The Black Nobility
38 Questions & Answers: On Roman Empire, Jesuits, Communism, Phoenicians, Zionism and much more.
Black Nobility are NOT Jews or Jesuits, they are atheists and nihilists. They originate from the Roman Senator families which were driven out of Rome to the swamps of northern Italy in 476AD. - Frances Leader
I started hearing the term, Black Nobility, around 2021 I think, and obviously had no idea what it meant. It went into the “to research” file.
When Jerm of Jerm Warfare recently arrived onto Substack I noticed that he interviewed Frances Leader. It’s clear that Frances is a subject matter expert, so I decided to find out what the term means.
It connects with the following lectures that I have reviewed and highlighted.
Jeff Steinberg on The Invisible Empire
Question 6: What is the Club of the Isles and who are its members?
The Club of the Isles is described as the modern incarnation of the British East India Company, representing the "invisible empire." According to the lecture, it consists of 3-5,000 oligarchs from powerful families, some tracing their lineage back to the Venetian oligarchy or Roman Empire.
Members are said to include top officials from major financial institutions like the Bank of England, Barclays Bank, and N.M. Rothschild, as well as corporations such as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, and Rio Tinto. Steinberg describes this group as controlling vast amounts of the world's strategic raw materials, financial structures, and food supplies.
Gerry Rose on The Venetians
How did the oligarchic power centers shift from ancient Greece through to modern European financial centers?
The lecture traces a historical path of oligarchic power from ancient Greece to modern European financial centers. It begins with the Cult of Apollo at Delphi in Greece, which was both a religious and financial center. When Greece fell, this power moved to Rome, where it influenced the Roman military and introduced various cults. As Rome declined, the center shifted to Constantinople. From there, it moved to Venice, which became a key power in manipulating European politics and religion. Finally, as Venice's direct power waned, its methods and wealth were transferred to Amsterdam and London, which became the new centers of oligarchic financial power. This movement represents the continuity of oligarchic methods and wealth across different historical periods and locations.
With thanks to France Leader and Jerm Warfare.
Frances Leader on the Black Nobility - Jerm Warfare
38 Questions & Answers
What is the Black Nobility and what is their historical significance?
The Black Nobility refers to aristocratic families who supported the Pope during a period of political conflict in 19th century Rome. They dressed in black and closed their doors symbolically to protest policies of the time. The term has expanded to include European aristocratic families who allegedly sought to reinvigorate the Roman Empire. These families were descendants of original Roman senators who fled Rome when it was sacked in 576 CE, establishing themselves in the marshlands that would become Venice. They built their power through trade, particularly in slaves, drugs, spices, and exotic fabrics from the East.
How does the Roman Empire continue to exist today according to this theory?
The theory suggests that the Roman Empire never truly died but transformed into a trading empire rather than a land-based one. The descendants of Roman senators established a global network of trade, focusing on controlling commerce rather than territory. This empire now allegedly operates through three independent cities: the Vatican (controlling spiritual matters), the City of London (controlling finance), and Washington D.C. (controlling military affairs).
What role did Venice play in the survival of the Roman Empire?
When Rome was sacked in 576 CE, Roman senators fled to the marshlands in northern Italy, which later became Venice. These marshlands provided a safe haven due to their difficult accessibility. In this new location, the Roman elites allied with pirates and seagoing communities, particularly the Phoenicians. They established a powerful trading network, dealing in slaves, drugs, spices, and exotic fabrics from the East. This shift from a land-based to a trade-based empire allowed the Roman power structure to survive and evolve.
How does the concept of trading empires differ from land-based empires?
Trading empires differ from land-based empires in their focus and sustainability. Land-based empires required vast resources to maintain control over territories, including armies, roads, and infrastructure. This made them expensive and difficult to defend. In contrast, trading empires focus on controlling commerce rather than land. They exert influence through financial systems, trade routes, and economic policies. This approach allows for global reach without the need for physical occupation, making it more sustainable and less vulnerable to direct attacks.
What is the significance of the City of London as an independent entity?
The City of London is a one-square-mile territory within Greater London that functions as an independent entity with its own police force, political system, and laws. It houses key elements of the British economy, including major banks, media outlets (like Fleet Street), and insurance companies. This concentration of financial power allows it to exert significant influence over global economic affairs. The City's independent status enables it to operate with a degree of autonomy from the rest of the UK, serving as a financial hub for global trade networks.
How are Vatican City and Washington D.C. related to the concept of modern empire?
According to the theory, Vatican City, the City of London, and Washington D.C. form three independent cities that constitute the pillars of a modern, hidden empire. Vatican City controls spiritual matters, the City of London manages financial affairs, and Washington D.C. oversees military operations. This triumvirate allegedly allows for global control without the need for a visible, centralized empire. The independence of these cities enables them to operate outside normal national jurisdictions.
How are global financial systems controlled according to this theory?
Global financial systems are allegedly controlled by the descendants of ancient Roman nobility, operating through institutions like central banks and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). While Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds are often seen as the top of the financial pyramid, the theory suggests they are actually working for even wealthier, more powerful families of the Black Nobility. These elite families supposedly use banks and financial institutions to maintain their wealth and power, manipulating global economies to their advantage.
What is claimed about eugenics and population reduction?
The theory suggests that eugenics and population reduction are key objectives of the ruling elite. They allegedly believe humanity is overrunning and destroying the planet, and thus see population reduction as necessary. Environmental concerns are sometimes interpreted as part of this agenda. The theory suggests that depopulation of certain areas, achieved through various means including war and economic pressure, allows easier access to valuable resources and commodities in those regions.
What is the concept of "gap" and "core" countries?
The theory describes a global division into "gap" and "core" countries. Core countries include North America, most of Europe, and Australia. The gap comprises the middle section of the Earth, including South America, the Caribbean, Africa, India, and China. According to this view, there's a deliberate strategy to destabilize and depopulate gap countries, forcing migration into core countries. This migration puts pressure on the social systems of core countries, creating tension and chaos that allegedly serves the interests of the ruling elite.
How is migration's impact on core countries described?
Migration is portrayed as a "double-edged sword" engineered by the ruling elite. People from "gap" countries are allegedly forced to migrate due to economic pressures, wars, and environmental degradation in their homelands. When these migrants arrive in "core" countries, they put stress on social security networks and create cultural tensions. This influx causes social and economic strain in the receiving countries, leading to conflicts and division among the populace.
What roles do the Rothschild and Rockefeller families play in this theory?
The theory presents the Rothschild and Rockefeller families as servants of the Black Nobility, rather than the ultimate controllers of global finance as they are often portrayed. The Rothschilds allegedly built their reputation by managing and investing money for aristocratic families. The Black Nobility continues to invest through the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and similar families. While these families appear to be at the top of the banking system, they are supposedly working for even wealthier, more powerful families whose money they manage.
How is the British Royal Family connected to the Black Nobility?
The theory suggests that the British Royal Family, particularly the Windsors (whose original name was Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), are at the very top of the Black Nobility. This is allegedly based on the vast amount of property they own worldwide, much of which is rich in minerals and other extractable wealth. Far from being figureheads, the monarchy is portrayed as key players in the global power structure that continues the legacy of the Roman Empire.
What is claimed about the creation of Israel and the Balfour Declaration?
In 1917, the Rothschild Zionist Federation of Europe allegedly pressured the British government to guarantee a homeland for Jews in Palestine, resulting in the Balfour Declaration. The British government supposedly agreed to this partly due to financial pressures during World War I. The declaration included a clause protecting the rights of Arab residents, which was reportedly ignored when Israel was established in 1948. The displacement of Palestinians is described as a gradual process that began long before World War II, with Jews being driven out of Europe and settling in Palestine.
How is Zionism's impact on Palestinians described?
The theory presents Zionism as a movement that led to the displacement of Palestinian people. Contrary to the narrative of "a land without a people for a people without a land," Palestine had a thriving Arab community before the establishment of Israel. A gradual process of Jewish settlement in Palestine, driven by persecution in Europe, increased the Jewish population from 3% to over half by 1948. Both the Jews who were forced to leave their European homes and the Palestinians who were displaced are portrayed as victims of larger geopolitical machinations.
What is the relationship between the Black Nobility and the Catholic Church?
The theory describes a complex relationship between the Black Nobility and the Catholic Church. The Roman Empire allegedly adopted Christianity as its official religion to use it as a mind control mechanism, replacing the need for extensive military control with fear of God. However, the Black Nobility themselves are portrayed as atheists and nihilists who use religion as a tool for control. The Catholic Church, in this view, serves as a front for the Black Nobility's operations, allowing them to maintain a veneer of Christian morality while pursuing their own interests.
What role do the Jesuits play in global affairs according to this theory?
The Jesuits are portrayed as a powerful and influential organization serving the interests of the Black Nobility. Described as a military order disguised as a religious one, they were founded by Ignatius Loyola. Their primary methods of influence allegedly include education and infiltration of governments and aristocratic circles. The theory suggests they have been instrumental in shaping global ideologies, including communism, through their educational institutions and missions, and have been involved in instigating revolutions to destabilize countries and maintain control.
How are the origins of communism described?
The theory attributes the origins of communism to Jesuit experiments in South America, particularly in Paraguay and Uruguay. For 150 years, Jesuits allegedly set up communist-style communes among indigenous tribes, preventing their independence. This model was then supposedly passed on to figures like Marx and Lenin. Additionally, Jesuit missionaries allegedly brought these communist ideas to China. Thus, communism is portrayed not as a grassroots ideology, but as a system developed and propagated by the Jesuits as a means of control.
What is claimed about the French and American Revolutions?
According to the theory, the Jesuits were responsible for both the French and American Revolutions. These historical events are portrayed not as popular uprisings, but as engineered conflicts designed to destabilize countries. This fits into the broader narrative of the Jesuits as agents of the Black Nobility, using revolutions as a tool to reshape political landscapes in ways that benefit their masters.
How is Napoleon portrayed in relation to the Jesuits?
Napoleon is presented as an example of someone who spoke out against the Jesuits and faced consequences. The theory claims he was exiled to an island in isolation as punishment for opposing the Jesuits. This portrayal suggests the Jesuits were powerful enough to influence the fate of even the most powerful leaders of their time, and that opposition to the Jesuits (and by extension, the Black Nobility) was met with severe repercussions.
What is claimed about Princess Diana and her awareness of global affairs?
The theory suggests that Princess Diana became aware of the true nature of global affairs during her time in the royal family. She allegedly wasn't aware of these realities before marrying into the royal family. Her championing of causes like the campaign against landmines is presented as evidence of her growing awareness. The theory firmly suggests that Diana was murdered because of this knowledge, implying that her death was not an accident but a deliberate act to silence her.
How is JFK's assassination related to these topics?
JFK's assassination is presented as another example of what happens to those who discover and try to act against the power structure described. The theory implies that JFK, like Princess Diana, was killed because he had uncovered the truth about how global affairs are really controlled. Assassination is portrayed as one of the methods used by the ruling elite to silence those who threaten to expose or disrupt their operations.
How is media control and information suppression described?
The theory describes extensive media control and information suppression by the ruling elite. They allegedly have control over all forms of media, making it difficult to spread information that contradicts their narrative. Those who try to share alternative views about global power structures often face censorship on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Zoom, and Skype. Information sources can mysteriously disappear from the internet, and online presences can be largely erased.
What is meant by the concept of a "global slave system"?
The current global system is described as a "global slave system" operated by the Black Nobility. The five English-speaking countries (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) are portrayed as slave colonies financing this system and providing "cannon fodder" for its conflicts. Most people are allegedly unknowingly supporting and working within this system, dedicating their lives to enriching the ultra-wealthy elite without realizing it.
How is the implementation of totalitarianism described?
The theory suggests that the ruling elite are implementing a form of totalitarianism on a global scale. Initiatives like the "Great Reset" and Agenda 2030 are portrayed as part of this plan. The alleged goal is to create a system with no alternative ideologies or forms of governance, eliminating the need for elections. Population reduction is described as part of this plan, and the elite are accused of deliberately steering the world towards a third world war to achieve their goals.
What role does technology play in modern warfare and control according to this theory?
Technological advancements, particularly in electromagnetic radiation and similar fields, have allegedly changed the nature of warfare and control. These technologies have reduced the need for large numbers of soldiers, making traditional "cannon fodder" less necessary. Instead, technology now allows for more efficient methods of warfare and population control. This shift has supposedly led the ruling elite to focus more on eugenics and population reduction as their primary objectives, rather than maintaining large populations for military purposes.
Why is the importance of spreading information emphasized?
The theory emphasizes spreading information as the primary means of combating the described system. Informing people about the true nature of global power structures is seen as crucial for change. There's an acknowledgment that this information can be difficult to accept, as it suggests that many have unknowingly supported a system that doesn't serve their interests. The goal is to help younger generations understand and potentially change the global situation.
What are the origins and meaning of the term "Black Nobility"?
The term "Black Nobility" originated in the 19th century, referring to Roman aristocratic families who supported a Pope who had put himself in self-imposed imprisonment due to political issues within the Vatican. These families dressed in black and symbolically shut their doors to show they weren't participating in society until the Pope felt comfortable with the politics of the time. This continued until 1929 when the Vatican was established as an independent city. The term has since expanded to include any aristocratic or noble family throughout Europe allegedly conspiring to reinvigorate the Roman Empire.
What role did the Phoenicians play in early trade according to this theory?
The Phoenicians are connected with the early development of Venice. When Roman senators fled to the marshlands that would become Venice, they allegedly allied with pirates and seagoing communities, including the Phoenicians. The similarity between the words "Venetian" and "Phoenician" is presented as evidence of this connection. This alliance supposedly formed the basis of a powerful trading network dealing in slaves, drugs, spices, and exotic fabrics from the East, which became the foundation of Venice's wealth and influence.
How is Christianity described as a mind control mechanism?
According to the theory, the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as its official religion to use it as a mind control mechanism. Maintaining the vast empire through military force was expensive and unsustainable. By adopting Christianity, the empire could allegedly control people through fear of God rather than fear of soldiers. This approach allowed for more efficient governance as people would follow laws and behave in certain ways to "earn their place in heaven and not upset God." It's presented as a strategy that reduced the need for physical enforcement while maintaining control over the population.
What is claimed about Albert Pike's predictions regarding three world wars?
The theory references Albert Pike's predictions about three world wars, particularly focusing on a letter he allegedly wrote to Mazzini discussing the third world war. Pike is quoted as saying they would "unleash the atheists and the nihilists" in this war. This is interpreted to mean the Black Nobility themselves, who are described as atheists (not believing in God) and nihilists (not believing in any form of afterlife). This is presented as evidence of the Black Nobility's long-term planning and their willingness to use global conflicts to achieve their goals.
How is atheism and nihilism among the elite described?
The Black Nobility and aristocratic families are portrayed as atheists and nihilists, despite their outward association with Christianity. The theory suggests that these elites believe this one life is all there is, which is seen as the root of their perceived evil. This belief system allegedly drives their pursuit of immortality through scientific means, such as Ray Kurzweil's work on creating a "one consciousness." This pursuit is presented as misguided and limited, suggesting that their lack of spiritual belief leads them to seek physical solutions to existential questions.
What is claimed about Ray Kurzweil and the concept of "one consciousness"?
According to the theory, Kurzweil has been given his own university to research how to create a "one consciousness." This concept is presented as absurd, with the argument that a unified consciousness already exists spiritually. Kurzweil's work is portrayed as a manifestation of the elite's nihilistic worldview, where they seek technological solutions to transcend death due to their lack of belief in an afterlife. This pursuit is described as misguided and indicative of the limited spiritual understanding of the ruling class.
Who was Ignatius Loyola and what was his role in founding the Jesuits?
Ignatius Loyola is described as a Basque nobleman and soldier who founded the Jesuit order. After being injured in battle and unable to continue his military career, he allegedly developed a form of spiritual awareness during his isolation. The theory suggests that Loyola realized he could effectively control people's minds by beating out their resistance and independent thought. He formed a small group using these methods, which became the foundation of the Jesuit order. The Jesuits are portrayed as a hybrid between a military organization and a monastic order, designed to teach, establish schools and universities
What role did the Farnese family play in establishing the Jesuits?
The Farnese family, identified as part of the Black Nobility, was allegedly instrumental in establishing the Jesuits. When Loyola presented his ideas to the Farnese family, they saw potential in his approach. They sent Loyola on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and upon his return, arranged an introduction to the Pope. The Farnese family reportedly persuaded the Pope to recruit Loyola and his followers as a kind of military monkhood. This support from a powerful Black Nobility family was crucial in the official establishment and recognition of the Jesuit order within the Catholic Church.
What is the Jesuit "vanguard" concept?
The Jesuit "vanguard" is described as a network of individuals in society who have been educated in Jesuit institutions or influenced by Jesuit teachings. These people allegedly act as voluntary spies within their communities. They identify and report on individuals who are not aligned with Christian beliefs, are dissidents, or disagree with prevailing edicts. The theory suggests that these vanguard members keep detailed records, including diaries and newspaper clippings, about people's lives and submit this information up the chain of command. This system is compared to methods used by the Nazis, suggesting it's a widespread surveillance network.
What role did the Jesuits play in South America, particularly in Paraguay and Uruguay?
According to the theory, the Jesuits were instrumental in establishing early forms of communism in South America, particularly in Paraguay and Uruguay. For about 150 years, they allegedly set up "communist communes" among indigenous tribes in these areas. These experiments reportedly prevented the tribes from achieving independence and served as a testing ground for communist principles. This South American model of communism was supposedly later passed on to figures like Marx and Lenin, and was also exported to China by Jesuit missionaries.
What is the significance of Pope Francis being the first Jesuit pope?
Pope Francis's position as the first Jesuit to become Pope in the history of the Catholic Church is presented as a significant development. The theory suggests this represents a more overt control by the Jesuits over the Vatican. Since Pope Francis's election, there have allegedly been "shocking" changes within the Vatican. The Jesuit influence has reportedly been expanding rapidly under his leadership, marking a turning point in their ability to directly influence global affairs through the Catholic Church.
How is the British Empire described in relation to the Roman Empire?
The theory contends that the British Empire was never truly "British" but rather a continuation of the Roman Empire. It supposedly didn't belong to the British people, just as the American Empire doesn't belong to the American people. These empires are portrayed as tools of the Black Nobility, with the general population merely working to build and maintain them without reaping the true benefits. The British people are described as "dying to get that empire for them because it was never British," suggesting they were unwitting participants in building and maintaining power for others.
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This is good, but I’m not sure I like how it attempts to make spiritual matters a form of control. This thought is originally what lead me away from Christianity, I hated the idea of it, I saw it as a weakness that allowed people to be controlled out of their fear of death. Instead of taking responsibility for themselves and being strong enough to seek their own answers to the big scary questions ( life, death, consequences, morality, etc.. ) they give it away to a higher power out of pure weakness, because it makes them more comfortable. The kind of people who are to afraid of truth are very easy to control, especially if scare the shit out of them with something like hell!! I hated this mentality, I hated religion, I hated the religious, I blamed these kinds of people for everything wrong in the world or this kind of weak minded mentality I should say. It is very easy for someone not afraid to question everything to see religion from a very toxic perspective. I had absolutely no respect for Christians. I was wrong, God came into my life as I struggled to make sense of why the world was so cruel, I hated religion but I care very deeply for people and I don’t want anyone to be hurt ever, especially not children. Looking into why these people kill without remorse sent me on a different path. the deeper I dig looking for answers their is darkness about these elites that can not be overlooked, they are not atheists. to not believe in an afterlife or a creator is not enough to create the kind of evil the resides in these people, and it is very clear that evil rituals are taking place in these elite circles at this point, there is to much evidence. This thing is biblical, I never thought I was the kind of person who would say that, but my testimony is unbreakable. I won’t drag this on much longer. I will just say this, something happened to me in the midst of trying to understand all of this that changed my life for ever. Jesus Christ is real, the Bible although maybe stepped on along the way is true. To look at this like These people are not working directly with Satan is a mistake, this evil is much to horrible to be people who are just none believers. The only thing that even comes close to explaining how evil these inbreeding families are is the Bible. They would love for you to believe there is no God as well, think about it.
I once sat in front of the headquarters of the Knights of Malta in Malta pretending to be a fat, hot, tired tourist (I didn't need to pretend). It didn't take long for a swarthy character with a distinct bulge in his jacket to come out and stand intimidatingly next to me while I re-hydrated, in a distinctly slow, passive aggressive manor.