To add to my already vast collection of t-shirts meant to jar people into thinking, I am having a “It’s the vaccines-DUH” shirt printed up. I already have Ban Assault Vaccines, I’m Already Naturally Immune to Bullshit, Still Complying….They’re Coming for Your Bank Account Next, Non-Compliant, etc. I may have “Repeal the 1986 Act” printed up as well. I am not surprised that his paper was not accepted for peer review but I am thoroughly disgusted. Thanks for this, though. I have to read it several more times for full comprehension. I met yet another mother who just buried her 14 year old son. He developed epilepsy only one hour post injection at one year old. She has been gaslit for years that it had nothing to do with vaccination.
Wow, I am so glad to know about Vinu’s work. I have been reading up on vaccines for months, and this is the first time hearing about food proteins in vaccines. Hence, this of course suggests that whatever methods are being used to cover up such apparently essential information are very effective indeed. Thank you for sharing the information, this information could save lives.
Very interesting article and helpful. I’ve had Alpha gal syndrome since 2021. There seems to be a connection with AGS and the tissue issued shots. It’s all rather nebulous and physicians don’t know or don’t seem to care about this condition. ER across the country see Alpha Gal allergic reactions every day of the world. They know plenty when we don’t have all the facts. Things can get mighty cloudy thanks for your writing and any consideration for future print time as it relates to Alpha gal.
As a veterinarian, I have known about this for decades. They used to incubate animal vaccines in beef cells. Beef was known has highly allergenic. Then they went to chicken eggs. Chicken became the protein to never feed.
I began using proteolytic enzyme therapy with my allergy cases and cancer cases back in the early 2000s. It is high dose protease that gets absorbed into the blood stream and is an enzyme that breaks down proteins. antibodies are proteins. Our body forms antibodies to protein molecules, etc.
Im really happy to hear of other people connecting the dots.
Thank you for this interview with Vinu Arumugham. His answers make it easy to understand this problem. Now comes the hard part, how do we take action on this? Hopefully, RFK Jr will get traction for solving this problem. As consumers, we should demand to know exactly what is in every vaccine and food product we consume, and we should refuse anything that we are unsure of without fear of losing our employment as was the case with COv*d.
"Intramuscular injection for healthy people is dumb. The American vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprize." Jonathan Couey. Or as I say, vaccines never hurt nobody.
To add to my already vast collection of t-shirts meant to jar people into thinking, I am having a “It’s the vaccines-DUH” shirt printed up. I already have Ban Assault Vaccines, I’m Already Naturally Immune to Bullshit, Still Complying….They’re Coming for Your Bank Account Next, Non-Compliant, etc. I may have “Repeal the 1986 Act” printed up as well. I am not surprised that his paper was not accepted for peer review but I am thoroughly disgusted. Thanks for this, though. I have to read it several more times for full comprehension. I met yet another mother who just buried her 14 year old son. He developed epilepsy only one hour post injection at one year old. She has been gaslit for years that it had nothing to do with vaccination.
Wow, I am so glad to know about Vinu’s work. I have been reading up on vaccines for months, and this is the first time hearing about food proteins in vaccines. Hence, this of course suggests that whatever methods are being used to cover up such apparently essential information are very effective indeed. Thank you for sharing the information, this information could save lives.
Very interesting article and helpful. I’ve had Alpha gal syndrome since 2021. There seems to be a connection with AGS and the tissue issued shots. It’s all rather nebulous and physicians don’t know or don’t seem to care about this condition. ER across the country see Alpha Gal allergic reactions every day of the world. They know plenty when we don’t have all the facts. Things can get mighty cloudy thanks for your writing and any consideration for future print time as it relates to Alpha gal.
Charles Richet's Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1913.
Hat tip Sasha Latypova.
As a veterinarian, I have known about this for decades. They used to incubate animal vaccines in beef cells. Beef was known has highly allergenic. Then they went to chicken eggs. Chicken became the protein to never feed.
I began using proteolytic enzyme therapy with my allergy cases and cancer cases back in the early 2000s. It is high dose protease that gets absorbed into the blood stream and is an enzyme that breaks down proteins. antibodies are proteins. Our body forms antibodies to protein molecules, etc.
Im really happy to hear of other people connecting the dots.
Thank you for this interview with Vinu Arumugham. His answers make it easy to understand this problem. Now comes the hard part, how do we take action on this? Hopefully, RFK Jr will get traction for solving this problem. As consumers, we should demand to know exactly what is in every vaccine and food product we consume, and we should refuse anything that we are unsure of without fear of losing our employment as was the case with COv*d.
Wondering if Vinu has found a way to help his son, with this understanding of allergy? Is there a way forward for people who are damaged?
I would look into NAET and homeopathy
It would make sense that one would have to rigorously avoid all the allergic trigger foods/substances, probably for life.
I hope people have other alternatives! I know people with very limited food choices.
Getting a vaccine is one of the most harmful things you could do to your body. How unnatural - to inject yourself with all this crap!
I became allergic to eggs, and milk after an adverse reaction to a tetanus shot 20 years ago.
"Intramuscular injection for healthy people is dumb. The American vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprize." Jonathan Couey. Or as I say, vaccines never hurt nobody.
With me it's malt. You know those cans of malt you can get at the supermarket? One teaspoon of that stuff and I get a sharp stabbing pain in my skull.