Some perspective on population growth:

If you had a parking lot or a large flat field the size of Rhode Island, every single man, woman and child on earth could stand in it at the same time, without touching each other. Very close but not touching, 4.26 square feet per person. (I'm not suggesting that we actually do this unless I can have the contract for the concession stands.)

To put THAT into perspective: If you had a world globe eight feet in diameter, taking up most of your living room and touching the ceiling, you could cover Rhode Island with your fingertip (roughly one half inch by one third of an inch). I think there is room for a few more of us.

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Agree. I did my version of that here.


A reader left a comment correctly reminding me about the tone on which the doco ends, that of an overpopulation message. Let’s get one thing straight, overpopulation is a fast-thinking, Malthusian, genocidal, hope destroying, narrative that seems very hard for most to shake. It is total and utter BS and although I think the doco is absolutely worth watching to show the hypocrisy and corruption of the “green” movement, the “there are too many people” bullshit at the end can be ignored.

There are roughly 8 billion people (7.922 to be precise we are told).

If each one of us stood in 1 square metre, that would be 8b square metres.

Or 8,000 square kilometres (1 sq kilometre is 1m square metres). Which is an area just under 90kms long and 90 kms wide.

So, you could fit every man, women and child, standing within a square metre (holding hands) within an area the size of Sao Paulo (7,947 square kms).

Our little island of Tasmania is 68,401 square kms, if you divide by 8,000 you get 8.5.

That means that you could fit every man, woman and child, standing and holding hands 8.5 times into Tasmania.

The population “threat” has always been WILDLY exaggerated for political and financial gain.

Don’t believe it.

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I like to use analogies to help people get a better grasp of what these people are actually saying. When you're talking about billions of people or trillions of dollars it's difficult for most people to put it into a perspective that makes any sense to them.

I also like to take the figures that are tossed around by the doomsdayers and just crunch the numbers to show how ridiculous their statements are. A few months ago, a doctor was pushing surgery without anesthesia because "anesthetic gasses contribute one percent of the anthropogenic carbon in the atmosphere per year." About fifteen minutes of internet searching (carbon content of typical anesthetic gasses, number of surgeries performed per year, etc.) and some number crunching revealed that a person would have to take around 800,000 breaths during a one hour operation, using up over four hundred pounds of gas in the process. That's some serious huffing and puffing while lying there sedated.

I think that often these people just pull numbers out of their asses. They certainly smell like it.

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The world is numerically illiterate, and they take advantage of it.

Gates made a big deal about loving this book. Gaslighting at its best.


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this fraudulent, psychological manipulation of kids, no wonder so many have addictions, on antidepressants & therapy

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It should be abundantly clear by now that we are in the grip of a pernicious global corporate fascism with almost unlimited resources at its disposal. The sole aim of the Net Zero/Climate Change lobby is to load environmental guilt and shame on humanity as a distraction from the true crimes of the massive global corporations and their nature-destroying chemicals and pollution. The eugenicist subtext is insidiously yet relentlessly pushed to gaslight people into believing their own demise is necessary. Meanwhile the octogenarian oligarchs at the heads of Big Finance, Big Pharma, Big Chemicals and the Military-Industrial complex get away with their crimes scot-free to live it up in their remote mansion complexes and private jets.

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Great article - one to save 👍 Thanks.

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Bet you 100$ Attenborough has been to Epstein Island.

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I think we should always be striving for more efficient and sustainable approaches with our technology but that sometimes entrenched industries block the way. That said, this ever sliding 50 years until doom that's been put out there since I was a kid in the 90s has gotten a bit old. I replied on a Tweet 3 years ago that I love my car, the ability to get in and drive to anywhere in the country is awesome and a privilege. Something like that. Every 6 months an environmentalist chimes in on it to let me know that this makes me an awful person. I just can't.

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May 6, 2023
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And every single child needs to be taught critical thinking skills, i.e. how to spot a con job.

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