I've only in the last year come to the realization that in being a "good" conservative, believing in democracy building, and all the other policies, whether Neo-Con, War-Hawk or Zionist, it's no better than the Left side of the isle. We are being pushed onto the same road at the fork. None of it has anything to do with the USA or the American People and our sovereignty. It's all power and money and always has been, with controllers that care absolutely nothing about the population, neither civilian or military personnel.

I used to be one of those who would "Thank" Veterans for their service, and I began to feel guilty about it wondering how I could express what I was feeling to them. I've donated to Veterans organizations to try and help, but no longer publicly say "Thank you".

We can't blame our soldiers for taking a vaccine when mandated to do so. Why would they be any different than the majority of the population that lined up for the first 2 jabs? And they were under great pressure to do so because they've been conditioned to obey orders and feel they have no choice. I knew people who drove hours away for the shot because they knew they could get it faster. My husband and I were self-employed so had an easier time rejecting the mandates, not everyone had that luxury.

Chase, I hope you know that there are many people who support and have sympathy for the sacrifices our military make. My sympathy has changed though and beyond loss of life, disability, and separation from family, it extends to, they DO NOT know what they've signed up for, through no fault of their own. Most are young and haven't experienced enough of life to even form an opinion. Some sign up for economic reasons, but many sign up with very noble intentions. Noble intentions are not what the government uses the military for.

The general population is under a spell and that includes military personnel, they've been duped about all of our "magnificent" institutions, Technology to control us, Education to dumb us down, Food to make us sick, Medical to kill us and yes, our Military to "keep us safe". A digital monetary system with ID will be the frosting on the cake. How will they enforce it?

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"I used to be one of those who would "Thank" Veterans for their service"

It's right-wing virtue signaling.

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It is beyond depressing when you learn just how few soldiers actually refused the jab. Some lessons are simply too important to learn the hard way, like playing on the 405 freeway.

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Isn't unquestioningly following orders the most basic military ethos?

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Not unlawful ones!

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Around the time I was waking up to the idiotic fakery all around (sadly, in my seventies), there was that scene of celebrating Afghani "terrorists" escorting a dummy transport plane along the tarmac. Then the film cut to take-off of a real plane with CGI people falling from its wings having tried, in desperation, to take the last plane out.

What were they trying to tell me? That there had been a bitter defeat or, at least, retreat, but that somehow we were still the good guys? Was that easier than admitting that after twenty years of heroin and opium and pallets of cash going back and forth the less-than-good guys had other priorities? Or had all the cocaine and synthetics hollowed out the opium market?

Now we're focused on a demolition/evacuation dressed up as a war, complete with paragliders and festival-frolicker hostages. Better to be seen as vengeful brutes than systematic acquirers of real estate?

I really don't know what's afoot. And knowing that I don't know is actually a start. You can't help being ignorant of what the military-industrial complex is really trying to fiddle and twist. You can help buying into their narratives. There is no reason to trust or believe them ever. They have never given us a reason to trust or believe them. Ever.

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Read Operation Gladio by Paul Williams it has all the facts of the lies we have been told

The armed forces and the clergy are all under the same 'oath' Obey to your death do not think

But Jesus's Said "do not make an oath, but let your YES be yes and your No be no

Check that out in the bible

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Spot On.

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This guy still hasn't figured out that covid is a depraved psychological operation. No has covid, because the virus is imaginary. The military is complicit in the vast majority of the psyops being run against the citizens on a daily basis. This includes 911, covid, and mass shootings.

The main truth of this whole article is that "military forces ... serve those who pay them". The military is a brainwashed violent gang that serves our greatest enemies: the corrupt government and the moneychangers who own it. They help to enslave the peaceful and productive members of society with trillions of dollars of debt to pay for their crimes against humanity.

Members of the obscene military industry, including veterans who continue to promote it, are despicable traitors to citizens.

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I knew someone who was in the Air Force. Her friend (fellow Airman) got a sunburn causing her to miss some duty, and she was 'written up' (don't laugh) for 'damaging government property.'

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Yes, true.

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“I took the shot.”

Stopped reading there. You failed. Get your affairs in order.

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Fascinating and important interview. Thanks for interviewing Chase Spears. I am still trying to figure out what the Army considered éxtremism.' Who and what is/was extremism in the military? I couldn't find a definition in any of the government docs in the link provided. Thank you.

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Warrior, I was a space force defense contractor in 2019-thru-2021, and, although it was “optional” for my pay grade, I attended the all-military and government civilian-mandatory SECDEF Training in early 2021 (Secretary Austin’s first official act, before the April 21st ‘vax mandate’). During that briefing, not just the Army, but all Services, were alerted to be on the lookout for any of us, both within the workforce and in the local environment, that were extremist of any kind, to include whites, weapon lovers, outspokenness, Christian or others who might be religious extremists or display any tendencies towards insurrection. No wonder most of the military sat up and shut up. Buses and time off was later provided to go to the base clinics to get the jabs. What a circus. As retired military over 65, I was ‘first priority’ — I refused. The prime contractor red-lined all of us non conformists. Probably for the better, as I fit General Austin’s definition of ‘extremist’ all five ways: white, male warfighter, Christ believer, and believer in our right of free speech and our right to bear arms. His every example was to endorse DEI and encourage CRT. Tragic for Service morale. I saw the recruiting/enlisting decline as well. Have been wide awake and praying continually, great to see the action and accountability by President Trump and SECDEF Hegseth, will root for our newest young men and women recruits!

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extremism is anything 'they' (military) don't want you to believe or command you to believe. In other words, brainwashing you. if we don't shut up and do what they want, then we are extremeists. Deplorables.

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Trump Singing: "THIS IS WHO JESUS IS TO ME" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShnzMJYStss 🙏

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What didn't seem entirely clear to me was whether Mr. Spears upheld his own integrity in practice and in what ways. For example, if one cannot allow the lie to occur through oneself, and if the public affairs original and explicit ethic is to involve honesty and truth and admitting what is known or not, as opposed to approved lies or propaganda, then there must have been very specific crisis points in which he was expected to perform in very specific ways. Did he? What did he do?

We know he didn't want the shot, and then he let himself get pressured into taking it. We heard that his family was criticized, presumably for not taking it.

I would be very interested in hearing more anecdotes of where the ethical and moral conflict moments appeared and how he navigated them. I want to clarify that my intention is not to be his judge (though others will try to assume that position) ; I want to understand his experience. I also want to inform the more general (and also very personal) experience of perceiving when the conflict is at hand and how a person navigates that. I think many of us would like to boldly insist upon the right way, but we are all armchair opiners when it comes to Mr. Spears' experience. Nevertheless, if any of us ask ourselves where we might have likewise come to a crossroads (and many don't even perceive this much) and had an opportunity to make a choice with some awareness of its relevance to our own integrity, I would expect anyone with a conscience to be able to discover many such experiences within the domain of our own lives.

I want to comment that I was particularly struck by Spears' realization that there was no showing of civilian support. No lighting up of the phone lines to demand accountability for how the military treated those who did not take the shot, or who dared to express themselves as guaranteed by our constitution.

On the one hand, I recognized immediately this experience of being in a sense abandoned. I've had a similar feeling. When you make these choices to do what your conscience (or God, or internal morality, or a held ideal) demands of you, you might imagine that someone, many ones even, will naturally show up in support of you. Of course they would. We know there are those who also perceive the wrong and care to see it righted. And yet, somehow they are busy, or your struggle is a passing but of news belonging to some storied person afar, or surely there are others picking up the slack and attending to the need to succor those who offer themselves to stand in the gap. Do we not have a natural fidelity that requires us to respond and move, like some inner magnetism? And yet, alone is often the state in which we offer ourselves, to be respected or disrespected, alone and even unrecognized, leaving us to struggle with the fear that our sacrifice was for naught.

I recognize this experience. And it pains me and draws me immediately to wish to have beef one to offer a hand, even if it only serve as a passing warmth.

My next reaction to that passage in the interview was frustration, as much with myself as with Spears. Is it not immature to call out, "where were you, anyone at all, when you were needed!"? Jesus went to the cross, didn't he, even knowing his own long-cultivated and loyal friends would abandon him, even knowing his own father would let him be crucified without comfort, recognition, nor relief, except maybe the companionship of criminals likewise pinned. What are we to expect from ourselves, not to mention others, when we stand where standing is wanted?

When I personally went through my experiences like these, where you must choose between your own corruption or to remain faithful at even ultimate cost, I passed through these stages of crying for want of even a gesture of support, railing against those who deny it, railing against my own little human wanting for it, and then hungry for the maturity to simply stand where I must stand.

I recently finished reading Eugenia Ginzburg's "Journey Into The Whirlwind", another book like Solzhenitsyn's the Siberian life of the political prisoner. She relates near the end how a group of Orthodox women would not work on Easter, Pasca. They were sent to cut wood despite their request. They laid down their tools and sang. They were made to stand barefoot in icy water, and still they sang. Eugenia wrote that she and the other women prisoners begged the guards to not punish them so cruelly. Eugenia, not herself Christian but still loyal to the communist ideal, was of two responses. Either these women were an example of the way to live (and die) faithful and true, or, were they an example of a wasted gesture, resulting in nothing more than their own meaningless torture and highlighting the insignificance of them all?

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Thank you for this insightful interview and article! Living through the madness of the last 4+ years has been an awakening for many citizens who respect our Constitution and the military. Thank you, Dr. Spears, for your courage to “Live Not By Lies.” I pray the United States Military will have a new birth of freedom — not only for the individual soldier, but for citizens who desperately need it to be faithful to our nation’s founding principles.

God bless you!

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Love it. Love it. Love it. Great work.

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I hope your posting has deep influence to all of those readers out there whose morals are in conflict with their behavior. Starting with me— you have narrowed the gap between who I am and what I do. “Thank you for that service to mankind!”😊

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Interesting. As an old vet I can identify.

Just don’t understand why it took so long for the lights to go on for him.

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Hello, As a n old vet’s spouse here and an RN , we saw the “no early treatment “ and the poorly set up studies in famous “ journals” early on…. & did not go along. Stayed amazed at the far more erudite that went along with the nonsense. Brain Washing/PsyOp/no learning from Geneva Convention/Mass Formation Theory on a global scale. No wonder we cannot wrap our brains around it all.

I do think people allowed themselves to get derailed by the switch of term, if you will, to mass formation psychosis. They seemed to get so defensive vs accepting the challenge to reason a better way through it all.

Sticking to the need for more classical education and a spirit of love & forgiveness . Prayers for all!🙏❤️

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STILL waiting for arrests! Jag tribunals?? Where?

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Arrests and tribunals would indicate to me the military hierarchy/bureaucracy has been overcome/healed which is past my ability to imagine.

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Thank you for this. I wish and hope for more people to read and understand what this man has said. The ones who are against the military, are not against "The Military". They are the ones who have seen this from way back when and nobody has spoken of. This mans story is not the only story of this kind. I commend him for his bravery and humanity that only God has kept inside of him.

He says it correctly;

History makes one thing clear: military forces, in every time and place, ultimately serve those who pay them.

Left in uniform, they would turn on a dime and do the bidding of Stalin if so ordered by a subsequent president.

THIS IS where we are Americans. No real leadership and no morals. A big old nasty machine ran like the corporate banking machine we have given power to.

I do not have a clue how we get out of this or if we can ever get out of this but if we do not, then America will not mean a damn thing---anymore.

My heart hurts for us all.

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Enjoyed this in-depth interview and related to all aspects of PAO inside information — best for continued development, spiritual growth and success!

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