The masthead video is Couey’s intro to most podcasts, it always changes a bit but this one is from early Oct and has most of his different intro bits. I love his intro, I love the ideas woven into it and I especially love the Rocky music.
Also, anyone that quotes Sowell, is good with me.
I’ve chopped out his intro, if for nothing else so I can go back and listen to it from time to time.
I would encourage you to pause and read the long copy. If you don’t understand the point he is trying to make in each slide, that’s ok, do some searches or post a question in the comments and I’ll try to answer.
Science-Based Medicine
I tried out the Qwant search engine recently, I put in unbekoming and Substack and it found me in a range of places. But this one took me by surprise and frankly it’s flattering. In the same passage as Kirsch!
It’s from Jan 2022 and this is the flattering passage:
So in the case of this search, eight out of the top ten results are, to put it kindly, not science-based. In fact, they’re some of the most conspiracy-mongering of blogs that I have encountered, full of COVID-19 antivaccine misinformation and disinformation. As before, going beyond the top ten, there are more antivaccine blogs, such as Insurance company employees, another blog by Steve Kirsch, who is truly prolific and here claims to be cataloguing data to demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous, and Lies are Unbekoming, another antivaccine substack, complete with a “Do Not Comply” avatar.
To think that this little Substack would warrant a mention among all the other greats. Shows you that even the smallest amount of truth is irritating to the machine.
Anyway, thank you to all of you who have subscribed and supported this work, and that have gotten me a mention and helped me to be just enough of an irritant.
As I think you know by now, I love Couey, and the work he is doing.
I’ve been spending quite a bit on time watching his videos and interviews and frankly I think he is having some of the best discussions with some of the most interesting people right now.
He just had Michael Senger on.
But because of Couey I have, for the first time, seen and listened to:
A truly amazing collection of people.
His audience is tiny, but serious people are paying attention to his work. It reminds me of the early days of trying to figure out who the truth tellers were. In a way, it’s like that now again, as it feels like we have shifted into a new phase of THEIR project.
The resistance has settled into their own comfortable, echo chambered, talking points, with the lab leak idea among the top echo chambers.
“It was made in a lab, Fauci bad…Furin”.
I was one of those guys, as was Couey, but I’m realising how childishly simple that story is, and how convenient for the system, as that story is the spiritual soul of this new medico-politico industrial complex that will do its best to suffocate the joy out of life and as Couey puts it, reorganise the world from a rights-based framework to a permissions-based framework.
We had some very close friends over on the weekend, and we were talking about how sophisticated the whole last 3 years has been. They have just come back from 9 months in Greece, and the Greeks are staunchly anti-authority…except when it comes to health, the Greeks did exactly as they were told. That is the pure genius of this enterprise, the political has been disguised as the medical, and that disguise has worked perfectly and continues to do so.
Pathologized Totalitarianism 101
But the most significant difference between 20th-Century totalitarianism and this nascent, global totalitarianism is how New Normal totalitarianism “pathologizes” its political nature, effectively rendering itself invisible, and thus immune to political opposition. Whereas 20th-Century totalitarianism wore its politics on its sleeve, New Normal totalitarianism presents itself as a non-ideological (i.e., supra-political) reaction to a global public health emergency.
Disguising the political as medical is such a genius move!
If people think that the government is doing something for real medical reasons, they immediately and willingly acquiesce. It’s for their health and the health of others after all.
But if people think that the government is doing something for political reasons, then the normal political pushback occurs.
Smuggling the political within the medical is pure unadulterated genius. It hasn’t been invented today, its been used to very great effect before (within Germany especially) but never on this breadth and depth before.
Few have or will make the time to follow in Couey’s slipstream, I will do my best to keep up, and will try to pass on some nuggets along the way.
This idea about “charlatans”, from one of Couey’s intro slides, is one of the most important of Couey’s thematics.
What is a Charlatan?
Here is one definition:
Someone who professes knowledge or expertise, esp in medicine, that he or she does not have.
Here is another:
A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge, a quack or fraud.
If you don’t believe in the knowledge you profess, clearly you are then a charlatan.
But…what if you belief in the fraudulent information or knowledge that you profess? Does intent matter to whether you are a charlatan?
Personally, I don’t think so. Is a useful idiot a charlatan? I’m going with yes.
Is Fauci a charlatan? That’s too easy, you don’t need to answer that.
For some Australian names?
Is Norman Swan a charlatan?
Is Brad Hazzard a charlatan?
Is Scott Morrison a charlatan?
Is your GP a charlatan?
Is your paediatrician a charlatan?
Once you give these people power over you, you almost never get it back.
Towards the end of Couey’s intro, pause and read the long copy from JFK about secret societies.
Even better, listen to his speech:
One of the themes of Couey’s work, is that we have to go back and understand our history, and dig up true history, not the “official narrative” version of it. Our future freedom lies in understanding that history. What they are doing is rolling out a new layer of “immune mythology” on top of previous layers of official narrative and mythology, so to figure out the lies of today, we need to understand the lies of yesterday. Not easy, hard work, but it can be done. There is enough out there to read and learn…but you need to read, and listen, and read some more. If you rely on headlines, memes and Tiktok only, you will be lost forever.
The cost of being lost just keeps rising.
The cost for many is now death, or a lifetime of poor health and disease.
Speaking of JFK, this recently from Tucker.
If you don’t understand the significance of this, I encourage you to watch Oliver Stone’s
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (2021) - IMDb
While we are on the subject, here is a charlatan:
Here are some Australian charlatans from the MSM and the University of Sydney:
They are building mrna vaccine factories and “hubs” in Victoria and Queensland, there will be others.
This island and its mesmerised TV watching population is going to become a steaming stew of vaccine induced death and disease.
God help us and our families.
Thank you for reading this Substack.
Please consider a small paid subscription (donation). The money goes to a good cause.
I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and vaccine) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
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If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
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