Dear Unbekoming, thank you for the link....I am listening to Dennis Rancourt now.

Cannot tell you how glad I am that you are one of the best anti vaccine (or vaccine deniers)..

i have gotten such good information from you.

Can you sometime give us your thoughts now on why the American People are so

willing to just go along to get along? No one is angry about any of this..from the Russian Hoax

and Trump being the big Bug a Boo still...through Covid...now facing CBDC and vaccine passports to travel to other countries...what is wrong with us?

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Thanks Duchess. What can I say, I don't think its unique to Americans, it's the same here in Oz, and in Greece and everywhere else. Fooling us, wherever we are, is easy.

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Sigh. That is one of the puzzles...I know most people don't give a damn about truth or reality but

I still want to know why. And I want to know why I cannot let this alone. I think I really want to know what the hell is

wrong with me? Why can't I just close my mind and eyes and go along like the majority?

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Dec 31, 2022Edited
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Thank you for taking so much time. Love CJ Hopkins and he is correct....and I have read everything I can about Mass psychosis, disguiesed representative democracy, ever theory including Meredith Miller on what happens to ones brain if one is abused (all of which our government has done)...All of them apply. I've read Hannah Arendts the banality of evil...even I feel that we wrestle not against flesh....I' know Malachi Martin hostage to the devil and I can't remember it now oh yes M Scott Peck's People of the Lie... I've read and re-read Chris Martinsons, slow /fast reactors.......I guess what I just can't "get over" is everyone's normalcy bias? Or maybe how long it takes people to wake up...and I am afraid with most people I know not reacting, no lessons learned, everything is fine, and my sisters "Well there is nothing I can do about it so I am just going to live my life" (she doesn't care about Digital Currency or a social credit system because I don't do anything wrong...although now she cannot get menthol cigarettes anymore in her stae)......well, maybe it is me that is seeing the future with the speed of a freight train coming at us and I am hopefully wrong, as even my bankers say, well its gonna take a while for them to do Digital Currency....Edward Snowden couldn't wake them up, nor Julian Assange, the fact our country is not longer a Constitutional REpublic, there are no rights, everything is gone....

And even me myself and I just sit here wondering what to do? Do I move, do I try to farm at my age, can I even find a place where people know what is going on and want to try and avoid the worst? I try not to be an alarmist, but I am alarmed...and I am afraid that by the time the rest of the sheeple wake up, it will be far far too late, and even if they decide it is really too much, no one will stick their head out, because the nail that sticks out gets pounded down, etc.

All of what you said, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the rest of it, was not the beginning of the ned of our rights it WAS the end of them. We haven't had them for 10 years at least.

But I am still stuck at why don't more people wake up and wake up now? If I am to be a tiny minority for all my life, do we know from history that this is usual for the human race? What are the proportions? Maybe this isn't even what is bothering me deep down...maybe it is

a Stack I saved way at the beginning of this Covid operation...it was Titled "How will we ever forgive them?" and I wish I knew where I put it. Because maybe that is what is really bothering me...How do we forgive our family and friends, that we thought would defend our right to what we put in our bodies....maybe it is because I cannot look at my family and friends ever again with the same eyes...maybe because I cannot forgive...from my sister up to my fellow countrymen or my damn generation who I thought were the few on the earth who might stand up against some of this push towards slavery....I know my country is gone. I know we will probably never get it back...I know that life will never be the same....I know what was done and how and for how long...I know people go along to get along at least the majority do...but I don't know if I can ever forget or forgive...and maybe that is what is bothering me.

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For some reason my comment above that you responded to was removed. Wondering why substack censored it as I didn't delete it myself? Anyway, check out CJ Hopkins' substack & books is my advice, to all you C19 investigative peeps. He's brilliant. https://cjhopkins.substack.com/

On edit: Never, ever give up. Only 3 weeks later since I posted my comment above & you responded to it, the world is starting to turn against the MSM hoax narrative as more & more are crippled & die from the C19 story-line & not-a-vaxx. Just takes time.

Hang in there & keep fighting the good fight against C19 evil-doers & medical scams.

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> Does intent matter to whether you are a charlatan?

reply: It does matter. Someone who trully believes a lie and tells you the lie is far more convincing than someone who knows it is a lie.

That is why we must always seek other forms of knowledge and experience to validate what we see. The very best is a deep connection to Gaia and Gaia theory as formulated by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis.

In general most of the medical profession is fraud and has been so since the inception of allopathic medicine.

> One of the themes of Couey’s work, is that we have to go back and understand our history, and dig up true history, not the “official narrative” version of it.

I agree with JJ Couey. But he doesn't go back nearly far enough. The person that did is Lynn Margulis. She went back in support of James Lovelock's Gaia Hypothosis 4 billion years of life on Earth.

It all began with bacteria. They created the environment we inhabit and maintain it to this day. Much has happened to the Earth. Several times in that long history life on Earth, life nearly vanished. Yet it prevailed and adapted. We and all other cellular life forms that are not bacterial are the results of their efforts to survive the many traumas the Earth has experienced since life began.

So import is this story most likely you have not heard about it. That is because it has been buried and appropriated. For example Gaia is now a pagan religion, the original Gaia of James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis is called Earth Systems Science.

But I grew up in the 1950s and 60s and through the 1970s to the 2000s read most all of the book Lynn Margulis wrote on the subject. Understanding to the degree I do her work protected me from the Covid propaganda and thus my wife and I were never injected with genetherapy junk.

> If you rely on headlines, memes and Tiktok only, you will be lost forever.

The cost of being lost just keeps rising.

Reply: We become the most lost if we don't reconnect to the Earth and living nature. We need to continuously have a datum check with Earth. If we are surrounded by media and junk food, i.e. CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations). In that environment all inputs are controlled. Psycho/emotional via media, biological via corporate food. Worse daily the Earth (land water air) is polluted by 80,000+ chemicals and toxins we have no idea what they do.

We do know that since 1970 when the US was 4th in the world in health and longevity to today when we are 79th these toxins are not conferring health.

PLEASE investigate the writings of Lynn Margulis. Understanding the history of the Earth is understanding the history of microbiology. No one seems to care. However knowing that changes everything.

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Thank you! and I will investigate her work.

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Thank you for taking the time to comment- I have mentioned Lynn Margulis on this Substack before and many others. Her work, and her daughter's as well, are profound and the missing link that allows both germ theory and terrain theory to at once both be right, as well as not quite accurate. I'm hoping that Lynn will one day be recognised as she should be, a Galileo of modern times.😊

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If you ever feel inclined to write 1,000 words (or more) on "the missing link that allows both germ theory and terrain theory to at once both be right"...I will publish it :)


I (and others need to learn more about all of this, including new mental models that improve our thinking on all this stuff)

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Tempting...😉. I'm stretched for the time at the moment.

I think in the near future (assuming dystopia doesnt occur) there will be a new branch of science on this (Gerrain Theory?🤣🤣).

Those interested here though, start with Dr Doug Wallace's extensive work and revisit Lynne's again and I think it may jump out at you.🤔🤗

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Searched for "Dr Doug Wallace" as you mentioned his extensive work & there are several doctors named Dr Doug Wallace. Do you have a link for him & his work??

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Start with this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2r3s19jTgc

There is a large mitochondrial movement these days-people recognising that their health is our health- we are symbionts.

I am glad and if you want the "cliff notes" version check out Dr Roger Seheult MD. He gives a really accessible version of the mitochondrial focus.

Personally, I would look at Dr Peter Gariaev's work in Russia (Start here- https://invidious.dhusch.de/watch?v=VgdyXh4m9Mc) and you'll find not only the Germ/Terrain theory blown up (and why I say they are both wrong/right, simultaneously) but also DNA helices theory (the CRISPER fantasia🤣🤣😉) as well. Then move on from there through Zlibrary (but they have banned THAT so you'll need to access it through Tor).

But my personal favourites are Dr Luc Montegnier and Tsian Kanchzhen work- everything is connected and we literally are pieces of information travelling faster than light! We can transmit, transmute and regenerate or disintergrate. It goes both ways.

Which, as a side note means technically ALL the ancient religions are right.

The ancient yogi texts were right that we are light in Shivas interconnected web. Jesus said, "the light of the holy spirit is within you." Buddhism, Tibetian mandala, everything is nothing, Jewish Kabbalah, Mohammud, Wicca, - they all have a source and inner "light" aspect.

Its nice to see science finally catch up to conciousness!

Not to get all religiony😁🤗

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On a slightly different track. JJ Couey realizes that the Lab Leak is phony. When JJ Couey shared the pure viral swarm on CHD in which Dr R Malone was on the panel. Note as JJ Couey outlines his theory how big Dr. Malone's eyes are. I have never seen his eyes so wide.

Please keep PURE VIRAL SWARM in mind when you read the following link:


Ron Unz is not a biologist. But connects a lot of dots. Comes out with a unique and I feel the most plausible theory. Because covid jumped from China to Iran and directly into the legislative body of Iran. Ron Unz speaks of this. But only JJ Couey's PURE VIRAL SWARM makes any sense in this case. Again Ron Unz can't figure that out. As he says he is not qualified. But he can and does connect the dots in early 2020.

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Thanks I listened to the CHD presentation, I will go back and look at Malone's eyes.

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If you've been denounced by Science-Based Medicine, it means you just might be on the right track.

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Indeed 😊

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just now

Great post!

I believe the link to the Tucker Carlson is a duplicate about the secret societies.

Is this the Carlson clip you wanted to insert?


I'm familiar with Denis Rancourt who has been referenced by Mike Yeadon and his video on Germ Warfare as one of the reasons Yeadon doesn't believe there was any novel pathogen. I am unfamiliar with the rest of the names on your list apart from Marc Girardot.

I am not sure you're familiar with Mathew Crawford who has also hosted and been a guest on JJ Couey's show. While this may be long, it might be of interest to you. Mathew Crawford's guest, Sasha Latypova, discusses possible ties of this pandemic to the DOD. She is another person Mike Yeadon referenced regarding the manufacturing of the covid-19 vaccine:


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Thanks for the Carlson clip, hadn't seen the full one. Yes have followed Crawfords work for some time, but havent actually listened to him in a podcast. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

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Oh and thanks for the names as now I can look up their discussions with JJ Couey!

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Important link here to a critical discussion. Consider how professional scientists (not only big farma) are severely impacted by the findings that no viruses exist - there go research projects & funding, right? No wonder this critical conversation is often ignored - even in our truther/C19 community.

Jan 21, 2023 > Eric Coppolino's Interview with Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey


D r. Jonathan Jay Couey, scientific advisor to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and to the organization Children's Health Defense (CHD), first came onto my radar a couple of months ago when I read emails about him ridiculing someone named Christine Massey. By ridiculing, I mean brutally, and also deceiving his viewers about her and her findings.

Someone who objects so vociferously to actual findings & refuses to consider evidence is suspect imo.

More here too > https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/germ-and-spike-protein-fois-rfk-jr

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