When I shared the anecdote earlier, I didn’t include the kicker. After our kids were finally diagnosed with pertussis, our county’s Department of Health called to find out if our kids were vaccinated. We said yes they were vaccinated on schedule, so why are they catching pertussis?! The representative replied it was the fault of the “unvaccinated”, claiming the “unvaccinated” drive virus mutation and cause more novel strains to circulate, and regrettably the vax doesn’t work for these new strains. Apparently the “blame the unvaccinated” line and illogical reasoning are public health traditions. I appreciate everything you are doing to share thoughtful analyses on these topics - thank you!

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Thanks MB, and thank you for the anecdote follow up.

Yes, blame the "unvaccinated" and tried, tested and proven strategy.

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All vaccines are criminal fraud. They are “unavoidably dangerous” per 1986 vaccine act.

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Yes re: 1986 / Reagan / Wheth labs (Pfizer)

And yet, go back another 150-200 years (Dissolving Illusions which I posted up/down thread) and it was the same thing. Disaster and lying by all involved in vaccinating the masses.

No different than all the vaccines we have now.

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Whooping Cough! I had that pretty bad when I was a kid. I'm 60 today. My mother told me she'd asked the doctor if it was my tonsils. Doctor said no, but if you want me to take his tonsils out I'll do it...I never saw that doctor again and he wished he'd never met my mother.

I think that's where I get my discerning nature.😉

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I recently wrote about tonsils. The penny dropped for me only recently, why have they been chopping out a key part of our immune system hardware?


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Yet another medical fraud!

I still have mine 😉 60+ years on!

And if I have anything to say about it, my son will keep his as well!😎

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I think this series that you are writing on childhood vaccines will be of great benefit to many. 20 years ago when my eldest was born there was so little information available and no internet as we know it. We didn’t vaccinate either with a single vaccine and they have thrived, despite one having asthma and allergies ( hayfever/dust mite in both)

In the UK I think they renamed “whooping cough” as the 100 day cough. Both of mine did get this ( no DTP vaccine for either) as they had a “whoop like cough, for 100 days!) I nursed them through it with no doctor visit, which is fantastic as my son is asthmatic. I use rest, love, fluids, attention, time, vitamins, no sugar, fresh air, healthy food. So now they have a good immunity. We have been so lied to for so long. Both my children, now 17/20 have had minimal visits to doctors. To care and heal takes TIME. The GMC, is so interconnected with the toxic systems of capitalism, white supremacy etc. Highly extractive systems that sees the body as machine, encourage urgency and set up a false notion of scarcity. Everyone is grinding so hard they send sick children to school on meds, so they can go to work. The kids don’t get proper rest and care, immunity weakens .People grind through everything, exhausted, no time to study, research alternatives, read, properly rest and listen to the body. . Stress and exhaustion weakens bodies.

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Well done! For being aware and thinking enough to protect your kids from the injections. Doing that in a low information environment is quite the achievement. Yes, I do hope that my "series" on the different vaccines helps a few people take a different course to the one I took.

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Apply the facts about the Pertussis Vax from your article, to all vaccines. As in 100% of them.

* They don't work.

* They actually cause the disease they are vaccinating for.

* They are dangerous as hell.

* They all weaken, sicken, maim, cause pain/misery, disfigure and/or kill.

All of them. Including the 'innocuous' flu vaccine. What a joke.

For those that haven't read up on vaccines going back 200 years, read this book. You'll be glad you did.

Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries (who he mentions in this article):


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Agree. The template applies to all of them.

Dissolving Illusions for a life changing book for me.


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BTW, you have an excellent brain/substack. I'm impressed.

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Nice write up, friend. Thank you.

The part about it making jabbed people more likely to get the disease should have been a huge red flag. As red as the table above with the "Placebo Control?" column. How does that table not spark outrage and resistance? In plain sight, so many of their lies.

Timely read as I am almost through Levy "Curing The Incurable". Covers a lot of 'viruses' including this one. Eye opening stuff. Eye watering, really.

I had been downplaying the importance of Vitamin C in my own daily regimen. Recalled P. Kory in the early Plandemonium days with the high dose IV Vit C that he talked about quite a bit framed from the ER sepsis context. Then it all went very quiet on that front.

Looking back, I think they were more afraid of that catching on than the horse dewormer they went nuclear-Pharmageddon over. Streisand effect, the target they couldn't strike lest they telegraph its importance.

With every Mockingbird-warhead and eyeball trained on a bottle of IVM bobbing away, Vitamin C just kind of faded out of the limelight and over the horizon. And took hundreds of thousands of lives off the board as their lips turned blue without treatment. And millions since with the DeathVaxx rollout - something for which there was never any justification.

Vitamin C could have pre-empted the entire (P)harma kill-chain for all of them, it seems. Then and now.

The human toll is almost beyond comprehension. 2 centuries of carnage. Hundreds of millions of lives destroyed or damaged. Chronic sickness as far as the eye can see.

Choice: A well tolerated and understood substance of known safety Versus the DoD's finest bioweapons in the form of Remdesivir then toxic gene therapies (plus masks, social isolation, and economic ruin)?

Only in an irrational psychopathic democidal system would the latter have been pursued.

And this is why they have to keep doubling down on their lies and insanity. The second they let the scale of their crimes filter into public knowledge, the whole facade crumbles...

...And we rip down their irrational psychopathic democidal system.

For good.


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Well said! Yes, the silence on Vitamin C, even within the dissident community I now find quite incredible. It's the biggest "secret" of the last 3 years hiding in plain sight.

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Common game plan. Change the disease name. Bastards!

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Oh, another vaccination that does nothing except make you more susceptible to the disease? Damn this sounds familiar.

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You covered the important articles of old. Here is the kicker, public health knows very well it doesn't work. Here in Toronto, when it was discovered in a daycare, every person had to go on a round of anti-biotics -- wait for it... regardless of vaccination status -- or stay home for 6 weeks.

They knew it didn't work.

It went through our family one summer after camp. My children and my wife (who was vaccinated, kids were not) got the 6-10 weeks cough, and my wife whooped. We got it from vaccinated kids at camp.

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My sister had whooping cough and coughed for 100 days. She couldn't understand why she got it as she was vaccinated.

I had a strange coughing episode in a doctor's office once. I just couldn't stop and had the classic "whoop" happening. The doctor said "you have whooping cough, you have to get tested". I went home, took a dose of homeopathic Pertussin and went and had the test the next day. It came back negative, which upset the doctor!

My son, 100% unvaccinated, always responded well to a dose of homeopathic Aconite, which I administered every time he showed the beginning of illness. 9 1/2 times out of 10 he would be well in the morning. It worked so well, I worried he would start to refuse to take the medicine as he never needed a day off school. So occasionally I'd keep him home anyway.

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Fantastic! Thanks for sharing Jayne.

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Had it as a kid back before the vaccine craze, never had it again. If it were that dangerous why none for Bronchitis? I get it yearly because of pollen allergies.

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For all your research and hard work..

Thank you, my friend, for sharing our story ~ 🙏

I believe you ARE AWAKENING- MANY!!!

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Thank you Virginia, and for the paid subscription!

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You're most welcome!

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