31 May 2027: Myocarditis Day
2000x more dangerous than the Flu Vaccine
Pat Cash and his Mum
Tools for the fight…and it is a fight
Denmark: 21 April to 10 September
Over 750 church leaders take a stand…about bloody time!
1. 31 May 2027: Myocarditis Day
It will be a Monday on the 31st May 2027.
On that day, you will be told about what has been discovered about myocarditis caused by the jab.
If you are a 22-year-old today, taking the jab and landing with myocarditis. Finding out that the jab can cause it when you are 28 is a bit late don’t you think?
As you probably know, the FDA “approved” the Pfizer jab. Can you think of any difference before and after the “approval”. They were jabbing it into arms before approval and they are doing the same after approval. So, it is fair to say that EUA: Emergency Use Authorisation and Approval are a textbook case of a distinction without a difference for Billy and Betty. It has legal ramifications, but that means nothing for Billy and Betty.
In actual fact, it was the Pfizer-BioNTech product called Comirnaty, that is used in Australia that got approved.
What is not reported is that as part of the approval BioNTech is will submit further studies.
Here is the letter to BioNTech.
*August 23, 2021 Approval Letter - Comirnaty (fda.gov)
Here are my Top 6 studies:
I sound like a worn-out record.
Ladies and gents, this is why it usually takes 7-10 years of testing to approve a vaccine. You need to do all these studies BEFORE you inject it into people. NOT AFTER!!!
Here is a slide from my Covid vaccine webinar. Comirnaty was tested for an average of 2-months in people before it got its EUA. Yep, 2 months!
2. 2000x more dangerous than the Flu Vaccine
If you cannot dispute the inputs, then you cannot dispute the output.
476: reported deaths from the Covid jabs in Australia (despite huge pressure to not report or associate injury and deaths with the jab, at risk of loss of medical license).
5x: underreporting assumed. This I believe is conservative but is easily supported with studies of under-reporting from around the world.
2,380: is my conservative estimate of jab related death so far in Australia.
11,850,205: jabbed Australians with 1 or both doses.
1 death per 4,979 people jabbed (compared to 1 death per 10M for the Flu Vaccine).
2000x: more dangerous than the Flu Vaccine.
If you don’t buy the underreporting for some reason, then you land on 1 death per 24,895 jabbed, or about 400x more dangerous.
Remember that plenty of vaccines have been withdrawn from use in the past. All of them were approved. You should dismiss any notion of infallibility about vaccines or even a proper testing and approval process. Let alone this current fiasco.
3. Pat Cash and his Mum
I wonderful interview with Pat Cash. This is Kathy Gyngell interviewing him. She setup The Conservative Woman (now TCW) which is in my opinion doing the best journalism globally on Covid and the Jabs.
Pat is wonderful in the interview, calm and reasoned in explaining his views on the current state of affairs in the tennis world. I have a newfound admiration of him.

4. Tools for the fight…and it is a fight
If your employer puts pressure on you to get vaccinated, here are some tools to help you fight back. In most instances, employers are having pressure put on them, and they do not know what you know about all the problems with the product. The do not understand that they are asking you to take a defective product. They think that they are mandating something equivalent to a flu vaccine.
They are uninformed, like most people, except they have the power to force it upon you if you let them, which makes them dangerously uninformed.
Will you put up a fight or just roll over?
The first step in putting up a fight is to educate the decision makers. I am of the believe that most employers, once they understand that the product is defective, will have a change of heart. Most people have a conscience, and knowingly forcing your staff to take a defective product is beyond the pale for most people.
If that doesn’t work or is not an option, then there are other tools and strategies.
Here is a list of templates that you can repurpose for your situation.
Resources & Templates | Concerned Lawyers Network
There is some really good stuff here and a great many templates for pretty much any situation.
Also, do not be afraid to get some legal advice. If you do not stand up for yourself, then who will?
5. Denmark: 21 April to 10 September
They brought in vaccine passports on the 21st April and will remove them and all other restrictions on the 10th September.
On the one hand I am happy to see a passport system removed. That is my polite way of saying FAILED. Cases are still raging through Denmark.
PCR+ deaths are low in Denmark, and the narrative sellers will want to attribute that to the high vaccination rate of the Danes (71% double jabbed), but that is a dubious correlation at best.
There are many other important contributors to the low death rate story:
Natural immunity
There have been over 343,000 cases in Denmark, assuming a 15x multiplier of community infection vs cases found, that means 5.1M people have had the bug in Denmark. The total population is 5.8M (you could fit almost all Danes within Sydney!).
Basically, everyone in Denmark has had the virus pass through them. So, if you force me to hang my hat on one explanation for why PRC+ deaths are down, I am going with natural immunity and not the “vaccine” that isn’t a vaccine.
Fewer at risk
If the old, frail and at-risk citizens, with no or low natural immunity have already passed away in the first two waves, then the remaining population is less frail and vulnerable.
Better treatments
You would think that the medical establishment has learned a thing or two about how to treat severe Covid by now, so obviously less people will die.
The problem with this story is that the Danish government will sell its vaccine passport failure as a success. That because of the vaccine passport and all the NPIs to date, they have low deaths and so they can withdraw all the NPIs and passport system. That is what they need to do to save face. But it’s a dangerous story because other governments, like the crazy Australian governments (yes plural!), will use that story to dangle the carrot of jab mandates and coercion.
But it’s a false story that doesn’t survive the counter-factual of Sweden.
Here is the excess mortality of Denmark vs Sweden over the last year since they started jabbing.
Can you spot any difference? I cannot.
6. Over 750 church leaders take a stand…about bloody time!!
Religious leaders have gone along with the madness for way too long. Looks like some of them have finally had enough. Better later than never, I guess.
The Ezekiel Declaration · Caldron Pool
The declaration is a good document, and it makes some good technical points:
Fourth, making vaccination the basis of participating in normal life would make no logical sense in terms of protecting others. A “CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated,” especially noting that four of those who were vaccinated were admitted to hospital. As we have said, we respect people’s right and choice to be vaccinated. But this type of data, published by America’s leading body of disease experts, causes people to wonder about the effectiveness of the vaccine along with concern about coercive measures by which to have it administered. As it is evident that vaccines do not prevent infection, to restrict a person’s access to society based on a medical choice is questionable.
But its first point is the important one:
First, the government risks creating an unethical two-tiered society. While some individuals will receive the vaccination with thanks, others may have good and informed reasons for declining. One such reason is highlighted in the statement of the health minister Greg Hunt:
“The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.” Australian Department of Health
Free citizens should have the right of consent, especially when the vaccine rollout has been labelled as a ‘clinical trial.’ Imposing a ‘vaccine passport’ when the nation is already divided on the matter risks the creation of medical apartheid. The result being that those who decline the vaccine are ostracised and alienated from aspects of public life. History has never reflected well for those who would promote segregation. As there has been no discussion that the precautionary measures will be retracted once the pandemic has concluded, there is a real concern that many of these measures will remain permanent. A ‘vaccine passport’ would therefore represent the dangerous precipice of a therapeutic totalitarianism that does not promote liberty and human flourishing, but would rather only dehumanise and control its citizens all under the cloak of personal health and safety.
Any two-tier society is unethical, and it creates medical apartheid.
That should be the beginning and end of the discussion.
On a final note for today, I especially like the name of the declaration, my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu mates will know why.