Fascinating and important interview. Thanks for interviewing Chase Spears. I am still trying to figure out what the Army considered éxtremism.' Who and what is/was extremism in the military? I couldn't find a definition in any of the government docs in the link provided. Thank you.
Fascinating and important interview. Thanks for interviewing Chase Spears. I am still trying to figure out what the Army considered éxtremism.' Who and what is/was extremism in the military? I couldn't find a definition in any of the government docs in the link provided. Thank you.
Warrior, I was a space force defense contractor in 2019-thru-2021, and, although it was “optional” for my pay grade, I attended the all-military and government civilian-mandatory SECDEF Training in early 2021 (Secretary Austin’s first official act, before the April 21st ‘vax mandate’). During that briefing, not just the Army, but all Services, were alerted to be on the lookout for any of us, both within the workforce and in the local environment, that were extremist of any kind, to include whites, weapon lovers, outspokenness, Christian or others who might be religious extremists or display any tendencies towards insurrection. No wonder most of the military sat up and shut up. Buses and time off was later provided to go to the base clinics to get the jabs. What a circus. As retired military over 65, I was ‘first priority’ — I refused. The prime contractor red-lined all of us non conformists. Probably for the better, as I fit General Austin’s definition of ‘extremist’ all five ways: white, male warfighter, Christ believer, and believer in our right of free speech and our right to bear arms. His every example was to endorse DEI and encourage CRT. Tragic for Service morale. I saw the recruiting/enlisting decline as well. Have been wide awake and praying continually, great to see the action and accountability by President Trump and SECDEF Hegseth, will root for our newest young men and women recruits!
extremism is anything 'they' (military) don't want you to believe or command you to believe. In other words, brainwashing you. if we don't shut up and do what they want, then we are extremeists. Deplorables.
Fascinating and important interview. Thanks for interviewing Chase Spears. I am still trying to figure out what the Army considered éxtremism.' Who and what is/was extremism in the military? I couldn't find a definition in any of the government docs in the link provided. Thank you.
Warrior, I was a space force defense contractor in 2019-thru-2021, and, although it was “optional” for my pay grade, I attended the all-military and government civilian-mandatory SECDEF Training in early 2021 (Secretary Austin’s first official act, before the April 21st ‘vax mandate’). During that briefing, not just the Army, but all Services, were alerted to be on the lookout for any of us, both within the workforce and in the local environment, that were extremist of any kind, to include whites, weapon lovers, outspokenness, Christian or others who might be religious extremists or display any tendencies towards insurrection. No wonder most of the military sat up and shut up. Buses and time off was later provided to go to the base clinics to get the jabs. What a circus. As retired military over 65, I was ‘first priority’ — I refused. The prime contractor red-lined all of us non conformists. Probably for the better, as I fit General Austin’s definition of ‘extremist’ all five ways: white, male warfighter, Christ believer, and believer in our right of free speech and our right to bear arms. His every example was to endorse DEI and encourage CRT. Tragic for Service morale. I saw the recruiting/enlisting decline as well. Have been wide awake and praying continually, great to see the action and accountability by President Trump and SECDEF Hegseth, will root for our newest young men and women recruits!
extremism is anything 'they' (military) don't want you to believe or command you to believe. In other words, brainwashing you. if we don't shut up and do what they want, then we are extremeists. Deplorables.