
What's in the vial?

We don't know.

The above nugget is a short clip from a recent documentary.

This is the latest in several clips I’ve seen showing blank package inserts, from the US.

I thought it was important, to bookmark and say a thing or two.


This morning I walked over to a local chemist in upper northern Sydney. It’s a suburb full of old people. The owner was there to talk to me, nobody else was there.

I asked her if they were stocking any Pfizer vaccines, and to my surprise she said no, they hadn’t been for the last 3 months as they have to buy them in 60 vial packs and there wasn’t demand for that much vaccine anymore. I’m surprised and honestly not sure what to think about it. Is it that the fear level has dropped enough for the chemist to stop stocking the magical potion, or are they getting their boosters from their trusted doctors?

Anyway, I persisted with why I was there, and asked her if Pfizer or any of the other vaccines came packed in boxes with a package insert, like we see in the above clip. She said no, they have never come that way, only vials sold in large quantities.

I’m going to take this as likely true across Australia, that they haven’t even bothered with an “intentionally blank” package insert.

Obviously, they made the vaccines at existing childhood vaccine factories and, I assume, didn’t have time to rewire the packaging to exclude the blank sheets. If anyone has a better theory, please let me know.

Also, if anyone in Australia has seen a package insert (physical, not the pdf we can get online), please let me know.

So, to a point I’ve made already here:

These covid vaccines are doing something within our bodies that is not entirely clear.

Some of it we seem to understand by now, but plenty of it we still don’t. One reason for that is that we actually do not know what is in the vials.

That is a true statement.

We know about lipid nanoparticles and synthetic mRNA and plenty of other components, but we still do not know all of what is in the vials. It is likely protected under either the emergency use authorisation, or industrial patent and property rights law or some combination of both, I’m guessing.

Either way, neither you nor your doctor nor your government actually knows exactly what is in the vial that you allowed into your body.

I think that not knowing is a big deal. I thought that not knowing was a big deal from the start. This from June 2021 to my adult kids:

Pricing the UNKOWN is impossible (you can price Probability, but not the Unknown), that’s why the Unknown is so risky. Think of Russian Roulette and imagine a gun with a 20 bullet capacity. If you know there was one bullet in the barrel, well you have a 1 in 20 risk (5% probability) of blowing your brains out…the risk has been quantified and you can decide whether to play from there…. obviously if you knew there were 20 bullets in the barrel, you wouldn’t pick up the gun.

But what if you DIDN’T KNOW how many bullets there were…could be 20 and could be Zero…would you pick up the gun…I wouldn’t, and I don’t think anybody else would? Not knowing how many bullets are in the barrel is the same as knowing there are 20.

Without TIME, you don’t know how many bullets are in the vaccine barrel…it is that simple.

And this from Sept 2021 about Russian Roulette:

Not knowing is THE BIGGEST RISK FACTOR. It’s the same as KNOWING there are 20 bullets in the chamber. Unless you are crazy, or in a psychotic state (which is currently technically accurate), you do not gamble with your life when the risks are UNKOWN.

I have lost count of the stories of injuries in my circles. Third, second and first degree connections, acquaintances and friends that have come down with all manner of conditions from recurring colds/flus (“I just cann’t seem to get over it”) to anaphylactic reactions, shingles, pneumonia, bronchitis, repeat Covid (obviously), menstrual irregularity, blue-green breast milk, myo-peri carditis, death and more that I cannot now remember.

I have not lost touch with what “normal morbidity” in my circles looked and felt like in terms of degree and frequency. I remember the baseline. This is not normal. This is WAY above baseline.

The more time that goes by, which means the more doses are taken, the worse and more frequent the stories get. This is a full-frontal horror show happening in real time and in slow motion.

The point of this piece is not to rehash old ground, but to talk directly to those with two or three doses who are being coerced towards more, to give them a mental model that might improve their resolve to just stop. To understand risk better, and just stop taking on anymore lifetime risk.

Yes, it’s lifetime risk you are playing with, not the dodging of short-term bullets, as a friend said a while back:

I was talking to a friend the other day who had taken both doses and he said, “I took the first two and I was fine, I don’t know what all the fuss is about”, to which I said, “if you run through a mine field without having your leg blown off, it doesn’t mean it was a good idea. Run through that minefield enough times and a mine will get you eventually”.

Even my answer was framing the risk as a short-term risk.

But if you don’t know what’s in the vial, how do you know what you have done to your 5-year risk?

What do you know about the 15-year risk of your teenagers?

The answer for both is nothing at all.

But you are not alone, neither does your doctor, more the doctors medical association, nor the Health Ministry nor its Public Health Officers nor the celebrities telling you to get it…here is Clooney.

Nor all the mainstream media personalities telling you to take it (I’m thinking of you Rachel Maddow), I could keep going but my fingers are tiring from smashing the keyboard…

There is no peace of mind if there is deep uncertainty.

Not knowing is chaos.

Chaos is hell.

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.

In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.

You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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