"Not because vaccines are inherently bad, but because they are used unwisely". Excuse me?? Ever since The Boys From Brazil got together turn of the 20th century, aka oligarchs from UK/US, and decided to rule the world completely (did anyone think England was going to give up 100 years of dominance), in their infinite wisdom knew very well, control of the media was paramount.
If you're late coming to the table you will find that hard to believe. If you've read a bit of history, not so hard. When I discovered in 2004 that EVERY THING I had been told was a lie, I said, no that can't be. I got started. Every book I read, every page I turned, every stone I lifted showed an alternative completely opposite view of what I had been programmed to believe. It's called Both Sides of a Story, not just one. Isn't there two sides to a story? Then there's the truth.
Nobel effort by Downey and I understand he not wanting to alienate questioning parents in serious dilemma over vaccines by taking a stronger approach than I would. But I have seen, I've been around, and nothing could be further from the truth than "vaccines are not inherently bad".
I cannot speak for Downey, but I believe I understand what he is doing and the purpose of his messaging.
His audience are believers, but they have some questions. If you want any chance of keeping them engaged you have to accept the premise of their belief initially and not take it head on. Once they have had an opportunity to learn about the sum total of the chemicals they are about to inject, their awakening begins.
At the very least I think those that were going to inject the whole schedule are likely to do less and delayed and spaced...which is winning for the child. But I think a large portion simply land on total avoidance.
Your point did not go unnoticed by me. I have yet to find an untruth spoken by Unbekoming IMO, which is the only reason I am here. Those who claim it's OK to poison children or seniors just a little bit is better than on a regular basis, those who invoke the Holocaust, those who are willing to denigrate a whole race of people without the slightest knowledge of their history, no matter how intelligent their arguments be, are bullet points to losing credibility. Too many great men have been imprisoned, stripped of their life's long mission to do good and murdered because they spoke the truth. Ignoring those sacrifices, to just go along, is not possible.
Case in point: Yesterday I again came across Dr Andreas Noack who examined the vaccine ingredients in covid succinctly and completely laid to rest the reason for the blood clots i.e. strokes & heart attacks happening, aka sudden deaths. 100's of doctors came out about covid, but not like he did. He was taken out immediately and his arrest was on video. But yesterdays video preceded that and was about the poisoning of babies, material I never knew, that sunk my heart to the core. One look at that slightly disheveled genius of a man and I could see he had no fear, a foremost chemist in the world with no ego, nary a care about what could/would happen to him for telling the truth. This man never knew he would give up his young life for doing something better than anyone else has done. Dr Noack goes into the same column as Dr Moulden and so many more. A half lie means you've forgotten where the truth is.
It feels like the “ anti vaxx movement” is perhaps slowly being co opted by the deletes as everything seems to end up being. As gates has done with the vegans and his fake meat and crickets...all hail Nicole Kidman...
Senior citizens are subject to the same propaganda spin re: "age-appropriate" vaccines (like shingles and pneumovax). A biased "physicians assistant", the only member working with Medicare Part B patients in her medical practice of MDs and NPs, was disappointed that I was not interested in the Pneumovax23 shot during a routine "preventive" office visit covered by Medicare Part B. She was stoned-faced as I detailed why (the adjuvants, etc;) (I noticed but did not remark to her that the practice got a reimbursement of $500+ for every shot they administered).
I haven’t been back to that practice and am still looking for an open-minded personal MD. Most MDs are brainwashed by the med schools they went to, followed by the medical assn's they join after graduation, and the local health boards of every county they practice medicine in. Seniors are particularly susceptible to the propaganda spin b/c many are uninformed.
Btw, I also refused the "warp speed" covid vax and booster schedule. Since then, a healthy 72 y.o. brother mysteriously died. A sister in law the same age developed a turbo-cancer about 20 months after receiving all the scheduled covid vax-plus-boosters. She died too. My blood kin regard me as "conspire theorist", but research is easy to do with internet access.
I was talking to someone the other day, a normie, who was in the grips of the system as he was being treated for "sudden" cancer. In passing he told me, with clear disdain in his voice that "we have a conspiracy theorist in the family."
I'm right there with you. Luckily I have a doctor who knows I know that he knows I know. My heart goes out to seniors who are preyed upon like children are, yet they don't see. I rejected tech for the longest time. Then one day my sisters boyfriend came over for a visit and had a computer with him. I was struck dumb and then and there he ordered me my 1st computer and it has been an eye opener ever since.
Hep B was the vax that broke my compliance. I was told we lived in a "high risk city". High risk of my baby girl doing drugs or being raped? I did a little digging and found links to human fetal cells. Went back to my doctor, who assured me it could not be true. But i asked to see the product insert, which said "human diploid cell". We looked up the term in her fat Physician's Desk Reference (this was 1998). She was shocked, i never vaccinated again. As a Christian who believes that life begins at conception, i don't want my children to benefit from the deliberate murder of other little babies, even if their mother/doctor (both complicit in the death) give permission to use their little body in that way. In what ethical universe does a killer retain the right to direct how the victim's body is commodified/sold, or the right to profit from the death (in the doctor's case)? Ethically, it is absolutely a minefield i avoid. Which was why covid vaccine mandates were such a hideous overreach by government into my deeply held moral convictions. And even if i were not a Christian, a group hated and despised by the Liberal party of Canada, the ethical morass still remains, and no ethically derived vaccines were available until they had lied and tried to intimidate, threatened my husband's employment and shown up at our place of worship to observe and take names, after my kids were refused to be able to sit at a "socially distanced" table to grab a bite at the mall during Christmas shopping, and where we had to hide our vehicle to avoid its destruction when we travelled to the next province to help our widowed mother after our father died suddenly and violently. After all that, even with a so called "ethical alternative", there was zero trust. We'd stuck it out long enough that our young adults had been kicked out of college (for being unvaxed)and were well into learning trades. We did not want or need the approval of the moral midgets running the show.
I would love to know if Chris has come to the conclusion that no vaccines are best? I know I did. Decades ago I did the spaced out, select few method but I know more now and if I had to do it again, I would not give any. Thank God my 2 grandchildren are vaccine free.
Same here. Gave only a few, but I doubt I'd give any if I could have had a bit more info on hand. I had Evidence of Harm book and my naturopath but today I have reams of data.
If you just think about it for a moment, as something conjured up for a horror film ... injecting people with unknown substances? And babies? What a foul script up horror's street! I haven't had a vaxx in 50 years, nor been anywhere near a doctor for almost as long. I still don't get it why people rush to the doctor at every little poops of feeling ill. But if I had an impact injury, I'll applaud the wonders of medical science to mend my broken bones; of course, they would at that point probably inject me with something to stabilise my condition :)
Our "baseline" rates for diseases, disabilities, injuries, birth defects, etc., are gleaned from a 99.74% vaccine-exposed population. Therefore, when someone gets sick/injured, it's SOOOO damned "common" that it will never be attributed to vaccines. Nothing "out of the ordinary" is happening right?
But without the data on the TRUE CONTROLS nobody knows what the baseline rates SHOULD be.
While conducting the Control Group study the most common reason parents gave for not vaccinating, was that they'd vaxxed their 1st, child/ren and personally witnessed the injuries with their own eyes, and so, decided not to vaccinate their new kids, and never AGAIN vaccinate their older kids who'd already been injured.
Vaccines are referred to as "countermeasures." No vaccine is safe. Not for human or animal. They are all very effective at doing harm. Our bodies are programmed to recognize self from non self. Our bodies don't like non-self. Especially if non-self is a protein or cell lines from babies or animals or peanuts or... Injecting stuff sets up an allergic reaction and it causes permanent allergies to normal things.
See Sasha Latypova's Substack.
It's been known for over 50 years that vaccines cause SIDS. It's been known for over 25 years that vaccines cause Autism. Vaccines cause or trigger IBD. Dr. Andy Wakefield and his team discovered what he called "autistic entercolitis" about 25 years ago (connected to the MMR vax). My son was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when he was 16. It really isn't much fun and life can be very compromised.
I did a long post on another article about how Hepatitis B is a fake disease supposedly caused by a (non-existent) virus. Similar plot to the HIV-AIDS virus fraud which came later in the 80s. Hep B was "discovered" by a medical charlatan and all round creep and fraud called Dr Saul Krugman (yes he is) a pediatric researcher from the Bronx (trained at the Rockefeller Institute in NY) at an institution for mentally retarded children on Staten Island called Willowbrook in the 1950s. Sanitary conditions, hygiene practices, and nutrition at this place were appalling. Thus the liver inflammation AKA "hepatitis" many of the young inmates suffered. NOT due to a virus. Poor living standards. And the entire Hepatitis "B" fraud and subsequent vaccines originated from Krugman's "work" there.
Ahhhhhhhh.... so satisfying and comforting to read Chris Downey's words. Thank you for sharing this with the world! I came to the same conclusions as Chris (25 years ago) when I questioned doctors about vaccines (and antibiotics) for my children. I was fortunate to find a naturopath who gave me research-backed info with neutrality and without pressure. I'm a bright individual, but I struggled to hold the info she shared with me in my mind and found myself asking the same questions about particular vaccines over and over again to make sure I understood; I realize now that she was metaphorically holding my hand through the cognitive dissonance I was overcoming. Due to having the benefit of this excellent caregiver for decades, my children were healthy and vibrant. I chose only a tiny subset of vaccines for my children, and those were given broken up into individual types and spread out over very long periods of time.
I've added highlights from this interview to my research summary on Vaccine Harms and Fraud:
There were numerous comments in the interview that really made my day; he spoke words I've thought for so long:
- Making vaccine hesitancy a derogatory term? How ridiculous. It's obviously a sign of wisdom.
- Using the "discipline of the market" to help find what people really need and develop the ability to communicate and create that. (I have had that experience in my revenue-producing work with yoga teachers and health coaches, but I've never been able to articulate the thought so well.)
- "Curation as a methodology has ancient roots, dating back to early human societies. The practice of collecting, organizing, and preserving knowledge, artifacts, or objects has been a fundamental part of human culture for millennia. This is why Big Tech's suppression and destruction of vaccine-risk information is so profoundly anti-human and utterly repulsive." Yes, yes, yes, yes. Couldn't agree more.
Thank you for pointing to this helpful tool. I sincerely wish we had known about this when we had our children. We delayed the Hep B shot but given what I know now, we would have skipped it altogether. We always assumed vaccine benefits outweighed the risks as we were never exposed to contrary information or examples of vaccine injury that might have caused us to think twice. Covid was the eye opener for us. The VaxCalc tool provides an enlightening introduction to this topic and I plan to share it with new parents I know. Thank you for highlighting this innovative resource.
Everybody you disagree with isn't controlled op. With your attitude, parents who are just starting to question would have nowhere to go, no one to trust. Vaccines are such a powerful ideology that breaking free from it is very hard mental work and creates a sense of moral vertigo for months. See https://vaxcalc.org/vaccines-a-noble-purpose-morphed-into-rigid-ideology/
When "the system" is working overtime to force one-size-fits-all vaccination upon every child, a powerful countermeasure to this to support and inspire parents to insist upon individualized healthcare.
There's a concept I recently heard called "controlled opportunism." Most of the health freedom movement will fit into this categorization (RFK Jr and CHD definitely). They get to feel self-righteous and make money at the same time. "Controlled" doesn't necessarily mean that you have a CIA handler. Much of what has been done to us is psychological warfare. What's the effect of something being labeled a "conspiracy theory"? Most peoples brain's turn off any critical thinking and reject out of hand any evidence, Those people ARE controlled. That's how it works in most cases. If you were to say to the person being interviewed in this article that viruses don't exist that virology and vaccines are all a fraud, they will call you crazy. But that is where the evidence takes you.
Mr. Downey, you said "Our instincts are a result of millions of years of evolution." Really? You quote the Bible, and we are led to believe that your Christian ethics are what drive you to continue educating people about vaccines. How do you square your beliefs and reliance on biblical truth with the lie of evolution? I'm not trying to be disrespectful; I'm genuinely curious as to why you would make such a statement.
'Hot' lot should be renamed to 'most successful killing' lot, or perhaps the 'kill'em fast' lot. Injected deaths are the goal of the government, not an accident.
"Not because vaccines are inherently bad, but because they are used unwisely". Excuse me?? Ever since The Boys From Brazil got together turn of the 20th century, aka oligarchs from UK/US, and decided to rule the world completely (did anyone think England was going to give up 100 years of dominance), in their infinite wisdom knew very well, control of the media was paramount.
If you're late coming to the table you will find that hard to believe. If you've read a bit of history, not so hard. When I discovered in 2004 that EVERY THING I had been told was a lie, I said, no that can't be. I got started. Every book I read, every page I turned, every stone I lifted showed an alternative completely opposite view of what I had been programmed to believe. It's called Both Sides of a Story, not just one. Isn't there two sides to a story? Then there's the truth.
Nobel effort by Downey and I understand he not wanting to alienate questioning parents in serious dilemma over vaccines by taking a stronger approach than I would. But I have seen, I've been around, and nothing could be further from the truth than "vaccines are not inherently bad".
I cannot speak for Downey, but I believe I understand what he is doing and the purpose of his messaging.
His audience are believers, but they have some questions. If you want any chance of keeping them engaged you have to accept the premise of their belief initially and not take it head on. Once they have had an opportunity to learn about the sum total of the chemicals they are about to inject, their awakening begins.
At the very least I think those that were going to inject the whole schedule are likely to do less and delayed and spaced...which is winning for the child. But I think a large portion simply land on total avoidance.
That's why I think what he's done is very clever.
Your point did not go unnoticed by me. I have yet to find an untruth spoken by Unbekoming IMO, which is the only reason I am here. Those who claim it's OK to poison children or seniors just a little bit is better than on a regular basis, those who invoke the Holocaust, those who are willing to denigrate a whole race of people without the slightest knowledge of their history, no matter how intelligent their arguments be, are bullet points to losing credibility. Too many great men have been imprisoned, stripped of their life's long mission to do good and murdered because they spoke the truth. Ignoring those sacrifices, to just go along, is not possible.
Case in point: Yesterday I again came across Dr Andreas Noack who examined the vaccine ingredients in covid succinctly and completely laid to rest the reason for the blood clots i.e. strokes & heart attacks happening, aka sudden deaths. 100's of doctors came out about covid, but not like he did. He was taken out immediately and his arrest was on video. But yesterdays video preceded that and was about the poisoning of babies, material I never knew, that sunk my heart to the core. One look at that slightly disheveled genius of a man and I could see he had no fear, a foremost chemist in the world with no ego, nary a care about what could/would happen to him for telling the truth. This man never knew he would give up his young life for doing something better than anyone else has done. Dr Noack goes into the same column as Dr Moulden and so many more. A half lie means you've forgotten where the truth is.
It feels like the “ anti vaxx movement” is perhaps slowly being co opted by the deletes as everything seems to end up being. As gates has done with the vegans and his fake meat and crickets...all hail Nicole Kidman...
Senior citizens are subject to the same propaganda spin re: "age-appropriate" vaccines (like shingles and pneumovax). A biased "physicians assistant", the only member working with Medicare Part B patients in her medical practice of MDs and NPs, was disappointed that I was not interested in the Pneumovax23 shot during a routine "preventive" office visit covered by Medicare Part B. She was stoned-faced as I detailed why (the adjuvants, etc;) (I noticed but did not remark to her that the practice got a reimbursement of $500+ for every shot they administered).
I haven’t been back to that practice and am still looking for an open-minded personal MD. Most MDs are brainwashed by the med schools they went to, followed by the medical assn's they join after graduation, and the local health boards of every county they practice medicine in. Seniors are particularly susceptible to the propaganda spin b/c many are uninformed.
Btw, I also refused the "warp speed" covid vax and booster schedule. Since then, a healthy 72 y.o. brother mysteriously died. A sister in law the same age developed a turbo-cancer about 20 months after receiving all the scheduled covid vax-plus-boosters. She died too. My blood kin regard me as "conspire theorist", but research is easy to do with internet access.
I was talking to someone the other day, a normie, who was in the grips of the system as he was being treated for "sudden" cancer. In passing he told me, with clear disdain in his voice that "we have a conspiracy theorist in the family."
I'm right there with you. Luckily I have a doctor who knows I know that he knows I know. My heart goes out to seniors who are preyed upon like children are, yet they don't see. I rejected tech for the longest time. Then one day my sisters boyfriend came over for a visit and had a computer with him. I was struck dumb and then and there he ordered me my 1st computer and it has been an eye opener ever since.
Hep B was the vax that broke my compliance. I was told we lived in a "high risk city". High risk of my baby girl doing drugs or being raped? I did a little digging and found links to human fetal cells. Went back to my doctor, who assured me it could not be true. But i asked to see the product insert, which said "human diploid cell". We looked up the term in her fat Physician's Desk Reference (this was 1998). She was shocked, i never vaccinated again. As a Christian who believes that life begins at conception, i don't want my children to benefit from the deliberate murder of other little babies, even if their mother/doctor (both complicit in the death) give permission to use their little body in that way. In what ethical universe does a killer retain the right to direct how the victim's body is commodified/sold, or the right to profit from the death (in the doctor's case)? Ethically, it is absolutely a minefield i avoid. Which was why covid vaccine mandates were such a hideous overreach by government into my deeply held moral convictions. And even if i were not a Christian, a group hated and despised by the Liberal party of Canada, the ethical morass still remains, and no ethically derived vaccines were available until they had lied and tried to intimidate, threatened my husband's employment and shown up at our place of worship to observe and take names, after my kids were refused to be able to sit at a "socially distanced" table to grab a bite at the mall during Christmas shopping, and where we had to hide our vehicle to avoid its destruction when we travelled to the next province to help our widowed mother after our father died suddenly and violently. After all that, even with a so called "ethical alternative", there was zero trust. We'd stuck it out long enough that our young adults had been kicked out of college (for being unvaxed)and were well into learning trades. We did not want or need the approval of the moral midgets running the show.
I would love to know if Chris has come to the conclusion that no vaccines are best? I know I did. Decades ago I did the spaced out, select few method but I know more now and if I had to do it again, I would not give any. Thank God my 2 grandchildren are vaccine free.
See my reply to the pinned comment.
Same here. Gave only a few, but I doubt I'd give any if I could have had a bit more info on hand. I had Evidence of Harm book and my naturopath but today I have reams of data.
Great interview. Here is a story of a mom’s awakening https://intellectualtakeout.org/2024/09/great-awakening-mothers-journey/
If you just think about it for a moment, as something conjured up for a horror film ... injecting people with unknown substances? And babies? What a foul script up horror's street! I haven't had a vaxx in 50 years, nor been anywhere near a doctor for almost as long. I still don't get it why people rush to the doctor at every little poops of feeling ill. But if I had an impact injury, I'll applaud the wonders of medical science to mend my broken bones; of course, they would at that point probably inject me with something to stabilise my condition :)
Our "baseline" rates for diseases, disabilities, injuries, birth defects, etc., are gleaned from a 99.74% vaccine-exposed population. Therefore, when someone gets sick/injured, it's SOOOO damned "common" that it will never be attributed to vaccines. Nothing "out of the ordinary" is happening right?
But without the data on the TRUE CONTROLS nobody knows what the baseline rates SHOULD be.
This is the baseline.
While conducting the Control Group study the most common reason parents gave for not vaccinating, was that they'd vaxxed their 1st, child/ren and personally witnessed the injuries with their own eyes, and so, decided not to vaccinate their new kids, and never AGAIN vaccinate their older kids who'd already been injured.
Vaccines are referred to as "countermeasures." No vaccine is safe. Not for human or animal. They are all very effective at doing harm. Our bodies are programmed to recognize self from non self. Our bodies don't like non-self. Especially if non-self is a protein or cell lines from babies or animals or peanuts or... Injecting stuff sets up an allergic reaction and it causes permanent allergies to normal things.
See Sasha Latypova's Substack.
It's been known for over 50 years that vaccines cause SIDS. It's been known for over 25 years that vaccines cause Autism. Vaccines cause or trigger IBD. Dr. Andy Wakefield and his team discovered what he called "autistic entercolitis" about 25 years ago (connected to the MMR vax). My son was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when he was 16. It really isn't much fun and life can be very compromised.
I did a long post on another article about how Hepatitis B is a fake disease supposedly caused by a (non-existent) virus. Similar plot to the HIV-AIDS virus fraud which came later in the 80s. Hep B was "discovered" by a medical charlatan and all round creep and fraud called Dr Saul Krugman (yes he is) a pediatric researcher from the Bronx (trained at the Rockefeller Institute in NY) at an institution for mentally retarded children on Staten Island called Willowbrook in the 1950s. Sanitary conditions, hygiene practices, and nutrition at this place were appalling. Thus the liver inflammation AKA "hepatitis" many of the young inmates suffered. NOT due to a virus. Poor living standards. And the entire Hepatitis "B" fraud and subsequent vaccines originated from Krugman's "work" there.
And more than likely, those poor kids were used in experiments and fed or injected toxins that contributed to liver inflammation.
Ahhhhhhhh.... so satisfying and comforting to read Chris Downey's words. Thank you for sharing this with the world! I came to the same conclusions as Chris (25 years ago) when I questioned doctors about vaccines (and antibiotics) for my children. I was fortunate to find a naturopath who gave me research-backed info with neutrality and without pressure. I'm a bright individual, but I struggled to hold the info she shared with me in my mind and found myself asking the same questions about particular vaccines over and over again to make sure I understood; I realize now that she was metaphorically holding my hand through the cognitive dissonance I was overcoming. Due to having the benefit of this excellent caregiver for decades, my children were healthy and vibrant. I chose only a tiny subset of vaccines for my children, and those were given broken up into individual types and spread out over very long periods of time.
I've added highlights from this interview to my research summary on Vaccine Harms and Fraud:
There were numerous comments in the interview that really made my day; he spoke words I've thought for so long:
- Making vaccine hesitancy a derogatory term? How ridiculous. It's obviously a sign of wisdom.
- Using the "discipline of the market" to help find what people really need and develop the ability to communicate and create that. (I have had that experience in my revenue-producing work with yoga teachers and health coaches, but I've never been able to articulate the thought so well.)
- "Curation as a methodology has ancient roots, dating back to early human societies. The practice of collecting, organizing, and preserving knowledge, artifacts, or objects has been a fundamental part of human culture for millennia. This is why Big Tech's suppression and destruction of vaccine-risk information is so profoundly anti-human and utterly repulsive." Yes, yes, yes, yes. Couldn't agree more.
Thank you.
Thank you for pointing to this helpful tool. I sincerely wish we had known about this when we had our children. We delayed the Hep B shot but given what I know now, we would have skipped it altogether. We always assumed vaccine benefits outweighed the risks as we were never exposed to contrary information or examples of vaccine injury that might have caused us to think twice. Covid was the eye opener for us. The VaxCalc tool provides an enlightening introduction to this topic and I plan to share it with new parents I know. Thank you for highlighting this innovative resource.
Another good resource
Vaccines are inherently bad. This guy is Controlled Op 101. Never inject anything. It is unnecessary and inherently dangerous. Anything can be given homeopathically, including every "Disease" that there is a vaccine for. Parotidinum is Mumps, Morbillinum is measles, etc... You are still scaring Parents by keeping them from KNOWING that there is an alternative. Why don't you interview Dr. Isaac Golden who wrote his PhD dissertation on the efficacy of homeoprophylaxis? His studies show children using his protocol are healthier than children who are unvaccinated and who also don't use homeopathy. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzobGn7OjQi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==. https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Practitioners-Manual-Hom%C5%93oprophylaxis-Immunisation/dp/1478388056/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.d6p848AwOJCWqtbEErdsxqCtcB6afa7aFU8yGE_9jjBH7eaDWzZCbHWau7PWORdLA_-lw6xkWmXOBrGMR_I1XIzfXnkq_g4XcFf6Vba9Ja-wyh9xv1p-9-yvcb06ruZI04iM19Al7l2llaJo_U1kGeMdYDhCNm9IJ6awQRcZgMxDVg4kiUTSGfC_uHbSvXHr.W55LzAaTxr2rl_bklUXh1jeVMbqeCQXJXkmL2VXk5tw&dib_tag=se&qid=1727530865&refinements=p_27%3ADr.+Isaac+Golden&s=books&sr=1-1
Everybody you disagree with isn't controlled op. With your attitude, parents who are just starting to question would have nowhere to go, no one to trust. Vaccines are such a powerful ideology that breaking free from it is very hard mental work and creates a sense of moral vertigo for months. See https://vaxcalc.org/vaccines-a-noble-purpose-morphed-into-rigid-ideology/
When "the system" is working overtime to force one-size-fits-all vaccination upon every child, a powerful countermeasure to this to support and inspire parents to insist upon individualized healthcare.
There's a concept I recently heard called "controlled opportunism." Most of the health freedom movement will fit into this categorization (RFK Jr and CHD definitely). They get to feel self-righteous and make money at the same time. "Controlled" doesn't necessarily mean that you have a CIA handler. Much of what has been done to us is psychological warfare. What's the effect of something being labeled a "conspiracy theory"? Most peoples brain's turn off any critical thinking and reject out of hand any evidence, Those people ARE controlled. That's how it works in most cases. If you were to say to the person being interviewed in this article that viruses don't exist that virology and vaccines are all a fraud, they will call you crazy. But that is where the evidence takes you.
Mr. Downey, you said "Our instincts are a result of millions of years of evolution." Really? You quote the Bible, and we are led to believe that your Christian ethics are what drive you to continue educating people about vaccines. How do you square your beliefs and reliance on biblical truth with the lie of evolution? I'm not trying to be disrespectful; I'm genuinely curious as to why you would make such a statement.
'Hot' lot should be renamed to 'most successful killing' lot, or perhaps the 'kill'em fast' lot. Injected deaths are the goal of the government, not an accident.