Injected Allergies: How Injected Proteins Are Rewiring the Immune System
Interview with Vinu Arumugham
The penny finally dropped for me about the connection between vaccination and allergies when I read The Peanut Allergy Epidemic by Heather Fraser. That was another red pill moment.
We aren’t born allergic to food. Our bodies are designed to tolerate what we eat. But inject proteins instead of ingesting them, and the immune system sees them as invaders. That’s how you create food allergies, and it’s a process that’s been understood for over a century—yet ignored or dismissed by the medical establishment. The charlatans that have architected and built Cartel Medicine know this.
Vinu Arumugham knows this better than most. An electronics engineer, he was pushed into this research when his son developed life-threatening food allergies and asthma. Doctors had no answers. So he found them himself. His work exposes how food proteins contaminating vaccines are triggering immune sensitization and driving the allergy epidemic. His research has been ignored by major journals, but the science is clear.
Japan figured this out in the ‘90s when gelatin in vaccines was causing gelatin allergies. They removed it—but failed to apply the same logic to all food proteins. Meanwhile, regulators today aren’t even testing for protein contamination, and vaccine makers are actively blocking access to vials to prevent scrutiny.
I’ve followed Vinu’s work for some time, and I’m glad he agreed to this interview. This is a conversation more people need to have.
With thanks to Vinu Arumugham.
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1. Vinu, can you please tell us a bit about yourself and your journey regarding protein contamination and allergic reactions, and what drove you to focus on these specific aspects of vaccine safety research?
I am an electronics engineer in Silicon Valley. My son was diagnosed with multiple life-threatening food allergies and asthma. Our doctors had no explanations for a cause or a cure. They said many children grow out of it. My son did not. I started studying the problem and it became quickly clear that food protein contaminated vaccines are the cause. I published my findings in a minor journal. Major journals were not interested. They rejected my submissions even without peer-review.
Since he was also working on vaccine safety, I came to know Robert F Kennedy, Jr., the new Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services. He invited me to write many articles for
2. Could you explain your findings regarding the relationship between injected food proteins and the development of specific food allergies?
The immune system depends on a “danger signal” to determine what is dangerous and must be attacked vs. something that is harmless and can be ignored. One source for a danger signal is tissue damage. Injection causes tissue damage and provides the danger signal. So the immune system attacks the proteins that were injected. If a viral protein were injected, the immune system learns to attack that protein and thus that virus. When vaccines contain or are contaminated with food proteins, the immune system learns to attack them as if they were dangerous pathogens. That is food allergy.
It is not just proteins but also large protein-like molecules like polysaccharides, polyethylene glycol – PEG in COVID vaccines, are all targeted for attack when injected.
3. How did you first identify the connection between gelatin-containing vaccines and the development of gelatin allergies?
Researchers in Japan had described vaccine-induced gelatin allergy in the late 90s. They assumed the gelatin used in their vaccines were hydrolyzed (broken down into small molecules) and thus safe. They discovered the gelatin in their vaccine was “poorly” hydrolyzed and thus caused the development of gelatin allergies. I found their work while researching food allergies and vaccines.
The DTap and MMR vaccines in Japan both contained gelatin. Small amount in DTap, larger amount in MMR. The first DTap vaccine would sensitize (cause the development of gelatin allergy). Sensitization is symptom-free. So no one notices a problem. A subsequent MMR vaccine would cause an allergic reaction. To their credit, Japan removed gelatin from all vaccines in 2000 to solve this problem. But inexplicably, they failed to understand that it is not just the gelatin protein but every protein in these vaccines are causing the same problem – allergic sensitization.
4. What are the key mechanisms you've identified in your research regarding how injected food proteins differ from ingested ones in terms of immune response?
With ingested food there is no immunological “danger signal”. So the immune system learns to tolerate the food. With injected food, there is a “danger signal” due to tissue damage. Further, adjuvants cause tissue damage. They enhance the danger signal and is the reason why they are used in vaccines. This means even trace amounts of viral or food proteins in adjuvanted vaccines, produce a strong allergic immune response.
5. What are your findings regarding the current protein testing methods used in vaccine manufacturing?
There are none. The first step to test is to have a specification. Regulators told me there is no spec. Tests have only been conducted by academic researchers. Now vaccine makers are blocking access to vaccine vials to prevent such testing. Even expired vaccine vials are collected and a discount is offered to pharmacies to return expired vials. So vaccine makers are destroying evidence.
6. Could you explain your research on protein folding and unfolding during vaccine manufacturing processes?
I have not studied protein folding during the manufacturing process itself.
Many vaccines such as the Hepatitis B vaccines, the HPV vaccines and a COVID vaccine developed by Peter Hotez for use in low-income countries are all manufactured using genetically modified yeast. These yeast proteins thus contaminate all those vaccines. Yeast proteins can be prionogenic. So injecting these yeast proteins can cause protein misfolding in the body.
This also applies to insulin and injected GLP-1 drugs.
7. What are your thoughts on the current allergen labeling requirements for vaccines?
An allergen label on a food item/vaccine warns you that if you are allergic to that allergen, you could develop a reaction. But an allergen label on a vaccine also tells you that everyone who gets that vaccine will develop an allergy to that allergen. So allergen labeling of injected vaccines is only useful if you want to know what new allergies you are going to develop! It is a concept only because our immunologists and regulators fail to understand immunology. As the National Academy of Medicine pointed out, there are no allergen labeling requirement for vaccines in the US. There is no allergen tracking in the vaccine supply chain. No one knows the full list of allergens/proteins that contaminate any vaccine.
8. How has your research on the American Association of Immunologists influenced your perspective on immunology practices?
The mix of incompetence, Semmelweis reflex, corruption, dogma is shocking. I saw their “Immunology Explained” series and decided to expose it. All these “professional” medical bodies are incompetent and/or corrupted. Nothing special about AAI.
9. Could you discuss the clinical implications of your findings regarding sensitization to food proteins through vaccination?
The most obvious clinical implication is allergic reactions/anaphylaxis to foods. However, there are many other effects. Inhalation of food aerosol (smell of cooking fish, for example) can cause fatal asthma. Milder allergies to food will allow consumption of the food without classic allergic reaction/anaphylaxis symptoms. Mast cell degranulation in the stomach due to consumption of these foods, causes histamine release, excess stomach acid production, thus the GERD epidemic. Ongoing food allergen consumption by an individual with a mild food allergy, causes synthesis of specific-IgG4 antibodies to the food. IgG4 recruits eosinophils. Thus the epidemic of IgG4 related diseases (IgG4-RD) and eosinophilic diseases such as Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and autism.
10. How does your research explain the increasing prevalence of food allergies in vaccinated populations?
First dose of the vaccine causes the development of allergies. Subsequent doses are booster shots for food allergy. With more shots being added to vaccine schedules, more people develop allergies, and more severe the allergies.
11. What are your findings regarding the timing of vaccinations and the development of allergic responses?
First, we should not be injecting proteins into people at all because it causes the development of allergies. If you were to eat a protein and develop immune tolerance to the protein, it provides some level of protection against developing an allergy upon injection. You will then have to take more vaccines or a vaccine with a higher allergen level to develop an allergy. Today’s vaccine schedules make two mistakes. (1) Injecting proteins. (2) Injecting the protein before the baby has had a chance to eat that protein. Thus the explosion of allergies and asthma.
12. How does your work on skin barrier disruption relate to vaccine-induced sensitization?
Gideon Lack’s team have proposed that genetic mutations cause skin barrier disruption. They propose that allergen exposure to such disrupted skin causes the development of allergies. They ignore the fact that doctors purposely tear through the skin barrier, repeatedly injecting proteins/allergens, throughout life.
Berin et al. found that peanut-specific CD4 T cells in people with peanut allergies have skin-homing markers. This is the smoking gun. It proves that the peanut allergy occurred because peanut protein was injected through the skin.
13. In your articles, you mention Wells and Osborne's 1911 findings. How do you see their work relating to modern immunology practices?
Wells and Osborne found in 1911 that eating a protein before it is injected offers some protection from developing an allergy to that protein, when it is subsequently injected.
Unfortunately that work has been ignored by modern immunology just like Richet’s findings. So doctors continue to inject proteins and cause the development of allergies. They are rediscovering Wells and Osborne’s finding partially and recommending early peanut introduction while still ignoring the fact that it is their peanut/food protein contaminated vaccines that are causing the peanut/food allergy epidemic in the first place.
14. You've discussed the concept of "oral tolerance" versus injecting proteins. Could you explain the difference and why it matters?
We have evolved to have food proteins only introduced through the mouth. Not injected through the skin.
Immunity means the immune system has learned to attack an antigen/protein. Tolerance means the immune system has learned to protect that antigen from immune attack. Eating foods causes the development of oral tolerance to those foods. Injecting those food proteins defeats the oral tolerance and causes immunity to the food.
15. For readers who want to stay informed about your work and perspectives, what's the best way for them to follow your research and publications?
Most of my research articles are located here: Orcid
Other articles are located here: Substack
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Consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
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