate cancer extensively.

It won’t be long till nightime, you can go outside and continue to howl at the moon.

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Just answer my question.

Or is ad hominem all you got?

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Really well done!

I will say that watchful waiting is now more common than it was 10 years ago

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While not prostate cancer, I wonder if the diagnosis of enlarged prostate also is analogous and applies to procedures to reduce prostate size using "gizmo idolatry"?

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Interesting article. I worked as admin in the clinical research dept. of a hospital. The oldest running trials were prostate cancer ones, different drugs, and enrolment numbers were huge, some in hundreds. A lot of the patients had been in the trial for over ten years and some, yes, had mets (cancers) in bones and other organs. Most of these were elderly men, late 80's, and into 90's. PSA levels were checked regularly on these patients. Makes you wonder if they'd be alive with no treatment after reading the article. Older men can suffer an enlarged prostate, making passing urine difficult and I bet PSA levels checked and patients put on prophylactic doses, just in case?

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