This is good, but I’m not sure I like how it attempts to make spiritual matters a form of control. This thought is originally what lead me away from Christianity, I hated the idea of it, I saw it as a weakness that allowed people to be controlled out of their fear of death. Instead of taking responsibility for themselves and being strong enough to seek their own answers to the big scary questions ( life, death, consequences, morality, etc.. ) they give it away to a higher power out of pure weakness, because it makes them more comfortable. The kind of people who are to afraid of truth are very easy to control, especially if scare the shit out of them with something like hell!! I hated this mentality, I hated religion, I hated the religious, I blamed these kinds of people for everything wrong in the world or this kind of weak minded mentality I should say. It is very easy for someone not afraid to question everything to see religion from a very toxic perspective. I had absolutely no respect for Christians. I was wrong, God came into my life as I struggled to make sense of why the world was so cruel, I hated religion but I care very deeply for people and I don’t want anyone to be hurt ever, especially not children. Looking into why these people kill without remorse sent me on a different path. the deeper I dig looking for answers their is darkness about these elites that can not be overlooked, they are not atheists. to not believe in an afterlife or a creator is not enough to create the kind of evil the resides in these people, and it is very clear that evil rituals are taking place in these elite circles at this point, there is to much evidence. This thing is biblical, I never thought I was the kind of person who would say that, but my testimony is unbreakable. I won’t drag this on much longer. I will just say this, something happened to me in the midst of trying to understand all of this that changed my life for ever. Jesus Christ is real, the Bible although maybe stepped on along the way is true. To look at this like These people are not working directly with Satan is a mistake, this evil is much to horrible to be people who are just none believers. The only thing that even comes close to explaining how evil these inbreeding families are is the Bible. They would love for you to believe there is no God as well, think about it.
I once sat in front of the headquarters of the Knights of Malta in Malta pretending to be a fat, hot, tired tourist (I didn't need to pretend). It didn't take long for a swarthy character with a distinct bulge in his jacket to come out and stand intimidatingly next to me while I re-hydrated, in a distinctly slow, passive aggressive manor.
The killing fields of Cambodia await all useful idiots.
Trump lays down the law on the LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 fake Jew agenda seen before in the Weimar Republic and before during and after Bolshevik Jew Russian revolution.
Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity
How does the idea that the Black Nobility are atheists and nihilists jive with the theory that there is a luciferian organization (Illuminati) jockeying for world control, much of whom are the same players in the Black Nobility theory?
Where to begin? Such a bad attempt to cover up the real perpetrators of last century's crimes avoiding all the inconvenient facts via a load of buzz-words like: theory, allegged, strongly suggests and a whole lot more bla-bla.
There is no doubt in my mind that you are a paid zionist/jewish gatekeeper to coverup the real history by throwing this 'theory' in here that the cause of current malpractices and power games is the result of some thousand or more crazy but very easily merged prehistoric families that rule over our zionist financial cabal.
What a bad attempt at disculpating the real culprits.
Dear UB you have brought to us the work of wonderful writers with interesting topics. This one, I am sorry to say, I consider a flop. There have been, before the industrial revolution, the aristocrats who owned the lands and lived in castles, and those who worked and lived in mud huts. Through inbreeding the aristocrats weakened their genes, look at the Hapsburg s. When money started to rule the western world it was the industrialists and money lenders who weakened them even more. Some even sold their aristocratic title in return for money, an example is the Rothschild family embellishing their name with such a title. If there ever was a 'Black Nobility' it would, by now, have been infiltrated and taken over by those who have the money.
Whoever it is, it’s definitely somebodies. Whenever it started, it’s definitely ancient. Whatever their motives, they aren’t benevolent. But I have a hard time believing atheists and nihilists could accomplish what these people have accomplished. The level of mind control far outstrips the capabilities of mere propaganda. The rapid development of otherworldly technology, which seems to run in parallel to the scale and brutality of the wars (read mass sacrifice) they engineer, far outstrips the capabilities of mere men, MENSA members or not. You don’t get something from nothing; you don’t go from horse and buggy to LCDs and AI in a century out of nowhere. Whoever these people are, they have their dark lord. I believe his name is Saturn, though he has other names. We live in a creation. Reductionist materialism, aka The “Enlightenment,” is now and always has been a lie. The only thing they truly fear is a widespread belief in a benevolent sun god once again gaining ascendancy. So if you want to resist, start there.
It seems like before television, when radio and popular commercial music was utter rubbish, my grandma knew all this stuff. And she wasn’t alone. It seems like generation after generation folks fled on the westward journey to escape predators & tyrants … if only for a very short-lived respite.
I hope that wasn’t offensive, there just seems to be a fine line when looking into what we can all at least agree is some kind of cabal in control of our world. Some believe it’s just really bad people but chose to leave religion out of it, and some believe its biblical the leader of this evil is Satan. I used to be in the first group but it was a mistake. I hope anyone researching this matter finds God the way I did.
When I read a snippet that Queen Elizabeth had a controlling interest in 23trillion dollars I decided to investigate. That info came from Eustace Mullins. When asked of him, who controls the world, he simply said, The Queen. So off I went. And man, did I dig, hour after hour. Not being computer savvy or knowing how to reclaim old data, I came up with nothing. Absolutely nothing about the Queens wealth. It is said King Charles has less money than Elon Musk or Larry Fink and I laugh every time I hear that. Statistics ya know, always a joke.
This is good, but I’m not sure I like how it attempts to make spiritual matters a form of control. This thought is originally what lead me away from Christianity, I hated the idea of it, I saw it as a weakness that allowed people to be controlled out of their fear of death. Instead of taking responsibility for themselves and being strong enough to seek their own answers to the big scary questions ( life, death, consequences, morality, etc.. ) they give it away to a higher power out of pure weakness, because it makes them more comfortable. The kind of people who are to afraid of truth are very easy to control, especially if scare the shit out of them with something like hell!! I hated this mentality, I hated religion, I hated the religious, I blamed these kinds of people for everything wrong in the world or this kind of weak minded mentality I should say. It is very easy for someone not afraid to question everything to see religion from a very toxic perspective. I had absolutely no respect for Christians. I was wrong, God came into my life as I struggled to make sense of why the world was so cruel, I hated religion but I care very deeply for people and I don’t want anyone to be hurt ever, especially not children. Looking into why these people kill without remorse sent me on a different path. the deeper I dig looking for answers their is darkness about these elites that can not be overlooked, they are not atheists. to not believe in an afterlife or a creator is not enough to create the kind of evil the resides in these people, and it is very clear that evil rituals are taking place in these elite circles at this point, there is to much evidence. This thing is biblical, I never thought I was the kind of person who would say that, but my testimony is unbreakable. I won’t drag this on much longer. I will just say this, something happened to me in the midst of trying to understand all of this that changed my life for ever. Jesus Christ is real, the Bible although maybe stepped on along the way is true. To look at this like These people are not working directly with Satan is a mistake, this evil is much to horrible to be people who are just none believers. The only thing that even comes close to explaining how evil these inbreeding families are is the Bible. They would love for you to believe there is no God as well, think about it.
I once sat in front of the headquarters of the Knights of Malta in Malta pretending to be a fat, hot, tired tourist (I didn't need to pretend). It didn't take long for a swarthy character with a distinct bulge in his jacket to come out and stand intimidatingly next to me while I re-hydrated, in a distinctly slow, passive aggressive manor.
Why do British Masonic temples have the Bible as a prop Muslim Masonic temples have the Koran and Jewish Masonic temples have the Pentateuch?
It’s simple when you know those books are for the goy and the useful idiots. The Masonic elite know full well what’s really going on.
The Hidden Agendas of The Secret Society and Freemasonry - Walter Veith
Who Runs The World | Jordan Maxwell
Demonology King James
Matters not what fairy story the sheep believe all that matters is the true power remains hidden.
So we have Trump going after the illegals another transfer agreement ?
Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations
The killing fields of Cambodia await all useful idiots.
Trump lays down the law on the LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 fake Jew agenda seen before in the Weimar Republic and before during and after Bolshevik Jew Russian revolution.
Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity
Gay men under Hitler
Funny both Hitler and Stalin imprisoned the LGBTQ community 1933 onwards every useful idiot has its day.
Will Trump now turn to the eradication of the Masonic order?
Hitlers war against Freemasonry
How does the idea that the Black Nobility are atheists and nihilists jive with the theory that there is a luciferian organization (Illuminati) jockeying for world control, much of whom are the same players in the Black Nobility theory?
Where to begin? Such a bad attempt to cover up the real perpetrators of last century's crimes avoiding all the inconvenient facts via a load of buzz-words like: theory, allegged, strongly suggests and a whole lot more bla-bla.
There is no doubt in my mind that you are a paid zionist/jewish gatekeeper to coverup the real history by throwing this 'theory' in here that the cause of current malpractices and power games is the result of some thousand or more crazy but very easily merged prehistoric families that rule over our zionist financial cabal.
What a bad attempt at disculpating the real culprits.
Dear UB you have brought to us the work of wonderful writers with interesting topics. This one, I am sorry to say, I consider a flop. There have been, before the industrial revolution, the aristocrats who owned the lands and lived in castles, and those who worked and lived in mud huts. Through inbreeding the aristocrats weakened their genes, look at the Hapsburg s. When money started to rule the western world it was the industrialists and money lenders who weakened them even more. Some even sold their aristocratic title in return for money, an example is the Rothschild family embellishing their name with such a title. If there ever was a 'Black Nobility' it would, by now, have been infiltrated and taken over by those who have the money.
Whoever it is, it’s definitely somebodies. Whenever it started, it’s definitely ancient. Whatever their motives, they aren’t benevolent. But I have a hard time believing atheists and nihilists could accomplish what these people have accomplished. The level of mind control far outstrips the capabilities of mere propaganda. The rapid development of otherworldly technology, which seems to run in parallel to the scale and brutality of the wars (read mass sacrifice) they engineer, far outstrips the capabilities of mere men, MENSA members or not. You don’t get something from nothing; you don’t go from horse and buggy to LCDs and AI in a century out of nowhere. Whoever these people are, they have their dark lord. I believe his name is Saturn, though he has other names. We live in a creation. Reductionist materialism, aka The “Enlightenment,” is now and always has been a lie. The only thing they truly fear is a widespread belief in a benevolent sun god once again gaining ascendancy. So if you want to resist, start there.
It seems like before television, when radio and popular commercial music was utter rubbish, my grandma knew all this stuff. And she wasn’t alone. It seems like generation after generation folks fled on the westward journey to escape predators & tyrants … if only for a very short-lived respite.
Totally to the point and truly interesting. People at large should read this. And ponder. Then act.
The best actions are those that are backed by solid evidence. Here it is.
Thank you. May many read your words.
Interesting theory but prefer the alternative version that places the origin with Prussia.
Frances Leader is one of my favorites she makes sense out of disorder. What is their to complain about. Thank you F. Leader.
Whoever "they" are, they obviously have a hotline into CIA headquarters at Langley:).
I hope that wasn’t offensive, there just seems to be a fine line when looking into what we can all at least agree is some kind of cabal in control of our world. Some believe it’s just really bad people but chose to leave religion out of it, and some believe its biblical the leader of this evil is Satan. I used to be in the first group but it was a mistake. I hope anyone researching this matter finds God the way I did.
When I read a snippet that Queen Elizabeth had a controlling interest in 23trillion dollars I decided to investigate. That info came from Eustace Mullins. When asked of him, who controls the world, he simply said, The Queen. So off I went. And man, did I dig, hour after hour. Not being computer savvy or knowing how to reclaim old data, I came up with nothing. Absolutely nothing about the Queens wealth. It is said King Charles has less money than Elon Musk or Larry Fink and I laugh every time I hear that. Statistics ya know, always a joke.