
1 in 36

On autism, “Hear the Silence” (2003 docudrama) and Noah Atwell

We have proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Pharma and its enablers in government and the media are engaged in a mass poisoning of society that interferes with the regions of the brain that are necessary to process empathy, connection, meaning, understanding, and love. – Toby Rogers

Why would the CDC go to Denmark to do an autism study? They have 100% reported data in Medicare and VSD. Plus, the black male population would be very under-represented in any Denmark study. – Steve Kirsch


I’ve found that you never know what fact or point wedges into a mind.

I was talking with a friend a while back, and I mentioned the 1 in 36 number (US prevalence of autism spectrum disorder) and I saw his eyes light up. That number did something to him, especially because he works with kids a lot, and he knows something is not right.

1 in 36 Kids Have Autism, CDC Says

One in 36 (2.8%) 8-year-old children — 4% of boys and 1% of girls — have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), based on an analysis of data from 2020, published today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The trend has persisted for decades. Autism prevalence in the 1990s, which was 1 in 1,000 children, already represented a tenfold increase over the condition’s estimated prevalence in the 1970s.

But words are one thing and images are another entirely.

The very first image that wedged into my mind was one posted on RFK’s Instagram, the day before they canceled his account, showing that measles vaccines had been introduced after measles cases has already collapsed by 99%.

Here is what 1 in 36 “looks” like.

Source: 1 in 36 Children in the U.S. Now Diagnosed with Autism but CDC Refuses to Look at Vaccines as Cause (healthimpactnews.com)

That chart is worth staring at, then staring at some more, then some more…

What the hell is that?

What are we looking at?

That chart should dispel any “disinformation” about genetics being an explanation. Human genes don’t just choose to start changing from the mid 80’s.

It should also dispel any stupidity about “we are just diagnosing it better”. Handley in his masterpiece “How to end the autism epidemic” explains in detail that the only expansion of diagnosis in that period has been related to Aspergers and it accounts for 10% of the increase from the 70s. That is 0.1x out of a 277x increase. So, let’s stop that silliness also.

Our whole world is in that chart.

What it actually shows is that the societal mind has been changed.

Someone has poured a chemical stew into the world brain, and in so doing has changed:

The health of society

The intelligence of society

The personality of society (I would love to see a vaccinated vs unvaccinated Big 5 personality study. Jordan Peterson, this one’s for you.)

The spirit of society

The narratives of society

The music of society

The entertainment of society

The education of society

The politics of society

The financials of society

The unit of society (the family)


That chart has all the evidence that you will ever need…you just need to listen to it carefully and it will speak to you.

Pay attention to the trend, it tells you where we are heading. What they don’t want to tell you is what is coming, but the chart tells you want is coming…a tsunami.

Toby Rogers has co-authored what I think is the only study that attempts to honestly calculate the cost of the coming tsunami…

A modern day witch trial - by Toby Rogers

We show $238 billion a year in current costs rising to over a trillion dollars per year in the mid 2030s and reaching $5.5 trillion per year by 2060. It was a bit surreal working on the study because it shows that the path we are on will result in the end of America as we know it in our lifetimes.

We have the best-in-class modeling of autism prevalence showing that we will surpass 6% autism rates in children in 2024 and 7% autism rates in children in 2032 (36% severe and 64% “milder” cases). For boys, particularly Black and Latino boys, the numbers are much worse.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a documentary is worth a million.

Amelia (thank you!) recently brought my attention to Hear the Silence, a 2003 dramatization of the MMR and Andrew Wakefield story. What can I say, it’s simply magnificent.

Hear The Silence [2013 Film] (bitchute.com)

Hear the Silence (2003 Docudrama) (rumble.com)

The masthead video has a couple of moments, out of dozens, that I’ve chosen to highlight. Her “fuck off” to her paediatrician is the most satisfying I’ve heard in years.

The docudrama is the best telling of the “experience of the unheard mother”, all the different doctors she visits, all the stonewalling and denial, all the mother blaming and shaming “are you feeding him enough?”.

When she meets Wakefield and he believes her when she says that something has happened to her boy, she starts crying, she cannot believe that someone finally believed her. I cried too.

When it was first screened the British radical investigative journalist, Paul Foot, wrote in The Guardian:

Last week’s Channel Five programme Hear the Silence about the MMR controversy was one of the best dramas I have seen. It was not just a moving true story, beautifully acted. It was also a shocking indictment of the medical establishment. A group of parents were confronted with the fear that their children had become autistic after having the triple vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella. A responsible authority should surely take such fears seriously and deploy the full extent of scientific research to testing the fears, if only to allay them. The reaction of the authorities was exactly the opposite.

The one senior doctor who took the parents seriously, Andrew Wakefield, had his research stopped and was effectively banished to the US. Despite his record as an often published scientist, he was widely smeared. Legal aid for the parents to sue the government was cut off.

On the programme, the two sides confronted each other. On the parents’ side there was anguished concern, backed by sober science from Wakefield. On the other was outraged impatience, led by two slightly fanatical GPs, including Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West. He insisted there was no link between autism and MMR, and loudly failed to prove that this was so. Instead, he went some way to proving the time-honoured medical principle that doctors know everything, and patients nothing.

When Blair doesn’t care about terror, Paul Foot, The Guardian, 24 December 2003

Very sadly, a few months later Foot died and our children were not only ruthlessly abandoned by The Guardian newspaper but by Private Eye, the journal with which Foot was also closely associated, wrote Age of Autism.

Source: UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines

We can add this docudrama to our growing list of documentaries to watch and share.

I’m reminded of something that Toby wrote last month about how some ASD kids “feel everything”.

Pharma seeks to obliterate humanity and love itself (substack.com)

What initially attracted me to studying autism (in addition to the obvious utility of trying to figure out how to be helpful to this wonderful child) was this question of intersubjectivity. The perception at the time was that people on the autism spectrum lacked empathy. This turned out to be wrong. Rather, people on the spectrum seem to have various senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight) turned way up or way down. Indeed many facets of the personality are turned way up or way down. Yes, some people on the spectrum might lack empathy (hypo-empathetic) but others might be hyper-empathetic — empathy turned up so high that just functioning in society becomes difficult because one feels everything.

I’d like to end with this wonderful email I received from K-Lee Atwell Stoltz, proud mom of Noah Atwell. Thank you!

This continues to be, one of the most rewarding parts of this Substack journey. Readers from all over the world getting in touch and sharing stories, experiences, and wisdoms. It’s one of the reasons I keep writing.

My son who is now 22 and diagnosed with Autism, Auditory processing disorder and ADHD.

He was born healthy at 40 weeks. He came on his due date Feb 4 2001. We had a normal pregnancy with zero complications, vaginal birth (I did have an epidural). Zero complications at birth. He did struggle to keep a body temp that the nurses were comfortable with. The pediatrician said he was fine and that some kids just run a bit lower. I run low myself. Right before we left the hospital a nurse came in and told me I needed the MMR shot b/c I showed I didn't have the antibodies (this would be a reoccurring theme throughout all of my pregnancies, I did not continue to be vaccinated to see if my body would show I had the MMR antibodies). I had a moment of thinking no but went ahead and took the vaccine a decision I will regret for the rest of my life. I had no idea the vaccine would get to my son via my breastmilk. We had Noah tested for vaccines around the age of 3.5 years and although he never directly had the MMR vaccine he shows he had the antibodies. 

Noah immediately had digestive issues and struggled to poop. We worked with a nutritionist that helped us with this issue. He also had gross motor delays but otherwise was a healthy baby. I had done research prior to his birth so he didn't have any vaccines before the age of 1. Noah began talking at 10.5 months. He was a happy, easy going baby. We literally travelled the world with him b/c he as so easy going. He slept well, ate well, was engaged and so incredibly happy. At 12 months I decided to do 2 single shots. Polio and Meningitis. That day he began to regress. It started with him forgetting words and baby signs he had known for months; he was stumbling when he walked and by he end of the day he had a little difficulty with his fine motor skills. He immediately became ill and we spend the next 2.5 months in and out of the pediatricians office. So much so that the nurse joked that they needed to set up a cot for us. He had double ear infections, vomiting, diarrhea, the last issue was his breathing. They thought he might need to be hospitalized. We were able to use the nebulizer at home to keep hm out of the hospital. At his next wellness appointment our pediatrician acknowledged that Noah was harmed by vaccines and the form I was required to sign at every visit was no longer necessary and I was never asked about any vaccinations again. 

Because of Noah's gross motor delays at 12 months, we started OT and PT. Noah was taught how to roll over and pull himself up to standing and to crawl (he walked before he crawled). He was evaluated by our county Child Find and was determined to qualify for services. He was on the low end of normal and soon started Speech therapy and developmental playgroups. By the time he was 2.5 autism was being thrown around and he was no longer in the normal range but behind for his age, he would continue to regress and is now about 3 to 4 years delayed. He had a form of echolalia. He liked to drum on anything and loved to spin in circles without ever becoming dizzy. He still had good eye contact with me but was struggling have it with other people. He developed sensory issues to certain objects. Clothing tags and socks became an issue. Sleep became a huge issue and has continued to be a struggle of him. At age 6 Noah's IQ was tested and determined to be 64. The examiner said he didn't feel that the score was accurate and felt like Noah was more on the low end of normal (85). We had Noah privately tested when he was 8 years old and Noah tested high in several areas, none of which helped him in school. For several years he was 2 years behind in his class work. He seemed more at grade level in his high school career years. 

Noah has received extensive OT, PT and Speech services privately and through the public school system as well as many many many alternative therapies. He had an IEP and Behavioral Plan at school. I spend most of his school career advocating for him. Calling emergency meetings. Fighting with teacher and staff to adhere to his IEP and Behavioral plan. I knew the district level support staff by first name. We worked with advocates. I dreaded seeing the schools number pop on my phone. When he was younger if it wasn't a behavioral issue he had eloped and they couldn't find him. He required constant para supervision. We had to hold him back in the 5th grade.  At age 12 he was so aggressive we had to have ABA therapist in our home Mon-Friday for at least 3 hours a night and up to 6 hours on Sundays. He went to respite on Saturdays or was at his biological father’s house on the weekend. He was on several medications at his biological father request when we had exhausted homeopathic remedies. He was on high dosages of 4 medications. When he ended up in the hospital psych unit for threatening to kill his stepfather, the doctors at Childrens Hospital were horrified by how high the dosages were and asked where we were prescribed them. We told them the doctor, one that is considered the best and they were shocked and took him off one medication and decreased his others. A few years later I heard Temple Grandin speak and I began working with the physiatrist to ween him off all his medications. Taking him off the Abilify landed us in the hospital again and then a treatment program for 3 weeks. I am happy to report that Noah has been medication free for more than 6 years now.

Noah has had very few wellness visits over the years b/c we never vaccinated him again. Nor did we vaccinate his sister who is 3 years younger or his other siblings 10 and 11 years younger.

While we continue struggling with sleep and BM issues. Noah is considered high functioning. He is a red belt in karate. He is a high ranking chess player. He plays piano and has perfect pitch and can often play a song from memory even though he hasn't played in over a year. He loves all music. Loves video game and all Marvel and Fast n Furious movies. He lives at home with us and has his own apartment in our basement. He is able to drive his own car and works part time at Advanced Auto. He is at an Autism trade school called TACT (Teaching Autistic Community Trade) working on becoming and auto mechanic. We are his legal guardians b/c Noah is unable to fully understand medical, financial and daily living responsibilities without assistance. Noah is on the DD waiver (adult)and was on the CES waiver (Child). Noah is on the DD waiver b/c he was grandfathered in b/c of the CES waiver. Normally the wait is 30 to 40 years. We are hopeful that Noah will eventually gain the skill set to be able to be in an apartment setting of his own with support staff to assist him.  His DD waiver is specifically designed for this purpose. 

Noah is still a very happy person.  He loves Jesus. He loves his siblings. He is closest to me, his sister Abi (he used to call her Abi girl when he was little) and his grandmother. As he has gotten older he has learned new skills to manage himself. We recently went to a graduation party and he was completely appropriate the entire time. Abi and I were so thrilled. He was just lovely and there was no need to explain anything to anyone.  He works with a behaviorist weekly (our behaviorist has been with us for 10 years). Has a job coach and sees a private therapist every 2 weeks who specializes in autism. He has a private massage therapist that has been with us for 10 years that gives him a massage every week. He has an adult program (REVEL)that he loves and recently was one of the main speakers at an Art event. He enjoys going to all the camps that REVEL offers. When you speak to Noah you can tell something is different but often people don't immediately suspect autism.

Noah is unable to get SSI b/c we have a special needs trust fund set up for him. Even though a law was passed years ago that you can receive SSI and have a trust we have been appealing SSI for over 4 years. We are currently waiting for an answer to our last appeal. 

There are probably a million other things I could tell you about our son...who is my hero every single day. Thank you for offering to hear our story. There are a million more like ours. 

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC, covid and childhood vaccination stories. You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes

If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

Putting the Boss in Quack
For When You've Got 5 Minutes to Prove Vaccines Cause Autism
The other day I was tasked with providing a top-10 Substack writer with notes that showed, with peer reviewed studies, that vaccines cause autism. This was to help the writer prepare for an interview, and done on behalf of one of our most important advocates who happens to be giving a lot of interviews lately, and I had 3 hours to do it. Spoiler, it did…
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